blob: a8d3e786ba8913a47362447f1dd9681f3962912d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - VE Instruction Formats ---------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
class InstVE<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: Instruction {
field bits<64> Inst;
let Namespace = "VE";
let Size = 8;
bits<8> op;
let Inst{0-7} = op;
dag OutOperandList = outs;
dag InOperandList = ins;
let AsmString = asmstr;
let Pattern = pattern;
let DecoderNamespace = "VE";
field bits<64> SoftFail = 0;
class RM<bits<8>opVal, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern=[]>
: InstVE<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern> {
bits<1> cx = 0;
bits<7> sx;
bits<1> cy = 0;
bits<7> sy;
bits<1> cz = 0;
bits<7> sz;
bits<32> imm32 = 0;
let op = opVal;
let Inst{15} = cx;
let Inst{14-8} = sx;
let Inst{23} = cy;
let Inst{22-16} = sy;
let Inst{31} = cz;
let Inst{30-24} = sz;
let Inst{63-32} = imm32;
class RR<bits<8>opVal, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr>
: RM<opVal, outs, ins, asmstr> {
bits<1> cw = 0;
bits<1> cw2 = 0;
bits<4> cfw = 0;
let imm32{0-23} = 0;
let imm32{24} = cw;
let imm32{25} = cw2;
let imm32{26-27} = 0;
let imm32{28-31} = cfw;
class CF<bits<8>opVal, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern=[]>
: RM<opVal, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern> {
bits<1> cx2;
bits<2> bpf;
bits<4> cf;
let cx = 0;
let sx{6} = cx2;
let sx{5-4} = bpf;
let sx{3-0} = cf;
// Pseudo instructions.
class Pseudo<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern=[]>
: InstVE<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern> {
let isCodeGenOnly = 1;
let isPseudo = 1;