blob: 9db05fada1b499d88af7ba02a0ad25057c8b4872 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; Test that shrinking an allocation updates the redzones
; REQUIRES: no_minimal_build
; RUN: llvm-as %s -o - | pnacl-freeze > %t.pexe && %S/../../pydir/ \
; RUN: --fsanitize-address --sz=-allow-externally-defined-symbols \
; RUN: %t.pexe -o %t && %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
declare external i32 @malloc(i32)
declare external i32 @realloc(i32, i32)
declare external void @free(i32)
define void @_start(i32 %arg) {
%ptr16 = call i32 @malloc(i32 16)
%off12a = add i32 %ptr16, 12
%offptra = inttoptr i32 %off12a to i32*
%resa = load i32, i32* %offptra, align 1
%ptr8 = call i32 @realloc(i32 %ptr16, i32 8)
%off12b = add i32 %ptr8, 12
%offptrb = inttoptr i32 %off12b to i8*
%resb = load i8, i8* %offptrb, align 1
ret void
; CHECK: Illegal 1 byte load from heap object at