blob: 5c8bbde31eb3081e5ac975d06599f650ee2f3f2a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
@file PVRTPFXParser.h
@copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
@brief Declaration of PFX file parser
** Includes
#include "PVRTArray.h"
#include "PVRTString.h"
#include "PVRTError.h"
#include "PVRTTexture.h"
#include "PVRTVector.h"
#include "PVRTSkipGraph.h"
#include "PVRTStringHash.h"
** Helper Funcions
void PVRTPFXCreateStringCopy(char** ppDst, const char* pSrc);
** Enumeration
@enum ESemanticDefaultDataType
@brief Enum values for the various variable types supported
enum ESemanticDefaultDataType
// Conceptual data types
@enum EDefaultDataInternalType
@brief Enum values for defining whether a variable is float, interger or bool
enum EDefaultDataInternalType
@enum EPVRTPFXPassType
@brief Decribes the type of render required
enum EPVRTPFXPassType
@enum EPVRTPFXPassType
@brief Decribes the type of render required
enum EPVRTPFXPassView
eVIEW_CURRENT, // The scene's active camera is used
eVIEW_POD_CAMERA, // The specified camera is used
eVIEW_NONE // No specified view
** Structures
@struct SPVRTPFXParserHeader
@brief Struct for storing PFX file header data
struct SPVRTPFXParserHeader
CPVRTString Version;
CPVRTString Description;
CPVRTString Copyright;
@struct SPVRTPFXParserTexture
@brief Struct for storing PFX data from the texture block
struct SPVRTPFXParserTexture
CPVRTStringHash Name;
CPVRTStringHash FileName;
bool bRenderToTexture;
unsigned int nMin, nMag, nMIP;
unsigned int nWrapS, nWrapT, nWrapR; // either GL_CLAMP or GL_REPEAT
unsigned int uiWidth, uiHeight;
unsigned int uiFlags;
@struct SPVRTPFXParserEffectTexture
@brief Stores effect texture information
struct SPVRTPFXParserEffectTexture
CPVRTStringHash Name; // Name of texture.
unsigned int nNumber; // Texture number to set
@struct SPVRTPFXParserShader
@brief Struct for storing PFX data from the shader block
struct SPVRTPFXParserShader
CPVRTStringHash Name;
bool bUseFileName;
char* pszGLSLfile;
char* pszGLSLBinaryFile;
char* pszGLSLcode;
char* pbGLSLBinary;
unsigned int nGLSLBinarySize;
unsigned int nFirstLineNumber; // Line number in the text file where this code began; use to correct line-numbers in compiler errors
unsigned int nLastLineNumber; // The final line number of the GLSL block.
SPVRTPFXParserShader(const SPVRTPFXParserShader& rhs);
SPVRTPFXParserShader& operator=(const SPVRTPFXParserShader& rhs);
void Copy(const SPVRTPFXParserShader& rhs);
@struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo
@brief Struct for storing default data types
struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo
ESemanticDefaultDataType eType;
const char *pszName;
unsigned int nNumberDataItems;
EDefaultDataInternalType eInternalType;
@struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultData
@brief Stores a default value
struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultData
float pfData[16];
int pnData[4];
bool pbData[4];
ESemanticDefaultDataType eType;
SPVRTSemanticDefaultData(const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& rhs);
SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& operator=(const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& rhs);
void Copy(const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& rhs);
@struct SPVRTPFXParserSemantic
@brief Stores semantic information
struct SPVRTPFXParserSemantic
char *pszName; /*!< The variable name as used in the shader-language code */
char *pszValue; /*!< For example: LIGHTPOSITION */
unsigned int nIdx; /*!< Index; for example two semantics might be LIGHTPOSITION0 and LIGHTPOSITION1 */
SPVRTSemanticDefaultData sDefaultValue; /*!< Default value */
SPVRTPFXParserSemantic(const SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& rhs);
SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& operator=(const SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& rhs);
void Copy(const SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& rhs);
struct SPVRTPFXParserEffect; // Forward declaration
@struct SPVRTPFXRenderPass
@brief Stores render pass information
struct SPVRTPFXRenderPass
EPVRTPFXPassType eRenderPassType; // Type of pass.
EPVRTPFXPassView eViewType; // View type.
PVRTuint32 uiFormatFlags; // Surface Type.
SPVRTPFXParserEffect* pEffect; // Matched pass. Needed but determined from effect block.
SPVRTPFXParserTexture* pTexture; // The RTT target for this pass.
CPVRTString NodeName; // POD Camera name.
CPVRTString SemanticName; // Name of this pass.
@struct SPVRTTargetPair
@brief Stores a buffer type and name for a render target.
struct SPVRTTargetPair
CPVRTString BufferType;
CPVRTString TargetName;
@struct SPVRTPFXParserEffect
@brief Stores effect information
struct SPVRTPFXParserEffect
CPVRTStringHash Name;
CPVRTString Annotation;
CPVRTStringHash VertexShaderName;
CPVRTStringHash FragmentShaderName;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserSemantic> Uniforms;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserSemantic> Attributes;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserEffectTexture> Textures;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTTargetPair> Targets;
** Constants
const PVRTuint32 PVRPFXTEX_COLOUR = PVRTuint32(1<<30);
const PVRTuint32 PVRPFXTEX_DEPTH = PVRTuint32(1<<31);
const static SPVRTSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo c_psSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo[] =
{ eDataTypeMat2, "mat2", 4, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeMat3, "mat3", 9, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeMat4, "mat4", 16, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeVec2, "vec2", 2, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeVec3, "vec3", 3, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeVec4, "vec4", 4, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeIvec2, "ivec2", 2, eInteger },
{ eDataTypeIvec3, "ivec3", 3, eInteger },
{ eDataTypeIvec4, "ivec4", 4, eInteger },
{ eDataTypeBvec2, "bvec2", 2, eBoolean },
{ eDataTypeBvec3, "bvec3", 3, eBoolean },
{ eDataTypeBvec4, "bvec4", 4, eBoolean },
{ eDataTypeFloat, "float", 1, eFloating },
{ eDataTypeInt, "int", 1, eInteger },
{ eDataTypeBool, "bool", 1, eBoolean },
class CPVRTPFXParserReadContext;
@class CPVRTPFXParser
@brief PFX parser
class CPVRTPFXParser
@fn CPVRTPFXParser
@brief Sets initial values.
@fn ~CPVRTPFXParser
@brief Frees memory used.
@fn ParseFromMemory
@param[in] pszScript PFX script
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return PVR_SUCCESS for success parsing file
PVR_FAIL if file doesn't exist or is invalid
@brief Parses a PFX script from memory.
EPVRTError ParseFromMemory(const char * const pszScript, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseFromFile
@param[in] pszFileName PFX file name
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return PVR_SUCCESS for success parsing file
PVR_FAIL if file doesn't exist or is invalid
@brief Reads the PFX file and calls the parser.
EPVRTError ParseFromFile(const char * const pszFileName, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn SetViewportSize
@param[in] uiWidth New viewport width
@param[in] uiHeight New viewport height
@return bool True on success
@brief Allows the current viewport size to be set. This value
is used for calculating relative texture resolutions
bool SetViewportSize(unsigned int uiWidth, unsigned int uiHeight);
@fn FindTextureIndex
@param[in] TextureName The name of the texture to find
@param[in] uiEffect The effect block to look for the texture in
@return Index in to the effect.Texture array.
@brief Returns the index in to the texture array within the effect
block where the given texture resides.
unsigned int FindTextureIndex(const CPVRTStringHash& TextureName, unsigned int uiEffect) const;
@fn RetrieveRenderPassDependencies
@param[out] aRequiredRenderPasses Dynamic array of required render passes
@param[in] aszActiveEffectStrings Dynamic array containing names of active
effects in the application
@return success of failure
@brief Takes an array of strings containing the names of active
effects for this PFX in a given application and then outputs
an array of the render passes the application needs to perform that is sorted
into the order they need to be executed (where [0] is the first to be executed,
and [n] is the last).
In addition to determining the order of dependent passes
(such as POSTPROCESS render passes), this function should check if
CAMERA passes are referenced by active EFFECT blocks and use this information
to strip redundant passes.
bool RetrieveRenderPassDependencies(CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> &aRequiredRenderPasses,
CPVRTArray<CPVRTStringHash> &aszActiveEffectStrings);
@brief Returns the number of render passes within this PFX.
@return The number of render passes required
unsigned int GetNumberRenderPasses() const;
@brief Returns the given render pass.
@param[in] uiIndex The render pass index.
@return A given render pass.
const SPVRTPFXRenderPass& GetRenderPass(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
@fn GetNumberFragmentShaders
@return Number of fragment shaders.
@brief Returns the number of fragment shaders referenced in the PFX.
unsigned int GetNumberFragmentShaders() const;
@fn GetFragmentShader
@param[in] uiIndex The index of this shader.
@return The PFX fragment shader.
@brief Returns a given fragment shader.
SPVRTPFXParserShader& GetFragmentShader(unsigned int uiIndex);
@fn GetNumberVertexShaders
@return Number of vertex shaders.
@brief Returns the number of vertex shaders referenced in the PFX.
unsigned int GetNumberVertexShaders() const;
@fn GetVertexShader
@param[in] uiIndex The index of this shader.
@return The PFX vertex shader.
@brief Returns a given vertex shader.
SPVRTPFXParserShader& GetVertexShader(unsigned int uiIndex);
@fn GetNumberEffects
@return Number of effects.
@brief Returns the number of effects referenced in the PFX.
unsigned int GetNumberEffects() const;
@fn GetEffect
@param[in] uiIndex The index of this effect.
@return The PFX effect.
@brief Returns a given effect.
const SPVRTPFXParserEffect& GetEffect(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
@fn FindEffectByName
@param[in] Name Name of the effect.
@return int
@brief Returns the index of the given string. Returns -1 on failure.
int FindEffectByName(const CPVRTStringHash& Name) const;
@fn FindTextureByName
@param[in] Name Name of the texture.
@return int
@brief Returns the index of the given texture. Returns -1 on failure.
int FindTextureByName(const CPVRTStringHash& Name) const;
@fn GetNumberTextures
@return Number of effects.
@brief Returns the number of textures referenced in the PFX.
unsigned int GetNumberTextures() const;
@fn GetTexture
@param[in] uiIndex The index of this texture
@return The PFX texture.
@brief Returns a given texture.
const SPVRTPFXParserTexture* GetTexture(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
@fn GetPFXFileName
@return The filename for this PFX file
@brief eturns the PFX file name associated with this object.
const CPVRTString& GetPFXFileName() const;
@fn GetPostProcessNames
@return An array of post process names
@brief Returns a list of prost process effect names.
const CPVRTArray<CPVRTString>& GetPostProcessNames() const;
static const unsigned int VIEWPORT_SIZE;
SPVRTPFXParserHeader m_sHeader;
CPVRTArrayManagedPointers<SPVRTPFXParserTexture> m_psTexture;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserShader> m_psFragmentShader;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserShader> m_psVertexShader;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserEffect> m_psEffect;
CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXRenderPass> m_RenderPasses;
CPVRTString m_szFileName;
CPVRTPFXParserReadContext* m_psContext;
CPVRTArray<CPVRTString> m_aszPostProcessNames;
unsigned int m_uiViewportWidth;
unsigned int m_uiViewportHeight;
CPVRTSkipGraphRoot<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> m_renderPassSkipGraph;
@fn Parse
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true for success parsing file
@brief Parses a loaded PFX file.
bool Parse( CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ReduceWhitespace
@param[out] line output text
@brief Reduces all white space characters in the string to one
blank space.
void ReduceWhitespace(char *line);
@fn GetEndTag
@param[in] pszTagName tag name
@param[in] nStartLine start line
@param[out] pnEndLine line end tag found
@return true if tag found
@brief Searches for end tag pszTagName from line nStartLine.
Returns true and outputs the line number of the end tag if
found, otherwise returning false.
bool GetEndTag(const char *pszTagName, int nStartLine, int *pnEndLine);
@brief Finds the parameter after the specified delimiting character and
returns the parameter as a string. An empty string is returned
if a parameter cannot be found
@param[out] aszSourceString The string to search
@param[in] parameterTag The tag to find
@param[in] delimiter Delimiters
@return Found parameter or empty string
CPVRTString FindParameter(char *aszSourceString, const CPVRTString &parameterTag, const CPVRTString &delimiter);
@fn ReadStringToken
@param[in] pszSource Parameter string to process
@param[out] output Processed string
@param[out] ErrorStr String containing errors
@param[in] iLine The line to read
@param[in] pCaller The caller's name or identifier
@return Returns true on success
@brief Processes the null terminated char array as if it's a
formatted string array. Quote marks are determined to be
start and end of strings. If no quote marks are found the
string is delimited by whitespace.
bool ReadStringToken(char* pszSource, CPVRTString& output, CPVRTString &ErrorStr, int iLine, const char* pCaller);
@fn ParseHeader
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[in] nEndLine end line number
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses the HEADER section of the PFX file.
bool ParseHeader(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@brief Parses the TEXTURES section of the PFX file.
This style is deprecated but remains for backwards
compatibility. ** DEPRECATED **
@param[in] nStartLine Start line number
@param[in] nEndLine End line number
@param[out] pReturnError Error string
@return true if parse is successful
bool ParseTextures(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseTexture
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[in] nEndLine end line number
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses the TEXTURE section of the PFX file.
bool ParseTexture(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseTarget
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[in] nEndLine end line number
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses the TARGET section of the PFX file.
bool ParseTarget(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseGenericSurface
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[in] nEndLine end line number
@param[out] Params Structure containing PFXTexture parameters
@param[out] KnownCmds An array of unknown commands for the caller
to check.
@param[in] pCaller The caller's description for error messages.
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses generic data from TARGET and TEXTURE blocks. Namely
wrapping and filter commands.
bool ParseGenericSurface(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, SPVRTPFXParserTexture& Params, CPVRTArray<CPVRTHash>& KnownCmds,
const char* pCaller, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseShader
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[in] nEndLine end line number
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@param[out] shader shader data object
@param[in] pszBlockName name of block in PFX file
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses the VERTEXSHADER or FRAGMENTSHADER section of the
PFX file.
bool ParseShader(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString *pReturnError, SPVRTPFXParserShader &shader, const char * const pszBlockName);
@fn ParseSemantic
@param[out] semantic semantic data object
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses a semantic.
bool ParseSemantic(SPVRTPFXParserSemantic &semantic, const int nStartLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseEffect
@param[out] effect effect data object
@param[in] nStartLine start line number
@param[in] nEndLine end line number
@param[out] pReturnError error string
@return true if parse is successful
@brief Parses the EFFECT section of the PFX file.
bool ParseEffect(SPVRTPFXParserEffect &effect, const int nStartLine, const int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@fn ParseTextureFlags
@param[in] c_pszRemainingLine Pointer to the remaining string
@param[out] ppFlagsOut Resultant flags set
@param[in] uiNumFlags Number of flags to set
@param[in] c_ppszFlagNames Flag names
@param[in] uiNumFlagNames Number of flag names
@param[in] pReturnError Return error to set
@param[in] iLineNum The line number for error reporting
@return true if successful
@brief Parses the texture flag sections.
bool ParseTextureFlags( const char* c_pszRemainingLine, unsigned int** ppFlagsOut, unsigned int uiNumFlags, const char** c_ppszFlagNames, unsigned int uiNumFlagNames,
CPVRTString * const pReturnError, int iLineNum);
@brief Looks through all of the effects in the .pfx and determines
the order of render passes that have been declared with
the RENDER tag (found in [TEXTURES].
@param[out] pReturnError
@return True if dependency tree is valid. False if there are errors
in the dependency tree (e.g. recursion)
bool DetermineRenderPassDependencies(CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
@brief Recursively look through dependencies until leaf nodes are
encountered. At this point, add a given leaf node to the
aRequiredRenderPasses array and return. Repeat this process
until all dependencies are added to the array.
@param[in] aRequiredRenderPasses
@param[in] renderPassNode
void AddRenderPassNodeDependencies( CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> &aRequiredRenderPasses,
CPVRTSkipGraphNode<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> &renderPassNode);
#endif /* _PVRTPFXPARSER_H_ */
End of file (PVRTPFXParser.h)