blob: 351e12e8060565ba6fee896ecb063053c5cee003 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_PixelProgram_hpp
#define sw_PixelProgram_hpp
#include "PixelRoutine.hpp"
#include "SamplerCore.hpp"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace sw
class PixelProgram : public PixelRoutine
PixelProgram(const PixelProcessor::State &state, const PixelShader *shader);
virtual ~PixelProgram() {}
virtual void setBuiltins(Int &x, Int &y, Float4(&z)[4], Float4 &w);
virtual void applyShader(Int cMask[4]);
virtual Bool alphaTest(Int cMask[4]);
virtual void rasterOperation(Float4 &fog, Pointer<Byte> cBuffer[4], Int &x, Int sMask[4], Int zMask[4], Int cMask[4]);
// Temporary registers
// Color outputs
RegisterArray<RENDERTARGETS, true> oC;
// Shader variables
Vector4f vPos;
Vector4f vFace;
// DX9 specific variables
Vector4f p0;
Array<Int> aL; // loop counter register
Array<Int> increment; // increment value per loop
Array<Int> iteration; // iteration count
Int loopDepth; // FIXME: Add support for switch
Int stackIndex; // FIXME: Inc/decrement callStack
Array<UInt> callStack;
// Per pixel based on conditions reached
Int enableIndex;
Array<Int4, MAX_SHADER_ENABLE_STACK_SIZE> enableStack;
Int4 enableBreak;
Int4 enableContinue;
Int4 enableLeave;
Vector4f sampleTexture(const Src &sampler, Vector4f &uvwq, Float4 &bias, Vector4f &dsx, Vector4f &dsy, Vector4f &offset, SamplerFunction function);
Vector4f sampleTexture(int samplerIndex, Vector4f &uvwq, Float4 &bias, Vector4f &dsx, Vector4f &dsy, Vector4f &offset, SamplerFunction function);
// Raster operations
void clampColor(Vector4f oC[RENDERTARGETS]);
Int4 enableMask(const Shader::Instruction *instruction);
Vector4f fetchRegister(const Src &src, unsigned int offset = 0);
Vector4f readConstant(const Src &src, unsigned int offset = 0);
RValue<Pointer<Byte>> uniformAddress(int bufferIndex, unsigned int index);
RValue<Pointer<Byte>> uniformAddress(int bufferIndex, unsigned int index, Int& offset);
Int relativeAddress(const Shader::Relative &rel, int bufferIndex = -1);
Int4 dynamicAddress(const Shader::Relative &rel);
Float4 linearToSRGB(const Float4 &x);
// Instructions
typedef Shader::Control Control;
void M3X2(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1);
void M3X3(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1);
void M3X4(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1);
void M4X3(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1);
void M4X4(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1);
void TEX(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, bool project, bool bias);
void TEXLOD(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, Float4 &lod);
void TEXBIAS(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, Float4 &bias);
void TEXSIZE(Vector4f &dst, Float4 &lod, const Src &src1);
void TEXKILL(Int cMask[4], Vector4f &src, unsigned char mask);
void TEXOFFSET(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, Vector4f &offset);
void TEXOFFSETBIAS(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, Vector4f &offset, Float4 &bias);
void TEXLODOFFSET(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, Vector4f &offset, Float4 &lod);
void TEXELFETCH(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src, const Src &, Float4 &lod);
void TEXELFETCHOFFSET(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src, const Src &, Vector4f &offset, Float4 &lod);
void TEXGRAD(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src0, const Src &src1, Vector4f &dsx, Vector4f &dsy);
void TEXGRADOFFSET(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src, const Src &, Vector4f &dsx, Vector4f &dsy, Vector4f &offset);
void DISCARD(Int cMask[4], const Shader::Instruction *instruction);
void DFDX(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src);
void DFDY(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src);
void FWIDTH(Vector4f &dst, Vector4f &src);
void BREAK();
void BREAKC(Vector4f &src0, Vector4f &src1, Control);
void BREAKP(const Src &predicateRegister);
void BREAK(Int4 &condition);
void CONTINUE();
void TEST();
void SCALAR();
void CALL(int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex);
void CALLNZ(int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex, const Src &src);
void CALLNZb(int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex, const Src &boolRegister);
void CALLNZp(int labelIndex, int callSiteIndex, const Src &predicateRegister);
void ELSE();
void ENDIF();
void ENDLOOP();
void ENDREP();
void ENDWHILE();
void IF(const Src &src);
void IFb(const Src &boolRegister);
void IFp(const Src &predicateRegister);
void IFC(Vector4f &src0, Vector4f &src1, Control);
void IF(Int4 &condition);
void LABEL(int labelIndex);
void LOOP(const Src &integerRegister);
void REP(const Src &integerRegister);
void WHILE(const Src &temporaryRegister);
void SWITCH();
void RET();
void LEAVE();
int ifDepth = 0;
int loopRepDepth = 0;
int currentLabel = -1;
bool scalar = false;
std::vector<BasicBlock*> ifFalseBlock;
std::vector<BasicBlock*> loopRepTestBlock;
std::vector<BasicBlock*> loopRepEndBlock;
std::vector<BasicBlock*> labelBlock;
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, std::vector<BasicBlock*>> callRetBlock; // label -> list of call sites
BasicBlock *returnBlock;
std::vector<bool> isConditionalIf;
std::vector<Int4> restoreContinue;