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@file PVRTModelPOD.h
@copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
@brief Code to load POD files - models exported from MAX.
#include "PVRTVector.h"
#include "PVRTError.h"
#include "PVRTVertex.h"
#include "PVRTBoneBatch.h"
** Defines
#define PVRTMODELPOD_VERSION ("AB.POD.2.0") /*!< POD file version string */
#define PVRTMODELPODSF_FIXED (0x00000001) /*!< PVRTMODELPOD Fixed-point 16.16 data (otherwise float) flag */
** Enumerations
@struct EPODLightType
@brief Enum for the POD format light types
enum EPODLightType
ePODPoint=0, /*!< Point light */
ePODDirectional, /*!< Directional light */
ePODSpot, /*!< Spot light */
@struct EPODPrimitiveType
@brief Enum for the POD format primitive types
enum EPODPrimitiveType
ePODTriangles=0, /*!< Triangles */
@struct EPODAnimationData
@brief Enum for the POD format animation types
enum EPODAnimationData
ePODHasPositionAni = 0x01, /*!< Position animation */
ePODHasRotationAni = 0x02, /*!< Rotation animation */
ePODHasScaleAni = 0x04, /*!< Scale animation */
ePODHasMatrixAni = 0x08 /*!< Matrix animation */
@struct EPODMaterialFlags
@brief Enum for the material flag options
enum EPODMaterialFlag
ePODEnableBlending = 0x01 /*!< Enable blending for this material */
@struct EPODBlendFunc
@brief Enum for the POD format blend functions
enum EPODBlendFunc
ePODBlendFunc_SRC_COLOR = 0x0300,
ePODBlendFunc_CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x8001,
@struct EPODBlendOp
@brief Enum for the POD format blend operation
enum EPODBlendOp
ePODBlendOp_ADD = 0x8006,
ePODBlendOp_SUBTRACT = 0x800A,
** Structures
@class CPODData
@brief A class for representing POD data
class CPODData {
@fn Reset
@brief Resets the POD Data to NULL
void Reset();
EPVRTDataType eType; /*!< Type of data stored */
PVRTuint32 n; /*!< Number of values per vertex */
PVRTuint32 nStride; /*!< Distance in bytes from one array entry to the next */
PVRTuint8 *pData; /*!< Actual data (array of values); if mesh is interleaved, this is an OFFSET from pInterleaved */
@struct SPODCamera
@brief Struct for storing POD camera data
struct SPODCamera {
PVRTint32 nIdxTarget; /*!< Index of the target object */
VERTTYPE fFOV; /*!< Field of view */
VERTTYPE fFar; /*!< Far clip plane */
VERTTYPE fNear; /*!< Near clip plane */
VERTTYPE *pfAnimFOV; /*!< 1 VERTTYPE per frame of animation. */
@struct SPODLight
@brief Struct for storing POD light data
struct SPODLight {
PVRTint32 nIdxTarget; /*!< Index of the target object */
VERTTYPE pfColour[3]; /*!< Light colour (0.0f -> 1.0f for each channel) */
EPODLightType eType; /*!< Light type (point, directional, spot etc.) */
PVRTfloat32 fConstantAttenuation; /*!< Constant attenuation */
PVRTfloat32 fLinearAttenuation; /*!< Linear atternuation */
PVRTfloat32 fQuadraticAttenuation; /*!< Quadratic attenuation */
PVRTfloat32 fFalloffAngle; /*!< Falloff angle (in radians) */
PVRTfloat32 fFalloffExponent; /*!< Falloff exponent */
@struct SPODMesh
@brief Struct for storing POD mesh data
struct SPODMesh {
PVRTuint32 nNumVertex; /*!< Number of vertices in the mesh */
PVRTuint32 nNumFaces; /*!< Number of triangles in the mesh */
PVRTuint32 nNumUVW; /*!< Number of texture coordinate channels per vertex */
CPODData sFaces; /*!< List of triangle indices */
PVRTuint32 *pnStripLength; /*!< If mesh is stripped: number of tris per strip. */
PVRTuint32 nNumStrips; /*!< If mesh is stripped: number of strips, length of pnStripLength array. */
CPODData sVertex; /*!< List of vertices (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, etc...) */
CPODData sNormals; /*!< List of vertex normals (Nx0, Ny0, Nz0, Nx1, Ny1, Nz1, Nx2, etc...) */
CPODData sTangents; /*!< List of vertex tangents (Tx0, Ty0, Tz0, Tx1, Ty1, Tz1, Tx2, etc...) */
CPODData sBinormals; /*!< List of vertex binormals (Bx0, By0, Bz0, Bx1, By1, Bz1, Bx2, etc...) */
CPODData *psUVW; /*!< List of UVW coordinate sets; size of array given by 'nNumUVW' */
CPODData sVtxColours; /*!< A colour per vertex */
CPODData sBoneIdx; /*!< nNumBones*nNumVertex ints (Vtx0Idx0, Vtx0Idx1, ... Vtx1Idx0, Vtx1Idx1, ...) */
CPODData sBoneWeight; /*!< nNumBones*nNumVertex floats (Vtx0Wt0, Vtx0Wt1, ... Vtx1Wt0, Vtx1Wt1, ...) */
PVRTuint8 *pInterleaved; /*!< Interleaved vertex data */
CPVRTBoneBatches sBoneBatches; /*!< Bone tables */
EPODPrimitiveType ePrimitiveType; /*!< Primitive type used by this mesh */
PVRTMATRIX mUnpackMatrix; /*!< A matrix used for unscaling scaled vertex data created with PVRTModelPODScaleAndConvertVtxData*/
@struct SPODNode
@brief Struct for storing POD node data
struct SPODNode {
PVRTint32 nIdx; /*!< Index into mesh, light or camera array, depending on which object list contains this Node */
PVRTchar8 *pszName; /*!< Name of object */
PVRTint32 nIdxMaterial; /*!< Index of material used on this mesh */
PVRTint32 nIdxParent; /*!< Index into MeshInstance array; recursively apply ancestor's transforms after this instance's. */
PVRTuint32 nAnimFlags; /*!< Stores which animation arrays the POD Node contains */
PVRTuint32 *pnAnimPositionIdx;
VERTTYPE *pfAnimPosition; /*!< 3 floats per frame of animation. */
PVRTuint32 *pnAnimRotationIdx;
VERTTYPE *pfAnimRotation; /*!< 4 floats per frame of animation. */
PVRTuint32 *pnAnimScaleIdx;
VERTTYPE *pfAnimScale; /*!< 7 floats per frame of animation. */
PVRTuint32 *pnAnimMatrixIdx;
VERTTYPE *pfAnimMatrix; /*!< 16 floats per frame of animation. */
PVRTuint32 nUserDataSize;
PVRTchar8 *pUserData;
@struct SPODTexture
@brief Struct for storing POD texture data
struct SPODTexture {
PVRTchar8 *pszName; /*!< File-name of texture */
@struct SPODMaterial
@brief Struct for storing POD material data
struct SPODMaterial {
PVRTchar8 *pszName; /*!< Name of material */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexDiffuse; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the diffuse texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexAmbient; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the ambient texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexSpecularColour; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the specular colour texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexSpecularLevel; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the specular level texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexBump; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the bump map */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexEmissive; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the emissive texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexGlossiness; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the glossiness texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexOpacity; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the opacity texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexReflection; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the reflection texture */
PVRTint32 nIdxTexRefraction; /*!< Idx into pTexture for the refraction texture */
VERTTYPE fMatOpacity; /*!< Material opacity (used with vertex alpha ?) */
VERTTYPE pfMatAmbient[3]; /*!< Ambient RGB value */
VERTTYPE pfMatDiffuse[3]; /*!< Diffuse RGB value */
VERTTYPE pfMatSpecular[3]; /*!< Specular RGB value */
VERTTYPE fMatShininess; /*!< Material shininess */
PVRTchar8 *pszEffectFile; /*!< Name of effect file */
PVRTchar8 *pszEffectName; /*!< Name of effect in the effect file */
EPODBlendFunc eBlendSrcRGB; /*!< Blending RGB source value */
EPODBlendFunc eBlendSrcA; /*!< Blending alpha source value */
EPODBlendFunc eBlendDstRGB; /*!< Blending RGB destination value */
EPODBlendFunc eBlendDstA; /*!< Blending alpha destination value */
EPODBlendOp eBlendOpRGB; /*!< Blending RGB operation */
EPODBlendOp eBlendOpA; /*!< Blending alpha operation */
VERTTYPE pfBlendColour[4]; /*!< A RGBA colour to be used in blending */
VERTTYPE pfBlendFactor[4]; /*!< An array of blend factors, one for each RGBA component */
PVRTuint32 nFlags; /*!< Stores information about the material e.g. Enable blending */
PVRTuint32 nUserDataSize;
PVRTchar8 *pUserData;
@struct SPODScene
@brief Struct for storing POD scene data
struct SPODScene {
VERTTYPE fUnits; /*!< Distance in metres that a single unit of measurement represents */
VERTTYPE pfColourBackground[3]; /*!< Background colour */
VERTTYPE pfColourAmbient[3]; /*!< Ambient colour */
PVRTuint32 nNumCamera; /*!< The length of the array pCamera */
SPODCamera *pCamera; /*!< Camera nodes array */
PVRTuint32 nNumLight; /*!< The length of the array pLight */
SPODLight *pLight; /*!< Light nodes array */
PVRTuint32 nNumMesh; /*!< The length of the array pMesh */
SPODMesh *pMesh; /*!< Mesh array. Meshes may be instanced several times in a scene; i.e. multiple Nodes may reference any given mesh. */
PVRTuint32 nNumNode; /*!< Number of items in the array pNode */
PVRTuint32 nNumMeshNode; /*!< Number of items in the array pNode which are objects */
SPODNode *pNode; /*!< Node array. Sorted as such: objects, lights, cameras, Everything Else (bones, helpers etc) */
PVRTuint32 nNumTexture; /*!< Number of textures in the array pTexture */
SPODTexture *pTexture; /*!< Texture array */
PVRTuint32 nNumMaterial; /*!< Number of materials in the array pMaterial */
SPODMaterial *pMaterial; /*!< Material array */
PVRTuint32 nNumFrame; /*!< Number of frames of animation */
PVRTuint32 nFPS; /*!< The frames per second the animation should be played at */
PVRTuint32 nFlags; /*!< PVRTMODELPODSF_* bit-flags */
PVRTuint32 nUserDataSize;
PVRTchar8 *pUserData;
struct SPVRTPODImpl; // Internal implementation data
@class CPVRTModelPOD
@brief A class for loading and storing data from POD files/headers
class CPVRTModelPOD : public SPODScene{
@brief Constructor for CPVRTModelPOD class
@brief Destructor for CPVRTModelPOD class
@fn ReadFromFile
@param[in] pszFileName Filename to load
@param[out] pszExpOpt String in which to place exporter options
@param[in] count Maximum number of characters to store.
@param[out] pszHistory String in which to place the pod file history
@param[in] historyCount Maximum number of characters to store.
@return PVR_SUCCESS if successful, PVR_FAIL if not
@brief Loads the specified ".POD" file; returns the scene in
pScene. This structure must later be destroyed with
PVRTModelPODDestroy() to prevent memory leaks.
".POD" files are exported using the PVRGeoPOD exporters.
If pszExpOpt is NULL, the scene is loaded; otherwise the
scene is not loaded and pszExpOpt is filled in. The same
is true for pszHistory.
EPVRTError ReadFromFile(
const char * const pszFileName,
char * const pszExpOpt = NULL,
const size_t count = 0,
char * const pszHistory = NULL,
const size_t historyCount = 0);
@brief Loads the supplied pod data. This data can be exported
directly to a header using one of the pod exporters.
If pszExpOpt is NULL, the scene is loaded; otherwise the
scene is not loaded and pszExpOpt is filled in. The same
is true for pszHistory.
@param[in] pData Data to load
@param[in] i32Size Size of data
@param[out] pszExpOpt String in which to place exporter options
@param[in] count Maximum number of characters to store.
@param[out] pszHistory String in which to place the pod file history
@param[in] historyCount Maximum number of characters to store.
@return PVR_SUCCESS if successful, PVR_FAIL if not
EPVRTError ReadFromMemory(
const char * pData,
const size_t i32Size,
char * const pszExpOpt = NULL,
const size_t count = 0,
char * const pszHistory = NULL,
const size_t historyCount = 0);
@brief Sets the scene data from the supplied data structure. Use
when loading from .H files.
@param[in] scene Scene data from the header file
@return PVR_SUCCESS if successful, PVR_FAIL if not
EPVRTError ReadFromMemory(
const SPODScene &scene);
@fn CopyFromMemory
@param[in] scene Scene data from the header file
@return PVR_SUCCESS if successful, PVR_FAIL if not
@brief Copies the scene data from the supplied data structure. Use
when loading from .H files where you want to modify the data.
EPVRTError CopyFromMemory(
const SPODScene &scene);
#if defined(_WIN32)
@fn ReadFromResource
@param[in] pszName Name of the resource to load from
@return PVR_SUCCESS if successful, PVR_FAIL if not
@brief Loads the specified ".POD" file; returns the scene in
pScene. This structure must later be destroyed with
PVRTModelPODDestroy() to prevent memory leaks.
".POD" files are exported from 3D Studio MAX using a
PowerVR plugin.
EPVRTError ReadFromResource(
const TCHAR * const pszName);
@fn InitImpl
@brief Used by the Read*() fns to initialise implementation
details. Should also be called by applications which
manually build data in the POD structures for rendering;
in this case call it after the data has been created.
Otherwise, do not call this function.
EPVRTError InitImpl();
@fn DestroyImpl
@brief Used to free memory allocated by the implementation.
void DestroyImpl();
@fn FlushCache
@brief Clears the matrix cache; use this if necessary when you
edit the position or animation of a node.
void FlushCache();
@fn IsLoaded
@brief Boolean to check whether a POD file has been loaded.
bool IsLoaded();
@fn Destroy
@brief Frees the memory allocated to store the scene in pScene.
void Destroy();
@fn SetFrame
@param[in] fFrame Frame number
@brief Set the animation frame for which subsequent Get*() calls
should return data.
void SetFrame(
const VERTTYPE fFrame);
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[out] mOut Rotation matrix
@param[in] node Node to get the rotation matrix from
void GetRotationMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[in] node Node to get the rotation matrix from
@return Rotation matrix
PVRTMat4 GetRotationMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[out] mOut Scaling matrix
@param[in] node Node to get the rotation matrix from
void GetScalingMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[in] node Node to get the rotation matrix from
@return Scaling matrix
PVRTMat4 GetScalingMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the translation vector for the given Mesh
Instance. Uses animation data.
@param[out] V Translation vector
@param[in] node Node to get the translation vector from
void GetTranslation(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the translation vector for the given Mesh
Instance. Uses animation data.
@param[in] node Node to get the translation vector from
@return Translation vector
PVRTVec3 GetTranslation(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[out] mOut Translation matrix
@param[in] node Node to get the translation matrix from
void GetTranslationMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[in] node Node to get the translation matrix from
@return Translation matrix
PVRTMat4 GetTranslationMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[out] mOut Transformation matrix
@param[in] node Node to get the transformation matrix from
void GetTransformationMatrix(PVRTMATRIX &mOut, const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[out] mOut World matrix
@param[in] node Node to get the world matrix from
void GetWorldMatrixNoCache(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[in] node Node to get the world matrix from
@return World matrix
PVRTMat4 GetWorldMatrixNoCache(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[out] mOut World matrix
@param[in] node Node to get the world matrix from
void GetWorldMatrix(
const SPODNode &node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given Mesh Instance;
applies the parent's transform too. Uses animation data.
@param[in] node Node to get the world matrix from
@return World matrix
PVRTMat4 GetWorldMatrix(const SPODNode& node) const;
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given bone.
@param[out] mOut Bone world matrix
@param[in] NodeMesh Mesh to take the world matrix from
@param[in] NodeBone Bone to take the matrix from
void GetBoneWorldMatrix(
const SPODNode &NodeMesh,
const SPODNode &NodeBone);
@brief Generates the world matrix for the given bone.
@param[in] NodeMesh Mesh to take the world matrix from
@param[in] NodeBone Bone to take the matrix from
@return Bone world matrix
PVRTMat4 GetBoneWorldMatrix(
const SPODNode &NodeMesh,
const SPODNode &NodeBone);
@fn GetCamera
@param[out] vFrom Position of the camera
@param[out] vTo Target of the camera
@param[out] vUp Up direction of the camera
@param[in] nIdx Camera number
@return Camera horizontal FOV
@brief Calculate the From, To and Up vectors for the given
camera. Uses animation data.
Note that even if the camera has a target, *pvTo is not
the position of that target. *pvTo is a position in the
correct direction of the target, one unit away from the
const unsigned int nIdx) const;
@fn GetCameraPos
@param[out] vFrom Position of the camera
@param[out] vTo Target of the camera
@param[in] nIdx Camera number
@return Camera horizontal FOV
@brief Calculate the position of the camera and its target. Uses
animation data.
If the queried camera does not have a target, *pvTo is
not changed.
VERTTYPE GetCameraPos(
const unsigned int nIdx) const;
@fn GetLight
@param[out] vPos Position of the light
@param[out] vDir Direction of the light
@param[in] nIdx Light number
@brief Calculate the position and direction of the given Light.
Uses animation data.
void GetLight(
const unsigned int nIdx) const;
@fn GetLightPosition
@param[in] u32Idx Light number
@return PVRTVec4 position of light with w set correctly
@brief Calculate the position the given Light. Uses animation data.
PVRTVec4 GetLightPosition(const unsigned int u32Idx) const;
@fn GetLightDirection
@param[in] u32Idx Light number
@return PVRTVec4 direction of light with w set correctly
@brief Calculate the direction of the given Light. Uses animation data.
PVRTVec4 GetLightDirection(const unsigned int u32Idx) const;
@fn CreateSkinIdxWeight
@param[out] pIdx Four bytes containing matrix indices for vertex (0..255) (D3D: use UBYTE4)
@param[out] pWeight Four bytes containing blend weights for vertex (0.0 .. 1.0) (D3D: use D3DCOLOR)
@param[in] nVertexBones Number of bones this vertex uses
@param[in] pnBoneIdx Pointer to 'nVertexBones' indices
@param[in] pfBoneWeight Pointer to 'nVertexBones' blend weights
@brief Creates the matrix indices and blend weights for a boned
vertex. Call once per vertex of a boned mesh.
EPVRTError CreateSkinIdxWeight(
char * const pIdx,
char * const pWeight,
const int nVertexBones,
const int * const pnBoneIdx,
const VERTTYPE * const pfBoneWeight);
@fn SavePOD
@param[in] pszFilename Filename to save to
@param[in] pszExpOpt A string containing the options used by the exporter
@param[in] pszHistory A string containing the history of the exported pod file
@brief Save a binary POD file (.POD).
EPVRTError SavePOD(const char * const pszFilename, const char * const pszExpOpt = 0, const char * const pszHistory = 0);
SPVRTPODImpl *m_pImpl; /*!< Internal implementation data */
** Declarations
@fn PVRTModelPODDataTypeSize
@param[in] type Type to get the size of
@return Size of the data element
@brief Returns the size of each data element.
PVRTuint32 PVRTModelPODDataTypeSize(const EPVRTDataType type);
@fn PVRTModelPODDataTypeComponentCount
@param[in] type Type to get the number of components from
@return number of components in the data element
@brief Returns the number of components in a data element.
PVRTuint32 PVRTModelPODDataTypeComponentCount(const EPVRTDataType type);
@fn PVRTModelPODDataStride
@param[in] data Data elements
@return Size of the vector elements
@brief Returns the size of the vector of data elements.
PVRTuint32 PVRTModelPODDataStride(const CPODData &data);
@fn PVRTModelPODGetAnimArraySize
@param[in] pAnimDataIdx
@param[in] ui32Frames
@param[in] ui32Components
@return Size of the animation array
@brief Calculates the size of an animation array
PVRTuint32 PVRTModelPODGetAnimArraySize(PVRTuint32 *pAnimDataIdx, PVRTuint32 ui32Frames, PVRTuint32 ui32Components);
@fn PVRTModelPODScaleAndConvertVtxData
@Modified mesh POD mesh to scale and convert the mesh data
@param[in] eNewType The data type to scale and convert the vertex data to
@return PVR_SUCCESS on success and PVR_FAIL on failure.
@brief Scales the vertex data to fit within the range of the requested
data type and then converts the data to that type. This function
isn't currently compiled in for fixed point builds of the tools.
EPVRTError PVRTModelPODScaleAndConvertVtxData(SPODMesh &mesh, const EPVRTDataType eNewType);
@fn PVRTModelPODDataConvert
@Modified data Data elements to convert
@param[in] eNewType New type of elements
@param[in] nCnt Number of elements
@brief Convert the format of the array of vectors.
void PVRTModelPODDataConvert(CPODData &data, const unsigned int nCnt, const EPVRTDataType eNewType);
@fn PVRTModelPODDataShred
@Modified data Data elements to modify
@param[in] nCnt Number of elements
@param[in] pChannels A list of the wanted channels, e.g. {'x', 'y', 0}
@brief Reduce the number of dimensions in 'data' using the requested
channel array. The array should have a maximum length of 4
or be null terminated if less channels are wanted. Supported
elements are 'x','y','z' and 'w'. They must be defined in lower
case. It is also possible to negate an element, e.g. {'x','y', -'z'}.
void PVRTModelPODDataShred(CPODData &data, const unsigned int nCnt, const int *pChannels);
@fn PVRTModelPODReorderFaces
@Modified mesh The mesh to re-order the faces of
@param[in] i32El1 The first index to be written out
@param[in] i32El2 The second index to be written out
@param[in] i32El3 The third index to be written out
@brief Reorders the face indices of a mesh.
void PVRTModelPODReorderFaces(SPODMesh &mesh, const int i32El1, const int i32El2, const int i32El3);
@fn PVRTModelPODToggleInterleaved
@Modified mesh Mesh to modify
@param[in] ui32AlignToNBytes Align the interleaved data to this no. of bytes.
@brief Switches the supplied mesh to or from interleaved data format.
void PVRTModelPODToggleInterleaved(SPODMesh &mesh, unsigned int ui32AlignToNBytes = 1);
@fn PVRTModelPODDeIndex
@Modified mesh Mesh to modify
@brief De-indexes the supplied mesh. The mesh must be
Interleaved before calling this function.
void PVRTModelPODDeIndex(SPODMesh &mesh);
@fn PVRTModelPODToggleStrips
@Modified mesh Mesh to modify
@brief Converts the supplied mesh to or from strips.
void PVRTModelPODToggleStrips(SPODMesh &mesh);
@fn PVRTModelPODCountIndices
@param[in] mesh Mesh
@return Number of indices used by mesh
@brief Counts the number of indices of a mesh
unsigned int PVRTModelPODCountIndices(const SPODMesh &mesh);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyCPODData
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@param[in] ui32No
@param[in] bInterleaved
@brief Used to copy a CPODData of a mesh
void PVRTModelPODCopyCPODData(const CPODData &in, CPODData &out, unsigned int ui32No, bool bInterleaved);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyNode
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@param[in] nNumFrames The number of animation frames
@brief Used to copy a pod node
void PVRTModelPODCopyNode(const SPODNode &in, SPODNode &out, int nNumFrames);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyMesh
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@brief Used to copy a pod mesh
void PVRTModelPODCopyMesh(const SPODMesh &in, SPODMesh &out);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyTexture
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@brief Used to copy a pod texture
void PVRTModelPODCopyTexture(const SPODTexture &in, SPODTexture &out);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyMaterial
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@brief Used to copy a pod material
void PVRTModelPODCopyMaterial(const SPODMaterial &in, SPODMaterial &out);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyCamera
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@param[in] nNumFrames The number of animation frames
@brief Used to copy a pod camera
void PVRTModelPODCopyCamera(const SPODCamera &in, SPODCamera &out, int nNumFrames);
@fn PVRTModelPODCopyLight
@param[in] in
@param[out] out
@brief Used to copy a pod light
void PVRTModelPODCopyLight(const SPODLight &in, SPODLight &out);
@fn PVRTModelPODFlattenToWorldSpace
@param[in] in - Source scene. All meshes must not be interleaved.
@param[out] out
@brief Used to flatten a pod scene to world space. All animation
and skinning information will be removed. The returned
position, normal, binormals and tangent data if present
will be returned as floats regardless of the input data
EPVRTError PVRTModelPODFlattenToWorldSpace(CPVRTModelPOD &in, CPVRTModelPOD &out);
@fn PVRTModelPODMergeMaterials
@param[in] src - Source scene
@param[out] dst - Destination scene
@brief This function takes two scenes and merges the textures,
PFX effects and blending parameters from the src materials
into the dst materials if they have the same material name.
EPVRTError PVRTModelPODMergeMaterials(const CPVRTModelPOD &src, CPVRTModelPOD &dst);
#endif /* _PVRTMODELPOD_H_ */
End of file (PVRTModelPOD.h)