blob: d5769dfebee7e4688b0bedf5ab7225b2580ccb6a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
@file PVRTVector.h
@copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
@brief Vector and matrix mathematics library
#ifndef __PVRTVECTOR_H__
#define __PVRTVECTOR_H__
#include "assert.h"
#include "PVRTGlobal.h"
#include "PVRTFixedPoint.h"
#include "PVRTMatrix.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
** Forward Declarations for vector and matrix structs
struct PVRTVec4;
struct PVRTVec3;
struct PVRTMat3;
struct PVRTMat4;
@fn PVRTLinearEqSolve
@param[in] pSrc 2D array of floats. 4 Eq linear problem is 5x4
matrix, constants in first column
@param[in] nCnt Number of equations to solve
@param[out] pRes Result
@brief Solves 'nCnt' simultaneous equations of 'nCnt' variables.
pRes should be an array large enough to contain the
results: the values of the 'nCnt' variables.
This fn recursively uses Gaussian Elimination.
void PVRTLinearEqSolve(VERTTYPE * const pRes, VERTTYPE ** const pSrc, const int nCnt);
@struct PVRTVec2
@brief 2 component vector
struct PVRTVec2
** Constructors
@brief Blank constructor.
PVRTVec2() : x(0), y(0) {}
@brief Simple constructor from 2 values.
@param[in] fX X component of vector
@param[in] fY Y component of vector
PVRTVec2(VERTTYPE fX, VERTTYPE fY) : x(fX), y(fY) {}
@brief Constructor from a single value.
@param[in] fValue A component value
PVRTVec2(VERTTYPE fValue) : x(fValue), y(fValue) {}
@brief Constructor from an array
@param[in] pVec An array
PVRTVec2(const VERTTYPE* pVec) : x(pVec[0]), y(pVec[1]) {}
@brief Constructor from a Vec3
@param[in] v3Vec A Vec3
PVRTVec2(const PVRTVec3& v3Vec);
** Operators
@brief componentwise addition operator for two Vec2s
@param[in] rhs Another Vec2
@return result of addition
PVRTVec2 operator+(const PVRTVec2& rhs) const
PVRTVec2 out(*this);
return out += rhs;
@brief componentwise subtraction operator for two Vec2s
@param[in] rhs Another vec2
@return result of subtraction
PVRTVec2 operator-(const PVRTVec2& rhs) const
PVRTVec2 out(*this);
return out -= rhs;
@brief Componentwise addition and assignment operator for two Vec2s
@param[in] rhs Another vec2
@return result of addition
PVRTVec2& operator+=(const PVRTVec2& rhs)
x += rhs.x;
y += rhs.y;
return *this;
@brief Componentwise subtraction and assignment operator for two Vec2s
@param[in] rhs Another vec2
@return Result of subtraction
PVRTVec2& operator-=(const PVRTVec2& rhs)
x -= rhs.x;
y -= rhs.y;
return *this;
@brief Negation operator for a Vec2
@param[in] rhs Another vec2
@return Result of negation
friend PVRTVec2 operator- (const PVRTVec2& rhs) { return PVRTVec2(-rhs.x, -rhs.y); }
@brief Multiplication operator for a Vec2
@param[in] lhs Scalar
@param[in] rhs A Vec2
@return result of multiplication
friend PVRTVec2 operator*(const VERTTYPE lhs, const PVRTVec2& rhs)
PVRTVec2 out(lhs);
return out *= rhs;
@brief Division operator for scalar and Vec2
@param[in] lhs scalar
@param[in] rhs a Vec2
@return Result of division
friend PVRTVec2 operator/(const VERTTYPE lhs, const PVRTVec2& rhs)
PVRTVec2 out(lhs);
return out /= rhs;
@brief Componentwise multiplication by scalar for Vec2*
@param[in] rhs A scalar
@return Result of multiplication
PVRTVec2 operator*(const VERTTYPE& rhs) const
PVRTVec2 out(*this);
return out *= rhs;
@brief Componentwise multiplication and assignment by scalar for Vec2
@param[in] rhs A scalar
@return Result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTVec2& operator*=(const VERTTYPE& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEMUL(x, rhs);
y = VERTTYPEMUL(y, rhs);
return *this;
@brief Componentwise multiplication and assignment by Vec2 for Vec2
@param[in] rhs A Vec2
@return Result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTVec2& operator*=(const PVRTVec2& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEMUL(x, rhs.x);
y = VERTTYPEMUL(y, rhs.y);
return *this;
@brief componentwise division by scalar for Vec2
@param[in] rhs a scalar
@return result of division
PVRTVec2 operator/(const VERTTYPE& rhs) const
PVRTVec2 out(*this);
return out /= rhs;
@brief componentwise division and assignment by scalar for Vec2
@param[in] rhs a scalar
@return result of division and assignment
PVRTVec2& operator/=(const VERTTYPE& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEDIV(x, rhs);
y = VERTTYPEDIV(y, rhs);
return *this;
@brief componentwise division and assignment by Vec2 for Vec2
@param[in] rhs a Vec2
@return result of division and assignment
PVRTVec2& operator/=(const PVRTVec2& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEDIV(x, rhs.x);
y = VERTTYPEDIV(y, rhs.y);
return *this;
@brief PVRTVec2 equality operator
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return true if the two vectors are equal
bool operator==(const PVRTVec2& rhs) const
return ((x == rhs.x) && (y == rhs.y));
@brief PVRTVec2 inequality operator
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return true if the two vectors are not equal
bool operator!=(const PVRTVec2& rhs) const
return ((x != rhs.x) || (y != rhs.y));
@brief calculates the square of the magnitude of the vector
@return The square of the magnitude of the vector
VERTTYPE lenSqr() const
@fn length
@return the of the magnitude of the vector
@brief calculates the magnitude of the vector
VERTTYPE length() const
return (VERTTYPE) f2vt(sqrt(vt2f(x)*vt2f(x) + vt2f(y)*vt2f(y)));
@fn normalize
@return the normalized value of the vector
@brief normalizes the vector
PVRTVec2 normalize()
return *this /= length();
@fn normalized
@return returns the normalized value of the vector
@brief returns a normalized vector of the same direction as this
PVRTVec2 normalized() const
PVRTVec2 out(*this);
return out.normalize();
@fn rotated90
@return returns the vector rotated 90°
@brief returns the vector rotated 90°
PVRTVec2 rotated90() const
return PVRTVec2(-y, x);
@fn dot
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return scalar product
@brief calculate the scalar product of two Vec3s
VERTTYPE dot(const PVRTVec2& rhs) const
return VERTTYPEMUL(x, rhs.x) + VERTTYPEMUL(y, rhs.y);
@fn ptr
@return pointer
@brief returns a pointer to memory containing the values of the
VERTTYPE *ptr() { return (VERTTYPE*)this; }
@struct PVRTVec3
@brief 3 component vector
struct PVRTVec3 : public PVRTVECTOR3
** Constructors
@brief Blank constructor.
x = y = z = 0;
@brief Simple constructor from 3 values.
@param[in] fX X component of vector
@param[in] fY Y component of vector
@param[in] fZ Z component of vector
x = fX; y = fY; z = fZ;
@brief Constructor from a single value.
@param[in] fValue A component value
PVRTVec3(const VERTTYPE fValue)
x = fValue; y = fValue; z = fValue;
@brief Constructor from an array
@param[in] pVec An array
PVRTVec3(const VERTTYPE* pVec)
x = (*pVec++); y = (*pVec++); z = *pVec;
@brief Constructor from a PVRTVec4
@param[in] v4Vec A PVRTVec4
PVRTVec3(const PVRTVec4& v4Vec);
** Operators
@brief componentwise addition operator for two PVRTVec3s
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec3
@return result of addition
PVRTVec3 operator+(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = x+rhs.x;
out.y = y+rhs.y;
out.z = z+rhs.z;
return out;
@brief Componentwise subtraction operator for two PVRTVec3s
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec3
@return result of subtraction
PVRTVec3 operator-(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = x-rhs.x;
out.y = y-rhs.y;
out.z = z-rhs.z;
return out;
@brief Componentwise addition and assignement operator for two PVRTVec3s
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec3
@return Result of addition
PVRTVec3& operator+=(const PVRTVec3& rhs)
x +=rhs.x;
y +=rhs.y;
z +=rhs.z;
return *this;
@brief Componentwise subtraction and assignement operator for two PVRTVec3s
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec3
@return Result of subtraction
PVRTVec3& operator-=(const PVRTVec3& rhs)
x -=rhs.x;
y -=rhs.y;
z -=rhs.z;
return *this;
@brief Negation operator for a PVRTVec3
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec3
@return Result of negation
friend PVRTVec3 operator - (const PVRTVec3& rhs) { return PVRTVec3(rhs) *= f2vt(-1); }
@brief multiplication operator for a PVRTVec3
@param[in] lhs Single value
@param[in] rhs A PVRTVec3
@return Result of multiplication
friend PVRTVec3 operator*(const VERTTYPE lhs, const PVRTVec3& rhs)
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.x);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.y);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.z);
return out;
@brief Negation operator for a PVRTVec3
@param[in] lhs Single value
@param[in] rhs A PVRTVec3
@return result of negation
friend PVRTVec3 operator/(const VERTTYPE lhs, const PVRTVec3& rhs)
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEDIV(lhs,rhs.x);
out.y = VERTTYPEDIV(lhs,rhs.y);
out.z = VERTTYPEDIV(lhs,rhs.z);
return out;
@brief Matrix multiplication operator PVRTVec3 and PVRTMat3
@param[in] rhs A PVRTMat3
@return Result of multiplication
PVRTVec3 operator*(const PVRTMat3& rhs) const;
@brief Matrix multiplication and assignment operator for PVRTVec3 and PVRTMat3
@param[in] rhs A PVRTMat3
@return Result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTVec3& operator*=(const PVRTMat3& rhs);
@brief Componentwise multiplication by single dimension value for PVRTVec3
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return Result of multiplication
PVRTVec3 operator*(const VERTTYPE& rhs) const
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs);
return out;
@brief Componentwise multiplication and assignement by single
dimension value for PVRTVec3
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return Result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTVec3& operator*=(const VERTTYPE& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs);
y = VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs);
z = VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs);
return *this;
@brief Componentwise division by single dimension value for PVRTVec3
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return Result of division
PVRTVec3 operator/(const VERTTYPE& rhs) const
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEDIV(x,rhs);
out.y = VERTTYPEDIV(y,rhs);
out.z = VERTTYPEDIV(z,rhs);
return out;
@brief Componentwise division and assignement by single
dimension value for PVRTVec3
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return Result of division and assignment
PVRTVec3& operator/=(const VERTTYPE& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEDIV(x,rhs);
y = VERTTYPEDIV(y,rhs);
z = VERTTYPEDIV(z,rhs);
return *this;
@brief PVRTVec3 equality operator
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return true if the two vectors are equal
bool operator==(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
return ((x == rhs.x) && (y == rhs.y) && (z == rhs.z));
@brief PVRTVec3 inequality operator
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return true if the two vectors are not equal
bool operator!=(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
return ((x != rhs.x) || (y != rhs.y) || (z != rhs.z));
@fn lenSqr
@return the square of the magnitude of the vector
@brief calculates the square of the magnitude of the vector
VERTTYPE lenSqr() const
@fn length
@return the of the magnitude of the vector
@brief calculates the magnitude of the vector
VERTTYPE length() const
return (VERTTYPE) f2vt(sqrt(vt2f(x)*vt2f(x) + vt2f(y)*vt2f(y) + vt2f(z)*vt2f(z)));
@fn normalize
@return the normalized value of the vector
@brief normalizes the vector
PVRTVec3 normalize()
// Scale vector by uniform value
int n = PVRTABS(x) + PVRTABS(y) + PVRTABS(z);
x = VERTTYPEDIV(x, n);
y = VERTTYPEDIV(y, n);
z = VERTTYPEDIV(z, n);
// Calculate x2+y2+z2/sqrt(x2+y2+z2)
int f = dot(*this);
f = VERTTYPEDIV(PVRTF2X(1.0f), PVRTF2X(sqrt(PVRTX2F(f))));
// Multiply vector components by f
x = PVRTXMUL(x, f);
y = PVRTXMUL(y, f);
z = PVRTXMUL(z, f);
VERTTYPE len = length();
x =VERTTYPEDIV(x,len);
y =VERTTYPEDIV(y,len);
z =VERTTYPEDIV(z,len);
return *this;
@fn normalized
@return returns the normalized value of the vector
@brief returns a normalized vector of the same direction as this
PVRTVec3 normalized() const
PVRTVec3 out;
// Scale vector by uniform value
int n = PVRTABS(x) + PVRTABS(y) + PVRTABS(z);
out.x = VERTTYPEDIV(x, n);
out.y = VERTTYPEDIV(y, n);
out.z = VERTTYPEDIV(z, n);
// Calculate x2+y2+z2/sqrt(x2+y2+z2)
int f =;
f = VERTTYPEDIV(PVRTF2X(1.0f), PVRTF2X(sqrt(PVRTX2F(f))));
// Multiply vector components by f
out.x = PVRTXMUL(out.x, f);
out.y = PVRTXMUL(out.y, f);
out.z = PVRTXMUL(out.z, f);
VERTTYPE len = length();
out.x =VERTTYPEDIV(x,len);
out.y =VERTTYPEDIV(y,len);
out.z =VERTTYPEDIV(z,len);
return out;
@fn dot
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return scalar product
@brief calculate the scalar product of two PVRTVec3s
VERTTYPE dot(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
return VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.x)+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.y)+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.z);
@fn cross
@return returns three-dimensional vector
@brief calculate the cross product of two PVRTVec3s
PVRTVec3 cross(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.z)-VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.y);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.x)-VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.z);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.y)-VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.x);
return out;
@fn ptr
@return pointer
@brief returns a pointer to memory containing the values of the
VERTTYPE *ptr() { return (VERTTYPE*)this; }
@struct PVRTVec4
@brief 4 component vector
struct PVRTVec4 : public PVRTVECTOR4
** Constructors
@brief Blank constructor.
@brief Blank constructor.
PVRTVec4(const VERTTYPE vec)
x = vec; y = vec; z = vec; w = vec;
@brief Constructs a PVRTVec4 from 4 separate values
@param[in] fX Value of x component
@param[in] fY Value of y component
@param[in] fZ Value of z component
@param[in] fW Value of w component
x = fX; y = fY; z = fZ; w = fW;
@param[in] vec3 a PVRTVec3
@param[in] fW Value of w component
@brief Constructs a PVRTVec4 from a vec3 and a w component
PVRTVec4(const PVRTVec3& vec3, VERTTYPE fW)
x = vec3.x; y = vec3.y; z = vec3.z; w = fW;
@brief Constructs a vec4 from a vec3 and a w component
@param[in] fX value of x component
@param[in] vec3 a PVRTVec3
PVRTVec4(VERTTYPE fX, const PVRTVec3& vec3)
x = fX; y = vec3.x; z = vec3.y; w = vec3.z;
@brief Constructs a PVRTVec4 from a pointer to an array of four values
@param[in] pVec a pointer to an array of four values
PVRTVec4(const VERTTYPE* pVec)
x = (*pVec++); y = (*pVec++); z= (*pVec++); w = *pVec;
** PVRTVec4 Operators
@brief Addition operator for PVRTVec4
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec4
@return result of addition
PVRTVec4 operator+(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = x+rhs.x;
out.y = y+rhs.y;
out.z = z+rhs.z;
out.w = w+rhs.w;
return out;
@brief Subtraction operator for PVRTVec4
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec4
@return result of subtraction
PVRTVec4 operator-(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = x-rhs.x;
out.y = y-rhs.y;
out.z = z-rhs.z;
out.w = w-rhs.w;
return out;
@brief Addition and assignment operator for PVRTVec4
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec4
@return result of addition and assignment
PVRTVec4& operator+=(const PVRTVec4& rhs)
x +=rhs.x;
y +=rhs.y;
z +=rhs.z;
w +=rhs.w;
return *this;
@brief Subtraction and assignment operator for PVRTVec4
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec4
@return result of subtraction and assignment
PVRTVec4& operator-=(const PVRTVec4& rhs)
x -=rhs.x;
y -=rhs.y;
z -=rhs.z;
w -=rhs.w;
return *this;
@brief Matrix multiplication for PVRTVec4 and PVRTMat4
@param[in] rhs A PVRTMat4
@return result of multiplication
PVRTVec4 operator*(const PVRTMat4& rhs) const;
@brief Matrix multiplication and assignment for PVRTVec4 and PVRTMat4
@param[in] rhs A PVRTMat4
@return result of multiplication and assignement
PVRTVec4& operator*=(const PVRTMat4& rhs);
@brief Componentwise multiplication of a PVRTVec4 by a single value
@param[in] rhs A single dimension value
@return result of multiplication
PVRTVec4 operator*(const VERTTYPE& rhs) const
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs);
out.w = VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs);
return out;
@brief componentwise multiplication and assignment of a PVRTVec4 by
a single value
@param[in] rhs A single dimension value
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTVec4& operator*=(const VERTTYPE& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs);
y = VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs);
z = VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs);
w = VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs);
return *this;
@brief componentwise division of a PVRTVec4 by a single value
@param[in] rhs A single dimension value
@return result of division
PVRTVec4 operator/(const VERTTYPE& rhs) const
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEDIV(x,rhs);
out.y = VERTTYPEDIV(y,rhs);
out.z = VERTTYPEDIV(z,rhs);
out.w = VERTTYPEDIV(w,rhs);
return out;
@brief componentwise division and assignment of a PVRTVec4 by
a single value
@param[in] rhs a single dimension value
@return result of division and assignment
PVRTVec4& operator/=(const VERTTYPE& rhs)
x = VERTTYPEDIV(x,rhs);
y = VERTTYPEDIV(y,rhs);
z = VERTTYPEDIV(z,rhs);
w = VERTTYPEDIV(w,rhs);
return *this;
@brief componentwise multiplication of a PVRTVec4 by
a single value
@param[in] lhs a single dimension value
@param[in] rhs a PVRTVec4
@return result of muliplication
friend PVRTVec4 operator*(const VERTTYPE lhs, const PVRTVec4& rhs)
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.x);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.y);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.z);
out.w = VERTTYPEMUL(lhs,rhs.w);
return out;
@brief PVRTVec4 equality operator
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return true if the two vectors are equal
bool operator==(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
return ((x == rhs.x) && (y == rhs.y) && (z == rhs.z) && (w == rhs.w));
@brief PVRTVec4 inequality operator
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return true if the two vectors are not equal
bool operator!=(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
return ((x != rhs.x) || (y != rhs.y) || (z != rhs.z) || (w != rhs.w));
** Functions
@fn lenSqr
@return square of the magnitude of the vector
@brief calculates the square of the magnitude of the vector
VERTTYPE lenSqr() const
@fn length
@return the magnitude of the vector
@brief calculates the magnitude of the vector
VERTTYPE length() const
return (VERTTYPE) f2vt(sqrt(vt2f(x)*vt2f(x) + vt2f(y)*vt2f(y) + vt2f(z)*vt2f(z) + vt2f(w)*vt2f(w)));
@fn normalize
@return normalized vector
@brief calculates the normalized value of a PVRTVec4
PVRTVec4 normalize()
VERTTYPE len = length();
x =VERTTYPEDIV(x,len);
y =VERTTYPEDIV(y,len);
z =VERTTYPEDIV(z,len);
w =VERTTYPEDIV(w,len);
return *this;
@fn normalized
@return normalized vector
@brief returns a normalized vector of the same direction as this
PVRTVec4 normalized() const
PVRTVec4 out;
VERTTYPE len = length();
out.x =VERTTYPEDIV(x,len);
out.y =VERTTYPEDIV(y,len);
out.z =VERTTYPEDIV(z,len);
out.w =VERTTYPEDIV(w,len);
return out;
@fn dot
@return scalar product
@brief returns a normalized vector of the same direction as this
VERTTYPE dot(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
return VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.x)+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.y)+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.z)+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.w);
@fn ptr
@return pointer to vector values
@brief returns a pointer to memory containing the values of the
VERTTYPE *ptr() { return (VERTTYPE*)this; }
@struct PVRTMat3
@brief 3x3 Matrix
struct PVRTMat3 : public PVRTMATRIX3
** Constructors
@brief Blank constructor.
@brief Constructor from array.
@param[in] pMat An array of values for the matrix
PVRTMat3(const VERTTYPE* pMat)
VERTTYPE* ptr = f;
for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
@brief Constructor from distinct values.
@param[in] m0 m0 matrix value
@param[in] m1 m1 matrix value
@param[in] m2 m2 matrix value
@param[in] m3 m3 matrix value
@param[in] m4 m4 matrix value
@param[in] m5 m5 matrix value
@param[in] m6 m6 matrix value
@param[in] m7 m7 matrix value
@param[in] m8 m8 matrix value
@brief Constructor from 4x4 matrix - uses top left values
@param[in] mat - a PVRTMat4
PVRTMat3(const PVRTMat4& mat);
@brief Returns the value of the element at the specified row and column
of the PVRTMat3
@param[in] row row of matrix
@param[in] column column of matrix
@return value of element
VERTTYPE& operator()(const int row, const int column)
return f[column*3+row];
@brief Returns the value of the element at the specified row and column
of the PVRTMat3
@param[in] row row of matrix
@param[in] column column of matrix
@return value of element
const VERTTYPE& operator()(const int row, const int column) const
return f[column*3+row];
@brief Matrix multiplication of two 3x3 matrices.
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTMat3
@return result of multiplication
PVRTMat3 operator*(const PVRTMat3& rhs) const
PVRTMat3 out;
// col 1
out.f[0] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[2]);
out.f[1] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[2]);
out.f[2] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[2]);
// col 2
out.f[3] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[5]);
out.f[4] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[5]);
out.f[5] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[5]);
// col3
out.f[6] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[8]);
out.f[7] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[8]);
out.f[8] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[8]);
return out;
@brief element by element addition operator.
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTMat3
@return result of addition
PVRTMat3 operator+(const PVRTMat3& rhs) const
PVRTMat3 out;
VERTTYPE const *lptr = f, *rptr = rhs.f;
VERTTYPE *outptr = out.f;
for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
(*outptr++) = (*lptr++) + (*rptr++);
return out;
@brief element by element subtraction operator.
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTMat3
@return result of subtraction
PVRTMat3 operator-(const PVRTMat3& rhs) const
PVRTMat3 out;
VERTTYPE const *lptr = f, *rptr = rhs.f;
VERTTYPE *outptr = out.f;
for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
(*outptr++) = (*lptr++) - (*rptr++);
return out;
@brief Element by element addition and assignment operator.
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTMat3
@return Result of addition and assignment
PVRTMat3& operator+=(const PVRTMat3& rhs)
VERTTYPE *lptr = f;
VERTTYPE const *rptr = rhs.f;
for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
(*lptr++) += (*rptr++);
return *this;
@brief element by element subtraction and assignment operator.
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTMat3
@return result of subtraction and assignment
PVRTMat3& operator-=(const PVRTMat3& rhs)
VERTTYPE *lptr = f;
VERTTYPE const *rptr = rhs.f;
for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
(*lptr++) -= (*rptr++);
return *this;
@brief Matrix multiplication and assignment of two 3x3 matrices.
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTMat3
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTMat3& operator*=(const PVRTMat3& rhs)
PVRTMat3 out;
// col 1
out.f[0] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[2]);
out.f[1] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[2]);
out.f[2] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[2]);
// col 2
out.f[3] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[5]);
out.f[4] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[5]);
out.f[5] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[5]);
// col3
out.f[6] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[8]);
out.f[7] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[8]);
out.f[8] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[8]);
*this = out;
return *this;
@brief Element multiplication by a single value.
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return Result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTMat3& operator*(const VERTTYPE rhs)
for (int i=0; i<9; ++i)
return *this;
@brief Element multiplication and assignment by a single value.
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTMat3& operator*=(const VERTTYPE rhs)
for (int i=0; i<9; ++i)
return *this;
@brief Matrix multiplication of 3x3 matrix and vec3
@param[in] rhs Another PVRTVec3
@return result of multiplication
PVRTVec3 operator*(const PVRTVec3& rhs) const
PVRTVec3 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[6]);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[7]);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[8]);
return out;
** Functions
@fn determinant
@return result of multiplication
@brief Matrix multiplication and assignment of 3x3 matrix and vec3
VERTTYPE determinant() const
return VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],(VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],f[8])-VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],f[5])))
- VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],(VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],f[8])-VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],f[2])))
+ VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],(VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],f[5])-VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],f[2])));
@fn inverse
@return inverse mat3
@brief Calculates multiplicative inverse of this matrix
PVRTMat3 inverse() const
PVRTMat3 out;
VERTTYPE recDet = determinant();
recDet = VERTTYPEDIV(f2vt(1.0f),recDet);
//TODO: deal with singular matrices with more than just an assert
// inverse is 1/det * adjoint of M
// adjoint is transpose of cofactor matrix
// do transpose and cofactors in one step
out.f[0] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],f[8]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],f[7]);
out.f[1] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],f[7]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],f[8]);
out.f[2] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],f[5]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],f[4]);
out.f[3] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],f[6]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],f[8]);
out.f[4] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],f[8]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],f[6]);
out.f[5] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],f[3]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],f[5]);
out.f[6] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],f[7]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],f[6]);
out.f[7] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],f[6]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],f[7]);
out.f[8] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],f[4]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],f[3]);
out *= recDet;
return out;
@fn transpose
@return transpose 3x3 matrix
@brief Calculates the transpose of this matrix
PVRTMat3 transpose() const
PVRTMat3 out;
out.f[0] = f[0]; out.f[3] = f[1]; out.f[6] = f[2];
out.f[1] = f[3]; out.f[4] = f[4]; out.f[7] = f[5];
out.f[2] = f[6]; out.f[5] = f[7]; out.f[8] = f[8];
return out;
@fn ptr
@return pointer to an array of the elements of this PVRTMat3
@brief Calculates transpose of this matrix
VERTTYPE *ptr() { return (VERTTYPE*)&f; }
** Static factory functions
@fn Identity
@return a PVRTMat3 representation of the 3x3 identity matrix
@brief Generates an identity matrix
static PVRTMat3 Identity()
PVRTMat3 out;
out.f[0] = 1;out.f[1] = 0;out.f[2] = 0;
out.f[3] = 0;out.f[4] = 1;out.f[5] = 0;
out.f[6] = 0;out.f[7] = 0;out.f[8] = 1;
return out;
@fn RotationX
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the X axis
static PVRTMat3 RotationX(VERTTYPE angle);
@fn RotationY
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the Y axis
static PVRTMat3 RotationY(VERTTYPE angle);
@fn RotationZ
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the Z axis
static PVRTMat3 RotationZ(VERTTYPE angle);
@fn Rotation2D
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the Z axis
static PVRTMat3 Rotation2D(VERTTYPE angle)
return RotationZ(angle);
@fn Scale
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested scaling transformation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to scaling of fx, fy and fz
times in each axis.
static PVRTMat3 Scale(const VERTTYPE fx,const VERTTYPE fy,const VERTTYPE fz)
return PVRTMat3(fx,0,0,
@fn Scale2D
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested scaling transformation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to scaling of fx, fy and fz
times in each axis.
static PVRTMat3 Scale2D(const VERTTYPE fx,const VERTTYPE fy)
return PVRTMat3(fx,0,0,
@fn Translation2D
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested translation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a transformation
of tx and ty times in each axis.
static PVRTMat3 Translation2D(const VERTTYPE tx, const VERTTYPE ty)
return PVRTMat3( f2vt(1), 0, 0,
0, f2vt(1), 0,
tx, ty, f2vt(1));
@struct PVRTMat4
@brief 4x4 Matrix
struct PVRTMat4 : public PVRTMATRIX
** Constructors
@brief Blank constructor.
@brief Constructor from array.
@param[in] m0 m0 matrix value
@param[in] m1 m1 matrix value
@param[in] m2 m2 matrix value
@param[in] m3 m3 matrix value
@param[in] m4 m4 matrix value
@param[in] m5 m5 matrix value
@param[in] m6 m6 matrix value
@param[in] m7 m7 matrix value
@param[in] m8 m8 matrix value
@param[in] m9 m9 matrix value
@param[in] m10 m10 matrix value
@param[in] m11 m11 matrix value
@param[in] m12 m12 matrix value
@param[in] m13 m13 matrix value
@param[in] m14 m14 matrix value
@param[in] m15 m15 matrix value
@brief Constructor from distinct values.
@param[in] mat A pointer to an array of 16 VERTTYPEs
PVRTMat4(const VERTTYPE* mat)
VERTTYPE* ptr = f;
for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
@brief Returns value of the element at row r and colun c of the
@param[in] r - row of matrix
@param[in] c - column of matrix
@return value of element
VERTTYPE& operator()(const int r, const int c)
return f[c*4+r];
@brief Returns value of the element at row r and colun c of the
@param[in] r - row of matrix
@param[in] c - column of matrix
@return value of element
const VERTTYPE& operator()(const int r, const int c) const
return f[c*4+r];
@brief Matrix multiplication of two 4x4 matrices.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of multiplication
PVRTMat4 operator*(const PVRTMat4& rhs) const;
@brief element by element addition operator.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of addition
PVRTMat4 operator+(const PVRTMat4& rhs) const
PVRTMat4 out;
VERTTYPE const *lptr = f, *rptr = rhs.f;
VERTTYPE *outptr = out.f;
for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
(*outptr++) = (*lptr++) + (*rptr++);
return out;
@brief element by element subtraction operator.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of subtraction
PVRTMat4 operator-(const PVRTMat4& rhs) const
PVRTMat4 out;
for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
out.f[i] = f[i]-rhs.f[i];
return out;
@brief element by element addition and assignment operator.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of addition and assignment
PVRTMat4& operator+=(const PVRTMat4& rhs)
VERTTYPE *lptr = f;
VERTTYPE const *rptr = rhs.f;
for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
(*lptr++) += (*rptr++);
return *this;
@brief element by element subtraction and assignment operator.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of subtraction and assignment
PVRTMat4& operator-=(const PVRTMat4& rhs)
VERTTYPE *lptr = f;
VERTTYPE const *rptr = rhs.f;
for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
(*lptr++) -= (*rptr++);
return *this;
@brief Matrix multiplication and assignment of two 4x4 matrices.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTMat4& operator*=(const PVRTMat4& rhs)
PVRTMat4 result;
// col 0
result.f[0] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[3]);
result.f[1] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[3]);
result.f[2] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[3]);
result.f[3] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[3]);
// col 1
result.f[4] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[7]);
result.f[5] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[7]);
result.f[6] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[7]);
result.f[7] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[7]);
// col 2
result.f[8] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[11]);
result.f[9] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[11]);
result.f[10] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[11]);
result.f[11] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[11]);
// col 3
result.f[12] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[15]);
result.f[13] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[15]);
result.f[14] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[15]);
result.f[15] = VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[15]);
*this = result;
return *this;
@brief element multiplication by a single value.
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTMat4& operator*(const VERTTYPE rhs)
for (int i=0; i<16; ++i)
return *this;
@brief element multiplication and assignment by a single value.
@param[in] rhs A single value
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTMat4& operator*=(const VERTTYPE rhs)
for (int i=0; i<16; ++i)
return *this;
@brief element assignment operator.
@param[in] rhs another PVRTMat4
@return result of assignment
PVRTMat4& operator=(const PVRTMat4& rhs)
for (int i=0; i<16; ++i)
f[i] =rhs.f[i];
return *this;
@brief Matrix multiplication of 4x4 matrix and vec3
@param[in] rhs a PVRTVec4
@return result of multiplication
PVRTVec4 operator*(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[12]);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[13]);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[14]);
out.w = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[11])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[15]);
return out;
@brief Matrix multiplication and assignment of 4x4 matrix and vec3
@param[in] rhs a PVRTVec4
@return result of multiplication and assignment
PVRTVec4 operator*=(const PVRTVec4& rhs) const
PVRTVec4 out;
out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[12]);
out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[13]);
out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[14]);
out.w = VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.x,f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.y,f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.z,f[11])+VERTTYPEMUL(rhs.w,f[15]);
return out;
@brief Calculates multiplicative inverse of this matrix
The matrix must be of the form :
A 0
C 1
Where A is a 3x3 matrix and C is a 1x3 matrix.
@return inverse mat4
PVRTMat4 inverse() const;
@fn inverseEx
@return inverse mat4
@brief Calculates multiplicative inverse of this matrix
Uses a linear equation solver and the knowledge that M.M^-1=I.
Use this fn to calculate the inverse of matrices that
inverse() cannot.
PVRTMat4 inverseEx() const
PVRTMat4 out;
VERTTYPE *ppRows[4];
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
ppRows[i] = &pIn[i * 5];
/* Solve 4 sets of 4 linear equations */
for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
ppRows[j][0] = PVRTMat4::Identity().f[i + 4 * j];
memcpy(&ppRows[j][1], &f[j * 4], 4 * sizeof(VERTTYPE));
PVRTLinearEqSolve(pRes, (VERTTYPE**)ppRows, 4);
for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
out.f[i + 4 * j] = pRes[j];
return out;
@fn transpose
@return transpose mat4
@brief Calculates transpose of this matrix
PVRTMat4 transpose() const
PVRTMat4 out;
out.f[0] = f[0]; out.f[1] = f[4]; out.f[2] = f[8]; out.f[3] = f[12];
out.f[4] = f[1]; out.f[5] = f[5]; out.f[6] = f[9]; out.f[7] = f[13];
out.f[8] = f[2]; out.f[9] = f[6]; out.f[10] = f[10]; out.f[11] = f[14];
out.f[12] = f[3]; out.f[13] = f[7]; out.f[14] = f[11]; out.f[15] = f[15];
return out;
@brief Alters the translation component of the transformation matrix.
@param[in] tx Distance of translation in x axis
@param[in] ty Distance of translation in y axis
@param[in] tz Distance of translation in z axis
@return Returns this
PVRTMat4& postTranslate(VERTTYPE tx, VERTTYPE ty, VERTTYPE tz)
f[12] += VERTTYPEMUL(tx,f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(ty,f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(tz,f[8]);
f[13] += VERTTYPEMUL(tx,f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(ty,f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(tz,f[9]);
f[14] += VERTTYPEMUL(tx,f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(ty,f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(tz,f[10]);
f[15] += VERTTYPEMUL(tx,f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(ty,f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(tz,f[11]);
// col(3) += tx * col(0) + ty * col(1) + tz * col(2);
return *this;
@brief Alters the translation component of the transformation matrix.
@param[in] tvec Translation vector
@return Returns this
PVRTMat4& postTranslate(const PVRTVec3& tvec)
return postTranslate(tvec.x, tvec.y, tvec.z);
@brief Translates the matrix from the passed parameters
@param[in] tx Distance of translation in x axis
@param[in] ty Distance of translation in y axis
@param[in] tz Distance of translation in z axis
@return Returns this
PVRTMat4& preTranslate(VERTTYPE tx, VERTTYPE ty, VERTTYPE tz)
f[0]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],tx); f[4]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],tx); f[8]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],tx); f[12]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],tx);
f[1]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],ty); f[5]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],ty); f[9]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],ty); f[13]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],ty);
f[2]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],tz); f[6]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],tz); f[10]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],tz); f[14]+=VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],tz);
// row(0) += tx * row(3);
// row(1) += ty * row(3);
// row(2) += tz * row(3);
return *this;
@brief Translates the matrix from the passed parameters
@param[in] tvec Translation vector
@return Returns the translation defined by the passed parameters
PVRTMat4& preTranslate(const PVRTVec3& tvec)
return preTranslate(tvec.x, tvec.y, tvec.z);
@brief Calculates transpose of this matrix
@return pointer to an array of the elements of this PVRTMat4
VERTTYPE *ptr() { return (VERTTYPE*)&f; }
** Static factory functions
@brief Generates an identity matrix
@return a PVRTMat4 representation of the 4x4 identity matrix
static PVRTMat4 Identity()
PVRTMat4 out;
out.f[0] = f2vt(1);out.f[1] = 0;out.f[2] = 0;out.f[3] = 0;
out.f[4] = 0;out.f[5] = f2vt(1);out.f[6] = 0;out.f[7] = 0;
out.f[8] = 0;out.f[9] = 0;out.f[10] = f2vt(1);out.f[11] = 0;
out.f[12] = 0;out.f[13] = 0;out.f[14] = 0;out.f[15] = f2vt(1);
return out;
@fn RotationX
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the X axis
static PVRTMat4 RotationX(VERTTYPE angle);
@fn RotationY
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the Y axis
static PVRTMat4 RotationY(VERTTYPE angle);
@fn RotationZ
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested rotation
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to a rotation of angle
degrees about the Z axis
static PVRTMat4 RotationZ(VERTTYPE angle);
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to scaling of fx, fy and fz
times in each axis.
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested scaling transformation
static PVRTMat4 Scale(const VERTTYPE fx,const VERTTYPE fy,const VERTTYPE fz)
return PVRTMat4(fx,0,0,0,
@brief Calculates a matrix corresponding to scaling of the given vector.
@return a PVRTMat3 corresponding to the requested scaling transformation
static PVRTMat4 Scale(const PVRTVec3& vec)
return Scale(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
@brief Calculates a 4x4 matrix corresponding to a transformation
of tx, ty and tz distance in each axis.
@return a PVRTMat4 corresponding to the requested translation
static PVRTMat4 Translation(const VERTTYPE tx, const VERTTYPE ty, const VERTTYPE tz)
return PVRTMat4(f2vt(1),0,0,0,
@brief Calculates a 4x4 matrix corresponding to a transformation
of tx, ty and tz distance in each axis as taken from the
given vector.
@return a PVRTMat4 corresponding to the requested translation
static PVRTMat4 Translation(const PVRTVec3& vec)
return Translation(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
** Clipspace enum
** Determines whether clip space Z ranges from -1 to 1 (OGL) or from 0 to 1 (D3D)
enum eClipspace { OGL, D3D };
@brief Translates the matrix from the passed parameters
@param[in] left Left view plane
@param[in] top Top view plane
@param[in] right Right view plane
@param[in] bottom Bottom view plane
@param[in] nearPlane The near rendering plane
@param[in] farPlane The far rendering plane
@param[in] cs Which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate Is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Returns the orthogonal projection matrix defined by the passed parameters
static PVRTMat4 Ortho(VERTTYPE left, VERTTYPE top, VERTTYPE right,
VERTTYPE bottom, VERTTYPE nearPlane, VERTTYPE farPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
VERTTYPE rcplmr = VERTTYPEDIV(VERTTYPE(1),(left - right));
VERTTYPE rcpbmt = VERTTYPEDIV(VERTTYPE(1),(bottom - top));
VERTTYPE rcpnmf = VERTTYPEDIV(VERTTYPE(1),(nearPlane - farPlane));
PVRTMat4 result;
if (bRotate)
result.f[0]=0; result.f[4]=VERTTYPEMUL(2,rcplmr); result.f[8]=0; result.f[12]=VERTTYPEMUL(-(right+left),rcplmr);
result.f[1]=VERTTYPEMUL(-2,rcpbmt); result.f[5]=0; result.f[9]=0; result.f[13]=VERTTYPEMUL((top+bottom),rcpbmt);
result.f[0]=VERTTYPEMUL(-2,rcplmr); result.f[4]=0; result.f[8]=0; result.f[12]=VERTTYPEMUL(right+left,rcplmr);
result.f[1]=0; result.f[5]=VERTTYPEMUL(-2,rcpbmt); result.f[9]=0; result.f[13]=VERTTYPEMUL((top+bottom),rcpbmt);
if (cs == D3D)
result.f[2]=0; result.f[6]=0; result.f[10]=-rcpnmf; result.f[14]=VERTTYPEMUL(nearPlane,rcpnmf);
result.f[2]=0; result.f[6]=0; result.f[10]=VERTTYPEMUL(-2,rcpnmf); result.f[14]=VERTTYPEMUL(nearPlane + farPlane,rcpnmf);
result.f[3]=0; result.f[7]=0; result.f[11]=0; result.f[15]=1;
return result;
@fn LookAtRH
@param[in] vEye position of 'camera'
@param[in] vAt target that camera points at
@param[in] vUp up vector for camera
@return Returns the view matrix defined by the passed parameters
@brief Create a look-at view matrix for a right hand coordinate
static PVRTMat4 LookAtRH(const PVRTVec3& vEye, const PVRTVec3& vAt, const PVRTVec3& vUp)
{ return LookAt(vEye, vAt, vUp, true); }
@fn LookAtLH
@param[in] vEye position of 'camera'
@param[in] vAt target that camera points at
@param[in] vUp up vector for camera
@return Returns the view matrix defined by the passed parameters
@brief Create a look-at view matrix for a left hand coordinate
static PVRTMat4 LookAtLH(const PVRTVec3& vEye, const PVRTVec3& vAt, const PVRTVec3& vUp)
{ return LookAt(vEye, vAt, vUp, false); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a right hand coordinate
@param[in] width width of viewplane
@param[in] height height of viewplane
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] farPlane far clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveRH(VERTTYPE width, VERTTYPE height, VERTTYPE nearPlane,
VERTTYPE farPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return Perspective(width, height, nearPlane, farPlane, cs, true, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a left hand coordinate
@param[in] width width of viewplane
@param[in] height height of viewplane
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] farPlane far clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveLH(VERTTYPE width, VERTTYPE height, VERTTYPE nearPlane, VERTTYPE farPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return Perspective(width, height, nearPlane, farPlane, cs, false, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a right hand coordinate
@param[in] width width of viewplane
@param[in] height height of viewplane
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFloatDepthRH(VERTTYPE width, VERTTYPE height, VERTTYPE nearPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return PerspectiveFloatDepth(width, height, nearPlane, cs, true, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a left hand coordinate
@param[in] width width of viewplane
@param[in] height height of viewplane
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFloatDepthLH(VERTTYPE width, VERTTYPE height, VERTTYPE nearPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return PerspectiveFloatDepth(width, height, nearPlane, cs, false, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a right hand coordinate
@param[in] fovy angle of view (vertical)
@param[in] aspect aspect ratio of view
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] farPlane far clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFovRH(VERTTYPE fovy, VERTTYPE aspect, VERTTYPE nearPlane, VERTTYPE farPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return PerspectiveFov(fovy, aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, cs, true, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a left hand coordinate
@param[in] fovy angle of view (vertical)
@param[in] aspect aspect ratio of view
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] farPlane far clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFovLH(VERTTYPE fovy, VERTTYPE aspect, VERTTYPE nearPlane, VERTTYPE farPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return PerspectiveFov(fovy, aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, cs, false, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a right hand coordinate
@param[in] fovy angle of view (vertical)
@param[in] aspect aspect ratio of view
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFovFloatDepthRH(VERTTYPE fovy, VERTTYPE aspect, VERTTYPE nearPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return PerspectiveFovFloatDepth(fovy, aspect, nearPlane, cs, true, bRotate); }
@brief Create a perspective matrix for a left hand coordinate
@param[in] fovy angle of view (vertical)
@param[in] aspect aspect ratio of view
@param[in] nearPlane near clipping distance
@param[in] cs cs which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRotate is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFovFloatDepthLH(VERTTYPE fovy, VERTTYPE aspect, VERTTYPE nearPlane, const eClipspace cs, bool bRotate = false)
{ return PerspectiveFovFloatDepth(fovy, aspect, nearPlane, cs, false, bRotate); }
@brief Create a look-at view matrix
@param[in] vEye Position of 'camera'
@param[in] vAt Target that camera points at
@param[in] vUp Up vector for camera
@param[in] bRightHanded Handedness of coordinate system
@return Returns the view matrix defined by the passed parameters
static PVRTMat4 LookAt(const PVRTVec3& vEye, const PVRTVec3& vAt, const PVRTVec3& vUp, bool bRightHanded)
PVRTVec3 vForward, vUpNorm, vSide;
PVRTMat4 result;
vForward = (bRightHanded) ? vEye - vAt : vAt - vEye;
vSide = vUp.cross( vForward);
vSide = vSide.normalized();
vUpNorm = vForward.cross(vSide);
vUpNorm = vUpNorm.normalized();
result.f[0]=vSide.x; result.f[4]=vSide.y; result.f[8]=vSide.z; result.f[12]=0;
result.f[1]=vUpNorm.x; result.f[5]=vUpNorm.y; result.f[9]=vUpNorm.z; result.f[13]=0;
result.f[2]=vForward.x; result.f[6]=vForward.y; result.f[10]=vForward.z; result.f[14]=0;
result.f[3]=0; result.f[7]=0; result.f[11]=0; result.f[15]=f2vt(1);
return result;
@brief Create a perspective matrix
@param[in] width Width of viewplane
@param[in] height Height of viewplane
@param[in] nearPlane Near clipping distance
@param[in] farPlane Far clipping distance
@param[in] cs Which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRightHanded Handedness of coordinate system
@param[in] bRotate Is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 Perspective(
VERTTYPE width, VERTTYPE height,
VERTTYPE nearPlane, VERTTYPE farPlane,
const eClipspace cs,
bool bRightHanded,
bool bRotate = false)
VERTTYPE n2 = VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(2),nearPlane);
VERTTYPE rcpnmf = VERTTYPEDIV(f2vt(1),(nearPlane - farPlane));
PVRTMat4 result;
if (bRotate)
result.f[0] = 0; result.f[4]=VERTTYPEDIV(-n2,width); result.f[8]=0; result.f[12]=0;
result.f[1] = VERTTYPEDIV(n2,height); result.f[5]=0; result.f[9]=0; result.f[13]=0;
result.f[0] = VERTTYPEDIV(n2,width); result.f[4]=0; result.f[8]=0; result.f[12]=0;
result.f[1] = 0; result.f[5]=VERTTYPEDIV(n2,height); result.f[9]=0; result.f[13]=0;
if (cs == D3D)
result.f[2] = 0; result.f[6]=0; result.f[10]=VERTTYPEMUL(farPlane,rcpnmf); result.f[14]=VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(farPlane,rcpnmf),nearPlane);
result.f[2] = 0; result.f[6]=0; result.f[10]=VERTTYPEMUL(farPlane+nearPlane,rcpnmf); result.f[14]=VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(farPlane,rcpnmf),n2);
result.f[3] = 0; result.f[7]=0; result.f[11]=f2vt(-1); result.f[15]=0;
if (!bRightHanded)
result.f[10] = VERTTYPEMUL(result.f[10], f2vt(-1));
result.f[11] = f2vt(1);
return result;
@brief Perspective calculation where far plane is assumed to be at an infinite distance and the screen
space Z is inverted
@param[in] width Width of viewplane
@param[in] height Height of viewplane
@param[in] nearPlane Near clipping distance
@param[in] cs Which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRightHanded Handedness of coordinate system
@param[in] bRotate Is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFloatDepth(
VERTTYPE width, VERTTYPE height,
VERTTYPE nearPlane,
const eClipspace cs,
bool bRightHanded,
bool bRotate = false)
PVRTMat4 result;
if (bRotate)
result.f[0] = 0; result.f[4]=VERTTYPEDIV(-n2,width); result.f[8]=0; result.f[12]=0;
result.f[1] = VERTTYPEDIV(n2,height); result.f[5]=0; result.f[9]=0; result.f[13]=0;
result.f[0] = VERTTYPEDIV(n2,width); result.f[4]=0; result.f[8]=0; result.f[12]=0;
result.f[1] = 0; result.f[5]=VERTTYPEDIV(n2,height); result.f[9]=0; result.f[13]=0;
if (cs == D3D)
result.f[2] = 0; result.f[6]=0; result.f[10]=0; result.f[14]=nearPlane;
result.f[2] = 0; result.f[6]=0; result.f[10]=(bRightHanded?(VERTTYPE)1:(VERTTYPE)-1); result.f[14]=n2;
result.f[3] = (VERTTYPE)0; result.f[7]=(VERTTYPE)0; result.f[11]= (bRightHanded?(VERTTYPE)-1:(VERTTYPE)1); result.f[15]=(VERTTYPE)0;
return result;
@brief Perspective calculation where field of view is used instead of near plane dimensions
@param[in] fovy Angle of view (vertical)
@param[in] aspect Aspect ratio of view
@param[in] nearPlane Near clipping distance
@param[in] farPlane Far clipping distance
@param[in] cs Which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRightHanded Handedness of coordinate system
@param[in] bRotate Is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFov(
VERTTYPE nearPlane, VERTTYPE farPlane,
const eClipspace cs,
bool bRightHanded,
bool bRotate = false)
VERTTYPE height = VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(2.0f),nearPlane),PVRTTAN(VERTTYPEMUL(fovy,f2vt(0.5f))));
if (bRotate) return Perspective(height, VERTTYPEDIV(height,aspect), nearPlane, farPlane, cs, bRightHanded, bRotate);
return Perspective(VERTTYPEMUL(height,aspect), height, nearPlane, farPlane, cs, bRightHanded, bRotate);
@brief Perspective calculation where field of view is used instead of near plane dimensions
and far plane is assumed to be at an infinite distance with inverted Z range
@param[in] fovy Angle of view (vertical)
@param[in] aspect Aspect ratio of view
@param[in] nearPlane Near clipping distance
@param[in] cs Which clipspace convention is being used
@param[in] bRightHanded Handedness of coordinate system
@param[in] bRotate Is the viewport in portrait or landscape mode
@return Perspective matrix
static PVRTMat4 PerspectiveFovFloatDepth(
VERTTYPE nearPlane,
const eClipspace cs,
bool bRightHanded,
bool bRotate = false)
if (bRotate) return PerspectiveFloatDepth(height, VERTTYPEDIV(height,aspect), nearPlane, cs, bRightHanded, bRotate);
return PerspectiveFloatDepth(VERTTYPEMUL(height,aspect), height, nearPlane, cs, bRightHanded, bRotate);
#endif /*__PVRTVECTOR_H__*/
End of file (PVRTVector.h)