blob: 81794ab8709d05625ce445c660b333289e4e88f6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file contains a number of synchronization primitives for concurrency.
// You may be tempted to change this code to unlock the mutex before calling
// std::condition_variable::notify_[one,all]. Please read
// before making this sort of
// change.
#ifndef sw_Synchronization_hpp
#define sw_Synchronization_hpp
#include <assert.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <queue>
#include "marl/mutex.h"
namespace sw {
// TaskEvents is an interface for notifying when tasks begin and end.
// Tasks can be nested and/or overlapping.
// TaskEvents is used for task queue synchronization.
class TaskEvents
// start() is called before a task begins.
virtual void start() = 0;
// finish() is called after a task ends. finish() must only be called after
// a corresponding call to start().
virtual void finish() = 0;
// complete() is a helper for calling start() followed by finish().
inline void complete()
virtual ~TaskEvents() = default;
// WaitGroup is a synchronization primitive that allows you to wait for
// collection of asynchronous tasks to finish executing.
// Call add() before each task begins, and then call done() when after each task
// is finished.
// At the same time, wait() can be used to block until all tasks have finished.
// WaitGroup takes its name after Golang's sync.WaitGroup.
class WaitGroup : public TaskEvents
// add() begins a new task.
void add()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
// done() is called when a task of the WaitGroup has been completed.
// Returns true if there are no more tasks currently running in the
// WaitGroup.
bool done()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
assert(count_ > 0);
if(count_ == 0)
return count_ == 0;
// wait() blocks until all the tasks have been finished.
void wait()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
lock.wait(condition, [this]() REQUIRES(mutex) { return count_ == 0; });
// wait() blocks until all the tasks have been finished or the timeout
// has been reached, returning true if all tasks have been completed, or
// false if the timeout has been reached.
template<class CLOCK, class DURATION>
bool wait(const std::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION> &timeout)
marl::lock lock(mutex);
return condition.wait_until(lock, timeout, [this]() REQUIRES(mutex) { return count_ == 0; });
// count() returns the number of times add() has been called without a call
// to done().
// Note: No lock is held after count() returns, so the count may immediately
// change after returning.
int32_t count()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
return count_;
// TaskEvents compliance
void start() override { add(); }
void finish() override { done(); }
marl::mutex mutex;
int32_t count_ GUARDED_BY(mutex) = 0;
std::condition_variable condition;
// Chan is a thread-safe FIFO queue of type T.
// Chan takes its name after Golang's chan.
template<typename T>
class Chan
// take returns the next item in the chan, blocking until an item is
// available.
T take();
// tryTake returns a <T, bool> pair.
// If the chan is not empty, then the next item and true are returned.
// If the chan is empty, then a default-initialized T and false are returned.
std::pair<T, bool> tryTake();
// put places an item into the chan, blocking if the chan is bounded and
// full.
void put(const T &v);
// Returns the number of items in the chan.
// Note: that this may change as soon as the function returns, so should
// only be used for debugging.
size_t count();
marl::mutex mutex;
std::queue<T> queue GUARDED_BY(mutex);
std::condition_variable added;
template<typename T>
template<typename T>
T Chan<T>::take()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
// Wait for item to be added.
lock.wait(added, [this]() REQUIRES(mutex) { return queue.size() > 0; });
T out = queue.front();
return out;
template<typename T>
std::pair<T, bool> Chan<T>::tryTake()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
if(queue.size() == 0)
return std::make_pair(T{}, false);
T out = queue.front();
return std::make_pair(out, true);
template<typename T>
void Chan<T>::put(const T &item)
marl::lock lock(mutex);
template<typename T>
size_t Chan<T>::count()
marl::lock lock(mutex);
return queue.size();
} // namespace sw
#endif // sw_Synchronization_hpp