blob: cf54f293100d78c90adde690f8e8755d4d244f5c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef rr_SIMD_hpp
#define rr_SIMD_hpp
#include "Reactor.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace rr {
namespace scalar {
using Int = rr::Int;
using UInt = rr::UInt;
using Float = rr::Float;
template<class T>
using Pointer = rr::Pointer<T>;
} // namespace scalar
namespace packed {
using Int4 = rr::Int4;
using UInt4 = rr::UInt4;
using Float4 = rr::Float4;
} // namespace packed
namespace SIMD {
extern const int Width;
class Int;
class UInt;
class Float;
class Pointer;
class Int : public LValue<SIMD::Int>,
public XYZW<SIMD::Int> // TODO(b/214583550): Eliminate and replace with SwizzleQuad() and/or other intrinsics.
explicit Int(RValue<SIMD::Float> cast);
Int(int broadcast);
Int(int x, int y, int z, int w);
Int(std::vector<int> v);
Int(std::function<int(int)> LaneValueProducer);
Int(RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
Int(const Int &rhs);
Int(const Reference<SIMD::Int> &rhs);
Int(RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
Int(const UInt &rhs);
Int(const Reference<SIMD::UInt> &rhs);
Int(RValue<scalar::Int> rhs);
Int(const scalar::Int &rhs);
Int(const Reference<scalar::Int> &rhs);
template<int T>
Int(const SwizzleMask1<packed::Int4, T> &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator=(int broadcast);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator=(RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator=(const Int &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator=(const Reference<SIMD::Int> &rhs);
static Type *type();
static int element_count() { return SIMD::Width; }
class UInt : public LValue<SIMD::UInt>,
public XYZW<SIMD::UInt> // TODO(b/214583550): Eliminate and replace with SwizzleQuad() and/or other intrinsics.
explicit UInt(RValue<SIMD::Float> cast);
UInt(int broadcast);
UInt(int x, int y, int z, int w);
UInt(std::vector<int> v);
UInt(std::function<int(int)> LaneValueProducer);
UInt(RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
UInt(const UInt &rhs);
UInt(const Reference<SIMD::UInt> &rhs);
UInt(RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
UInt(const Int &rhs);
UInt(const Reference<SIMD::Int> &rhs);
UInt(RValue<scalar::UInt> rhs);
UInt(const scalar::UInt &rhs);
UInt(const Reference<scalar::UInt> &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator=(RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator=(const UInt &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator=(const Reference<SIMD::UInt> &rhs);
static Type *type();
static int element_count() { return SIMD::Width; }
class Float : public LValue<SIMD::Float>,
public XYZW<SIMD::Float> // TODO(b/214583550): Eliminate and replace with SwizzleQuad() and/or other intrinsics.
explicit Float(RValue<SIMD::Int> cast);
explicit Float(RValue<SIMD::UInt> cast);
Float(float broadcast);
Float(float x, float y, float z, float w);
Float(std::vector<float> v);
Float(std::function<float(int)> LaneValueProducer);
Float(RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
Float(const Float &rhs);
Float(const Reference<SIMD::Float> &rhs);
Float(RValue<scalar::Float> rhs);
Float(const scalar::Float &rhs);
Float(const Reference<scalar::Float> &rhs);
Float(RValue<packed::Float4> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(RValue<packed::Float4> rhs);
template<int T>
Float(const SwizzleMask1<packed::Float4, T> &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(float broadcast);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(const Float &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(const Reference<SIMD::Float> &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(RValue<scalar::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(const scalar::Float &rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator=(const Reference<scalar::Float> &rhs);
static SIMD::Float infinity();
static Type *type();
static int element_count() { return SIMD::Width; }
class Pointer
Pointer(scalar::Pointer<Byte> base, scalar::Int limit);
Pointer(scalar::Pointer<Byte> base, unsigned int limit);
Pointer(scalar::Pointer<Byte> base, scalar::Int limit, SIMD::Int offset);
Pointer(scalar::Pointer<Byte> base, unsigned int limit, SIMD::Int offset);
Pointer(std::vector<scalar::Pointer<Byte>> pointers);
explicit Pointer(SIMD::UInt cast); // Cast from 32-bit integers to 32-bit pointers
explicit Pointer(SIMD::UInt castLow, SIMD::UInt castHight); // Cast from pairs of 32-bit integers to 64-bit pointers
Pointer &operator+=(SIMD::Int i);
Pointer operator+(SIMD::Int i);
Pointer &operator+=(int i);
Pointer operator+(int i);
SIMD::Int offsets() const;
SIMD::Int isInBounds(unsigned int accessSize, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness) const;
bool isStaticallyInBounds(unsigned int accessSize, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness) const;
Int limit() const;
// Returns true if all offsets are compile-time static and sequential
// (N+0*step, N+1*step, N+2*step, N+3*step)
bool hasStaticSequentialOffsets(unsigned int step) const;
// Returns true if all offsets are compile-time static and equal
// (N, N, N, N)
bool hasStaticEqualOffsets() const;
template<typename T>
inline T Load(OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic = false, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed, int alignment = sizeof(float));
template<typename T>
inline void Store(T val, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic = false, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed);
template<typename T>
inline void Store(RValue<T> val, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic = false, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed);
scalar::Pointer<Byte> getUniformPointer() const;
scalar::Pointer<Byte> getPointerForLane(int lane) const;
static Pointer IfThenElse(SIMD::Int condition, const Pointer &lhs, const Pointer &rhs);
void castTo(SIMD::UInt &bits) const; // Cast from 32-bit pointers to 32-bit integers
void castTo(SIMD::UInt &lowerBits, SIMD::UInt &upperBits) const; // Cast from 64-bit pointers to pairs of 32-bit integers
std::vector<rr::Value *> getPrintValues() const;
// Base address for the pointer, common across all lanes.
scalar::Pointer<Byte> base;
// Per-lane address for dealing with non-uniform data
std::vector<scalar::Pointer<Byte>> pointers;
// Upper (non-inclusive) limit for offsets from base.
scalar::Int dynamicLimit; // If hasDynamicLimit is false, dynamicLimit is zero.
unsigned int staticLimit = 0;
// Per lane offsets from base.
SIMD::Int dynamicOffsets; // If hasDynamicOffsets is false, all dynamicOffsets are zero.
std::vector<int32_t> staticOffsets;
bool hasDynamicLimit = false; // True if dynamicLimit is non-zero.
bool hasDynamicOffsets = false; // True if any dynamicOffsets are non-zero.
bool isBasePlusOffset = false; // True if this uses base+offset. False if this is a collection of Pointers
} // namespace SIMD
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator+(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator-(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator*(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator/(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator%(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator&(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator|(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator^(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator<<(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator>>(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator<<(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator>>(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator+=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator-=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator*=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<SIMD::Int> operator/=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<SIMD::Int> operator%=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator&=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator|=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator^=(SIMD::Int &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator<<=(SIMD::Int &lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator>>=(SIMD::Int &lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator+(RValue<SIMD::Int> val);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator-(RValue<SIMD::Int> val);
RValue<SIMD::Int> operator~(RValue<SIMD::Int> val);
// RValue<SIMD::Int> operator++(SIMD::Int &val, int); // Post-increment
// const Int &operator++(SIMD::Int &val); // Pre-increment
// RValue<SIMD::Int> operator--(SIMD::Int &val, int); // Post-decrement
// const Int &operator--(SIMD::Int &val); // Pre-decrement
// RValue<Bool> operator<(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator<=(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator>(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator>=(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator!=(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator==(RValue<SIMD::Int> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Int> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpEQ(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpLT(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpLE(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpNEQ(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpNLT(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpNLE(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpGT(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y)
return CmpNLE(x, y);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpGE(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y)
return CmpNLT(x, y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Abs(RValue<SIMD::Int> x);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Max(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Min(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
// Convert to nearest integer. If a converted value is outside of the integer
// range, the returned result is undefined.
RValue<SIMD::Int> RoundInt(RValue<SIMD::Float> cast);
// Rounds to the nearest integer, but clamps very large values to an
// implementation-dependent range.
// Specifically, on x86, values larger than 2147483583.0 are converted to
// 2147483583 (0x7FFFFFBF) instead of producing 0x80000000.
RValue<SIMD::Int> RoundIntClamped(RValue<SIMD::Float> cast);
RValue<scalar::Int> Extract(RValue<SIMD::Int> val, int i);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Insert(RValue<SIMD::Int> val, RValue<scalar::Int> element, int i);
RValue<packed::Int4> Extract128(RValue<SIMD::Int> val, int i);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Insert128(RValue<SIMD::Int> val, RValue<packed::Int4> element, int i);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator+(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator-(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator*(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator/(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator%(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator&(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator|(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator^(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator<<(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator>>(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator<<(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator>>(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator+=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator-=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator*=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator/=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator%=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator&=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator|=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator^=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator<<=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator>>=(SIMD::UInt &lhs, unsigned char rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator+(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator-(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator~(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val);
// RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator++(SIMD::UInt &val, int); // Post-increment
// const UInt &operator++(SIMD::UInt &val); // Pre-increment
// RValue<SIMD::UInt> operator--(SIMD::UInt &val, int); // Post-decrement
// const UInt &operator--(SIMD::UInt &val); // Pre-decrement
// RValue<Bool> operator<(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator<=(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator>(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator>=(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator!=(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
// RValue<Bool> operator==(RValue<SIMD::UInt> lhs, RValue<SIMD::UInt> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpEQ(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpLT(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpLE(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpNEQ(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpNLT(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpNLE(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
inline RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpGT(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y)
return CmpNLE(x, y);
inline RValue<SIMD::UInt> CmpGE(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y)
return CmpNLT(x, y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Max(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Min(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<scalar::UInt> Extract(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val, int i);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Insert(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val, RValue<scalar::UInt> element, int i);
RValue<packed::UInt4> Extract128(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val, int i);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Insert128(RValue<SIMD::UInt> val, RValue<packed::UInt4> element, int i);
// RValue<SIMD::UInt> RoundInt(RValue<SIMD::Float> cast);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator+(RValue<SIMD::Float> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator-(RValue<SIMD::Float> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator*(RValue<SIMD::Float> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator/(RValue<SIMD::Float> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator%(RValue<SIMD::Float> lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator+=(SIMD::Float &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator-=(SIMD::Float &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator*=(SIMD::Float &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator/=(SIMD::Float &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator%=(SIMD::Float &lhs, RValue<SIMD::Float> rhs);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator+(RValue<SIMD::Float> val);
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator-(RValue<SIMD::Float> val);
// Computes `x * y + z`, which may be fused into one operation to produce a higher-precision result.
RValue<SIMD::Float> MulAdd(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, RValue<SIMD::Float> z);
// Computes a fused `x * y + z` operation. Caps::fmaIsFast indicates whether it emits an FMA instruction.
RValue<SIMD::Float> FMA(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, RValue<SIMD::Float> z);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Abs(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Max(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Min(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Rcp(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision, bool exactAtPow2 = false);
RValue<SIMD::Float> RcpSqrt(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sqrt(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Insert(RValue<SIMD::Float> val, RValue<rr ::Float> element, int i);
RValue<rr ::Float> Extract(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, int i);
RValue<packed::Float4> Extract128(RValue<SIMD::Float> val, int i);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Insert128(RValue<SIMD::Float> val, RValue<packed::Float4> element, int i);
// Ordered comparison functions
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpEQ(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpLT(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpLE(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpNEQ(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpNLT(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpNLE(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpGT(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y)
return CmpNLE(x, y);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpGE(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y)
return CmpNLT(x, y);
// Unordered comparison functions
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpUEQ(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpULT(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpULE(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpUNEQ(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpUNLT(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpUNLE(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpUGT(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y)
return CmpUNLE(x, y);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int> CmpUGE(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y)
return CmpUNLT(x, y);
RValue<SIMD::Int> IsInf(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Int> IsNan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Round(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Trunc(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Frac(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Floor(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Ceil(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
// Trigonometric functions
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sin(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Cos(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Tan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Asin(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Acos(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sinh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Cosh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Tanh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Asinh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Acosh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atanh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
// Exponential functions
RValue<SIMD::Float> Pow(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
RValue<Int> SignMask(RValue<SIMD::Int> x);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Ctlz(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, bool isZeroUndef);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Cttz(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, bool isZeroUndef);
RValue<SIMD::Int> MulHigh(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> MulHigh(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y);
RValue<Bool> AnyTrue(const RValue<SIMD::Int> &bools);
RValue<Bool> AnyFalse(const RValue<SIMD::Int> &bools);
RValue<Bool> Divergent(const RValue<SIMD::Int> &ints);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Swizzle(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, uint16_t select);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Swizzle(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, uint16_t select);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Swizzle(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, uint16_t select);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Shuffle(RValue<SIMD::Int> x, RValue<SIMD::Int> y, uint16_t select);
RValue<SIMD::UInt> Shuffle(RValue<SIMD::UInt> x, RValue<SIMD::UInt> y, uint16_t select);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Shuffle(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, uint16_t select);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Gather(RValue<Pointer<Float>> base, RValue<SIMD::Int> offsets, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, unsigned int alignment, bool zeroMaskedLanes = false);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Gather(RValue<Pointer<Int>> base, RValue<SIMD::Int> offsets, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, unsigned int alignment, bool zeroMaskedLanes = false);
void Scatter(RValue<Pointer<Float>> base, RValue<SIMD::Float> val, RValue<SIMD::Int> offsets, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, unsigned int alignment);
void Scatter(RValue<Pointer<Int>> base, RValue<SIMD::Int> val, RValue<SIMD::Int> offsets, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask, unsigned int alignment);
inline RValue<SIMD::Int>::RValue(int i)
: val(broadcast(i, SIMD::Int::type()))
inline RValue<SIMD::UInt>::RValue(unsigned int i)
: val(broadcast(int(i), SIMD::UInt::type()))
inline RValue<SIMD::Float>::RValue(float f)
: val(broadcast(f, SIMD::Float::type()))
template<int T>
SIMD::Int::Int(const SwizzleMask1<packed::Int4, T> &rhs)
: XYZW(this)
*this = rhs.operator RValue<scalar::Int>();
template<int T>
SIMD::Float::Float(const SwizzleMask1<packed::Float4, T> &rhs)
: XYZW(this)
*this = rhs.operator RValue<scalar::Float>();
template<typename T>
inline T SIMD::Pointer::Load(OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */, int alignment /* = sizeof(float) */)
using EL = typename Scalar<T>::Type;
T out = T(0);
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
auto el = rr::Load(scalar::Pointer<EL>(pointers[i]), alignment, atomic, order);
out = Insert(out, el, i);
return out;
if(isStaticallyInBounds(sizeof(float), robustness))
// All elements are statically known to be in-bounds.
// We can avoid costly conditional on masks.
// Offsets are sequential. Perform regular load.
return rr::Load(scalar::Pointer<T>(base + staticOffsets[0]), alignment, atomic, order);
// Load one, replicate.
return T(*scalar::Pointer<EL>(base + staticOffsets[0], alignment));
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::Nullify:
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::RobustBufferAccess:
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::UndefinedValue:
mask &= isInBounds(sizeof(float), robustness); // Disable out-of-bounds reads.
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::UndefinedBehavior:
// Nothing to do. Application/compiler must guarantee no out-of-bounds accesses.
auto offs = offsets();
if(!atomic && order == std::memory_order_relaxed)
// Load one, replicate.
// Be careful of the case where the post-bounds-check mask
// is 0, in which case we must not load.
T out = T(0);
EL el = *scalar::Pointer<EL>(base + staticOffsets[0], alignment);
out = T(el);
return out;
bool zeroMaskedLanes = true;
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::Nullify:
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::RobustBufferAccess: // Must either return an in-bounds value, or zero.
zeroMaskedLanes = true;
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::UndefinedValue:
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::UndefinedBehavior:
zeroMaskedLanes = false;
// TODO(b/195446858): Optimize static sequential offsets case by using masked load.
return Gather(scalar::Pointer<EL>(base), offs, mask, alignment, zeroMaskedLanes);
T out;
auto anyLanesDisabled = AnyFalse(mask);
If(hasStaticEqualOffsets() && !anyLanesDisabled)
// Load one, replicate.
auto offset = Extract(offs, 0);
out = T(rr::Load(scalar::Pointer<EL>(&base[offset]), alignment, atomic, order));
Else If(hasStaticSequentialOffsets(sizeof(float)) && !anyLanesDisabled)
// Load all elements in a single SIMD instruction.
auto offset = Extract(offs, 0);
out = rr::Load(scalar::Pointer<T>(&base[offset]), alignment, atomic, order);
// Divergent offsets or masked lanes.
out = T(0);
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
auto offset = Extract(offs, i);
auto el = rr::Load(scalar::Pointer<EL>(&base[offset]), alignment, atomic, order);
out = Insert(out, el, i);
return out;
inline SIMD::Pointer SIMD::Pointer::Load(OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */, int alignment /* = sizeof(float) */)
std::vector<scalar::Pointer<Byte>> pointers(SIMD::Width);
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
pointers[i] = rr::Load(scalar::Pointer<scalar::Pointer<Byte>>(getPointerForLane(i)), alignment, atomic, order);
return SIMD::Pointer(pointers);
template<typename T>
inline void SIMD::Pointer::Store(T val, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */)
using EL = typename Scalar<T>::Type;
constexpr size_t alignment = sizeof(float);
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
rr::Store(Extract(val, i), scalar::Pointer<EL>(pointers[i]), alignment, atomic, order);
auto offs = offsets();
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::Nullify:
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::RobustBufferAccess: // TODO: Allows writing anywhere within bounds. Could be faster than masking.
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::UndefinedValue: // Should not be used for store operations. Treat as robust buffer access.
mask &= isInBounds(sizeof(float), robustness); // Disable out-of-bounds writes.
case OutOfBoundsBehavior::UndefinedBehavior:
// Nothing to do. Application/compiler must guarantee no out-of-bounds accesses.
if(!atomic && order == std::memory_order_relaxed)
assert(SIMD::Width == 4);
// All equal. One of these writes will win -- elect the winning lane.
auto v0111 = SIMD::Int(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
auto elect = mask & ~(v0111 & (mask.xxyz | mask.xxxy | mask.xxxx));
auto maskedVal = As<SIMD::Int>(val) & elect;
auto scalarVal = Extract(maskedVal, 0) |
Extract(maskedVal, 1) |
Extract(maskedVal, 2) |
Extract(maskedVal, 3);
*scalar::Pointer<EL>(base + staticOffsets[0], alignment) = As<EL>(scalarVal);
else if(hasStaticSequentialOffsets(sizeof(float)) &&
isStaticallyInBounds(sizeof(float), robustness))
// TODO(b/195446858): Optimize using masked store.
// Pointer has no elements OOB, and the store is not atomic.
// Perform a read-modify-write.
auto p = scalar::Pointer<SIMD::Int>(base + staticOffsets[0], alignment);
auto prev = *p;
*p = (prev & ~mask) | (As<SIMD::Int>(val) & mask);
Scatter(scalar::Pointer<EL>(base), val, offs, mask, alignment);
auto anyLanesDisabled = AnyFalse(mask);
If(hasStaticSequentialOffsets(sizeof(float)) && !anyLanesDisabled)
// Store all elements in a single SIMD instruction.
auto offset = Extract(offs, 0);
rr::Store(val, scalar::Pointer<T>(&base[offset]), alignment, atomic, order);
// Divergent offsets or masked lanes.
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
auto offset = Extract(offs, i);
rr::Store(Extract(val, i), scalar::Pointer<EL>(&base[offset]), alignment, atomic, order);
inline void SIMD::Pointer::Store(SIMD::Pointer val, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */)
constexpr size_t alignment = sizeof(void *);
for(int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
rr::Store(val.getPointerForLane(i), scalar::Pointer<scalar::Pointer<Byte>>(getPointerForLane(i)), alignment, atomic, order);
template<typename T>
inline void SIMD::Pointer::Store(RValue<T> val, OutOfBoundsBehavior robustness, SIMD::Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */)
Store(T(val), robustness, mask, atomic, order);
} // namespace rr
#endif // rr_SIMD_hpp