blob: 3b54c0338f93721bd1f4a4460c57edf9b85d1fa5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceGlobalContext.cpp - Global context defs -------------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines aspects of the compilation that persist across
// multiple functions.
#include <ctype.h> // isdigit(), isupper()
#include <locale> // locale
#include <unordered_map>
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
#include "IceCfg.h"
#include "IceCfgNode.h"
#include "IceClFlags.h"
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceELFObjectWriter.h"
#include "IceGlobalContext.h"
#include "IceGlobalInits.h"
#include "IceOperand.h"
#include "IceTargetLowering.h"
#include "IceTimerTree.h"
#include "IceTypes.h"
namespace std {
template <> struct hash<Ice::RelocatableTuple> {
size_t operator()(const Ice::RelocatableTuple &Key) const {
return hash<Ice::IceString>()(Key.Name) +
} // end of namespace std
namespace Ice {
namespace {
// Define the key comparison function for the constant pool's
// unordered_map, but only for key types of interest: integer types,
// floating point types, and the special RelocatableTuple.
template <typename KeyType, class Enable = void> struct KeyCompare {};
template <typename KeyType>
struct KeyCompare<KeyType,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_integral<KeyType>::value ||
std::is_same<KeyType, RelocatableTuple>::value>::type> {
bool operator()(const KeyType &Value1, const KeyType &Value2) const {
return Value1 == Value2;
template <typename KeyType>
struct KeyCompare<KeyType, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_floating_point<KeyType>::value>::type> {
bool operator()(const KeyType &Value1, const KeyType &Value2) const {
return !memcmp(&Value1, &Value2, sizeof(KeyType));
// Define a key comparison function for sorting the constant pool's
// values after they are dumped to a vector. This covers integer
// types, floating point types, and ConstantRelocatable values.
template <typename ValueType, class Enable = void> struct KeyCompareLess {};
template <typename ValueType>
struct KeyCompareLess<ValueType,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<
typename ValueType::PrimType>::value>::type> {
bool operator()(const Constant *Const1, const Constant *Const2) const {
typedef uint64_t CompareType;
static_assert(sizeof(typename ValueType::PrimType) <= sizeof(CompareType),
"Expected floating-point type of width 64-bit or less");
typename ValueType::PrimType V1 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const1)->getValue();
typename ValueType::PrimType V2 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const2)->getValue();
// We avoid "V1<V2" because of NaN.
// We avoid "memcmp(&V1,&V2,sizeof(V1))<0" which depends on the
// endian-ness of the host system running Subzero.
// Instead, compare the result of bit_cast to uint64_t.
uint64_t I1 = 0, I2 = 0;
memcpy(&I1, &V1, sizeof(V1));
memcpy(&I2, &V2, sizeof(V2));
return I1 < I2;
template <typename ValueType>
struct KeyCompareLess<ValueType,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<
typename ValueType::PrimType>::value>::type> {
bool operator()(const Constant *Const1, const Constant *Const2) const {
typename ValueType::PrimType V1 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const1)->getValue();
typename ValueType::PrimType V2 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const2)->getValue();
return V1 < V2;
template <typename ValueType>
struct KeyCompareLess<
ValueType, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<ValueType, ConstantRelocatable>::value>::type> {
bool operator()(const Constant *Const1, const Constant *Const2) const {
auto V1 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const1);
auto V2 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const2);
if (V1->getName() == V2->getName())
return V1->getOffset() < V2->getOffset();
return V1->getName() < V2->getName();
// TypePool maps constants of type KeyType (e.g. float) to pointers to
// type ValueType (e.g. ConstantFloat).
template <Type Ty, typename KeyType, typename ValueType> class TypePool {
TypePool(const TypePool &) = delete;
TypePool &operator=(const TypePool &) = delete;
TypePool() : NextPoolID(0) {}
ValueType *getOrAdd(GlobalContext *Ctx, KeyType Key) {
auto Iter = Pool.find(Key);
if (Iter != Pool.end())
return Iter->second;
ValueType *Result = ValueType::create(Ctx, Ty, Key, NextPoolID++);
Pool[Key] = Result;
return Result;
ConstantList getConstantPool() const {
ConstantList Constants;
for (auto &I : Pool)
// The sort (and its KeyCompareLess machinery) is not strictly
// necessary, but is desirable for producing output that is
// deterministic across unordered_map::iterator implementations.
std::sort(Constants.begin(), Constants.end(), KeyCompareLess<ValueType>());
return Constants;
// Use the default hash function, and a custom key comparison
// function. The key comparison function for floating point
// variables can't use the default == based implementation because
// of special C++ semantics regarding +0.0, -0.0, and NaN
// comparison. However, it's OK to use the default hash for
// floating point values because KeyCompare is the final source of
// truth - in the worst case a "false" collision must be resolved.
typedef std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType *, std::hash<KeyType>,
KeyCompare<KeyType>> ContainerType;
ContainerType Pool;
uint32_t NextPoolID;
// UndefPool maps ICE types to the corresponding ConstantUndef values.
class UndefPool {
UndefPool(const UndefPool &) = delete;
UndefPool &operator=(const UndefPool &) = delete;
UndefPool() : NextPoolID(0), Pool(IceType_NUM) {}
ConstantUndef *getOrAdd(GlobalContext *Ctx, Type Ty) {
if (Pool[Ty] == nullptr)
Pool[Ty] = ConstantUndef::create(Ctx, Ty, NextPoolID++);
return Pool[Ty];
uint32_t NextPoolID;
std::vector<ConstantUndef *> Pool;
} // end of anonymous namespace
// The global constant pool bundles individual pools of each type of
// interest.
class ConstantPool {
ConstantPool(const ConstantPool &) = delete;
ConstantPool &operator=(const ConstantPool &) = delete;
ConstantPool() {}
TypePool<IceType_f32, float, ConstantFloat> Floats;
TypePool<IceType_f64, double, ConstantDouble> Doubles;
TypePool<IceType_i1, int8_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers1;
TypePool<IceType_i8, int8_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers8;
TypePool<IceType_i16, int16_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers16;
TypePool<IceType_i32, int32_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers32;
TypePool<IceType_i64, int64_t, ConstantInteger64> Integers64;
TypePool<IceType_i32, RelocatableTuple, ConstantRelocatable> Relocatables;
TypePool<IceType_i32, RelocatableTuple, ConstantRelocatable>
UndefPool Undefs;
void GlobalContext::CodeStats::dump(const IceString &Name, Ostream &Str) {
#define X(str, tag) \
Str << "|" << Name << "|" str "|" << Stats[CS_##tag] << "\n";
#undef X
Str << "|" << Name << "|Spills+Fills|"
<< Stats[CS_NumSpills] + Stats[CS_NumFills] << "\n";
Str << "|" << Name << "|Memory Usage|";
if (ssize_t MemUsed = llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime(false).getMemUsed())
Str << MemUsed;
Str << "(requires '-track-memory')";
Str << "\n";
GlobalContext::GlobalContext(Ostream *OsDump, Ostream *OsEmit, Ostream *OsError,
ELFStreamer *ELFStr, const ClFlags &Flags)
: ConstPool(new ConstantPool()), ErrorStatus(), StrDump(OsDump),
StrEmit(OsEmit), StrError(OsError), Flags(Flags),
RNG(Flags.getRandomSeed()), ObjectWriter(),
// EmitQ is allowed unlimited size.
EmitQ(/*Sequential=*/Flags.isSequential()) {
assert(OsDump && "OsDump is not defined for GlobalContext");
assert(OsEmit && "OsEmit is not defined for GlobalContext");
assert(OsError && "OsError is not defined for GlobalContext");
// Make sure thread_local fields are properly initialized before any
// accesses are made. Do this here instead of at the start of
// main() so that all clients (e.g. unit tests) can benefit for
// free.
// Create a new ThreadContext for the current thread. No need to
// lock AllThreadContexts at this point since no other threads have
// access yet to this GlobalContext object.
ThreadContext *MyTLS = new ThreadContext();
// Pre-register built-in stack names.
// TODO(stichnot): There needs to be a strong relationship between
// the newTimerStackID() return values and TSK_Default/TSK_Funcs.
newTimerStackID("Total across all functions");
newTimerStackID("Per-function summary");
switch (Flags.getOutFileType()) {
case FT_Elf:
ObjectWriter.reset(new ELFObjectWriter(*this, *ELFStr));
case FT_Asm:
case FT_Iasm:
void GlobalContext::translateFunctions() {
while (std::unique_ptr<Cfg> Func = optQueueBlockingPop()) {
// Install Func in TLS for Cfg-specific container allocators.
// Reset per-function stats being accumulated in TLS.
// Set verbose level to none if the current function does NOT
// match the -verbose-focus command-line option.
if (!matchSymbolName(Func->getFunctionName(),
// Disable translation if -notranslate is specified, or if the
// current function matches the -translate-only option. If
// translation is disabled, just dump the high-level IR and
// continue.
if (getFlags().getDisableTranslation() ||
getFlags().getTranslateOnly())) {
continue; // Func goes out of scope and gets deleted
EmitterWorkItem *Item = nullptr;
if (Func->hasError()) {
OstreamLocker L(this);
getStrError() << "ICE translation error: " << Func->getFunctionName()
<< ": " << Func->getError() << "\n";
Item = new EmitterWorkItem(Func->getSequenceNumber());
} else {
switch (getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
case FT_Elf:
case FT_Iasm: {
// The Cfg has already emitted into the assembly buffer, so
// stats have been fully collected into this thread's TLS.
// Dump them before TLS is reset for the next Cfg.
Assembler *Asm = Func->releaseAssembler();
// Copy relevant fields into Asm before Func is deleted.
Item = new EmitterWorkItem(Func->getSequenceNumber(), Asm);
} break;
case FT_Asm:
// The Cfg has not been emitted yet, so stats are not ready
// to be dumped.
std::unique_ptr<VariableDeclarationList> GlobalInits =
Item = new EmitterWorkItem(Func->getSequenceNumber(), Func.release());
// The Cfg now gets deleted as Func goes out of scope.
namespace {
// Adds an array of pointers to all the profiler-generated globals. The
// __Sz_profile_summary function iterates over this array for printing the
// profiling counters.
VariableDeclaration *blockProfileInfo(const VariableDeclarationList &Globals) {
auto *Var = VariableDeclaration::create();
// Note: if you change this symbol, make sure to update
// runtime/szrt_profiler.c as well.
for (const VariableDeclaration *Global : Globals) {
if (Cfg::isProfileGlobal(*Global)) {
constexpr RelocOffsetT BlockExecutionCounterOffset = 0;
Var->addInitializer(new VariableDeclaration::RelocInitializer(
Global, BlockExecutionCounterOffset));
// This adds a 64-bit sentinel entry to the end of our array. For 32-bit
// architectures this will waste 4 bytes.
const SizeT Sizeof64BitNullPtr = typeWidthInBytes(IceType_i64);
new VariableDeclaration::ZeroInitializer(Sizeof64BitNullPtr));
return Var;
void addBlockProfileInfoArrayToGlobals(VariableDeclarationList *Globals) {
// Purposefully create the Var temp to prevent bugs in case the compiler
// reorders instructions in a way that Globals is extended before the call
// to profileInfoArray.
VariableDeclaration *Var = blockProfileInfo(*Globals);
void lowerGlobals(GlobalContext *Ctx,
std::unique_ptr<VariableDeclarationList> VariableDeclarations,
TargetDataLowering *DataLowering) {
TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_emitGlobalInitializers, Ctx);
const bool DumpGlobalVariables = ALLOW_DUMP && Ctx->getFlags().getVerbose() &&
if (DumpGlobalVariables) {
OstreamLocker L(Ctx);
Ostream &Stream = Ctx->getStrDump();
for (const Ice::VariableDeclaration *Global : *VariableDeclarations) {
Global->dump(Ctx, Stream);
if (Ctx->getFlags().getDisableTranslation())
// There should be no need to emit the block_profile_info array if profiling
// is disabled. In practice, given that szrt_profiler.o will always be
// embedded in the application, we need to add it. In a non-profiled build
// this array will only contain the nullptr terminator.
// Ensure Pending is large enough that Pending[Index] is valid.
void resizePending(std::vector<EmitterWorkItem *> &Pending, uint32_t Index) {
if (Index >= Pending.size())
Pending.resize(Index + 1);
void addAllIfNotNull(std::unique_ptr<VariableDeclarationList> src,
VariableDeclarationList *dst) {
if (src != nullptr) {
dst->insert(dst->end(), src->begin(), src->end());
} // end of anonymous namespace
void GlobalContext::emitItems() {
const bool Threaded = !getFlags().isSequential();
// Pending is a vector containing the reassembled, ordered list of
// work items. When we're ready for the next item, we first check
// whether it's in the Pending list. If not, we take an item from
// the work queue, and if it's not the item we're waiting for, we
// insert it into Pending and repeat. The work item is deleted
// after it is processed.
std::unique_ptr<VariableDeclarationList> GlobalInits(
new VariableDeclarationList());
std::vector<EmitterWorkItem *> Pending;
uint32_t DesiredSequenceNumber = getFirstSequenceNumber();
while (true) {
resizePending(Pending, DesiredSequenceNumber);
// See if Pending contains DesiredSequenceNumber.
EmitterWorkItem *RawItem = Pending[DesiredSequenceNumber];
if (RawItem == nullptr)
RawItem = emitQueueBlockingPop();
if (RawItem == nullptr)
uint32_t ItemSeq = RawItem->getSequenceNumber();
if (Threaded && ItemSeq != DesiredSequenceNumber) {
resizePending(Pending, ItemSeq);
Pending[ItemSeq] = RawItem;
std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem> Item(RawItem);
switch (Item->getKind()) {
case EmitterWorkItem::WI_Nop:
case EmitterWorkItem::WI_GlobalInits: {
addAllIfNotNull(Item->getGlobalInits(), GlobalInits.get());
} break;
case EmitterWorkItem::WI_Asm: {
addAllIfNotNull(Item->getGlobalInits(), GlobalInits.get());
std::unique_ptr<Assembler> Asm = Item->getAsm();
IceString MangledName = mangleName(Asm->getFunctionName());
switch (getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
case FT_Elf:
getObjectWriter()->writeFunctionCode(MangledName, Asm->getInternal(),
case FT_Iasm: {
OstreamLocker L(this);
Cfg::emitTextHeader(MangledName, this, Asm.get());
} break;
case FT_Asm:
llvm::report_fatal_error("Unexpected FT_Asm");
} break;
case EmitterWorkItem::WI_Cfg: {
llvm::report_fatal_error("WI_Cfg work item created inappropriately");
addAllIfNotNull(Item->getGlobalInits(), GlobalInits.get());
assert(getFlags().getOutFileType() == FT_Asm);
std::unique_ptr<Cfg> Func = Item->getCfg();
// Unfortunately, we have to temporarily install the Cfg in TLS
// because Variable::asType() uses the allocator to create the
// differently-typed copy.
} break;
lowerGlobals(this, std::move(GlobalInits),
// Scan a string for S[0-9A-Z]*_ patterns and replace them with
// S<num>_ where <num> is the next base-36 value. If a type name
// legitimately contains that pattern, then the substitution will be
// made in error and most likely the link will fail. In this case,
// the test classes can be rewritten not to use that pattern, which is
// much simpler and more reliable than implementing a full demangling
// parser. Another substitution-in-error may occur if a type
// identifier ends with the pattern S[0-9A-Z]*, because an immediately
// following substitution string like "S1_" or "PS1_" may be combined
// with the previous type.
void GlobalContext::incrementSubstitutions(ManglerVector &OldName) const {
const std::locale CLocale("C");
// Provide extra space in case the length of <num> increases.
ManglerVector NewName(OldName.size() * 2);
size_t OldPos = 0;
size_t NewPos = 0;
size_t OldLen = OldName.size();
for (; OldPos < OldLen; ++OldPos, ++NewPos) {
if (OldName[OldPos] == '\0')
if (OldName[OldPos] == 'S') {
// Search forward until we find _ or invalid character (including \0).
bool AllZs = true;
bool Found = false;
size_t Last;
for (Last = OldPos + 1; Last < OldLen; ++Last) {
char Ch = OldName[Last];
if (Ch == '_') {
Found = true;
} else if (std::isdigit(Ch) || std::isupper(Ch, CLocale)) {
if (Ch != 'Z')
AllZs = false;
} else {
// Invalid character, stop searching.
if (Found) {
NewName[NewPos++] = OldName[OldPos++]; // 'S'
size_t Length = Last - OldPos;
// NewPos and OldPos point just past the 'S'.
assert(NewName[NewPos - 1] == 'S');
assert(OldName[OldPos - 1] == 'S');
assert(OldName[OldPos + Length] == '_');
if (AllZs) {
// Replace N 'Z' characters with a '0' (if N=0) or '1' (if
// N>0) followed by N '0' characters.
NewName[NewPos++] = (Length ? '1' : '0');
for (size_t i = 0; i < Length; ++i) {
NewName[NewPos++] = '0';
} else {
// Iterate right-to-left and increment the base-36 number.
bool Carry = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Length; ++i) {
size_t Offset = Length - 1 - i;
char Ch = OldName[OldPos + Offset];
if (Carry) {
Carry = false;
switch (Ch) {
case '9':
Ch = 'A';
case 'Z':
Ch = '0';
Carry = true;
NewName[NewPos + Offset] = Ch;
NewPos += Length;
OldPos = Last;
// Fall through and let the '_' be copied across.
NewName[NewPos] = OldName[OldPos];
assert(NewName[NewPos] == '\0');
OldName = NewName;
// In this context, name mangling means to rewrite a symbol using a
// given prefix. For a C++ symbol, nest the original symbol inside
// the "prefix" namespace. For other symbols, just prepend the
// prefix.
IceString GlobalContext::mangleName(const IceString &Name) const {
// An already-nested name like foo::bar() gets pushed down one
// level, making it equivalent to Prefix::foo::bar().
// _ZN3foo3barExyz ==> _ZN6Prefix3foo3barExyz
// A non-nested but mangled name like bar() gets nested, making it
// equivalent to Prefix::bar().
// _Z3barxyz ==> ZN6Prefix3barExyz
// An unmangled, extern "C" style name, gets a simple prefix:
// bar ==> Prefixbar
if (!ALLOW_DUMP || getFlags().getTestPrefix().empty())
return Name;
const IceString &TestPrefix = getFlags().getTestPrefix();
unsigned PrefixLength = TestPrefix.length();
ManglerVector NameBase(1 + Name.length());
const size_t BufLen = 30 + Name.length() + PrefixLength;
ManglerVector NewName(BufLen);
uint32_t BaseLength = 0; // using uint32_t due to sscanf format string
int ItemsParsed = sscanf(Name.c_str(), "_ZN%s",;
if (ItemsParsed == 1) {
// Transform _ZN3foo3barExyz ==> _ZN6Prefix3foo3barExyz
// (splice in "6Prefix") ^^^^^^^
snprintf(, BufLen, "_ZN%u%s%s", PrefixLength,
// We ignore the snprintf return value (here and below). If we
// somehow miscalculated the output buffer length, the output will
// be truncated, but it will be truncated consistently for all
// mangleName() calls on the same input string.
// Artificially limit BaseLength to 9 digits (less than 1 billion)
// because sscanf behavior is undefined on integer overflow. If
// there are more than 9 digits (which we test by looking at the
// beginning of NameBase), then we consider this a failure to parse
// a namespace mangling, and fall back to the simple prefixing.
ItemsParsed = sscanf(Name.c_str(), "_Z%9u%s", &BaseLength,;
if (ItemsParsed == 2 && BaseLength <= strlen( &&
!isdigit(NameBase[0])) {
// Transform _Z3barxyz ==> _ZN6Prefix3barExyz
// ^^^^^^^^ ^
// (splice in "N6Prefix", and insert "E" after "3bar")
// But an "I" after the identifier indicates a template argument
// list terminated with "E"; insert the new "E" before/after the
// old "E". E.g.:
// Transform _Z3barIabcExyz ==> _ZN6Prefix3barIabcEExyz
// ^^^^^^^^ ^
// (splice in "N6Prefix", and insert "E" after "3barIabcE")
ManglerVector OrigName(Name.length());
ManglerVector OrigSuffix(Name.length());
uint32_t ActualBaseLength = BaseLength;
if (NameBase[ActualBaseLength] == 'I') {
while (NameBase[ActualBaseLength] != 'E' &&
NameBase[ActualBaseLength] != '\0')
strncpy(,, ActualBaseLength);
OrigName[ActualBaseLength] = '\0';
strcpy(, + ActualBaseLength);
snprintf(, BufLen, "_ZN%u%s%u%sE%s", PrefixLength,
TestPrefix.c_str(), BaseLength,,;
// Transform bar ==> Prefixbar
// ^^^^^^
return TestPrefix + Name;
GlobalContext::~GlobalContext() {
// TODO(stichnot): Consider adding thread-local caches of constant
// pool entries to reduce contention.
// All locking is done by the getConstantInt[0-9]+() target function.
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt(Type Ty, int64_t Value) {
switch (Ty) {
case IceType_i1:
return getConstantInt1(Value);
case IceType_i8:
return getConstantInt8(Value);
case IceType_i16:
return getConstantInt16(Value);
case IceType_i32:
return getConstantInt32(Value);
case IceType_i64:
return getConstantInt64(Value);
llvm_unreachable("Bad integer type for getConstant");
return nullptr;
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt1(int8_t ConstantInt1) {
ConstantInt1 &= INT8_C(1);
return getConstPool()->Integers1.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt1);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt8(int8_t ConstantInt8) {
return getConstPool()->Integers8.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt8);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt16(int16_t ConstantInt16) {
return getConstPool()->Integers16.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt16);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt32(int32_t ConstantInt32) {
return getConstPool()->Integers32.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt32);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt64(int64_t ConstantInt64) {
return getConstPool()->Integers64.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt64);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantFloat(float ConstantFloat) {
return getConstPool()->Floats.getOrAdd(this, ConstantFloat);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantDouble(double ConstantDouble) {
return getConstPool()->Doubles.getOrAdd(this, ConstantDouble);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantSym(RelocOffsetT Offset,
const IceString &Name,
bool SuppressMangling) {
return getConstPool()->Relocatables.getOrAdd(
this, RelocatableTuple(Offset, Name, SuppressMangling));
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantExternSym(const IceString &Name) {
const RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
const bool SuppressMangling = true;
return getConstPool()->ExternRelocatables.getOrAdd(
this, RelocatableTuple(Offset, Name, SuppressMangling));
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantUndef(Type Ty) {
return getConstPool()->Undefs.getOrAdd(this, Ty);
// All locking is done by the getConstant*() target function.
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantZero(Type Ty) {
switch (Ty) {
case IceType_i1:
return getConstantInt1(0);
case IceType_i8:
return getConstantInt8(0);
case IceType_i16:
return getConstantInt16(0);
case IceType_i32:
return getConstantInt32(0);
case IceType_i64:
return getConstantInt64(0);
case IceType_f32:
return getConstantFloat(0);
case IceType_f64:
return getConstantDouble(0);
case IceType_v4i1:
case IceType_v8i1:
case IceType_v16i1:
case IceType_v16i8:
case IceType_v8i16:
case IceType_v4i32:
case IceType_v4f32: {
IceString Str;
llvm::raw_string_ostream BaseOS(Str);
BaseOS << "Unsupported constant type: " << Ty;
} break;
case IceType_void:
case IceType_NUM:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown type");
ConstantList GlobalContext::getConstantPool(Type Ty) {
switch (Ty) {
case IceType_i1:
case IceType_i8:
case IceType_i16:
case IceType_i32:
return getConstPool()->Integers32.getConstantPool();
case IceType_i64:
return getConstPool()->Integers64.getConstantPool();
case IceType_f32:
return getConstPool()->Floats.getConstantPool();
case IceType_f64:
return getConstPool()->Doubles.getConstantPool();
case IceType_v4i1:
case IceType_v8i1:
case IceType_v16i1:
case IceType_v16i8:
case IceType_v8i16:
case IceType_v4i32:
case IceType_v4f32: {
IceString Str;
llvm::raw_string_ostream BaseOS(Str);
BaseOS << "Unsupported constant type: " << Ty;
} break;
case IceType_void:
case IceType_NUM:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown type");
ConstantList GlobalContext::getConstantExternSyms() {
return getConstPool()->ExternRelocatables.getConstantPool();
TimerStackIdT GlobalContext::newTimerStackID(const IceString &Name) {
return 0;
auto Timers = getTimers();
TimerStackIdT NewID = Timers->size();
return NewID;
TimerIdT GlobalContext::getTimerID(TimerStackIdT StackID,
const IceString &Name) {
auto Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
assert(StackID < Timers->size());
return Timers->at(StackID).getTimerID(Name);
void GlobalContext::pushTimer(TimerIdT ID, TimerStackIdT StackID) {
auto Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
assert(StackID < Timers->size());
void GlobalContext::popTimer(TimerIdT ID, TimerStackIdT StackID) {
auto Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
assert(StackID < Timers->size());
void GlobalContext::resetTimer(TimerStackIdT StackID) {
auto Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
assert(StackID < Timers->size());
void GlobalContext::setTimerName(TimerStackIdT StackID,
const IceString &NewName) {
auto Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
assert(StackID < Timers->size());
// Note: optQueueBlockingPush and optQueueBlockingPop use unique_ptr
// at the interface to take and transfer ownership, but they
// internally store the raw Cfg pointer in the work queue. This
// allows e.g. future queue optimizations such as the use of atomics
// to modify queue elements.
void GlobalContext::optQueueBlockingPush(std::unique_ptr<Cfg> Func) {
if (getFlags().isSequential())
std::unique_ptr<Cfg> GlobalContext::optQueueBlockingPop() {
return std::unique_ptr<Cfg>(OptQ.blockingPop());
void GlobalContext::emitQueueBlockingPush(EmitterWorkItem *Item) {
if (getFlags().isSequential())
EmitterWorkItem *GlobalContext::emitQueueBlockingPop() {
return EmitQ.blockingPop();
void GlobalContext::dumpStats(const IceString &Name, bool Final) {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
OstreamLocker OL(this);
if (Final) {
getStatsCumulative()->dump(Name, getStrDump());
} else {
ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->StatsFunction.dump(Name, getStrDump());
void GlobalContext::dumpTimers(TimerStackIdT StackID, bool DumpCumulative) {
auto Timers = getTimers();
assert(Timers->size() > StackID);
OstreamLocker L(this);
Timers->at(StackID).dump(getStrDump(), DumpCumulative);
void TimerMarker::push() {
switch (StackID) {
case GlobalContext::TSK_Default:
Active = Ctx->getFlags().getSubzeroTimingEnabled();
case GlobalContext::TSK_Funcs:
Active = Ctx->getFlags().getTimeEachFunction();
if (Active)
Ctx->pushTimer(ID, StackID);
void TimerMarker::pushCfg(const Cfg *Func) {
Ctx = Func->getContext();
Active =
Func->getFocusedTiming() || Ctx->getFlags().getSubzeroTimingEnabled();
if (Active)
Ctx->pushTimer(ID, StackID);
ICE_TLS_DEFINE_FIELD(GlobalContext::ThreadContext *, GlobalContext, TLS);
} // end of namespace Ice