blob: 0fde7112f32cb8ea83089c9405de388bb784f10e [file] [log] [blame]
@file PVRTResourceFile.h
@copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
@brief Simple resource file wrapper
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "PVRTString.h"
typedef void* (*PFNLoadFileFunc)(const char*, char** pData, size_t &size);
typedef bool (*PFNReleaseFileFunc)(void* handle);
@class CPVRTResourceFile
@brief Simple resource file wrapper
class CPVRTResourceFile
@fn SetReadPath
@param[in] pszReadPath The path where you would like to read from
@brief Sets the read path
static void SetReadPath(const char* pszReadPath);
@fn GetReadPath
@return The currently set read path
@brief Returns the currently set read path
static CPVRTString GetReadPath();
@fn SetLoadReleaseFunctions
@param[in] pLoadFileFunc Function to use for opening a file
@param[in] pReleaseFileFunc Function to release any data allocated by the load function
@brief This function is used to override the CPVRTResource file loading functions. If
you pass NULL in as the load function CPVRTResource will use the default functions.
static void SetLoadReleaseFunctions(void* pLoadFileFunc, void* pReleaseFileFunc);
@brief CPVRTResourceFile constructor
@param[in] pszFilename Name of the file you would like to open
CPVRTResourceFile(const char* pszFilename);
@brief CPVRTResourceFile constructor
@param[in] pData A pointer to the data you would like to use
@param[in] i32Size The size of the data
CPVRTResourceFile(const char* pData, size_t i32Size);
@fn ~CPVRTResourceFile
@brief Destructor
virtual ~CPVRTResourceFile();
@fn IsOpen
@return true if the file is open
@brief Is the file open
bool IsOpen() const;
@fn IsMemoryFile
@return true if the file was opened from memory
@brief Was the file opened from memory
bool IsMemoryFile() const;
@fn Size
@return The size of the opened file
@brief Returns the size of the opened file
size_t Size() const;
@fn DataPtr
@return A pointer to the file data
@brief Returns a pointer to the file data. If the data is expected
to be a string don't assume that it is null-terminated.
const void* DataPtr() const;
@fn Close
@brief Closes the file
void Close();
bool m_bOpen;
bool m_bMemoryFile;
size_t m_Size;
const char* m_pData;
void *m_Handle;
static CPVRTString s_ReadPath;
static PFNLoadFileFunc s_pLoadFileFunc;
static PFNReleaseFileFunc s_pReleaseFileFunc;
End of file (PVRTResourceFile.h)