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@file PVRTBackground.h
@copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
@brief Function to draw a background texture.
#include "PVRTGlobal.h"
#include "PVRTContext.h"
#include "PVRTString.h"
#include "PVRTError.h"
** Structures
@struct SPVRTBackgroundAPI
@brief A struct for storing API specific variables
struct SPVRTBackgroundAPI;
@class CPVRTBackground
@brief A class for drawing a fullscreen textured background
class CPVRTBackground
@brief Initialise some values.
@brief Calls Destroy()
@brief Destroys the background and releases API specific resources
void Destroy();
@brief Initialises the background
@param[in] pContext A pointer to a PVRTContext
@param[in] bRotate true to rotate texture 90 degrees.
@param[in] pszError An option string for returning errors
@return PVR_SUCCESS on success
EPVRTError Init(const SPVRTContext * const pContext, const bool bRotate, CPVRTString *pszError = 0);
#if defined(BUILD_OGL) || defined(BUILD_OGLES) || defined(BUILD_OGLES2) || defined(BUILD_OGLES3)
@brief Draws a texture on a quad covering the whole screen.
@param[in] ui32Texture Texture to use
@return PVR_SUCCESS on success
EPVRTError Draw(const GLuint ui32Texture);
#elif defined(BUILD_DX11)
@brief Draws a texture on a quad covering the whole screen.
@param[in] pTexture Texture to use
@return PVR_SUCCESS on success
EPVRTError Draw(ID3D11ShaderResourceView *pTexture);
bool m_bInit;
SPVRTBackgroundAPI *m_pAPI;
#endif /* __PVRTBACKGROUND_H__ */
End of file (PVRTBackground.h)