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//===- subzero/src/IceRangeSpec.cpp - Include/exclude specification -------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Implements a class for specifying sets of names and number ranges to
/// match against. This is specified as a comma-separated list of clauses.
/// Each clause optionally starts with '-' to indicate exclusion instead of
/// inclusion. A clause can be a name, or a numeric range X:Y, or a single
/// number X. The X:Y form indicates a range of numbers greater than or equal
/// to X and strictly less than Y. A missing "X" is taken to be 0, and a
/// missing "Y" is taken to be infinite. E.g., "0:" and ":" specify the entire
/// set.
/// This is essentially the same implementation as in, except that
/// regular expressions are not used for the names.
#include "IceRangeSpec.h"
#include "IceStringPool.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace Ice {
bool RangeSpec::HasNames = false;
namespace {
/// Helper function to parse "X" or "X:Y" into First and Last.
/// - "X" is treated as "X:X+1".
/// - ":Y" is treated as "0:Y".
/// - "X:" is treated as "X:inf"
/// Behavior is undefined if "X" or "Y" is not a proper number (since std::stoul
/// throws an exception).
/// If the string doesn't contain 1 or 2 ':' delimiters, or X>=Y,
/// report_fatal_error is called.
void getRange(const std::string &Token, uint32_t *First, uint32_t *Last) {
bool Error = false;
auto Tokens = RangeSpec::tokenize(Token, RangeSpec::DELIM_RANGE);
if (Tokens.size() == 1) {
*First = std::stoul(Tokens[0]);
*Last = *First + 1;
} else if (Tokens.size() == 2) {
*First = Tokens[0].empty() ? 0 : std::stoul(Tokens[0]);
*Last = Tokens[1].empty() ? RangeSpec::RangeMax : std::stoul(Tokens[1]);
} else {
Error = true;
if (*First >= *Last) {
Error = true;
if (Error) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Invalid range " + Token);
/// Helper function to add one token to the include or exclude set. The token
/// is examined and then treated as either a numeric range or a single name.
void record(const std::string &Token, RangeSpec::Desc *D) {
if (Token.empty())
// Mark that an include or exclude was explicitly given. This affects the
// default decision when matching a value that wasn't explicitly provided in
// the include or exclude list.
D->IsExplicit = true;
// A range is identified by starting with a digit or a ':'.
if (Token[0] == RangeSpec::DELIM_RANGE || std::isdigit(Token[0])) {
uint32_t First = 0, Last = 0;
getRange(Token, &First, &Last);
if (Last == RangeSpec::RangeMax) {
D->AllFrom = std::min(D->AllFrom, First);
} else {
if (Last >= D->Numbers.size())
D->Numbers.resize(Last + 1);
D->Numbers.set(First, Last);
} else {
// Otherwise treat it as a single name.
} // end of anonymous namespace
std::vector<std::string> RangeSpec::tokenize(const std::string &Spec,
char Delimiter) {
std::vector<std::string> Tokens;
if (!Spec.empty()) {
std::string::size_type StartPos = 0;
std::string::size_type DelimPos = 0;
while (DelimPos != std::string::npos) {
DelimPos = Spec.find(Delimiter, StartPos);
Tokens.emplace_back(Spec.substr(StartPos, DelimPos - StartPos));
StartPos = DelimPos + 1;
return Tokens;
/// Initialize the RangeSpec with the given string. Calling init multiple times
/// (e.g. init("A");init("B");) is equivalent to init("A,B"); .
void RangeSpec::init(const std::string &Spec) {
auto Tokens = tokenize(Spec, DELIM_LIST);
for (const auto &Token : Tokens) {
if (Token[0] == '-') {
} else {
if (!Includes.Names.empty() || !Excludes.Names.empty())
HasNames = true;
/// Determine whether the given Name/Number combo match the specification given
/// to the init() method. Explicit excludes take precedence over explicit
/// includes. If the combo doesn't match any explicit include or exclude:
/// - false if the init() string is empty (no explicit includes or excludes)
/// - true if there is at least one explicit exclude and no explicit includes
/// - false otherwise (at least one explicit include)
bool RangeSpec::match(const std::string &Name, uint32_t Number) const {
// No match if it is explicitly excluded by name or number.
if (Excludes.Names.find(Name) != Excludes.Names.end())
return false;
if (Number >= Excludes.AllFrom)
return false;
if (Number < Excludes.Numbers.size() && Excludes.Numbers[Number])
return false;
// Positive match if it is explicitly included by name or number.
if (Includes.Names.find(Name) != Includes.Names.end())
return true;
if (Number >= Includes.AllFrom)
return true;
if (Number < Includes.Numbers.size() && Includes.Numbers[Number])
return true;
// Otherwise use the default decision.
return Excludes.IsExplicit && !Includes.IsExplicit;
void RangeSpec::include(const std::string &Token) { record(Token, &Includes); }
void RangeSpec::exclude(const std::string &Token) { record(Token, &Excludes); }
} // end of namespace Ice