blob: d92abe3ad27cd8133e6b59812511e51813c59fc0 [file] [log] [blame]
@File PVRTResourceFile.cpp
@Title PVRTResourceFile.cpp
@Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
@Platform ANSI compatible
@Description Simple resource file wrapper
#include "PVRTResourceFile.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "PVRTResourceFile.h"
#include "PVRTString.h"
#include "PVRTMemoryFileSystem.h"
CPVRTString CPVRTResourceFile::s_ReadPath;
static void* LoadFileFunc(const char* pFilename, char** pData, size_t &size)
size = 0;
FILE* pFile = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
if (pFile)
// Get the file size
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(pFile);
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
// read the data
char* pTmp = new char[size];
size_t BytesRead = fread(pTmp, 1, size, pFile);
if (BytesRead != size)
delete [] pTmp;
pTmp = NULL;
size = 0;
*pData = pTmp;
return pTmp;
return 0;
static bool ReleaseFileFunc(void* handle)
delete[] (char*) handle;
return true;
return false;
PFNLoadFileFunc CPVRTResourceFile::s_pLoadFileFunc = &LoadFileFunc;
PFNReleaseFileFunc CPVRTResourceFile::s_pReleaseFileFunc = &ReleaseFileFunc;
@Function SetReadPath
@Input pszReadPath The path where you would like to read from
@Description Sets the read path
void CPVRTResourceFile::SetReadPath(const char* const pszReadPath)
s_ReadPath = (pszReadPath) ? pszReadPath : "";
@Function GetReadPath
@Returns The currently set read path
@Description Returns the currently set read path
CPVRTString CPVRTResourceFile::GetReadPath()
return CPVRTString(s_ReadPath);
@Function SetLoadReleaseFunctions
@Input pLoadFileFunc Function to use for opening a file
@Input pReleaseFileFunc Function to release any data allocated by the load function
@Description This function is used to override the CPVRTResource file loading functions. If
you pass NULL in as the load function CPVRTResource will use the default functions.
void CPVRTResourceFile::SetLoadReleaseFunctions(void* pLoadFileFunc, void* pReleaseFileFunc)
s_pLoadFileFunc = (PFNLoadFileFunc) pLoadFileFunc;
s_pReleaseFileFunc = (PFNReleaseFileFunc) pReleaseFileFunc;
s_pLoadFileFunc = &LoadFileFunc;
s_pReleaseFileFunc = &ReleaseFileFunc;
@Function CPVRTResourceFile
@Input pszFilename Name of the file you would like to open
@Description Constructor
CPVRTResourceFile::CPVRTResourceFile(const char* const pszFilename) :
CPVRTString Path(s_ReadPath);
Path += pszFilename;
m_Handle = s_pLoadFileFunc(Path.c_str(), (char**) &m_pData, m_Size);
m_bOpen = (m_pData && m_Size) != 0;
if (!m_bOpen)
m_bOpen = m_bMemoryFile = CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::GetFile(pszFilename, (const void**)(&m_pData), &m_Size);
@Function CPVRTResourceFile
@Input pData A pointer to the data you would like to use
@Input i32Size The size of the data
@Description Constructor
CPVRTResourceFile::CPVRTResourceFile(const char* pData, size_t i32Size) :
@Function ~CPVRTResourceFile
@Description Destructor
@Function IsOpen
@Returns true if the file is open
@Description Is the file open
bool CPVRTResourceFile::IsOpen() const
return m_bOpen;
@Function IsMemoryFile
@Returns true if the file was opened from memory
@Description Was the file opened from memory
bool CPVRTResourceFile::IsMemoryFile() const
return m_bMemoryFile;
@Function Size
@Returns The size of the opened file
@Description Returns the size of the opened file
size_t CPVRTResourceFile::Size() const
return m_Size;
@Function DataPtr
@Returns A pointer to the file data
@Description Returns a pointer to the file data
const void* CPVRTResourceFile::DataPtr() const
return m_pData;
@Function Close
@Description Closes the file
void CPVRTResourceFile::Close()
if (m_bOpen)
if (!m_bMemoryFile && s_pReleaseFileFunc)
m_bMemoryFile = false;
m_bOpen = false;
m_pData = 0;
m_Size = 0;
** class CPVRTMemoryFileSystem
CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::CAtExit CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_AtExit;
CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::SFileInfo* CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_pFileInfo = 0;
int CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_i32Capacity = 0;
int CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_i32NumFiles = 0;
@Function Destructor
@Description Destructor of CAtExit class. Workaround for platforms that
don't support the atexit() function. This deletes any memory
file system data.
for (int i = 0; i < CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_i32NumFiles; ++i)
if (CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_pFileInfo[i].bAllocated)
delete [] (char*)CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_pFileInfo[i].pszFilename;
delete [] (char*)CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_pFileInfo[i].pBuffer;
delete [] CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::s_pFileInfo;
CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::CPVRTMemoryFileSystem(const char* pszFilename, const void* pBuffer, size_t Size, bool bCopy)
RegisterMemoryFile(pszFilename, pBuffer, Size, bCopy);
@Function RegisterMemoryFile
@Input pszFilename Name of file to register
@Input pBuffer Pointer to file data
@Input Size File size
@Input bCopy Name and data should be copied?
@Description Registers a block of memory as a file that can be looked up
by name.
void CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::RegisterMemoryFile(const char* pszFilename, const void* pBuffer, size_t Size, bool bCopy)
if (s_i32NumFiles == s_i32Capacity)
SFileInfo* pFileInfo = new SFileInfo[s_i32Capacity + 10];
memcpy(pFileInfo, s_pFileInfo, sizeof(SFileInfo) * s_i32Capacity);
delete [] s_pFileInfo;
s_pFileInfo = pFileInfo;
s_i32Capacity += 10;
s_pFileInfo[s_i32NumFiles].pszFilename = pszFilename;
s_pFileInfo[s_i32NumFiles].pBuffer = pBuffer;
if (bCopy)
char* pszNewFilename = new char[strlen(pszFilename) + 1];
strcpy(pszNewFilename, pszFilename);
s_pFileInfo[s_i32NumFiles].pszFilename = pszNewFilename;
void* pszNewBuffer = new char[Size];
memcpy(pszNewBuffer, pBuffer, Size);
s_pFileInfo[s_i32NumFiles].pBuffer = pszNewBuffer;
s_pFileInfo[s_i32NumFiles].Size = Size;
s_pFileInfo[s_i32NumFiles].bAllocated = bCopy;
@Function GetFile
@Input pszFilename Name of file to open
@Output ppBuffer Pointer to file data
@Output pSize File size
@Return true if the file was found in memory, false otherwise
@Description Looks up a file in the memory file system by name. Returns a
pointer to the file data as well as its size on success.
bool CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::GetFile(const char* pszFilename, const void** ppBuffer, size_t* pSize)
for (int i = 0; i < s_i32NumFiles; ++i)
if (strcmp(s_pFileInfo[i].pszFilename, pszFilename) == 0)
if (ppBuffer) *ppBuffer = s_pFileInfo[i].pBuffer;
if (pSize) *pSize = s_pFileInfo[i].Size;
return true;
return false;
@Function GetNumFiles
@Return The number of registered files
@Description Getter for the number of registered files
int CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::GetNumFiles()
return s_i32NumFiles;
@Function GetFilename
@Input i32Index Index of file
@Return A pointer to the filename of the requested file
@Description Looks up a file in the memory file system by name. Returns a
pointer to the file data as well as its size on success.
const char* CPVRTMemoryFileSystem::GetFilename(int i32Index)
if (i32Index < 0 || i32Index > s_i32NumFiles) return 0;
return s_pFileInfo[i32Index].pszFilename;
End of file (PVRTResourceFile.cpp)