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//===- subzero/src/IceGlobalContext.cpp - Global context defs ---*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines aspects of the compilation that persist across
// multiple functions.
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceTypes.h"
#include "IceCfg.h"
#include "IceGlobalContext.h"
#include "IceOperand.h"
namespace Ice {
// TypePool maps constants of type KeyType (e.g. float) to pointers to
// type ValueType (e.g. ConstantFloat). KeyType values are compared
// using memcmp() because of potential NaN values in KeyType values.
// KeyTypeHasFP indicates whether KeyType is a floating-point type
// whose values need to be compared using memcmp() for NaN
// correctness. TODO: use std::is_floating_point<KeyType> instead of
// KeyTypeHasFP with C++11.
template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType, bool KeyTypeHasFP = false>
class TypePool {
TypePool(const TypePool &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
TypePool &operator=(const TypePool &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
TypePool() {}
ValueType *getOrAdd(GlobalContext *Ctx, Type Ty, KeyType Key) {
TupleType TupleKey = std::make_pair(Ty, Key);
typename ContainerType::const_iterator Iter = Pool.find(TupleKey);
if (Iter != Pool.end())
return Iter->second;
ValueType *Result = ValueType::create(Ctx, Ty, Key);
Pool[TupleKey] = Result;
return Result;
typedef std::pair<Type, KeyType> TupleType;
struct TupleCompare {
bool operator()(const TupleType &A, const TupleType &B) {
if (A.first != B.first)
return A.first < B.first;
if (KeyTypeHasFP)
return memcmp(&A.second, &B.second, sizeof(KeyType)) < 0;
return A.second < B.second;
typedef std::map<const TupleType, ValueType *, TupleCompare> ContainerType;
ContainerType Pool;
// The global constant pool bundles individual pools of each type of
// interest.
class ConstantPool {
ConstantPool(const ConstantPool &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
ConstantPool &operator=(const ConstantPool &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
ConstantPool() {}
TypePool<float, ConstantFloat, true> Floats;
TypePool<double, ConstantDouble, true> Doubles;
TypePool<uint64_t, ConstantInteger> Integers;
TypePool<RelocatableTuple, ConstantRelocatable> Relocatables;
GlobalContext::GlobalContext(llvm::raw_ostream *OsDump,
llvm::raw_ostream *OsEmit, VerboseMask Mask,
IceString TestPrefix)
: StrDump(OsDump), StrEmit(OsEmit), VMask(Mask),
ConstPool(new ConstantPool()), TestPrefix(TestPrefix) {}
// In this context, name mangling means to rewrite a symbol using a
// given prefix. For a C++ symbol, nest the original symbol inside
// the "prefix" namespace. For other symbols, just prepend the
// prefix.
IceString GlobalContext::mangleName(const IceString &Name) const {
// TODO: Add explicit tests (beyond the implicit tests in the linker
// that come from the cross tests).
// An already-nested name like foo::bar() gets pushed down one
// level, making it equivalent to Prefix::foo::bar().
// _ZN3foo3barExyz ==> _ZN6Prefix3foo3barExyz
// A non-nested but mangled name like bar() gets nested, making it
// equivalent to Prefix::bar().
// _Z3barxyz ==> ZN6Prefix3barExyz
// An unmangled, extern "C" style name, gets a simple prefix:
// bar ==> Prefixbar
if (getTestPrefix().empty())
return Name;
unsigned PrefixLength = getTestPrefix().length();
char NameBase[1 + Name.length()];
const size_t BufLen = 30 + Name.length() + getTestPrefix().length();
char NewName[BufLen];
uint32_t BaseLength = 0;
int ItemsParsed = sscanf(Name.c_str(), "_ZN%s", NameBase);
if (ItemsParsed == 1) {
// Transform _ZN3foo3barExyz ==> _ZN6Prefix3foo3barExyz
// (splice in "6Prefix") ^^^^^^^
snprintf(NewName, BufLen, "_ZN%u%s%s", PrefixLength,
getTestPrefix().c_str(), NameBase);
// We ignore the snprintf return value (here and below). If we
// somehow miscalculated the output buffer length, the output will
// be truncated, but it will be truncated consistently for all
// mangleName() calls on the same input string.
return NewName;
ItemsParsed = sscanf(Name.c_str(), "_Z%u%s", &BaseLength, NameBase);
if (ItemsParsed == 2) {
// Transform _Z3barxyz ==> ZN6Prefix3barExyz
// ^^^^^^^^ ^
// (splice in "N6Prefix", and insert "E" after "3bar")
char OrigName[Name.length()];
char OrigSuffix[Name.length()];
strncpy(OrigName, NameBase, BaseLength);
OrigName[BaseLength] = '\0';
strcpy(OrigSuffix, NameBase + BaseLength);
snprintf(NewName, BufLen, "_ZN%u%s%u%sE%s", PrefixLength,
getTestPrefix().c_str(), BaseLength, OrigName, OrigSuffix);
return NewName;
// Transform bar ==> Prefixbar
// ^^^^^^
return getTestPrefix() + Name;
GlobalContext::~GlobalContext() {}
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt(Type Ty, uint64_t ConstantInt64) {
return ConstPool->Integers.getOrAdd(this, Ty, ConstantInt64);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantFloat(float ConstantFloat) {
return ConstPool->Floats.getOrAdd(this, IceType_f32, ConstantFloat);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantDouble(double ConstantDouble) {
return ConstPool->Doubles.getOrAdd(this, IceType_f64, ConstantDouble);
Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantSym(Type Ty, int64_t Offset,
const IceString &Name,
bool SuppressMangling) {
return ConstPool->Relocatables.getOrAdd(
this, Ty, RelocatableTuple(Offset, Name, SuppressMangling));
void Timer::printElapsedUs(GlobalContext *Ctx, const IceString &Tag) const {
if (Ctx->isVerbose(IceV_Timing)) {
// Prefixing with '#' allows timing strings to be included
// without error in textual assembly output.
Ctx->getStrDump() << "# " << getElapsedUs() << " usec " << Tag << "\n";
} // end of namespace Ice