blob: 6abf55c6379ca6a4163f22f51fee42cae1a515bd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import fileinput
import operator
import optparse
import os
import pprint
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import json
def format_bytes(bytes):
"""Pretty-print a number of bytes."""
if bytes > 1e6:
bytes = bytes / 1.0e6
return '%.1fm' % bytes
if bytes > 1e3:
bytes = bytes / 1.0e3
return '%.1fk' % bytes
return str(bytes)
def symbol_type_to_human(type):
"""Convert a symbol type as printed by nm into a human-readable name."""
return {
'b': 'bss',
'd': 'data',
'r': 'read-only data',
't': 'code',
'u': 'weak symbol', # Unique global.
'w': 'weak symbol',
'v': 'weak symbol'
def parse_nm(input):
"""Parse nm output.
Argument: an iterable over lines of nm output.
Yields: (symbol name, symbol type, symbol size, source file path).
Path may be None if nm couldn't figure out the source file.
# Match lines with size + symbol + optional filename.
sym_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f]+ ([0-9a-f]+) (.) ([^\t]+)(?:\t(.*):\d+)?$')
# Match lines with addr but no size.
addr_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f]+ (.) ([^\t]+)(?:\t.*)?$')
# Match lines that don't have an address at all -- typically external symbols.
noaddr_re = re.compile(r'^ + (.) (.*)$')
for line in input:
line = line.rstrip()
match = sym_re.match(line)
if match:
size, type, sym = match.groups()[0:3]
size = int(size, 16)
type = type.lower()
if type in ['u', 'v']:
type = 'w' # just call them all weak
if type == 'b':
continue # skip all BSS for now
path =
yield sym, type, size, path
match = addr_re.match(line)
if match:
type, sym = match.groups()[0:2]
# No size == we don't care.
match = noaddr_re.match(line)
if match:
type, sym = match.groups()
if type in ('U', 'w'):
# external or weak symbol
print >>sys.stderr, 'unparsed:', repr(line)
def demangle(ident, cppfilt):
if cppfilt and ident.startswith('_Z'):
# Demangle names when possible. Mangled names all start with _Z.
ident = subprocess.check_output([cppfilt, ident]).strip()
return ident
class Suffix:
def __init__(self, suffix, replacement):
self.pattern = '^(.*)' + suffix + '(.*)$' = re.compile(self.pattern)
self.replacement = replacement
class SuffixCleanup:
"""Pre-compile suffix regular expressions."""
def __init__(self):
self.suffixes = [
Suffix('\.part\.([0-9]+)', 'part'),
Suffix('\.constprop\.([0-9]+)', 'constprop'),
Suffix('\.isra\.([0-9]+)', 'isra'),
def cleanup(self, ident, cppfilt):
"""Cleanup identifiers that have suffixes preventing demangling,
and demangle if possible."""
to_append = []
for s in self.suffixes:
found =
if not found:
to_append += [' [' + s.replacement + '.' + + ']']
ident = +
if len(to_append) > 0:
# Only try to demangle if there were suffixes.
ident = demangle(ident, cppfilt)
for s in to_append:
ident += s
return ident
suffix_cleanup = SuffixCleanup()
def parse_cpp_name(name, cppfilt):
name = suffix_cleanup.cleanup(name, cppfilt)
# Turn prefixes into suffixes so namespacing works.
prefixes = [
['bool ', ''],
['construction vtable for ', ' [construction vtable]'],
['global constructors keyed to ', ' [global constructors]'],
['guard variable for ', ' [guard variable]'],
['int ', ''],
['non-virtual thunk to ', ' [non-virtual thunk]'],
['typeinfo for ', ' [typeinfo]'],
['typeinfo name for ', ' [typeinfo name]'],
['virtual thunk to ', ' [virtual thunk]'],
['void ', ''],
['vtable for ', ' [vtable]'],
['VTT for ', ' [VTT]'],
for prefix, replacement in prefixes:
if name.startswith(prefix):
name = name[len(prefix):] + replacement
# Simplify parenthesis parsing.
replacements = [
['(anonymous namespace)', '[anonymous namespace]'],
for value, replacement in replacements:
name = name.replace(value, replacement)
def parse_one(val):
"""Returns (leftmost-part, remaining)."""
if (val.startswith('operator') and
not (val[8].isalnum() or val[8] == '_')):
# Operator overload function, terminate.
return (val, '')
co = val.find('::')
lt = val.find('<')
pa = val.find('(')
co = len(val) if co == -1 else co
lt = len(val) if lt == -1 else lt
pa = len(val) if pa == -1 else pa
if co < lt and co < pa:
# Namespace or type name.
return (val[:co], val[co+2:])
if lt < pa:
# Template. Make sure we capture nested templates too.
open_tmpl = 1
gt = lt
while val[gt] != '>' or open_tmpl != 0:
gt = gt + 1
if val[gt] == '<':
open_tmpl = open_tmpl + 1
if val[gt] == '>':
open_tmpl = open_tmpl - 1
ret = val[gt+1:]
if ret.startswith('::'):
ret = ret[2:]
if ret.startswith('('):
# Template function, terminate.
return (val, '')
return (val[:gt+1], ret)
# Terminate with any function name, identifier, or unmangled name.
return (val, '')
parts = []
while len(name) > 0:
(part, name) = parse_one(name)
assert len(part) > 0
return parts
def treeify_syms(symbols, strip_prefix=None, cppfilt=None):
dirs = {}
for sym, type, size, path in symbols:
if path:
path = os.path.normpath(path)
if strip_prefix and path.startswith(strip_prefix):
path = path[len(strip_prefix):]
elif path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
path = ['[path]'] + path.split('/')
parts = parse_cpp_name(sym, cppfilt)
if len(parts) == 1:
if path:
# No namespaces, group with path.
parts = path + parts
new_prefix = ['[ungrouped]']
regroups = [
['.L.str', '[str]'],
['.L__func__.', '[__func__]'],
['.Lswitch.table', '[switch table]'],
for prefix, group in regroups:
if parts[0].startswith(prefix):
parts[0] = parts[0][len(prefix):]
parts[0] = demangle(parts[0], cppfilt)
new_prefix += [group]
parts = new_prefix + parts
key = parts.pop()
tree = dirs
depth = 0
for part in parts:
depth = depth + 1
assert part != '', path
if part not in tree:
tree[part] = {'$bloat_symbols':{}}
if type not in tree[part]['$bloat_symbols']:
tree[part]['$bloat_symbols'][type] = 0
tree[part]['$bloat_symbols'][type] += 1
tree = tree[part]
old_size, old_symbols = tree.get(key, (0, {}))
if type not in old_symbols:
old_symbols[type] = 0
old_symbols[type] += 1
tree[key] = (old_size + size, old_symbols)
print >>sys.stderr, 'sym `%s`\tparts `%s`\tkey `%s`' % (sym, parts, key)
return dirs
def jsonify_tree(tree, name):
children = []
total = 0
files = 0
for key, val in tree.iteritems():
if key == '$bloat_symbols':
if isinstance(val, dict):
subtree = jsonify_tree(val, key)
total += subtree['data']['$area']
(size, symbols) = val
total += size
assert len(symbols) == 1, symbols.values()[0] == 1
symbol = symbol_type_to_human(symbols.keys()[0])
'name': key + ' ' + format_bytes(size),
'data': {
'$area': size,
'$symbol': symbol,
children.sort(key=lambda child: -child['data']['$area'])
dominant_symbol = ''
if '$bloat_symbols' in tree:
dominant_symbol = symbol_type_to_human(
return {
'name': name + ' ' + format_bytes(total),
'data': {
'$area': total,
'$dominant_symbol': dominant_symbol,
'children': children,
def dump_nm(nmfile, strip_prefix, cppfilt):
dirs = treeify_syms(parse_nm(nmfile), strip_prefix, cppfilt)
print ('var kTree = ' +
json.dumps(jsonify_tree(dirs, '[everything]'), indent=2))
def parse_objdump(input):
"""Parse objdump -h output."""
sec_re = re.compile('^\d+ (\S+) +([0-9a-z]+)')
sections = []
debug_sections = []
for line in input:
line = line.strip()
match = sec_re.match(line)
if match:
name, size = match.groups()
if name.startswith('.'):
name = name[1:]
if name.startswith('debug_'):
name = name[len('debug_'):]
debug_sections.append((name, int(size, 16)))
sections.append((name, int(size, 16)))
return sections, debug_sections
def jsonify_sections(name, sections):
children = []
total = 0
for section, size in sections:
'name': section + ' ' + format_bytes(size),
'data': { '$area': size }
total += size
children.sort(key=lambda child: -child['data']['$area'])
return {
'name': name + ' ' + format_bytes(total),
'data': { '$area': total },
'children': children
def dump_sections(objdump):
sections, debug_sections = parse_objdump(objdump)
sections = jsonify_sections('sections', sections)
debug_sections = jsonify_sections('debug', debug_sections)
size = sections['data']['$area'] + debug_sections['data']['$area']
print 'var kTree = ' + json.dumps({
'name': 'top ' + format_bytes(size),
'data': { '$area': size },
'children': [ debug_sections, sections ]})
usage="""%prog [options] MODE
Modes are:
syms: output symbols json suitable for a treemap
dump: print symbols sorted by size (pipe to head for best output)
sections: output binary sections json suitable for a treemap
nm output passed to --nm-output should from running a command
like the following (note, can take a long time -- 30 minutes):
nm -C -S -l /path/to/binary > nm.out
objdump output passed to --objdump-output should be from a command
objdump -h /path/to/binary > objdump.out"""
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('--nm-output', action='store', dest='nmpath',
metavar='PATH', default='nm.out',
help='path to nm output [default=nm.out]')
parser.add_option('--objdump-output', action='store', dest='objdumppath',
metavar='PATH', default='objdump.out',
help='path to objdump output [default=objdump.out]')
parser.add_option('--strip-prefix', metavar='PATH', action='store',
help='strip PATH prefix from paths; e.g. /path/to/src/root')
parser.add_option('--filter', action='store',
help='include only symbols/files matching FILTER')
parser.add_option('--c++filt', action='store', metavar='PATH', dest='cppfilt',
default='c++filt', help="Path to c++filt, used to demangle "
"symbols that weren't handled by nm. Set to an invalid path "
"to disable.")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
mode = args[0]
if mode == 'syms':
nmfile = open(opts.nmpath, 'r')
res = subprocess.check_output([opts.cppfilt, 'main'])
if res.strip() != 'main':
print >>sys.stderr, ("%s failed demangling, "
"output won't be demangled." % opt.cppfilt)
opts.cppfilt = None
print >>sys.stderr, ("Could not find c++filt at %s, "
"output won't be demangled." % opt.cppfilt)
opts.cppfilt = None
dump_nm(nmfile, strip_prefix=opts.strip_prefix, cppfilt=opts.cppfilt)
elif mode == 'sections':
objdumpfile = open(opts.objdumppath, 'r')
elif mode == 'dump':
nmfile = open(opts.nmpath, 'r')
syms = list(parse_nm(nmfile))
# a list of (sym, type, size, path); sort by size.
syms.sort(key=lambda x: -x[2])
total = 0
for sym, type, size, path in syms:
if type in ('b', 'w'):
continue # skip bss and weak symbols
if path is None:
path = ''
if opts.filter and not (opts.filter in sym or opts.filter in path):
print '%6s %s (%s) %s' % (format_bytes(size), sym,
symbol_type_to_human(type), path)
total += size
print '%6s %s' % (format_bytes(total), 'total'),
print 'unknown mode'