| //===----------------------- PartialDemangleTest.cpp ----------------------===// |
| // |
| // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure |
| // |
| // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open |
| // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| #include <cstdlib> |
| #include "llvm/Demangle/Demangle.h" |
| #include "gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| struct ChoppedName { |
| const char *Mangled; |
| const char *ContextName, *BaseName, *ReturnType, *Params; |
| }; |
| |
| static ChoppedName NamesToTest[] = { |
| {"_Z1fv", "", "f", "", "()"}, |
| {"_ZN1a1b1cIiiiEEvm", "a::b", "c", "void", "(unsigned long)"}, |
| {"_ZZ5OuterIiEivEN5Inner12inner_memberEv", |
| "int Outer<int>()::Inner", "inner_member", "", "()"}, |
| {"_Z1fIiEPFvvEv", "", "f", "void (*)()", "()"}, |
| {"_ZN1S1fIiEEvv", "S", "f", "void", "()"}, |
| |
| // Call operator for a lambda in f(). |
| {"_ZZ1fvENK3$_0clEi", "f()::$_0", "operator()", "", "(int)"}, |
| |
| // A call operator for a lambda in a lambda in f(). |
| {"_ZZZ1fvENK3$_0clEvENKUlvE_clEv", |
| "f()::$_0::operator()() const::'lambda'()", "operator()", "", "()"}, |
| |
| {"_ZZN1S1fEiiEd0_NKUlvE_clEv", |
| "S::f(int, int)::'lambda'()", "operator()", "", "()"}, |
| |
| {"_ZN1Scv7MuncherIJDpPT_EEIJFivEA_iEEEv", |
| "S", "operator Muncher<int (*)(), int (*) []>", "", "()"}, |
| |
| // Attributes. |
| {"_ZN5test4IdE1fEUa9enable_ifIXeqfL0p_Li1EEXeqfL0p0_Li2EEEi", |
| "test4<double>", "f", "", "(int)"}, |
| {"_ZN1SC2B8ctor_tagEv", "S", "S", "", "()"}, |
| {"_ZN1S1fB4MERPIiEEvv", "S", "f", "void", "()"}, |
| |
| {"_ZNSsC1EmcRKSaIcE", |
| "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >", |
| "basic_string", "", "(unsigned long, char, std::allocator<char> const&)"}, |
| {"_ZNSsixEm", "std::string", "operator[]", "", "(unsigned long)"}, |
| {"_ZSt17__throw_bad_allocv", "std", "__throw_bad_alloc", "", "()"}, |
| |
| {"_ZN1AI1BEC2Ev", "A<B>", "A", "", "()"}, |
| {"_ZN1AI1BED2Ev", "A<B>", "~A", "", "()"}, |
| {"_ZN1AI1BECI24BaseEi", "A<B>", "A", "", "(int)"}, |
| {"_ZNKR1AI1BE1fIiEEiv", "A<B>", "f", "int", "()"}, |
| |
| {"_ZN1SIJicfEE3mfnIJjcdEEEvicfDpT_", "S<int, char, float>", |
| "mfn", "void", "(int, char, float, unsigned int, char, double)"}, |
| }; |
| |
| TEST(PartialDemangleTest, TestNameChopping) { |
| size_t Size = 1; |
| char *Buf = static_cast<char *>(std::malloc(Size)); |
| |
| llvm::ItaniumPartialDemangler D; |
| |
| for (ChoppedName &N : NamesToTest) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D.partialDemangle(N.Mangled)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(D.isFunction()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D.isData()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D.isSpecialName()); |
| |
| Buf = D.getFunctionDeclContextName(Buf, &Size); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(Buf, N.ContextName); |
| |
| Buf = D.getFunctionBaseName(Buf, &Size); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(Buf, N.BaseName); |
| |
| Buf = D.getFunctionReturnType(Buf, &Size); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(Buf, N.ReturnType); |
| |
| Buf = D.getFunctionParameters(Buf, &Size); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(Buf, N.Params); |
| } |
| |
| std::free(Buf); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(PartialDemangleTest, TestNameMeta) { |
| llvm::ItaniumPartialDemangler Demangler; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.partialDemangle("_ZNK1f1gEv")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(Demangler.isFunction()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(Demangler.hasFunctionQualifiers()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.isSpecialName()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.isData()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.partialDemangle("_Z1fv")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.hasFunctionQualifiers()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.partialDemangle("_ZTV1S")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(Demangler.isSpecialName()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.isData()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.isFunction()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.partialDemangle("_ZN1aDC1a1b1cEE")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.isFunction()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(Demangler.isSpecialName()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(Demangler.isData()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(PartialDemanglerTest, TestCtorOrDtor) { |
| static const char *Pos[] = { |
| "_ZN1AC1Ev", // A::A() |
| "_ZN1AC1IiEET_", // A::A<int>(int) |
| "_ZN1AD2Ev", // A::~A() |
| "_ZN1BIiEC1IcEET_", // B<int>::B<char>(char) |
| "_ZN1AC1B1TEv", // A::A[abi:T]() |
| "_ZNSt1AD2Ev", // std::A::~A() |
| "_ZN2ns1AD1Ev", // ns::A::~A() |
| }; |
| static const char *Neg[] = { |
| "_Z1fv", |
| "_ZN1A1gIiEEvT_", // void A::g<int>(int) |
| }; |
| |
| llvm::ItaniumPartialDemangler D; |
| for (const char *N : Pos) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D.partialDemangle(N)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(D.isCtorOrDtor()); |
| } |
| for (const char *N : Neg) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D.partialDemangle(N)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D.isCtorOrDtor()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST(PartialDemanglerTest, TestMisc) { |
| llvm::ItaniumPartialDemangler D1, D2; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D1.partialDemangle("_Z1fv")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D2.partialDemangle("_Z1g")); |
| std::swap(D1, D2); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(D1.isFunction()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(D2.isFunction()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(D1.partialDemangle("Not a mangled name!")); |
| |
| } |