blob: 36a11c4a897558be8b01f07ce09c7e58d90c1dce [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cov
import (
// Location describes a single line-column position in a source file.
type Location struct {
Line, Column int
func (l Location) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", l.Line, l.Column)
// Compare returns -1 if l comes before o, 1 if l comes after o, otherwise 0.
func (l Location) Compare(o Location) int {
switch {
case l.Line < o.Line:
return -1
case l.Line > o.Line:
return 1
case l.Column < o.Column:
return -1
case l.Column > o.Column:
return 1
return 0
// Before returns true if l comes before o.
func (l Location) Before(o Location) bool { return l.Compare(o) == -1 }
// After returns true if l comes after o.
func (l Location) After(o Location) bool { return l.Compare(o) == 1 }
// Span describes a start and end interval in a source file.
type Span struct {
Start, End Location
func (s Span) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", s.Start, s.End)
// Compare returns -1 if l comes before o, 1 if l comes after o, otherwise 0.
func (s Span) Compare(o Span) int {
switch {
case s.Start.Before(o.Start):
return -1
case o.Start.Before(s.Start):
return 1
case s.End.Before(o.End):
return -1
case o.End.Before(s.End):
return 1
return 0
// Before returns true if span s comes before o.
func (s Span) Before(o Span) bool { return s.Compare(o) == -1 }
// Inside returns true if span s fits entirely inside o.
func (s Span) Inside(o Span) bool { return s.Start.Compare(o.Start) >= 0 && s.End.Compare(o.End) <= 0 }
// SpanList is a sorted list of spans. Use SpanList.Add() to insert new spans.
type SpanList []Span
// Add adds the Span to the SpanList, merging and expanding overlapping spans.
func (l *SpanList) Add(s Span) {
// [===]
// [0] [1] | idxStart: 2 | idxEnd: 2
// [0] [1] | idxStart: 0 | idxEnd: 0
// [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] | idxStart: 1 | idxEnd: 2
// [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] | idxStart: 2 | idxEnd: 2
idxStart := sort.Search(len(*l), func(i int) bool { return (*l)[i].End.Compare(s.Start) >= 0 })
if idxStart < len(*l) && s.Inside((*l)[idxStart]) {
return // No change.
idxEnd := sort.Search(len(*l), func(i int) bool { return (*l)[i].Start.Compare(s.End) > 0 })
if idxStart < idxEnd {
if first := (*l)[idxStart]; first.Start.Before(s.Start) {
s.Start = first.Start
if last := (*l)[idxEnd-1]; last.End.After(s.End) {
s.End = last.End
merged := append(SpanList{}, (*l)[:idxStart]...)
merged = append(merged, s)
merged = append(merged, (*l)[idxEnd:]...)
*l = merged
// Remove cuts out the Span from the SpanList, removing and trimming overlapping
// spans.
func (l *SpanList) Remove(s Span) {
if s.Start == s.End {
return // zero length == no split.
// [===]
// [0] [1] | idxStart: 2 | idxEnd: 2
// [0] [1] | idxStart: 0 | idxEnd: 0
// [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] | idxStart: 1 | idxEnd: 2
// [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] | idxStart: 2 | idxEnd: 2
idxStart := sort.Search(len(*l), func(i int) bool { return (*l)[i].End.Compare(s.Start) > 0 })
idxEnd := sort.Search(len(*l), func(i int) bool { return (*l)[i].Start.Compare(s.End) >= 0 })
merged := append(SpanList{}, (*l)[:idxStart]...)
if idxStart < idxEnd {
first, last := (*l)[idxStart], (*l)[idxEnd-1]
if first.Start.Compare(s.Start) < 0 {
merged = append(merged, Span{first.Start, s.Start})
if last.End.Compare(s.End) > 0 {
merged = append(merged, Span{s.End, last.End})
merged = append(merged, (*l)[idxEnd:]...)
*l = merged
// Compare returns -1 if l comes before o, 1 if l comes after o, otherwise 0.
func (l SpanList) Compare(o SpanList) int {
switch {
case len(l) < len(o):
return -1
case len(l) > len(o):
return 1
for i, a := range l {
switch a.Compare(o[i]) {
case -1:
return -1
case 1:
return 1
return 0
// NumLines returns the total number of lines covered by all spans in the list.
func (l SpanList) NumLines() int {
seen := map[int]struct{}{}
for _, span := range l {
for s := span.Start.Line; s <= span.End.Line; s++ {
if _, ok := seen[s]; !ok {
seen[s] = struct{}{}
return len(seen)