blob: b2c121617ea2a8481ac3ae852597f51ac8ad6422 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; Test that loads of local pointers to allocation functions and stores
; of pointers to allocation functions are instrumented.
; REQUIRES: allow_dump
; RUN: %p2i -i %s --args -verbose=inst -threads=0 -fsanitize-address \
; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols | FileCheck --check-prefix=DUMP %s
declare external i32 @malloc(i32)
declare external i32 @realloc(i32, i32)
declare external i32 @calloc(i32, i32)
declare external void @free(i32)
define internal void @func(i32 %store_loc) {
%store_dest = inttoptr i32 %store_loc to i32*
%malloc_ptr = bitcast i32 (i32)* @malloc to i32*
%realloc_ptr = bitcast i32 (i32, i32)* @realloc to i32*
%calloc_ptr = bitcast i32 (i32, i32)* @calloc to i32*
%free_ptr = bitcast void (i32)* @free to i32*
%malloc_addr = ptrtoint i32 (i32)* @malloc to i32
%realloc_addr = ptrtoint i32 (i32, i32)* @realloc to i32
%calloc_addr = ptrtoint i32 (i32, i32)* @calloc to i32
%free_addr = ptrtoint void (i32)* @free to i32
store i32 %malloc_addr, i32* %store_dest, align 1
store i32 %realloc_addr, i32* %store_dest, align 1
store i32 %calloc_addr, i32* %store_dest, align 1
store i32 %free_addr, i32* %store_dest, align 1
%local_malloc = load i32, i32* %malloc_ptr, align 1
%local_realloc = load i32, i32* %realloc_ptr, align 1
%local_calloc = load i32, i32* %calloc_ptr, align 1
%local_free = load i32, i32* %free_ptr, align 1
%local_mallocfunc = inttoptr i32 %local_malloc to i32 (i32)*
%local_reallocfunc = inttoptr i32 %local_realloc to i32 (i32, i32)*
%local_callocfunc = inttoptr i32 %local_calloc to i32 (i32, i32)*
%local_freefunc = inttoptr i32 %local_free to void (i32)*
%buf = call i32 %local_mallocfunc(i32 42)
call void %local_freefunc(i32 %buf)
ret void
; DUMP-LABEL: ================ Instrumented CFG ================
; DUMP-NEXT: @func(i32 %store_loc) {
; DUMP-NEXT: __0:
; DUMP-NEXT: call void @__asan_check_store(i32 %store_loc, i32 4)
; DUMP-NEXT: store i32 @__asan_malloc, i32* %store_loc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: store i32 @__asan_realloc, i32* %store_loc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: store i32 @__asan_calloc, i32* %store_loc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: store i32 @__asan_free, i32* %store_loc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: call void @__asan_check_load(i32 @__asan_malloc, i32 4)
; DUMP-NEXT: %local_malloc = load i32, i32* @__asan_malloc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: call void @__asan_check_load(i32 @__asan_realloc, i32 4)
; DUMP-NEXT: %local_realloc = load i32, i32* @__asan_realloc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: call void @__asan_check_load(i32 @__asan_calloc, i32 4)
; DUMP-NEXT: %local_calloc = load i32, i32* @__asan_calloc, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: call void @__asan_check_load(i32 @__asan_free, i32 4)
; DUMP-NEXT: %local_free = load i32, i32* @__asan_free, align 1
; DUMP-NEXT: %buf = call i32 %local_malloc(i32 42)
; DUMP-NEXT: call void %local_free(i32 %buf)
; DUMP-NEXT: ret void