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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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// Copyright 2011-2020 Arm Limited
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @brief Functions and data declarations.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "astc_mathlib.h"
// ASTC parameters
// the sum of weights for one texel.
#define MAX_WEIGHT_MODES 2048
enum astc_decode_mode
Partition table representation:
For each block size, we have 3 tables, each with 1024 partitionings;
these three tables correspond to 2, 3 and 4 partitions respectively.
For each partitioning, we have:
* a 4-entry table indicating how many texels there are in each of the 4 partitions.
This may be from 0 to a very large value.
* a table indicating the partition index of each of the texels in the block.
Each index may be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
* Each element in the table is an uint8_t indicating partition index (0, 1, 2 or 3)
struct partition_info
int partition_count;
uint8_t partition_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK];
In ASTC, we don't necessarily provide a weight for every texel.
As such, for each block size, there are a number of patterns where some texels
have their weights computed as a weighted average of more than 1 weight.
As such, the codec uses a data structure that tells us: for each texel, which
weights it is a combination of for each weight, which texels it contributes to.
The decimation_table is this data structure.
struct decimation_table
int num_weights;
uint8_t texel_num_weights[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; // number of indices that go into the calculation for a texel
uint8_t texel_weights_int[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK][4]; // the weight to assign to each weight
uint8_t texel_weights[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK][4]; // the weights that go into a texel calculation
data structure describing information that pertains to a block size and its associated block modes.
struct block_mode
int8_t decimation_mode;
int8_t quantization_mode;
int8_t is_dual_plane;
int8_t permit_decode;
struct block_size_descriptor
int xdim;
int ydim;
int zdim;
int texel_count;
int decimation_mode_count;
const decimation_table *decimation_tables[MAX_DECIMATION_MODES];
block_mode block_modes[MAX_WEIGHT_MODES];
// All the partitioning information for this block size
partition_info partitions[(3*PARTITION_COUNT)+1];
// data structure representing one block of an image.
// it is expanded to float prior to processing to save some computation time
// on conversions to/from uint8_t (this also allows us to handle HDR textures easily)
struct imageblock
float orig_data[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK * 4]; // original input data
float data_r[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; // the data that we will compress, either linear or LNS (0..65535 in both cases)
float data_g[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK];
float data_b[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK];
float data_a[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK];
uint8_t rgb_lns[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; // 1 if RGB data are being treated as LNS
uint8_t alpha_lns[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; // 1 if Alpha data are being treated as LNS
uint8_t nan_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; // 1 if the texel is a NaN-texel.
float red_min, red_max;
float green_min, green_max;
float blue_min, blue_max;
float alpha_min, alpha_max;
int grayscale; // 1 if R=G=B for every pixel, 0 otherwise
int xpos, ypos, zpos;
void update_imageblock_flags(
imageblock* pb,
int xdim,
int ydim,
int zdim);
void imageblock_initialize_orig_from_work(
imageblock * pb,
int pixelcount);
void imageblock_initialize_work_from_orig(
imageblock * pb,
int pixelcount);
// enumeration of all the quantization methods we support under this format.
enum quantization_method
QUANT_2 = 0,
QUANT_3 = 1,
QUANT_4 = 2,
QUANT_5 = 3,
QUANT_6 = 4,
QUANT_8 = 5,
QUANT_10 = 6,
QUANT_12 = 7,
QUANT_16 = 8,
QUANT_20 = 9,
QUANT_24 = 10,
QUANT_32 = 11,
QUANT_40 = 12,
QUANT_48 = 13,
QUANT_64 = 14,
QUANT_80 = 15,
QUANT_96 = 16,
QUANT_128 = 17,
QUANT_160 = 18,
QUANT_192 = 19,
QUANT_256 = 20
* @brief Weight quantization transfer table.
* ASTC can store texel weights at many quantization levels, so for performance
* we store essential information about each level as a precomputed data
* structure.
* Unquantized weights are integers in the range [0, 64], or floats [0, 1].
* This structure provides the following information:
* A table, used to estimate the closest quantized
weight for a given floating-point weight. For each quantized weight, the corresponding unquantized
and floating-point values. For each quantized weight, a previous-value and a next-value.
struct quantization_and_transfer_table
/** The scrambled unquantized values. */
uint8_t unquantized_value[32];
extern const quantization_and_transfer_table quant_and_xfer_tables[12];
enum endpoint_formats
FMT_RGB = 8,
FMT_RGBA = 12,
struct symbolic_compressed_block
int error_block; // 1 marks error block, 0 marks non-error-block.
int block_mode; // 0 to 2047. Negative value marks constant-color block (-1: FP16, -2:UINT16)
int partition_count; // 1 to 4; Zero marks a constant-color block.
int partition_index; // 0 to 1023
int color_formats[4]; // color format for each endpoint color pair.
int color_formats_matched; // color format for all endpoint pairs are matched.
int color_values[4][12]; // quantized endpoint color pairs.
int color_quantization_level;
uint8_t plane1_weights[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK]; // quantized and decimated weights
uint8_t plane2_weights[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK];
int plane2_color_component; // color component for the secondary plane of weights
int constant_color[4]; // constant-color, as FP16 or UINT16. Used for constant-color blocks only.
struct physical_compressed_block
uint8_t data[16];
/* ============================================================================
Functions and data pertaining to quantization and encoding
============================================================================ */
* @brief Populate the blocksize descriptor for the target block size.
* This will also initialize the partition table metadata, which is stored
* as part of the BSD structure.
* @param xdim The x axis size of the block.
* @param ydim The y axis size of the block.
* @param zdim The z axis size of the block.
* @param bsd The structure to populate.
void init_block_size_descriptor(
int xdim,
int ydim,
int zdim,
block_size_descriptor* bsd);
void term_block_size_descriptor(
block_size_descriptor* bsd);
* @brief Populate the partition tables for the target block size.
* Note the block_size_size descriptor must be initialized before calling this
* function.
* @param bsd The structure to populate.
void init_partition_tables(
block_size_descriptor* bsd);
static inline const partition_info *get_partition_table(
const block_size_descriptor* bsd,
int partition_count
) {
if (partition_count == 1) {
partition_count = 5;
int index = (partition_count - 2) * PARTITION_COUNT;
return bsd->partitions + index;
// ***********************************************************
// functions and data pertaining to quantization and encoding
// **********************************************************
extern const uint8_t color_unquantization_tables[21][256];
extern int quantization_mode_table[17][128];
void decode_ise(
int quantization_level,
int elements,
const uint8_t* input_data,
uint8_t* output_data,
int bit_offset);
int compute_ise_bitcount(
int items,
quantization_method quant);
void build_quantization_mode_table(void);
// unpack a pair of color endpoints from a series of integers.
void unpack_color_endpoints(
astc_decode_mode decode_mode,
int format,
int quantization_level,
const int* input,
int* rgb_hdr,
int* alpha_hdr,
int* nan_endpoint,
uint4* output0,
uint4* output1);
/* *********************************** high-level encode and decode functions ************************************ */
void decompress_symbolic_block(
astc_decode_mode decode_mode,
const block_size_descriptor* bsd,
int xpos,
int ypos,
int zpos,
const symbolic_compressed_block* scb,
imageblock* blk);
void physical_to_symbolic(
const block_size_descriptor* bsd,
physical_compressed_block pb,
symbolic_compressed_block* res);
uint16_t unorm16_to_sf16(
uint16_t p);
uint16_t lns_to_sf16(
uint16_t p);