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//===- subzero/src/IceCfgNode.h - Control flow graph node -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Declares the CfgNode class, which represents a single basic block as
/// its instruction list, in-edge list, and out-edge list.
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceInst.h" // InstList traits
#include "IceStringPool.h"
namespace Ice {
class CfgNode {
CfgNode() = delete;
CfgNode(const CfgNode &) = delete;
CfgNode &operator=(const CfgNode &) = delete;
static CfgNode *create(Cfg *Func, SizeT Number) {
return new (Func->allocate<CfgNode>()) CfgNode(Func, Number);
Cfg *getCfg() const { return Func; }
/// Access the label number and name for this node.
SizeT getIndex() const { return Number; }
void resetIndex(SizeT NewNumber) { Number = NewNumber; }
std::string getName() const {
if (Name.hasStdString())
return Name.toString();
return "__" + std::to_string(NumberOrig);
void setName(const std::string &NewName) {
if (NewName.empty())
Name = NodeString::createWithString(Func, NewName);
std::string getAsmName() const {
return ".L" + Func->getFunctionName() + "$" + getName();
void incrementLoopNestDepth() { ++LoopNestDepth; }
void setLoopNestDepth(SizeT NewDepth) { LoopNestDepth = NewDepth; }
SizeT getLoopNestDepth() const { return LoopNestDepth; }
/// The HasReturn flag indicates that this node contains a return instruction
/// and therefore needs an epilog.
void setHasReturn() { HasReturn = true; }
bool getHasReturn() const { return HasReturn; }
void setNeedsPlacement(bool Value) { NeedsPlacement = Value; }
bool needsPlacement() const { return NeedsPlacement; }
void setNeedsAlignment() { NeedsAlignment = true; }
bool needsAlignment() const { return NeedsAlignment; }
/// \name Access predecessor and successor edge lists.
/// @{
const NodeList &getInEdges() const { return InEdges; }
const NodeList &getOutEdges() const { return OutEdges; }
/// @}
/// \name Manage the instruction list.
/// @{
InstList &getInsts() { return Insts; }
PhiList &getPhis() { return Phis; }
const InstList &getInsts() const { return Insts; }
const PhiList &getPhis() const { return Phis; }
void appendInst(Inst *Instr);
void renumberInstructions();
/// Rough and generally conservative estimate of the number of instructions in
/// the block. It is updated when an instruction is added, but not when
/// deleted. It is recomputed during renumberInstructions().
InstNumberT getInstCountEstimate() const { return InstCountEstimate; }
/// @}
/// \name Manage predecessors and successors.
/// @{
/// Add a predecessor edge to the InEdges list for each of this node's
/// successors.
void computePredecessors();
void computeSuccessors();
CfgNode *splitIncomingEdge(CfgNode *Pred, SizeT InEdgeIndex);
/// @}
void enforcePhiConsistency();
void placePhiLoads();
void placePhiStores();
void deletePhis();
void advancedPhiLowering();
void doAddressOpt();
void doNopInsertion(RandomNumberGenerator &RNG);
void genCode();
void livenessLightweight();
bool liveness(Liveness *Liveness);
void livenessAddIntervals(Liveness *Liveness, InstNumberT FirstInstNum,
InstNumberT LastInstNum);
void contractIfEmpty();
void doBranchOpt(const CfgNode *NextNode);
void emit(Cfg *Func) const;
void emitIAS(Cfg *Func) const;
void dump(Cfg *Func) const;
void profileExecutionCount(VariableDeclaration *Var);
void addOutEdge(CfgNode *Out) { OutEdges.push_back(Out); }
void addInEdge(CfgNode *In) { InEdges.push_back(In); }
void replaceInEdge(CfgNode *Old, CfgNode *New);
void removeAllOutEdges() { OutEdges.clear(); }
void removeInEdge(CfgNode *In);
bool hasSingleOutEdge() const {
return (getOutEdges().size() == 1 || getOutEdges()[0] == getOutEdges()[1]);
CfgNode *shortCircuit();
inline void* getExternalData() const { return externalData; }
inline void setExternalData(void* data) { externalData = data; }
CfgNode(Cfg *Func, SizeT Number)
: Func(Func), Number(Number), NumberOrig(Number),
Name(NodeString::createWithoutString(Func)) {}
bool livenessValidateIntervals(Liveness *Liveness) const;
Cfg *const Func;
SizeT Number; /// invariant: Func->Nodes[Number]==this
const SizeT NumberOrig; /// used for name auto-generation
NodeString Name;
SizeT LoopNestDepth = 0; /// the loop nest depth of this node
bool HasReturn = false; /// does this block need an epilog?
bool NeedsPlacement = false;
bool NeedsAlignment = false; /// is sandboxing required?
InstNumberT InstCountEstimate = 0; /// rough instruction count estimate
NodeList InEdges; /// in no particular order
NodeList OutEdges; /// in no particular order
PhiList Phis; /// unordered set of phi instructions
InstList Insts; /// ordered list of non-phi instructions
/// External data can be set by an optimizer to compute and retain any
/// information related to the current node. All the memory used to
/// store this information must be managed by the optimizer.
void* externalData = nullptr;
} // end of namespace Ice