blob: 4ffa5e43473f290974fc7df1b7ecf4d5f2d9c089 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "SpirvShader.hpp"
#include "SamplerCore.hpp"
#include "Reactor/Coroutine.hpp"
#include "System/Math.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkBuffer.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkBufferView.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDescriptorSet.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkPipelineLayout.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDescriptorSetLayout.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkRenderPass.hpp"
#include "Device/Config.hpp"
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
#include <spirv/unified1/GLSL.std.450.h>
#ifdef Bool
#undef Bool // b/127920555
#undef None
constexpr float PI = 3.141592653589793f;
rr::RValue<rr::Bool> AnyTrue(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Int> const &ints)
return rr::SignMask(ints) != 0;
rr::RValue<rr::Bool> AnyFalse(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Int> const &ints)
return rr::SignMask(~ints) != 0;
// Returns 1 << bits.
// If the resulting bit overflows a 32 bit integer, 0 is returned.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::UInt> NthBit32(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::UInt> const &bits)
return ((sw::SIMD::UInt(1) << bits) & rr::CmpLT(bits, sw::SIMD::UInt(32)));
// Returns bitCount number of of 1's starting from the LSB.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::UInt> Bitmask32(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::UInt> const &bitCount)
return NthBit32(bitCount) - sw::SIMD::UInt(1);
// Performs a fused-multiply add, returning a * b + c.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> FMA(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c)
return a * b + c;
// Returns the exponent of the floating point number f.
// Assumes IEEE 754
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Int> Exponent(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> f)
auto v = rr::As<sw::SIMD::UInt>(f);
return (sw::SIMD::Int((v >> sw::SIMD::UInt(23)) & sw::SIMD::UInt(0xFF)) - sw::SIMD::Int(126));
// Returns y if y < x; otherwise result is x.
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result.
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> NMin(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &x, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &y)
using namespace rr;
auto xIsNan = IsNan(x);
auto yIsNan = IsNan(y);
return As<sw::SIMD::Float>(
// If neither are NaN, return min
((~xIsNan & ~yIsNan) & As<sw::SIMD::Int>(Min(x, y))) |
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
((~xIsNan & yIsNan) & As<sw::SIMD::Int>(x)) |
(( xIsNan ) & As<sw::SIMD::Int>(y)));
// Returns y if y > x; otherwise result is x.
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result.
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> NMax(rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &x, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &y)
using namespace rr;
auto xIsNan = IsNan(x);
auto yIsNan = IsNan(y);
return As<sw::SIMD::Float>(
// If neither are NaN, return max
((~xIsNan & ~yIsNan) & As<sw::SIMD::Int>(Max(x, y))) |
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
((~xIsNan & yIsNan) & As<sw::SIMD::Int>(x)) |
(( xIsNan ) & As<sw::SIMD::Int>(y)));
// Returns the determinant of a 2x2 matrix.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> Determinant(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &d)
return a*d - b*c;
// Returns the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> Determinant(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &d, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &e, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &f,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &g, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &h, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &i)
return a*e*i + b*f*g + c*d*h - c*e*g - b*d*i - a*f*h;
// Returns the determinant of a 4x4 matrix.
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> Determinant(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &d,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &e, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &f, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &g, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &h,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &i, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &j, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &k, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &l,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &m, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &n, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &o, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &p)
return a * Determinant(f, g, h,
j, k, l,
n, o, p) -
b * Determinant(e, g, h,
i, k, l,
m, o, p) +
c * Determinant(e, f, h,
i, j, l,
m, n, p) -
d * Determinant(e, f, g,
i, j, k,
m, n, o);
// Returns the inverse of a 2x2 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float>, 4> MatrixInverse(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &d)
auto s = sw::SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Determinant(a, b, c, d);
return {{s*d, -s*b, -s*c, s*a}};
// Returns the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float>, 9> MatrixInverse(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &d, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &e, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &f,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &g, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &h, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &i)
auto s = sw::SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Determinant(
a, b, c,
d, e, f,
g, h, i); // TODO: duplicate arithmetic calculating the det and below.
return {{
s * (e*i - f*h), s * (c*h - b*i), s * (b*f - c*e),
s * (f*g - d*i), s * (a*i - c*g), s * (c*d - a*f),
s * (d*h - e*g), s * (b*g - a*h), s * (a*e - b*d),
// Returns the inverse of a 4x4 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float>, 16> MatrixInverse(
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &a, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &b, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &c, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &d,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &e, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &f, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &g, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &h,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &i, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &j, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &k, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &l,
rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &m, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &n, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &o, rr::RValue<sw::SIMD::Float> const &p)
auto s = sw::SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Determinant(
a, b, c, d,
e, f, g, h,
i, j, k, l,
m, n, o, p); // TODO: duplicate arithmetic calculating the det and below.
auto kplo = k*p - l*o, jpln = j*p - l*n, jokn = j*o - k*n;
auto gpho = g*p - h*o, fphn = f*p - h*n, fogn = f*o - g*n;
auto glhk = g*l - h*k, flhj = f*l - h*j, fkgj = f*k - g*j;
auto iplm = i*p - l*m, iokm = i*o - k*m, ephm = e*p - h*m;
auto eogm = e*o - g*m, elhi = e*l - h*i, ekgi = e*k - g*i;
auto injm = i*n - j*m, enfm = e*n - f*m, ejfi = e*j - f*i;
return {{
s * ( f * kplo - g * jpln + h * jokn),
s * (-b * kplo + c * jpln - d * jokn),
s * ( b * gpho - c * fphn + d * fogn),
s * (-b * glhk + c * flhj - d * fkgj),
s * (-e * kplo + g * iplm - h * iokm),
s * ( a * kplo - c * iplm + d * iokm),
s * (-a * gpho + c * ephm - d * eogm),
s * ( a * glhk - c * elhi + d * ekgi),
s * ( e * jpln - f * iplm + h * injm),
s * (-a * jpln + b * iplm - d * injm),
s * ( a * fphn - b * ephm + d * enfm),
s * (-a * flhj + b * elhi - d * ejfi),
s * (-e * jokn + f * iokm - g * injm),
s * ( a * jokn - b * iokm + c * injm),
s * (-a * fogn + b * eogm - c * enfm),
s * ( a * fkgj - b * ekgi + c * ejfi),
sw::SIMD::Pointer interleaveByLane(sw::SIMD::Pointer p)
p *= sw::SIMD::Width;
p.staticOffsets[0] += 0 * sizeof(float);
p.staticOffsets[1] += 1 * sizeof(float);
p.staticOffsets[2] += 2 * sizeof(float);
p.staticOffsets[3] += 3 * sizeof(float);
return p;
VkFormat SpirvFormatToVulkanFormat(spv::ImageFormat format)
switch (format)
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32f: return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32i: return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32ui: return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT;
case spv::ImageFormatR32f: return VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT;
case spv::ImageFormatR32i: return VK_FORMAT_R32_SINT;
case spv::ImageFormatR32ui: return VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8: return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8Snorm: return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8i: return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8ui: return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16f: return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16i: return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16ui: return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT;
UNIMPLEMENTED("SPIR-V ImageFormat %u", format);
sw::SIMD::Float sRGBtoLinear(sw::SIMD::Float c)
sw::SIMD::Float lc = c * sw::SIMD::Float(1.0f / 12.92f);
sw::SIMD::Float ec = sw::power((c + sw::SIMD::Float(0.055f)) * sw::SIMD::Float(1.0f / 1.055f), sw::SIMD::Float(2.4f));
sw::SIMD::Int linear = CmpLT(c, sw::SIMD::Float(0.04045f));
sw::SIMD::Float s = c; = rr::As<sw::SIMD::Float>((linear & rr::As<sw::SIMD::Int>(lc)) | (~linear & rr::As<sw::SIMD::Int>(ec))); // FIXME: IfThenElse()
return s;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace sw
namespace SIMD
template<typename T>
T Load(Pointer ptr, Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */)
using EL = typename Element<T>::type;
auto offsets = ptr.offsets();
mask &= CmpLT(offsets + SIMD::Int(sizeof(float) - 1), SIMD::Int(ptr.limit)); // Disable OOB reads.
if (!atomic && order == std::memory_order_relaxed)
return rr::Gather(rr::Pointer<EL>(ptr.base), offsets, mask, sizeof(float));
T out;
auto anyLanesDisabled = AnyFalse(mask);
If(ptr.hasEqualOffsets() && !anyLanesDisabled)
// Load one, replicate.
auto offset = Extract(offsets, 0);
out = T(rr::Load(rr::Pointer<EL>(&ptr.base[offset]), sizeof(float), atomic, order));
Else If(ptr.hasSequentialOffsets() && !anyLanesDisabled)
// Load all elements in a single SIMD instruction.
auto offset = Extract(offsets, 0);
out = rr::Load(rr::Pointer<T>(&ptr.base[offset]), sizeof(float), atomic, order);
// Divergent offsets or masked lanes.
out = T(0);
for (int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
auto offset = Extract(offsets, i);
auto el = rr::Load(rr::Pointer<EL>(&ptr.base[offset]), sizeof(float), atomic, order);
out = Insert(out, el, i);
return out;
template<typename T>
void Store(Pointer ptr, T val, Int mask, bool atomic /* = false */, std::memory_order order /* = std::memory_order_relaxed */)
using EL = typename Element<T>::type;
auto offsets = ptr.offsets();
mask &= CmpLT(offsets + SIMD::Int(sizeof(float) - 1), SIMD::Int(ptr.limit)); // Disable OOB reads.
if (!atomic && order == std::memory_order_relaxed)
return rr::Scatter(rr::Pointer<EL>(ptr.base), val, offsets, mask, sizeof(float));
auto anyLanesDisabled = AnyFalse(mask);
If(ptr.hasSequentialOffsets() && !anyLanesDisabled)
// Store all elements in a single SIMD instruction.
auto offset = Extract(offsets, 0);
Store(val, rr::Pointer<T>(&ptr.base[offset]), sizeof(float), atomic, order);
// Divergent offsets or masked lanes.
for (int i = 0; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
If(Extract(mask, i) != 0)
auto offset = Extract(offsets, i);
rr::Store(Extract(val, i), rr::Pointer<EL>(&ptr.base[offset]), sizeof(float), atomic, order);
} // namespace SIMD
volatile int SpirvShader::serialCounter = 1; // Start at 1, 0 is invalid shader.
SpirvShader::SpirvShader(InsnStore const &insns, vk::RenderPass *renderPass, uint32_t subpassIndex)
: insns{insns}, inputs{MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS},
serialID{serialCounter++}, modes{}
ASSERT(insns.size() > 0);
if (renderPass != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
// capture formats of any input attachments present
auto subpass = renderPass->getSubpass(subpassIndex);
for (auto i = 0u; i < subpass.inputAttachmentCount; i++)
auto attachmentIndex = subpass.pInputAttachments[i].attachment;
inputAttachmentFormats.push_back(attachmentIndex != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED
? renderPass->getAttachment(attachmentIndex).format : VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED);
// Simplifying assumptions (to be satisfied by earlier transformations)
// - There is exactly one entrypoint in the module, and it's the one we want
// - The only input/output OpVariables present are those used by the entrypoint
Block::ID currentBlock;
InsnIterator blockStart;
for (auto insn : *this)
spv::Op opcode = insn.opcode();
switch (opcode)
case spv::OpExecutionMode:
case spv::OpDecorate:
TypeOrObjectID targetId = insn.word(1);
auto decoration = static_cast<spv::Decoration>(insn.word(2));
uint32_t value = insn.wordCount() > 3 ? insn.word(3) : 0;
decorations[targetId].Apply(decoration, value);
case spv::DecorationDescriptorSet:
descriptorDecorations[targetId].DescriptorSet = value;
case spv::DecorationBinding:
descriptorDecorations[targetId].Binding = value;
case spv::DecorationInputAttachmentIndex:
descriptorDecorations[targetId].InputAttachmentIndex = value;
// Only handling descriptor decorations here.
if (decoration == spv::DecorationCentroid)
modes.NeedsCentroid = true;
case spv::OpMemberDecorate:
Type::ID targetId = insn.word(1);
auto memberIndex = insn.word(2);
auto decoration = static_cast<spv::Decoration>(insn.word(3));
uint32_t value = insn.wordCount() > 4 ? insn.word(4) : 0;
auto &d = memberDecorations[targetId];
if (memberIndex >= d.size())
d.resize(memberIndex + 1); // on demand; exact size would require another pass...
d[memberIndex].Apply(decoration, value);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationCentroid)
modes.NeedsCentroid = true;
case spv::OpDecorationGroup:
// Nothing to do here. We don't need to record the definition of the group; we'll just have
// the bundle of decorations float around. If we were to ever walk the decorations directly,
// we might think about introducing this as a real Object.
case spv::OpGroupDecorate:
uint32_t group = insn.word(1);
auto const &groupDecorations = decorations[group];
auto const &descriptorGroupDecorations = descriptorDecorations[group];
for (auto i = 2u; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
// Remaining operands are targets to apply the group to.
uint32_t target = insn.word(i);
case spv::OpGroupMemberDecorate:
auto const &srcDecorations = decorations[insn.word(1)];
for (auto i = 2u; i < insn.wordCount(); i += 2)
// remaining operands are pairs of <id>, literal for members to apply to.
auto &d = memberDecorations[insn.word(i)];
auto memberIndex = insn.word(i + 1);
if (memberIndex >= d.size())
d.resize(memberIndex + 1); // on demand resize, see above...
case spv::OpLabel:
ASSERT(currentBlock.value() == 0);
currentBlock = Block::ID(insn.word(1));
blockStart = insn;
// Branch Instructions (subset of Termination Instructions):
case spv::OpBranch:
case spv::OpBranchConditional:
case spv::OpSwitch:
case spv::OpReturn:
// fallthrough
// Termination instruction:
case spv::OpKill:
case spv::OpUnreachable:
ASSERT(currentBlock.value() != 0);
auto blockEnd = insn; blockEnd++;
blocks[currentBlock] = Block(blockStart, blockEnd);
currentBlock = Block::ID(0);
if (opcode == spv::OpKill)
modes.ContainsKill = true;
case spv::OpLoopMerge:
case spv::OpSelectionMerge:
break; // Nothing to do in analysis pass.
case spv::OpTypeVoid:
case spv::OpTypeBool:
case spv::OpTypeInt:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
case spv::OpTypePointer:
case spv::OpTypeFunction:
case spv::OpVariable:
Type::ID typeId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto storageClass = static_cast<spv::StorageClass>(insn.word(3));
auto &object = defs[resultId];
object.kind = Object::Kind::Pointer;
object.definition = insn;
object.type = typeId;
ASSERT(getType(typeId).definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer);
ASSERT(getType(typeId).storageClass == storageClass);
switch (storageClass)
case spv::StorageClassInput:
case spv::StorageClassOutput:
case spv::StorageClassUniform:
case spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer:
object.kind = Object::Kind::DescriptorSet;
case spv::StorageClassPushConstant:
case spv::StorageClassPrivate:
case spv::StorageClassFunction:
case spv::StorageClassUniformConstant:
break; // Correctly handled.
case spv::StorageClassWorkgroup:
auto &elTy = getType(getType(typeId).element);
auto sizeInBytes = elTy.sizeInComponents * sizeof(float);
workgroupMemory.allocate(resultId, sizeInBytes);
object.kind = Object::Kind::Pointer;
case spv::StorageClassAtomicCounter:
case spv::StorageClassImage:
UNIMPLEMENTED("StorageClass %d not yet implemented", (int)storageClass);
case spv::StorageClassCrossWorkgroup:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V OpenCL Execution Model (StorageClassCrossWorkgroup)");
case spv::StorageClassGeneric:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V GenericPointer Capability (StorageClassGeneric)");
UNREACHABLE("Unexpected StorageClass %d", storageClass); // See Appendix A of the Vulkan spec.
case spv::OpConstant:
CreateConstant(insn).constantValue[0] = insn.word(3);
case spv::OpConstantFalse:
CreateConstant(insn).constantValue[0] = 0; // represent boolean false as zero
case spv::OpConstantTrue:
CreateConstant(insn).constantValue[0] = ~0u; // represent boolean true as all bits set
case spv::OpConstantNull:
case spv::OpUndef:
// TODO: consider a real LLVM-level undef. For now, zero is a perfectly good value.
// OpConstantNull forms a constant of arbitrary type, all zeros.
auto &object = CreateConstant(insn);
auto &objectTy = getType(object.type);
for (auto i = 0u; i < objectTy.sizeInComponents; i++)
object.constantValue[i] = 0;
case spv::OpConstantComposite:
auto &object = CreateConstant(insn);
auto offset = 0u;
for (auto i = 0u; i < insn.wordCount() - 3; i++)
auto &constituent = getObject(insn.word(i + 3));
auto &constituentTy = getType(constituent.type);
for (auto j = 0u; j < constituentTy.sizeInComponents; j++)
object.constantValue[offset++] = constituent.constantValue[j];
auto objectId = Object::ID(insn.word(2));
auto decorationsIt = decorations.find(objectId);
if (decorationsIt != decorations.end() &&
decorationsIt->second.BuiltIn == spv::BuiltInWorkgroupSize)
// :
// Decorating an object with the WorkgroupSize built-in
// decoration will make that object contain the dimensions
// of a local workgroup. If an object is decorated with the
// WorkgroupSize decoration, this must take precedence over
// any execution mode set for LocalSize.
// The object decorated with WorkgroupSize must be declared
// as a three-component vector of 32-bit integers.
ASSERT(getType(object.type).sizeInComponents == 3);
modes.WorkgroupSizeX = object.constantValue[0];
modes.WorkgroupSizeY = object.constantValue[1];
modes.WorkgroupSizeZ = object.constantValue[2];
case spv::OpCapability:
break; // Various capabilities will be declared, but none affect our code generation at this point.
case spv::OpMemoryModel:
break; // Memory model does not affect our code generation until we decide to do Vulkan Memory Model support.
case spv::OpEntryPoint:
case spv::OpFunction:
ASSERT(mainBlockId.value() == 0); // Multiple functions found
// Scan forward to find the function's label.
for (auto it = insn; it != end() && mainBlockId.value() == 0; it++)
switch (it.opcode())
case spv::OpFunction:
case spv::OpFunctionParameter:
case spv::OpLabel:
mainBlockId = Block::ID(it.word(1));
WARN("Unexpected opcode '%s' following OpFunction", OpcodeName(it.opcode()).c_str());
ASSERT(mainBlockId.value() != 0); // Function's OpLabel not found
case spv::OpFunctionEnd:
// Due to preprocessing, the entrypoint and its function provide no value.
case spv::OpExtInstImport:
// We will only support the GLSL 450 extended instruction set, so no point in tracking the ID we assign it.
// Valid shaders will not attempt to import any other instruction sets.
auto ext = reinterpret_cast<char const *>(insn.wordPointer(2));
if (0 != strcmp("GLSL.std.450", ext))
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Extension: %s", ext);
case spv::OpName:
case spv::OpMemberName:
case spv::OpSource:
case spv::OpSourceContinued:
case spv::OpSourceExtension:
case spv::OpLine:
case spv::OpNoLine:
case spv::OpModuleProcessed:
case spv::OpString:
// No semantic impact
case spv::OpFunctionParameter:
case spv::OpFunctionCall:
case spv::OpSpecConstant:
case spv::OpSpecConstantComposite:
case spv::OpSpecConstantFalse:
case spv::OpSpecConstantOp:
case spv::OpSpecConstantTrue:
// These should have all been removed by preprocessing passes. If we see them here,
// our assumptions are wrong and we will probably generate wrong code.
UNREACHABLE("%s should have already been lowered.", OpcodeName(opcode).c_str());
case spv::OpFConvert:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Float16 or Float64 Capability (OpFConvert)");
case spv::OpSConvert:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Int16 or Int64 Capability (OpSConvert)");
case spv::OpUConvert:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Int16 or Int64 Capability (OpUConvert)");
case spv::OpLoad:
case spv::OpAccessChain:
case spv::OpInBoundsAccessChain:
case spv::OpSampledImage:
case spv::OpImage:
// Propagate the descriptor decorations to the result.
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID pointerId = insn.word(3);
const auto &d = descriptorDecorations.find(pointerId);
if(d != descriptorDecorations.end())
descriptorDecorations[resultId] = d->second;
if (opcode == spv::OpAccessChain || opcode == spv::OpInBoundsAccessChain)
Decorations dd{};
ApplyDecorationsForAccessChain(&dd, &descriptorDecorations[resultId], pointerId, insn.wordCount() - 4, insn.wordPointer(4));
// Note: offset is the one thing that does *not* propagate, as the access chain accounts for it.
dd.HasOffset = false;
case spv::OpCompositeConstruct:
case spv::OpCompositeInsert:
case spv::OpCompositeExtract:
case spv::OpVectorShuffle:
case spv::OpVectorTimesScalar:
case spv::OpMatrixTimesScalar:
case spv::OpMatrixTimesVector:
case spv::OpVectorTimesMatrix:
case spv::OpMatrixTimesMatrix:
case spv::OpOuterProduct:
case spv::OpTranspose:
case spv::OpVectorExtractDynamic:
case spv::OpVectorInsertDynamic:
// Unary ops
case spv::OpNot:
case spv::OpBitFieldInsert:
case spv::OpBitFieldSExtract:
case spv::OpBitFieldUExtract:
case spv::OpBitReverse:
case spv::OpBitCount:
case spv::OpSNegate:
case spv::OpFNegate:
case spv::OpLogicalNot:
case spv::OpQuantizeToF16:
// Binary ops
case spv::OpIAdd:
case spv::OpISub:
case spv::OpIMul:
case spv::OpSDiv:
case spv::OpUDiv:
case spv::OpFAdd:
case spv::OpFSub:
case spv::OpFMul:
case spv::OpFDiv:
case spv::OpFMod:
case spv::OpFRem:
case spv::OpFOrdEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdNotEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordNotEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdLessThan:
case spv::OpFUnordLessThan:
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThan:
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThan:
case spv::OpFOrdLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpSMod:
case spv::OpSRem:
case spv::OpUMod:
case spv::OpIEqual:
case spv::OpINotEqual:
case spv::OpUGreaterThan:
case spv::OpSGreaterThan:
case spv::OpUGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpSGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpULessThan:
case spv::OpSLessThan:
case spv::OpULessThanEqual:
case spv::OpSLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpShiftRightLogical:
case spv::OpShiftRightArithmetic:
case spv::OpShiftLeftLogical:
case spv::OpBitwiseOr:
case spv::OpBitwiseXor:
case spv::OpBitwiseAnd:
case spv::OpLogicalOr:
case spv::OpLogicalAnd:
case spv::OpLogicalEqual:
case spv::OpLogicalNotEqual:
case spv::OpUMulExtended:
case spv::OpSMulExtended:
case spv::OpIAddCarry:
case spv::OpISubBorrow:
case spv::OpDot:
case spv::OpConvertFToU:
case spv::OpConvertFToS:
case spv::OpConvertSToF:
case spv::OpConvertUToF:
case spv::OpBitcast:
case spv::OpSelect:
case spv::OpExtInst:
case spv::OpIsInf:
case spv::OpIsNan:
case spv::OpAny:
case spv::OpAll:
case spv::OpDPdx:
case spv::OpDPdxCoarse:
case spv::OpDPdy:
case spv::OpDPdyCoarse:
case spv::OpFwidth:
case spv::OpFwidthCoarse:
case spv::OpDPdxFine:
case spv::OpDPdyFine:
case spv::OpFwidthFine:
case spv::OpAtomicLoad:
case spv::OpAtomicIAdd:
case spv::OpAtomicISub:
case spv::OpAtomicSMin:
case spv::OpAtomicSMax:
case spv::OpAtomicUMin:
case spv::OpAtomicUMax:
case spv::OpAtomicAnd:
case spv::OpAtomicOr:
case spv::OpAtomicXor:
case spv::OpAtomicIIncrement:
case spv::OpAtomicIDecrement:
case spv::OpAtomicExchange:
case spv::OpAtomicCompareExchange:
case spv::OpPhi:
case spv::OpImageSampleImplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleExplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageFetch:
case spv::OpImageQuerySize:
case spv::OpImageQuerySizeLod:
case spv::OpImageRead:
case spv::OpImageTexelPointer:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformElect:
case spv::OpCopyObject:
case spv::OpArrayLength:
// Instructions that yield an intermediate value or divergent pointer
case spv::OpStore:
case spv::OpAtomicStore:
case spv::OpImageWrite:
case spv::OpCopyMemory:
case spv::OpMemoryBarrier:
// Don't need to do anything during analysis pass
case spv::OpControlBarrier:
modes.ContainsControlBarriers = true;
case spv::OpExtension:
auto ext = reinterpret_cast<char const *>(insn.wordPointer(1));
// Part of core SPIR-V 1.3. Vulkan 1.1 implementations must also accept the pre-1.3
// extension per Appendix A, `Vulkan Environment for SPIR-V`.
if (!strcmp(ext, "SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class")) break;
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Extension: %s", ext);
UNIMPLEMENTED("%s", OpcodeName(opcode).c_str());
void SpirvShader::TraverseReachableBlocks(Block::ID id, SpirvShader::Block::Set& reachable)
if (reachable.count(id) == 0)
for (auto out : getBlock(id).outs)
TraverseReachableBlocks(out, reachable);
void SpirvShader::AssignBlockIns()
Block::Set reachable;
TraverseReachableBlocks(mainBlockId, reachable);
for (auto &it : blocks)
auto &blockId = it.first;
if (reachable.count(blockId) > 0)
for (auto &outId : it.second.outs)
auto outIt = blocks.find(outId);
ASSERT_MSG(outIt != blocks.end(), "Block %d has a non-existent out %d", blockId.value(), outId.value());
auto &out = outIt->second;
void SpirvShader::DeclareType(InsnIterator insn)
Type::ID resultId = insn.word(1);
auto &type = types[resultId];
type.definition = insn;
type.sizeInComponents = ComputeTypeSize(insn);
// A structure is a builtin block if it has a builtin
// member. All members of such a structure are builtins.
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
auto d = memberDecorations.find(resultId);
if (d != memberDecorations.end())
for (auto &m : d->second)
if (m.HasBuiltIn)
type.isBuiltInBlock = true;
case spv::OpTypePointer:
Type::ID elementTypeId = insn.word(3);
type.element = elementTypeId;
type.isBuiltInBlock = getType(elementTypeId).isBuiltInBlock;
type.storageClass = static_cast<spv::StorageClass>(insn.word(2));
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
Type::ID elementTypeId = insn.word(2);
type.element = elementTypeId;
SpirvShader::Object& SpirvShader::CreateConstant(InsnIterator insn)
Type::ID typeId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto &object = defs[resultId];
auto &objectTy = getType(typeId);
object.type = typeId;
object.kind = Object::Kind::Constant;
object.definition = insn;
object.constantValue = std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]>(new uint32_t[objectTy.sizeInComponents]);
return object;
void SpirvShader::ProcessInterfaceVariable(Object &object)
auto &objectTy = getType(object.type);
ASSERT(objectTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput || objectTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassOutput);
ASSERT(objectTy.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer);
auto pointeeTy = getType(objectTy.element);
auto &builtinInterface = (objectTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput) ? inputBuiltins : outputBuiltins;
auto &userDefinedInterface = (objectTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput) ? inputs : outputs;
ASSERT(object.opcode() == spv::OpVariable);
Object::ID resultId = object.definition.word(2);
if (objectTy.isBuiltInBlock)
// walk the builtin block, registering each of its members separately.
auto m = memberDecorations.find(objectTy.element);
ASSERT(m != memberDecorations.end()); // otherwise we wouldn't have marked the type chain
auto &structType = pointeeTy.definition;
auto offset = 0u;
auto word = 2u;
for (auto &member : m->second)
auto &memberType = getType(structType.word(word));
if (member.HasBuiltIn)
builtinInterface[member.BuiltIn] = {resultId, offset, memberType.sizeInComponents};
offset += memberType.sizeInComponents;
auto d = decorations.find(resultId);
if (d != decorations.end() && d->second.HasBuiltIn)
builtinInterface[d->second.BuiltIn] = {resultId, 0, pointeeTy.sizeInComponents};
object.kind = Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable;
[&userDefinedInterface](Decorations const &d, AttribType type) {
// Populate a single scalar slot in the interface from a collection of decorations and the intended component type.
auto scalarSlot = (d.Location << 2) | d.Component;
ASSERT(scalarSlot >= 0 &&
scalarSlot < static_cast<int32_t>(userDefinedInterface.size()));
auto &slot = userDefinedInterface[scalarSlot];
slot.Type = type;
slot.Flat = d.Flat;
slot.NoPerspective = d.NoPerspective;
slot.Centroid = d.Centroid;
void SpirvShader::ProcessExecutionMode(InsnIterator insn)
auto mode = static_cast<spv::ExecutionMode>(insn.word(2));
switch (mode)
case spv::ExecutionModeEarlyFragmentTests:
modes.EarlyFragmentTests = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthReplacing:
modes.DepthReplacing = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthGreater:
modes.DepthGreater = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthLess:
modes.DepthLess = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthUnchanged:
modes.DepthUnchanged = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeLocalSize:
modes.WorkgroupSizeX = insn.word(3);
modes.WorkgroupSizeY = insn.word(4);
modes.WorkgroupSizeZ = insn.word(5);
case spv::ExecutionModeOriginUpperLeft:
// This is always the case for a Vulkan shader. Do nothing.
UNREACHABLE("Execution mode: %d", int(mode));
uint32_t SpirvShader::ComputeTypeSize(InsnIterator insn)
// Types are always built from the bottom up (with the exception of forward ptrs, which
// don't appear in Vulkan shaders. Therefore, we can always assume our component parts have
// already been described (and so their sizes determined)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpTypeVoid:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeFunction:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
// Objects that don't consume any space.
// Descriptor-backed objects currently only need exist at compile-time.
// Runtime arrays don't appear in places where their size would be interesting
return 0;
case spv::OpTypeBool:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
case spv::OpTypeInt:
// All the fundamental types are 1 component. If we ever add support for 8/16/64-bit components,
// we might need to change this, but only 32 bit components are required for Vulkan 1.1.
return 1;
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
// Vectors and matrices both consume element count * element size.
return getType(insn.word(2)).sizeInComponents * insn.word(3);
case spv::OpTypeArray:
// Element count * element size. Array sizes come from constant ids.
auto arraySize = GetConstantInt(insn.word(3));
return getType(insn.word(2)).sizeInComponents * arraySize;
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
uint32_t size = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 2u; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
size += getType(insn.word(i)).sizeInComponents;
return size;
case spv::OpTypePointer:
// Runtime representation of a pointer is a per-lane index.
// Note: clients are expected to look through the pointer if they want the pointee size instead.
return 1;
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(insn.opcode()).c_str());
return 0;
bool SpirvShader::IsStorageInterleavedByLane(spv::StorageClass storageClass)
switch (storageClass)
case spv::StorageClassUniform:
case spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer:
case spv::StorageClassPushConstant:
case spv::StorageClassWorkgroup:
return false;
return true;
template<typename F>
int SpirvShader::VisitInterfaceInner(Type::ID id, Decorations d, F f) const
// Recursively walks variable definition and its type tree, taking into account
// any explicit Location or Component decorations encountered; where explicit
// Locations or Components are not specified, assigns them sequentially.
// Collected decorations are carried down toward the leaves and across
// siblings; Effect of decorations intentionally does not flow back up the tree.
// F is a functor to be called with the effective decoration set for every component.
// Returns the next available location, and calls f().
// This covers the rules in Vulkan 1.1 spec, 14.1.4 Location Assignment.
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, id);
auto const &obj = getType(id);
case spv::OpTypePointer:
return VisitInterfaceInner<F>(obj.definition.word(3), d, f);
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
for (auto i = 0u; i < obj.definition.word(3); i++, d.Location++)
// consumes same components of N consecutive locations
VisitInterfaceInner<F>(obj.definition.word(2), d, f);
return d.Location;
case spv::OpTypeVector:
for (auto i = 0u; i < obj.definition.word(3); i++, d.Component++)
// consumes N consecutive components in the same location
VisitInterfaceInner<F>(obj.definition.word(2), d, f);
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeInt:
f(d, obj.definition.word(3) ? ATTRIBTYPE_INT : ATTRIBTYPE_UINT);
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeBool:
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
// iterate over members, which may themselves have Location/Component decorations
for (auto i = 0u; i < obj.definition.wordCount() - 2; i++)
ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(&d, id, i);
d.Location = VisitInterfaceInner<F>(obj.definition.word(i + 2), d, f);
d.Component = 0; // Implicit locations always have component=0
return d.Location;
case spv::OpTypeArray:
auto arraySize = GetConstantInt(obj.definition.word(3));
for (auto i = 0u; i < arraySize; i++)
d.Location = VisitInterfaceInner<F>(obj.definition.word(2), d, f);
return d.Location;
// Intentionally partial; most opcodes do not participate in type hierarchies
return 0;
template<typename F>
void SpirvShader::VisitInterface(Object::ID id, F f) const
// Walk a variable definition and call f for each component in it.
Decorations d{};
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, id);
auto def = getObject(id).definition;
ASSERT(def.opcode() == spv::OpVariable);
VisitInterfaceInner<F>(def.word(1), d, f);
template<typename F>
void SpirvShader::VisitMemoryObjectInner(sw::SpirvShader::Type::ID id, sw::SpirvShader::Decorations d, uint32_t& index, uint32_t offset, F f) const
// Walk a type tree in an explicitly laid out storage class, calling
// a functor for each scalar element within the object.
// The functor's first parameter is the index of the scalar element;
// the second parameter is the offset (in bytes) from the base of the
// object.
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, id);
auto const &type = getType(id);
if (d.HasOffset)
offset += d.Offset;
d.HasOffset = false;
switch (type.opcode())
case spv::OpTypePointer:
VisitMemoryObjectInner<F>(type.definition.word(3), d, index, offset, f);
case spv::OpTypeInt:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
f(index++, offset);
case spv::OpTypeVector:
auto elemStride = (d.InsideMatrix && d.HasRowMajor && d.RowMajor) ? d.MatrixStride : sizeof(float);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.definition.word(3); i++)
VisitMemoryObjectInner(type.definition.word(2), d, index, offset + elemStride * i, f);
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
auto columnStride = (d.HasRowMajor && d.RowMajor) ? sizeof(float) : d.MatrixStride;
d.InsideMatrix = true;
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.definition.word(3); i++)
VisitMemoryObjectInner(type.definition.word(2), d, index, offset + columnStride * i, f);
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.definition.wordCount() - 2; i++)
ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(&d, id, i);
VisitMemoryObjectInner<F>(type.definition.word(i + 2), d, index, offset, f);
case spv::OpTypeArray:
auto arraySize = GetConstantInt(type.definition.word(3));
for (auto i = 0u; i < arraySize; i++)
VisitMemoryObjectInner<F>(type.definition.word(2), d, index, offset + i * d.ArrayStride, f);
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(type.opcode()).c_str());
template<typename F>
void SpirvShader::VisitMemoryObject(sw::SpirvShader::Object::ID id, F f) const
auto typeId = getObject(id).type;
auto const & type = getType(typeId);
if (!IsStorageInterleavedByLane(type.storageClass)) // TODO: really "is explicit layout"
Decorations d{};
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, id);
uint32_t index = 0;
VisitMemoryObjectInner<F>(typeId, d, index, 0, f);
// Objects without explicit layout are tightly packed.
for (auto i = 0u; i < getType(type.element).sizeInComponents; i++)
f(i, i * sizeof(float));
SIMD::Pointer SpirvShader::GetPointerToData(Object::ID id, int arrayIndex, SpirvRoutine *routine) const
auto &object = getObject(id);
switch (object.kind)
case Object::Kind::Pointer:
case Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable:
return routine->getPointer(id);
case Object::Kind::DescriptorSet:
const auto &d =;
ASSERT(d.DescriptorSet >= 0 && d.DescriptorSet < vk::MAX_BOUND_DESCRIPTOR_SETS);
ASSERT(d.Binding >= 0);
auto set = routine->getPointer(id);
auto setLayout = routine->pipelineLayout->getDescriptorSetLayout(d.DescriptorSet);
ASSERT_MSG(setLayout->hasBinding(d.Binding), "Descriptor set %d does not contain binding %d", int(d.DescriptorSet), int(d.Binding));
int bindingOffset = static_cast<int>(setLayout->getBindingOffset(d.Binding, arrayIndex));
Pointer<Byte> descriptor = set.base + bindingOffset; // BufferDescriptor*
Pointer<Byte> data = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(descriptor + OFFSET(vk::BufferDescriptor, ptr)); // void*
Int size = *Pointer<Int>(descriptor + OFFSET(vk::BufferDescriptor, sizeInBytes));
if (setLayout->isBindingDynamic(d.Binding))
uint32_t dynamicBindingIndex =
routine->pipelineLayout->getDynamicOffsetBase(d.DescriptorSet) +
setLayout->getDynamicDescriptorOffset(d.Binding) +
Int offset = routine->descriptorDynamicOffsets[dynamicBindingIndex];
Int robustnessSize = *Pointer<Int>(descriptor + OFFSET(vk::BufferDescriptor, robustnessSize));
return SIMD::Pointer(data + offset, Min(size, robustnessSize - offset));
return SIMD::Pointer(data, size);
UNREACHABLE("Invalid pointer kind %d", int(object.kind));
return SIMD::Pointer(Pointer<Byte>(), 0);
void SpirvShader::ApplyDecorationsForAccessChain(Decorations *d, DescriptorDecorations *dd, Object::ID baseId, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds) const
ApplyDecorationsForId(d, baseId);
auto &baseObject = getObject(baseId);
ApplyDecorationsForId(d, baseObject.type);
auto typeId = getType(baseObject.type).element;
for (auto i = 0u; i < numIndexes; i++)
ApplyDecorationsForId(d, typeId);
auto & type = getType(typeId);
switch (type.opcode())
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
int memberIndex = GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(d, typeId, memberIndex);
typeId = type.definition.word(2u + memberIndex);
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
if (dd->InputAttachmentIndex >= 0)
dd->InputAttachmentIndex += GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
typeId = type.element;
case spv::OpTypeVector:
typeId = type.element;
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
typeId = type.element;
d->InsideMatrix = true;
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(type.definition.opcode()).c_str());
SIMD::Pointer SpirvShader::WalkExplicitLayoutAccessChain(Object::ID baseId, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds, SpirvRoutine *routine) const
// Produce a offset into external memory in sizeof(float) units
auto &baseObject = getObject(baseId);
Type::ID typeId = getType(baseObject.type).element;
Decorations d = {};
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, baseObject.type);
uint32_t arrayIndex = 0;
if (baseObject.kind == Object::Kind::DescriptorSet)
auto type = getType(typeId).definition.opcode();
if (type == spv::OpTypeArray || type == spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray)
ASSERT(getObject(indexIds[0]).kind == Object::Kind::Constant);
arrayIndex = GetConstantInt(indexIds[0]);
typeId = getType(typeId).element;
auto ptr = GetPointerToData(baseId, arrayIndex, routine);
int constantOffset = 0;
for (auto i = 0u; i < numIndexes; i++)
auto & type = getType(typeId);
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, typeId);
switch (type.definition.opcode())
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
int memberIndex = GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(&d, typeId, memberIndex);
constantOffset += d.Offset;
typeId = type.definition.word(2u + memberIndex);
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
// TODO: b/127950082: Check bounds.
auto & obj = getObject(indexIds[i]);
if (obj.kind == Object::Kind::Constant)
constantOffset += d.ArrayStride * GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
ptr += SIMD::Int(d.ArrayStride) * routine->getIntermediate(indexIds[i]).Int(0);
typeId = type.element;
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
// TODO: b/127950082: Check bounds.
d.InsideMatrix = true;
auto columnStride = (d.HasRowMajor && d.RowMajor) ? sizeof(float) : d.MatrixStride;
auto & obj = getObject(indexIds[i]);
if (obj.kind == Object::Kind::Constant)
constantOffset += columnStride * GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
ptr += SIMD::Int(columnStride) * routine->getIntermediate(indexIds[i]).Int(0);
typeId = type.element;
case spv::OpTypeVector:
auto elemStride = (d.InsideMatrix && d.HasRowMajor && d.RowMajor) ? d.MatrixStride : sizeof(float);
auto & obj = getObject(indexIds[i]);
if (obj.kind == Object::Kind::Constant)
constantOffset += elemStride * GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
ptr += SIMD::Int(elemStride) * routine->getIntermediate(indexIds[i]).Int(0);
typeId = type.element;
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(type.definition.opcode()).c_str());
ptr += constantOffset;
return ptr;
SIMD::Pointer SpirvShader::WalkAccessChain(Object::ID baseId, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds, SpirvRoutine *routine) const
// TODO: avoid doing per-lane work in some cases if we can?
auto &baseObject = getObject(baseId);
Type::ID typeId = getType(baseObject.type).element;
auto ptr = routine->getPointer(baseId);
int constantOffset = 0;
for (auto i = 0u; i < numIndexes; i++)
auto & type = getType(typeId);
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
int memberIndex = GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
int offsetIntoStruct = 0;
for (auto j = 0; j < memberIndex; j++) {
auto memberType = type.definition.word(2u + j);
offsetIntoStruct += getType(memberType).sizeInComponents * sizeof(float);
constantOffset += offsetIntoStruct;
typeId = type.definition.word(2u + memberIndex);
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
// TODO: b/127950082: Check bounds.
if (getType(baseObject.type).storageClass == spv::StorageClassUniformConstant)
// indexing into an array of descriptors.
auto &obj = getObject(indexIds[i]);
if (obj.kind != Object::Kind::Constant)
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V SampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing Capability");
auto d =;
ASSERT(d.DescriptorSet >= 0);
ASSERT(d.Binding >= 0);
auto setLayout = routine->pipelineLayout->getDescriptorSetLayout(d.DescriptorSet);
auto stride = setLayout->getBindingStride(d.Binding);
ptr.base += stride * GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
auto stride = getType(type.element).sizeInComponents * sizeof(float);
auto & obj = getObject(indexIds[i]);
if (obj.kind == Object::Kind::Constant)
ptr += stride * GetConstantInt(indexIds[i]);
ptr += SIMD::Int(stride) * routine->getIntermediate(indexIds[i]).Int(0);
typeId = type.element;
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(type.opcode()).c_str());
if (constantOffset != 0)
ptr += constantOffset;
return ptr;
uint32_t SpirvShader::WalkLiteralAccessChain(Type::ID typeId, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexes) const
uint32_t componentOffset = 0;
for (auto i = 0u; i < numIndexes; i++)
auto & type = getType(typeId);
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
int memberIndex = indexes[i];
int offsetIntoStruct = 0;
for (auto j = 0; j < memberIndex; j++) {
auto memberType = type.definition.word(2u + j);
offsetIntoStruct += getType(memberType).sizeInComponents;
componentOffset += offsetIntoStruct;
typeId = type.definition.word(2u + memberIndex);
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
auto elementType = type.definition.word(2);
auto stride = getType(elementType).sizeInComponents;
componentOffset += stride * indexes[i];
typeId = elementType;
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(type.opcode()).c_str());
return componentOffset;
void SpirvShader::Decorations::Apply(spv::Decoration decoration, uint32_t arg)
switch (decoration)
case spv::DecorationLocation:
HasLocation = true;
Location = static_cast<int32_t>(arg);
case spv::DecorationComponent:
HasComponent = true;
Component = arg;
case spv::DecorationBuiltIn:
HasBuiltIn = true;
BuiltIn = static_cast<spv::BuiltIn>(arg);
case spv::DecorationFlat:
Flat = true;
case spv::DecorationNoPerspective:
NoPerspective = true;
case spv::DecorationCentroid:
Centroid = true;
case spv::DecorationBlock:
Block = true;
case spv::DecorationBufferBlock:
BufferBlock = true;
case spv::DecorationOffset:
HasOffset = true;
Offset = static_cast<int32_t>(arg);
case spv::DecorationArrayStride:
HasArrayStride = true;
ArrayStride = static_cast<int32_t>(arg);
case spv::DecorationMatrixStride:
HasMatrixStride = true;
MatrixStride = static_cast<int32_t>(arg);
case spv::DecorationRelaxedPrecision:
RelaxedPrecision = true;
case spv::DecorationRowMajor:
HasRowMajor = true;
RowMajor = true;
case spv::DecorationColMajor:
HasRowMajor = true;
RowMajor = false;
// Intentionally partial, there are many decorations we just don't care about.
void SpirvShader::Decorations::Apply(const sw::SpirvShader::Decorations &src)
// Apply a decoration group to this set of decorations
if (src.HasBuiltIn)
HasBuiltIn = true;
BuiltIn = src.BuiltIn;
if (src.HasLocation)
HasLocation = true;
Location = src.Location;
if (src.HasComponent)
HasComponent = true;
Component = src.Component;
if (src.HasOffset)
HasOffset = true;
Offset = src.Offset;
if (src.HasArrayStride)
HasArrayStride = true;
ArrayStride = src.ArrayStride;
if (src.HasMatrixStride)
HasMatrixStride = true;
MatrixStride = src.MatrixStride;
if (src.HasRowMajor)
HasRowMajor = true;
RowMajor = src.RowMajor;
Flat |= src.Flat;
NoPerspective |= src.NoPerspective;
Centroid |= src.Centroid;
Block |= src.Block;
BufferBlock |= src.BufferBlock;
RelaxedPrecision |= src.RelaxedPrecision;
InsideMatrix |= src.InsideMatrix;
void SpirvShader::DescriptorDecorations::Apply(const sw::SpirvShader::DescriptorDecorations &src)
if(src.DescriptorSet >= 0)
DescriptorSet = src.DescriptorSet;
if(src.Binding >= 0)
Binding = src.Binding;
if (src.InputAttachmentIndex >= 0)
InputAttachmentIndex = src.InputAttachmentIndex;
void SpirvShader::ApplyDecorationsForId(Decorations *d, TypeOrObjectID id) const
auto it = decorations.find(id);
if (it != decorations.end())
void SpirvShader::ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(Decorations *d, Type::ID id, uint32_t member) const
auto it = memberDecorations.find(id);
if (it != memberDecorations.end() && member < it->second.size())
void SpirvShader::DefineResult(const InsnIterator &insn)
Type::ID typeId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto &object = defs[resultId];
object.type = typeId;
switch (getType(typeId).opcode())
case spv::OpTypePointer:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
object.kind = Object::Kind::Pointer;
object.kind = Object::Kind::Intermediate;
object.definition = insn;
uint32_t SpirvShader::GetConstantInt(Object::ID id) const
// Slightly hackish access to constants very early in translation.
// General consumption of constants by other instructions should
// probably be just lowered to Reactor.
// TODO: not encountered yet since we only use this for array sizes etc,
// but is possible to construct integer constant 0 via OpConstantNull.
auto insn = getObject(id).definition;
ASSERT(insn.opcode() == spv::OpConstant);
ASSERT(getType(insn.word(1)).opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt);
return insn.word(3);
// emit-time
void SpirvShader::emitProlog(SpirvRoutine *routine) const
for (auto insn : *this)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpVariable:
Type::ID resultPointerTypeId = insn.word(1);
auto resultPointerType = getType(resultPointerTypeId);
auto pointeeType = getType(resultPointerType.element);
if(pointeeType.sizeInComponents > 0) // TODO: what to do about zero-slot objects?
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
routine->createVariable(resultId, pointeeType.sizeInComponents);
// Nothing else produces interface variables, so can all be safely ignored.
void SpirvShader::emit(SpirvRoutine *routine, RValue<SIMD::Int> const &activeLaneMask, const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets) const
EmitState state(routine, activeLaneMask, descriptorSets);
// Emit everything up to the first label
// TODO: Separate out dispatch of block from non-block instructions?
for (auto insn : *this)
if (insn.opcode() == spv::OpLabel)
EmitInstruction(insn, &state);
// Emit all the blocks starting from mainBlockId.
EmitBlocks(mainBlockId, &state);
void SpirvShader::EmitBlocks(Block::ID id, EmitState *state, Block::ID ignore /* = 0 */) const
auto oldPending = state->pending;
std::queue<Block::ID> pending;
state->pending = &pending;
while (pending.size() > 0)
auto id = pending.front();
auto const &block = getBlock(id);
if (id == ignore)
state->currentBlock = id;
switch (block.kind)
case Block::Simple:
case Block::StructuredBranchConditional:
case Block::UnstructuredBranchConditional:
case Block::StructuredSwitch:
case Block::UnstructuredSwitch:
case Block::Loop:
UNREACHABLE("Unexpected Block Kind: %d", int(block.kind));
state->pending = oldPending;
void SpirvShader::EmitInstructions(InsnIterator begin, InsnIterator end, EmitState *state) const
for (auto insn = begin; insn != end; insn++)
auto res = EmitInstruction(insn, state);
switch (res)
case EmitResult::Continue:
case EmitResult::Terminator:
UNREACHABLE("Unexpected EmitResult %d", int(res));
void SpirvShader::EmitNonLoop(EmitState *state) const
auto blockId = state->currentBlock;
auto block = getBlock(blockId);
// Ensure all incoming blocks have been generated.
auto depsDone = true;
for (auto in : block.ins)
if (state->visited.count(in) == 0)
depsDone = false;
if (!depsDone)
// come back to this once the dependencies have been generated
if (!state->visited.emplace(blockId).second)
return; // Already generated this block.
if (blockId != mainBlockId)
// Set the activeLaneMask.
SIMD::Int activeLaneMask(0);
for (auto in : block.ins)
auto inMask = GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(state, in, blockId);
activeLaneMask |= inMask;
EmitInstructions(block.begin(), block.end(), state);
for (auto out : block.outs)
void SpirvShader::EmitLoop(EmitState *state) const
auto blockId = state->currentBlock;
auto block = getBlock(blockId);
// Ensure all incoming non-back edge blocks have been generated.
auto depsDone = true;
for (auto in : block.ins)
if (state->visited.count(in) == 0)
if (!existsPath(blockId, in, block.mergeBlock)) // if not a loop back edge
depsDone = false;
if (!depsDone)
// come back to this once the dependencies have been generated
if (!state->visited.emplace(blockId).second)
return; // Already emitted this loop.
// loopActiveLaneMask is the mask of lanes that are continuing to loop.
// This is initialized with the incoming active lane masks.
SIMD::Int loopActiveLaneMask = SIMD::Int(0);
for (auto in : block.ins)
if (!existsPath(blockId, in, block.mergeBlock)) // if not a loop back edge
loopActiveLaneMask |= GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(state, in, blockId);
// Generate an alloca for each of the loop's phis.
// These will be primed with the incoming, non back edge Phi values
// before the loop, and then updated just before the loop jumps back to
// the block.
struct LoopPhi
LoopPhi(Object::ID id, uint32_t size) : phiId(id), storage(size) {}
Object::ID phiId; // The Phi identifier.
Object::ID continueValue; // The source merge value from the loop.
Array<SIMD::Int> storage; // The alloca.
std::vector<LoopPhi> phis;
// For each OpPhi between the block start and the merge instruction:
for (auto insn = block.begin(); insn != block.mergeInstruction; insn++)
if (insn.opcode() == spv::OpPhi)
auto objectId = Object::ID(insn.word(2));
auto &object = getObject(objectId);
auto &type = getType(object.type);
LoopPhi phi(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
// Start with the Phi set to 0.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
{[i] = SIMD::Int(0);
// For each Phi source:
for (uint32_t w = 3; w < insn.wordCount(); w += 2)
auto varId = Object::ID(insn.word(w + 0));
auto blockId = Block::ID(insn.word(w + 1));
if (block.ins.count(blockId) == 0)
continue; // In is unreachable. Ignore.
if (existsPath(state->currentBlock, blockId, block.mergeBlock))
// This source is from a loop back-edge.
ASSERT(phi.continueValue == 0 || phi.continueValue == varId);
phi.continueValue = varId;
// This source is from a preceding block.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto in = GenericValue(this, state->routine, varId);
auto mask = GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(state, blockId, state->currentBlock);[i] =[i] | (in.Int(i) & mask);
// Create the loop basic blocks
auto headerBasicBlock = Nucleus::createBasicBlock();
auto mergeBasicBlock = Nucleus::createBasicBlock();
// Start emitting code inside the loop.
// Load the Phi values from storage.
// This will load at the start of each loop.
for (auto &phi : phis)
auto &type = getType(getObject(phi.phiId).type);
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(phi.phiId, type.sizeInComponents);
for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
// Load the active lane mask.
// Emit all the non-phi instructions in this loop header block.
for (auto insn = block.begin(); insn != block.end(); insn++)
if (insn.opcode() != spv::OpPhi)
EmitInstruction(insn, state);
// Emit all loop blocks, but don't emit the merge block yet.
for (auto out : block.outs)
if (existsPath(out, blockId, block.mergeBlock))
EmitBlocks(out, state, block.mergeBlock);
// Rebuild the loopActiveLaneMask from the loop back edges.
loopActiveLaneMask = SIMD::Int(0);
for (auto in : block.ins)
if (existsPath(blockId, in, block.mergeBlock))
loopActiveLaneMask |= GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(state, in, blockId);
// Update loop phi values
for (auto &phi : phis)
if (phi.continueValue != 0)
auto val = GenericValue(this, state->routine, phi.continueValue);
auto &type = getType(getObject(phi.phiId).type);
for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
{[i] = val.Int(i);
// Loop body now done.
// If any lanes are still active, jump back to the loop header,
// otherwise jump to the merge block.
Nucleus::createCondBr(AnyTrue(loopActiveLaneMask).value, headerBasicBlock, mergeBasicBlock);
// Continue emitting from the merge block.
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto opcode = insn.opcode();
switch (opcode)
case spv::OpTypeVoid:
case spv::OpTypeInt:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
case spv::OpTypeBool:
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
case spv::OpTypePointer:
case spv::OpTypeFunction:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpExecutionMode:
case spv::OpMemoryModel:
case spv::OpFunction:
case spv::OpFunctionEnd:
case spv::OpConstant:
case spv::OpConstantNull:
case spv::OpConstantTrue:
case spv::OpConstantFalse:
case spv::OpConstantComposite:
case spv::OpUndef:
case spv::OpExtension:
case spv::OpCapability:
case spv::OpEntryPoint:
case spv::OpExtInstImport:
case spv::OpDecorate:
case spv::OpMemberDecorate:
case spv::OpGroupDecorate:
case spv::OpGroupMemberDecorate:
case spv::OpDecorationGroup:
case spv::OpName:
case spv::OpMemberName:
case spv::OpSource:
case spv::OpSourceContinued:
case spv::OpSourceExtension:
case spv::OpLine:
case spv::OpNoLine:
case spv::OpModuleProcessed:
case spv::OpString:
// Nothing to do at emit time. These are either fully handled at analysis time,
// or don't require any work at all.
return EmitResult::Continue;
case spv::OpLabel:
return EmitResult::Continue;
case spv::OpVariable:
return EmitVariable(insn, state);
case spv::OpLoad:
case spv::OpAtomicLoad:
return EmitLoad(insn, state);
case spv::OpStore:
case spv::OpAtomicStore:
return EmitStore(insn, state);
case spv::OpAtomicIAdd:
case spv::OpAtomicISub:
case spv::OpAtomicSMin:
case spv::OpAtomicSMax:
case spv::OpAtomicUMin:
case spv::OpAtomicUMax:
case spv::OpAtomicAnd:
case spv::OpAtomicOr:
case spv::OpAtomicXor:
case spv::OpAtomicIIncrement:
case spv::OpAtomicIDecrement:
case spv::OpAtomicExchange:
return EmitAtomicOp(insn, state);
case spv::OpAtomicCompareExchange:
return EmitAtomicCompareExchange(insn, state);
case spv::OpAccessChain:
case spv::OpInBoundsAccessChain:
return EmitAccessChain(insn, state);
case spv::OpCompositeConstruct:
return EmitCompositeConstruct(insn, state);
case spv::OpCompositeInsert:
return EmitCompositeInsert(insn, state);
case spv::OpCompositeExtract:
return EmitCompositeExtract(insn, state);
case spv::OpVectorShuffle:
return EmitVectorShuffle(insn, state);
case spv::OpVectorExtractDynamic:
return EmitVectorExtractDynamic(insn, state);
case spv::OpVectorInsertDynamic:
return EmitVectorInsertDynamic(insn, state);
case spv::OpVectorTimesScalar:
case spv::OpMatrixTimesScalar:
return EmitVectorTimesScalar(insn, state);
case spv::OpMatrixTimesVector:
return EmitMatrixTimesVector(insn, state);
case spv::OpVectorTimesMatrix:
return EmitVectorTimesMatrix(insn, state);
case spv::OpMatrixTimesMatrix:
return EmitMatrixTimesMatrix(insn, state);
case spv::OpOuterProduct:
return EmitOuterProduct(insn, state);
case spv::OpTranspose:
return EmitTranspose(insn, state);
case spv::OpNot:
case spv::OpBitFieldInsert:
case spv::OpBitFieldSExtract:
case spv::OpBitFieldUExtract:
case spv::OpBitReverse:
case spv::OpBitCount:
case spv::OpSNegate:
case spv::OpFNegate:
case spv::OpLogicalNot:
case spv::OpConvertFToU:
case spv::OpConvertFToS:
case spv::OpConvertSToF:
case spv::OpConvertUToF:
case spv::OpBitcast:
case spv::OpIsInf:
case spv::OpIsNan:
case spv::OpDPdx:
case spv::OpDPdxCoarse:
case spv::OpDPdy:
case spv::OpDPdyCoarse:
case spv::OpFwidth:
case spv::OpFwidthCoarse:
case spv::OpDPdxFine:
case spv::OpDPdyFine:
case spv::OpFwidthFine:
case spv::OpQuantizeToF16:
return EmitUnaryOp(insn, state);
case spv::OpIAdd:
case spv::OpISub:
case spv::OpIMul:
case spv::OpSDiv:
case spv::OpUDiv:
case spv::OpFAdd:
case spv::OpFSub:
case spv::OpFMul:
case spv::OpFDiv:
case spv::OpFMod:
case spv::OpFRem:
case spv::OpFOrdEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdNotEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordNotEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdLessThan:
case spv::OpFUnordLessThan:
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThan:
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThan:
case spv::OpFOrdLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpSMod:
case spv::OpSRem:
case spv::OpUMod:
case spv::OpIEqual:
case spv::OpINotEqual:
case spv::OpUGreaterThan:
case spv::OpSGreaterThan:
case spv::OpUGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpSGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpULessThan:
case spv::OpSLessThan:
case spv::OpULessThanEqual:
case spv::OpSLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpShiftRightLogical:
case spv::OpShiftRightArithmetic:
case spv::OpShiftLeftLogical:
case spv::OpBitwiseOr:
case spv::OpBitwiseXor:
case spv::OpBitwiseAnd:
case spv::OpLogicalOr:
case spv::OpLogicalAnd:
case spv::OpLogicalEqual:
case spv::OpLogicalNotEqual:
case spv::OpUMulExtended:
case spv::OpSMulExtended:
case spv::OpIAddCarry:
case spv::OpISubBorrow:
return EmitBinaryOp(insn, state);
case spv::OpDot:
return EmitDot(insn, state);
case spv::OpSelect:
return EmitSelect(insn, state);
case spv::OpExtInst:
return EmitExtendedInstruction(insn, state);
case spv::OpAny:
return EmitAny(insn, state);
case spv::OpAll:
return EmitAll(insn, state);
case spv::OpBranch:
return EmitBranch(insn, state);
case spv::OpPhi:
return EmitPhi(insn, state);
case spv::OpSelectionMerge:
case spv::OpLoopMerge:
return EmitResult::Continue;
case spv::OpBranchConditional:
return EmitBranchConditional(insn, state);
case spv::OpSwitch:
return EmitSwitch(insn, state);
case spv::OpUnreachable:
return EmitUnreachable(insn, state);
case spv::OpReturn:
return EmitReturn(insn, state);
case spv::OpKill:
return EmitKill(insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleImplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(None, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleExplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(None, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(Dref, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(Dref, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(Proj, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(Proj, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(ProjDref, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod:
return EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(ProjDref, insn, state);
case spv::OpImageFetch:
return EmitImageFetch(insn, state);
case spv::OpImageQuerySize:
return EmitImageQuerySize(insn, state);
case spv::OpImageQuerySizeLod:
return EmitImageQuerySizeLod(insn, state);
case spv::OpImageRead:
return EmitImageRead(insn, state);
case spv::OpImageWrite:
return EmitImageWrite(insn, state);
case spv::OpImageTexelPointer:
return EmitImageTexelPointer(insn, state);
case spv::OpSampledImage:
case spv::OpImage:
return EmitSampledImageCombineOrSplit(insn, state);
case spv::OpCopyObject:
return EmitCopyObject(insn, state);
case spv::OpCopyMemory:
return EmitCopyMemory(insn, state);
case spv::OpControlBarrier:
return EmitControlBarrier(insn, state);
case spv::OpMemoryBarrier:
return EmitMemoryBarrier(insn, state);
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformElect:
return EmitGroupNonUniform(insn, state);
case spv::OpArrayLength:
return EmitArrayLength(insn, state);
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(opcode).c_str());
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitVariable(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto &object = getObject(resultId);
auto &objectTy = getType(object.type);
switch (objectTy.storageClass)
case spv::StorageClassOutput:
case spv::StorageClassPrivate:
case spv::StorageClassFunction:
ASSERT(objectTy.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer);
auto base = &routine->getVariable(resultId)[0];
auto elementTy = getType(objectTy.element);
auto size = elementTy.sizeInComponents * sizeof(float) * SIMD::Width;
routine->createPointer(resultId, SIMD::Pointer(base, size));
case spv::StorageClassWorkgroup:
ASSERT(objectTy.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer);
auto base = &routine->workgroupMemory[0];
auto size = workgroupMemory.size();
routine->createPointer(resultId, SIMD::Pointer(base, size, workgroupMemory.offsetOf(resultId)));
case spv::StorageClassInput:
if (object.kind == Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable)
auto &dst = routine->getVariable(resultId);
int offset = 0;
[&](Decorations const &d, AttribType type) {
auto scalarSlot = d.Location << 2 | d.Component;
dst[offset++] = routine->inputs[scalarSlot];
ASSERT(objectTy.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer);
auto base = &routine->getVariable(resultId)[0];
auto elementTy = getType(objectTy.element);
auto size = elementTy.sizeInComponents * sizeof(float) * SIMD::Width;
routine->createPointer(resultId, SIMD::Pointer(base, size));
case spv::StorageClassUniformConstant:
const auto &d =;
ASSERT(d.DescriptorSet >= 0);
ASSERT(d.Binding >= 0);
uint32_t arrayIndex = 0; // TODO(b/129523279)
auto setLayout = routine->pipelineLayout->getDescriptorSetLayout(d.DescriptorSet);
if (setLayout->hasBinding(d.Binding))
size_t bindingOffset = setLayout->getBindingOffset(d.Binding, arrayIndex);
Pointer<Byte> set = routine->descriptorSets[d.DescriptorSet]; // DescriptorSet*
Pointer<Byte> binding = Pointer<Byte>(set + bindingOffset); // vk::SampledImageDescriptor*
auto size = 0; // Not required as this pointer is not directly used by SIMD::Read or SIMD::Write.
routine->createPointer(resultId, SIMD::Pointer(binding, size));
// TODO: Error if the variable with the non-existant binding is
// used? Or perhaps strip these unused variable declarations as
// a preprocess on the SPIR-V?
case spv::StorageClassUniform:
case spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer:
const auto &d =;
ASSERT(d.DescriptorSet >= 0 && d.DescriptorSet < vk::MAX_BOUND_DESCRIPTOR_SETS);
auto size = 0; // Not required as this pointer is not directly used by SIMD::Read or SIMD::Write.
routine->createPointer(resultId, SIMD::Pointer(routine->descriptorSets[d.DescriptorSet], size));
case spv::StorageClassPushConstant:
routine->createPointer(resultId, SIMD::Pointer(routine->pushConstants, vk::MAX_PUSH_CONSTANT_SIZE));
UNREACHABLE("Storage class %d", objectTy.storageClass);
if (insn.wordCount() > 4)
Object::ID initializerId = insn.word(4);
if (getObject(initializerId).kind != Object::Kind::Constant)
UNIMPLEMENTED("Non-constant initializers not yet implemented");
switch (objectTy.storageClass)
case spv::StorageClassOutput:
case spv::StorageClassPrivate:
case spv::StorageClassFunction:
bool interleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(objectTy.storageClass);
auto ptr = routine->getPointer(resultId);
GenericValue initialValue(this, routine, initializerId);
VisitMemoryObject(resultId, [&](uint32_t i, uint32_t offset)
auto p = ptr + offset;
if (interleavedByLane) { p = interleaveByLane(p); }
SIMD::Store(p, initialValue.Float(i), state->activeLaneMask());
ASSERT_MSG(initializerId == 0, "Vulkan does not permit variables of storage class %d to have initializers", int(objectTy.storageClass));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitLoad(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
bool atomic = (insn.opcode() == spv::OpAtomicLoad);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID pointerId = insn.word(3);
auto &result = getObject(resultId);
auto &resultTy = getType(result.type);
auto &pointer = getObject(pointerId);
auto &pointerTy = getType(pointer.type);
std::memory_order memoryOrder = std::memory_order_relaxed;
ASSERT(getType(pointer.type).element == result.type);
ASSERT(Type::ID(insn.word(1)) == result.type);
ASSERT(!atomic || getType(getType(pointer.type).element).opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt); // Vulkan 1.1: "Atomic instructions must declare a scalar 32-bit integer type, for the value pointed to by Pointer."
if(pointerTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassUniformConstant)
// Just propagate the pointer.
auto &ptr = routine->getPointer(pointerId);
routine->createPointer(resultId, ptr);
return EmitResult::Continue;
Object::ID semanticsId = insn.word(5);
auto memorySemantics = static_cast<spv::MemorySemanticsMask>(getObject(semanticsId).constantValue[0]);
memoryOrder = MemoryOrder(memorySemantics);
if (pointerTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassImage)
UNIMPLEMENTED("StorageClassImage load not yet implemented");
auto ptr = GetPointerToData(pointerId, 0, routine);
bool interleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(pointerTy.storageClass);
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultTy.sizeInComponents);
VisitMemoryObject(pointerId, [&](uint32_t i, uint32_t offset)
auto p = ptr + offset;
if (interleavedByLane) { p = interleaveByLane(p); }
dst.move(i, SIMD::Load<SIMD::Float>(p, state->activeLaneMask(), atomic, memoryOrder));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitStore(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
bool atomic = (insn.opcode() == spv::OpAtomicStore);
Object::ID pointerId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID objectId = insn.word(atomic ? 4 : 2);
auto &object = getObject(objectId);
auto &pointer = getObject(pointerId);
auto &pointerTy = getType(pointer.type);
auto &elementTy = getType(pointerTy.element);
std::memory_order memoryOrder = std::memory_order_relaxed;
Object::ID semanticsId = insn.word(3);
auto memorySemantics = static_cast<spv::MemorySemanticsMask>(getObject(semanticsId).constantValue[0]);
memoryOrder = MemoryOrder(memorySemantics);
ASSERT(!atomic || elementTy.opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt); // Vulkan 1.1: "Atomic instructions must declare a scalar 32-bit integer type, for the value pointed to by Pointer."
if (pointerTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassImage)
UNIMPLEMENTED("StorageClassImage store not yet implemented");
auto ptr = GetPointerToData(pointerId, 0, routine);
bool interleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(pointerTy.storageClass);
if (object.kind == Object::Kind::Constant)
// Constant source data.
auto src = reinterpret_cast<float *>(object.constantValue.get());
VisitMemoryObject(pointerId, [&](uint32_t i, uint32_t offset)
auto p = ptr + offset;
if (interleavedByLane) { p = interleaveByLane(p); }
SIMD::Store(p, SIMD::Float(src[i]), state->activeLaneMask(), atomic, memoryOrder);
// Intermediate source data.
auto &src = routine->getIntermediate(objectId);
VisitMemoryObject(pointerId, [&](uint32_t i, uint32_t offset)
auto p = ptr + offset;
if (interleavedByLane) { p = interleaveByLane(p); }
SIMD::Store(p, src.Float(i), state->activeLaneMask(), atomic, memoryOrder);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitAccessChain(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
Type::ID typeId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID baseId = insn.word(3);
uint32_t numIndexes = insn.wordCount() - 4;
const uint32_t *indexes = insn.wordPointer(4);
auto &type = getType(typeId);
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(getObject(resultId).kind == Object::Kind::Pointer);
if(type.storageClass == spv::StorageClassPushConstant ||
type.storageClass == spv::StorageClassUniform ||
type.storageClass == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer)
auto ptr = WalkExplicitLayoutAccessChain(baseId, numIndexes, indexes, routine);
routine->createPointer(resultId, ptr);
auto ptr = WalkAccessChain(baseId, numIndexes, indexes, routine);
routine->createPointer(resultId, ptr);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitCompositeConstruct(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto offset = 0u;
for (auto i = 0u; i < insn.wordCount() - 3; i++)
Object::ID srcObjectId = insn.word(3u + i);
auto & srcObject = getObject(srcObjectId);
auto & srcObjectTy = getType(srcObject.type);
GenericValue srcObjectAccess(this, routine, srcObjectId);
for (auto j = 0u; j < srcObjectTy.sizeInComponents; j++)
dst.move(offset++, srcObjectAccess.Float(j));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitCompositeInsert(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
Type::ID resultTypeId = insn.word(1);
auto &type = getType(resultTypeId);
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &newPartObject = getObject(insn.word(3));
auto &newPartObjectTy = getType(newPartObject.type);
auto firstNewComponent = WalkLiteralAccessChain(resultTypeId, insn.wordCount() - 5, insn.wordPointer(5));
GenericValue srcObjectAccess(this, routine, insn.word(4));
GenericValue newPartObjectAccess(this, routine, insn.word(3));
// old components before
for (auto i = 0u; i < firstNewComponent; i++)
dst.move(i, srcObjectAccess.Float(i));
// new part
for (auto i = 0u; i < newPartObjectTy.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(firstNewComponent + i, newPartObjectAccess.Float(i));
// old components after
for (auto i = firstNewComponent + newPartObjectTy.sizeInComponents; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, srcObjectAccess.Float(i));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitCompositeExtract(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &compositeObject = getObject(insn.word(3));
Type::ID compositeTypeId = compositeObject.definition.word(1);
auto firstComponent = WalkLiteralAccessChain(compositeTypeId, insn.wordCount() - 4, insn.wordPointer(4));
GenericValue compositeObjectAccess(this, routine, insn.word(3));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, compositeObjectAccess.Float(firstComponent + i));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitVectorShuffle(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
// Note: number of components in result type, first half type, and second
// half type are all independent.
auto &firstHalfType = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type);
GenericValue firstHalfAccess(this, routine, insn.word(3));
GenericValue secondHalfAccess(this, routine, insn.word(4));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto selector = insn.word(5 + i);
if (selector == static_cast<uint32_t>(-1))
// Undefined value. Until we decide to do real undef values, zero is as good
// a value as any
dst.move(i, RValue<SIMD::Float>(0.0f));
else if (selector < firstHalfType.sizeInComponents)
dst.move(i, firstHalfAccess.Float(selector));
dst.move(i, secondHalfAccess.Float(selector - firstHalfType.sizeInComponents));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitVectorExtractDynamic(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &srcType = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type);
GenericValue src(this, routine, insn.word(3));
GenericValue index(this, routine, insn.word(4));
SIMD::UInt v = SIMD::UInt(0);
for (auto i = 0u; i < srcType.sizeInComponents; i++)
v |= CmpEQ(index.UInt(0), SIMD::UInt(i)) & src.UInt(i);
dst.move(0, v);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitVectorInsertDynamic(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
GenericValue src(this, routine, insn.word(3));
GenericValue component(this, routine, insn.word(4));
GenericValue index(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::UInt mask = CmpEQ(SIMD::UInt(i), index.UInt(0));
dst.move(i, (src.UInt(i) & ~mask) | (component.UInt(0) & mask));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitVectorTimesScalar(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) * rhs.Float(0));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitMatrixTimesVector(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
auto rhsType = getType(rhs.type);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Float v = lhs.Float(i) * rhs.Float(0);
for (auto j = 1u; j < rhsType.sizeInComponents; j++)
v += lhs.Float(i + type.sizeInComponents * j) * rhs.Float(j);
dst.move(i, v);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitVectorTimesMatrix(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
auto lhsType = getType(lhs.type);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Float v = lhs.Float(0) * rhs.Float(i * lhsType.sizeInComponents);
for (auto j = 1u; j < lhsType.sizeInComponents; j++)
v += lhs.Float(j) * rhs.Float(i * lhsType.sizeInComponents + j);
dst.move(i, v);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitMatrixTimesMatrix(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
auto numColumns = type.definition.word(3);
auto numRows = getType(type.definition.word(2)).definition.word(3);
auto numAdds = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type).definition.word(3);
for (auto row = 0u; row < numRows; row++)
for (auto col = 0u; col < numColumns; col++)
SIMD::Float v = SIMD::Float(0);
for (auto i = 0u; i < numAdds; i++)
v += lhs.Float(i * numRows + row) * rhs.Float(col * numAdds + i);
dst.move(numRows * col + row, v);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitOuterProduct(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
auto &lhsType = getType(lhs.type);
auto &rhsType = getType(rhs.type);
ASSERT(type.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeMatrix);
ASSERT(lhsType.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeVector);
ASSERT(rhsType.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeVector);
ASSERT(getType(lhsType.element).opcode() == spv::OpTypeFloat);
ASSERT(getType(rhsType.element).opcode() == spv::OpTypeFloat);
auto numRows = lhsType.definition.word(3);
auto numCols = rhsType.definition.word(3);
for (auto col = 0u; col < numCols; col++)
for (auto row = 0u; row < numRows; row++)
dst.move(col * numRows + row, lhs.Float(row) * rhs.Float(col));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitTranspose(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto mat = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto numCols = type.definition.word(3);
auto numRows = getType(type.definition.word(2)).sizeInComponents;
for (auto col = 0u; col < numCols; col++)
for (auto row = 0u; row < numRows; row++)
dst.move(col * numRows + row, mat.Float(row * numCols + col));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitUnaryOp(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpNot:
case spv::OpLogicalNot: // logical not == bitwise not due to all-bits boolean representation
dst.move(i, ~src.UInt(i));
case spv::OpBitFieldInsert:
auto insert = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4)).UInt(i);
auto offset = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5)).UInt(0);
auto count = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6)).UInt(0);
auto one = SIMD::UInt(1);
auto v = src.UInt(i);
auto mask = Bitmask32(offset + count) ^ Bitmask32(offset);
dst.move(i, (v & ~mask) | ((insert << offset) & mask));
case spv::OpBitFieldSExtract:
case spv::OpBitFieldUExtract:
auto offset = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4)).UInt(0);
auto count = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5)).UInt(0);
auto one = SIMD::UInt(1);
auto v = src.UInt(i);
SIMD::UInt out = (v >> offset) & Bitmask32(count);
if (insn.opcode() == spv::OpBitFieldSExtract)
auto sign = out & NthBit32(count - one);
auto sext = ~(sign - one);
out |= sext;
dst.move(i, out);
case spv::OpBitReverse:
// TODO: Add an intrinsic to reactor. Even if there isn't a
// single vector instruction, there may be target-dependent
// ways to make this faster.
SIMD::UInt v = src.UInt(i);
v = ((v >> 1) & SIMD::UInt(0x55555555)) | ((v & SIMD::UInt(0x55555555)) << 1);
v = ((v >> 2) & SIMD::UInt(0x33333333)) | ((v & SIMD::UInt(0x33333333)) << 2);
v = ((v >> 4) & SIMD::UInt(0x0F0F0F0F)) | ((v & SIMD::UInt(0x0F0F0F0F)) << 4);
v = ((v >> 8) & SIMD::UInt(0x00FF00FF)) | ((v & SIMD::UInt(0x00FF00FF)) << 8);
v = (v >> 16) | (v << 16);
dst.move(i, v);
case spv::OpBitCount:
// TODO: Add an intrinsic to reactor. Even if there isn't a
// single vector instruction, there may be target-dependent
// ways to make this faster.
auto v = src.UInt(i);
SIMD::UInt c = v - ((v >> 1) & SIMD::UInt(0x55555555));
c = ((c >> 2) & SIMD::UInt(0x33333333)) + (c & SIMD::UInt(0x33333333));
c = ((c >> 4) + c) & SIMD::UInt(0x0F0F0F0F);
c = ((c >> 8) + c) & SIMD::UInt(0x00FF00FF);
c = ((c >> 16) + c) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF);
dst.move(i, c);
case spv::OpSNegate:
dst.move(i, -src.Int(i));
case spv::OpFNegate:
dst.move(i, -src.Float(i));
case spv::OpConvertFToU:
dst.move(i, SIMD::UInt(src.Float(i)));
case spv::OpConvertFToS:
dst.move(i, SIMD::Int(src.Float(i)));
case spv::OpConvertSToF:
dst.move(i, SIMD::Float(src.Int(i)));
case spv::OpConvertUToF:
dst.move(i, SIMD::Float(src.UInt(i)));
case spv::OpBitcast:
dst.move(i, src.Float(i));
case spv::OpIsInf:
dst.move(i, IsInf(src.Float(i)));
case spv::OpIsNan:
dst.move(i, IsNan(src.Float(i)));
case spv::OpDPdx:
case spv::OpDPdxCoarse:
// Derivative instructions: FS invocations are laid out like so:
// 0 1
// 2 3
static_assert(SIMD::Width == 4, "All cross-lane instructions will need care when using a different width");
dst.move(i, SIMD::Float(Extract(src.Float(i), 1) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0)));
case spv::OpDPdy:
case spv::OpDPdyCoarse:
dst.move(i, SIMD::Float(Extract(src.Float(i), 2) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0)));
case spv::OpFwidth:
case spv::OpFwidthCoarse:
dst.move(i, SIMD::Float(Abs(Extract(src.Float(i), 1) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0))
+ Abs(Extract(src.Float(i), 2) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0))));
case spv::OpDPdxFine:
auto firstRow = Extract(src.Float(i), 1) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0);
auto secondRow = Extract(src.Float(i), 3) - Extract(src.Float(i), 2);
SIMD::Float v = SIMD::Float(firstRow);
v = Insert(v, secondRow, 2);
v = Insert(v, secondRow, 3);
dst.move(i, v);
case spv::OpDPdyFine:
auto firstColumn = Extract(src.Float(i), 2) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0);
auto secondColumn = Extract(src.Float(i), 3) - Extract(src.Float(i), 1);
SIMD::Float v = SIMD::Float(firstColumn);
v = Insert(v, secondColumn, 1);
v = Insert(v, secondColumn, 3);
dst.move(i, v);
case spv::OpFwidthFine:
auto firstRow = Extract(src.Float(i), 1) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0);
auto secondRow = Extract(src.Float(i), 3) - Extract(src.Float(i), 2);
SIMD::Float dpdx = SIMD::Float(firstRow);
dpdx = Insert(dpdx, secondRow, 2);
dpdx = Insert(dpdx, secondRow, 3);
auto firstColumn = Extract(src.Float(i), 2) - Extract(src.Float(i), 0);
auto secondColumn = Extract(src.Float(i), 3) - Extract(src.Float(i), 1);
SIMD::Float dpdy = SIMD::Float(firstColumn);
dpdy = Insert(dpdy, secondColumn, 1);
dpdy = Insert(dpdy, secondColumn, 3);
dst.move(i, Abs(dpdx) + Abs(dpdy));
case spv::OpQuantizeToF16:
auto abs = Abs(src.Float(i));
auto sign = src.Int(i) & SIMD::Int(0x80000000);
auto isZero = CmpLT(abs, SIMD::Float(0.000061035));
auto isInf = CmpGT(abs, SIMD::Float(65504.0f));
auto isNaN = IsNan(abs);
auto isInfOrNan = isInf | isNaN;
SIMD::Int v = src.Int(i) & SIMD::Int(0xFFFFE000);
v &= ~isZero | SIMD::Int(0x80000000);
v = sign | (isInfOrNan & SIMD::Int(0x7F800000)) | (~isInfOrNan & v);
v |= isNaN & SIMD::Int(0x400000);
dst.move(i, v);
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(insn.opcode()).c_str());
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitBinaryOp(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &lhsType = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
for (auto i = 0u; i < lhsType.sizeInComponents; i++)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpIAdd:
dst.move(i, lhs.Int(i) + rhs.Int(i));
case spv::OpISub:
dst.move(i, lhs.Int(i) - rhs.Int(i));
case spv::OpIMul:
dst.move(i, lhs.Int(i) * rhs.Int(i));
case spv::OpSDiv:
SIMD::Int a = lhs.Int(i);
SIMD::Int b = rhs.Int(i);
b = b | CmpEQ(b, SIMD::Int(0)); // prevent divide-by-zero
a = a | (CmpEQ(a, SIMD::Int(0x80000000)) & CmpEQ(b, SIMD::Int(-1))); // prevent integer overflow
dst.move(i, a / b);
case spv::OpUDiv:
auto zeroMask = As<SIMD::UInt>(CmpEQ(rhs.Int(i), SIMD::Int(0)));
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) / (rhs.UInt(i) | zeroMask));
case spv::OpSRem:
SIMD::Int a = lhs.Int(i);
SIMD::Int b = rhs.Int(i);
b = b | CmpEQ(b, SIMD::Int(0)); // prevent divide-by-zero
a = a | (CmpEQ(a, SIMD::Int(0x80000000)) & CmpEQ(b, SIMD::Int(-1))); // prevent integer overflow
dst.move(i, a % b);
case spv::OpSMod:
SIMD::Int a = lhs.Int(i);
SIMD::Int b = rhs.Int(i);
b = b | CmpEQ(b, SIMD::Int(0)); // prevent divide-by-zero
a = a | (CmpEQ(a, SIMD::Int(0x80000000)) & CmpEQ(b, SIMD::Int(-1))); // prevent integer overflow
auto mod = a % b;
// If a and b have opposite signs, the remainder operation takes
// the sign from a but OpSMod is supposed to take the sign of b.
// Adding b will ensure that the result has the correct sign and
// that it is still congruent to a modulo b.
// See also
auto signDiff = CmpNEQ(CmpGE(a, SIMD::Int(0)), CmpGE(b, SIMD::Int(0)));
auto fixedMod = mod + (b & CmpNEQ(mod, SIMD::Int(0)) & signDiff);
dst.move(i, As<SIMD::Float>(fixedMod));
case spv::OpUMod:
auto zeroMask = As<SIMD::UInt>(CmpEQ(rhs.Int(i), SIMD::Int(0)));
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) % (rhs.UInt(i) | zeroMask));
case spv::OpIEqual:
case spv::OpLogicalEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpEQ(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpINotEqual:
case spv::OpLogicalNotEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpNEQ(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpUGreaterThan:
dst.move(i, CmpGT(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case spv::OpSGreaterThan:
dst.move(i, CmpGT(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpUGreaterThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpGE(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case spv::OpSGreaterThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpGE(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpULessThan:
dst.move(i, CmpLT(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case spv::OpSLessThan:
dst.move(i, CmpLT(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpULessThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpLE(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case spv::OpSLessThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpLE(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpFAdd:
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) + rhs.Float(i));
case spv::OpFSub:
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) - rhs.Float(i));
case spv::OpFMul:
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) * rhs.Float(i));
case spv::OpFDiv:
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) / rhs.Float(i));
case spv::OpFMod:
// TODO(b/126873455): inaccurate for values greater than 2^24
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) - rhs.Float(i) * Floor(lhs.Float(i) / rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFRem:
dst.move(i, lhs.Float(i) % rhs.Float(i));
case spv::OpFOrdEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpEQ(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFUnordEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpUEQ(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFOrdNotEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpNEQ(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFUnordNotEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpUNEQ(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFOrdLessThan:
dst.move(i, CmpLT(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFUnordLessThan:
dst.move(i, CmpULT(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThan:
dst.move(i, CmpGT(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThan:
dst.move(i, CmpUGT(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFOrdLessThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpLE(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFUnordLessThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpULE(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpGE(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual:
dst.move(i, CmpUGE(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case spv::OpShiftRightLogical:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) >> rhs.UInt(i));
case spv::OpShiftRightArithmetic:
dst.move(i, lhs.Int(i) >> rhs.Int(i));
case spv::OpShiftLeftLogical:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) << rhs.UInt(i));
case spv::OpBitwiseOr:
case spv::OpLogicalOr:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) | rhs.UInt(i));
case spv::OpBitwiseXor:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) ^ rhs.UInt(i));
case spv::OpBitwiseAnd:
case spv::OpLogicalAnd:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) & rhs.UInt(i));
case spv::OpSMulExtended:
// Extended ops: result is a structure containing two members of the same type as lhs & rhs.
// In our flat view then, component i is the i'th component of the first member;
// component i + N is the i'th component of the second member.
dst.move(i, lhs.Int(i) * rhs.Int(i));
dst.move(i + lhsType.sizeInComponents, MulHigh(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case spv::OpUMulExtended:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) * rhs.UInt(i));
dst.move(i + lhsType.sizeInComponents, MulHigh(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case spv::OpIAddCarry:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) + rhs.UInt(i));
dst.move(i + lhsType.sizeInComponents, CmpLT(dst.UInt(i), lhs.UInt(i)) >> 31);
case spv::OpISubBorrow:
dst.move(i, lhs.UInt(i) - rhs.UInt(i));
dst.move(i + lhsType.sizeInComponents, CmpLT(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)) >> 31);
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(insn.opcode()).c_str());
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitDot(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &lhsType = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type);
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
dst.move(0, Dot(lhsType.sizeInComponents, lhs, rhs));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitSelect(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto cond = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(4));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, (cond.Int(i) & lhs.Int(i)) | (~cond.Int(i) & rhs.Int(i))); // FIXME: IfThenElse()
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitExtendedInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto extInstIndex = static_cast<GLSLstd450>(insn.word(4));
switch (extInstIndex)
case GLSLstd450FAbs:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Abs(src.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450SAbs:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Abs(src.Int(i)));
case GLSLstd450Cross:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
dst.move(0, lhs.Float(1) * rhs.Float(2) - rhs.Float(1) * lhs.Float(2));
dst.move(1, lhs.Float(2) * rhs.Float(0) - rhs.Float(2) * lhs.Float(0));
dst.move(2, lhs.Float(0) * rhs.Float(1) - rhs.Float(0) * lhs.Float(1));
case GLSLstd450Floor:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Floor(src.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Trunc:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Trunc(src.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Ceil:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Ceil(src.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Fract:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Frac(src.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Round:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Round(src.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450RoundEven:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto x = Round(src.Float(i));
// dst = round(src) + ((round(src) < src) * 2 - 1) * (fract(src) == 0.5) * isOdd(round(src));
dst.move(i, x + ((SIMD::Float(CmpLT(x, src.Float(i)) & SIMD::Int(1)) * SIMD::Float(2.0f)) - SIMD::Float(1.0f)) *
SIMD::Float(CmpEQ(Frac(src.Float(i)), SIMD::Float(0.5f)) & SIMD::Int(1)) * SIMD::Float(Int4(x) & SIMD::Int(1)));
case GLSLstd450FMin:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Min(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450FMax:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Max(lhs.Float(i), rhs.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450SMin:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Min(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case GLSLstd450SMax:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Max(lhs.Int(i), rhs.Int(i)));
case GLSLstd450UMin:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Min(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case GLSLstd450UMax:
auto lhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto rhs = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Max(lhs.UInt(i), rhs.UInt(i)));
case GLSLstd450Step:
auto edge = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, CmpNLT(x.Float(i), edge.Float(i)) & As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
case GLSLstd450SmoothStep:
auto edge0 = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto edge1 = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto tx = Min(Max((x.Float(i) - edge0.Float(i)) /
(edge1.Float(i) - edge0.Float(i)), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f));
dst.move(i, tx * tx * (Float4(3.0f) - Float4(2.0f) * tx));
case GLSLstd450FMix:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto y = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto a = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, a.Float(i) * (y.Float(i) - x.Float(i)) + x.Float(i));
case GLSLstd450FClamp:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto minVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto maxVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Min(Max(x.Float(i), minVal.Float(i)), maxVal.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450SClamp:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto minVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto maxVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Min(Max(x.Int(i), minVal.Int(i)), maxVal.Int(i)));
case GLSLstd450UClamp:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto minVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto maxVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Min(Max(x.UInt(i), minVal.UInt(i)), maxVal.UInt(i)));
case GLSLstd450FSign:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto neg = As<SIMD::Int>(CmpLT(src.Float(i), SIMD::Float(-0.0f))) & As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float(-1.0f));
auto pos = As<SIMD::Int>(CmpNLE(src.Float(i), SIMD::Float(+0.0f))) & As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float(1.0f));
dst.move(i, neg | pos);
case GLSLstd450SSign:
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto neg = CmpLT(src.Int(i), SIMD::Int(0)) & SIMD::Int(-1);
auto pos = CmpNLE(src.Int(i), SIMD::Int(0)) & SIMD::Int(1);
dst.move(i, neg | pos);
case GLSLstd450Reflect:
auto I = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto N = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
SIMD::Float d = Dot(type.sizeInComponents, I, N);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, I.Float(i) - SIMD::Float(2.0f) * d * N.Float(i));
case GLSLstd450Refract:
auto I = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto N = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto eta = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
SIMD::Float d = Dot(type.sizeInComponents, I, N);
SIMD::Float k = SIMD::Float(1.0f) - eta.Float(0) * eta.Float(0) * (SIMD::Float(1.0f) - d * d);
SIMD::Int pos = CmpNLT(k, SIMD::Float(0.0f));
SIMD::Float t = (eta.Float(0) * d + Sqrt(k));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, pos & As<SIMD::Int>(eta.Float(0) * I.Float(i) - t * N.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450FaceForward:
auto N = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto I = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto Nref = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
SIMD::Float d = Dot(type.sizeInComponents, I, Nref);
SIMD::Int neg = CmpLT(d, SIMD::Float(0.0f));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto n = N.Float(i);
dst.move(i, (neg & As<SIMD::Int>(n)) | (~neg & As<SIMD::Int>(-n)));
case GLSLstd450Length:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
SIMD::Float d = Dot(getType(getObject(insn.word(5)).type).sizeInComponents, x, x);
dst.move(0, Sqrt(d));
case GLSLstd450Normalize:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
SIMD::Float d = Dot(getType(getObject(insn.word(5)).type).sizeInComponents, x, x);
SIMD::Float invLength = SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Sqrt(d);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, invLength * x.Float(i));
case GLSLstd450Distance:
auto p0 = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto p1 = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto p0Type = getType(p0.type);
// sqrt(dot(p0-p1, p0-p1))
SIMD::Float d = (p0.Float(0) - p1.Float(0)) * (p0.Float(0) - p1.Float(0));
for (auto i = 1u; i < p0Type.sizeInComponents; i++)
d += (p0.Float(i) - p1.Float(i)) * (p0.Float(i) - p1.Float(i));
dst.move(0, Sqrt(d));
case GLSLstd450Modf:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto ptrId = Object::ID(insn.word(6));
auto ptrTy = getType(getObject(ptrId).type);
auto ptr = GetPointerToData(ptrId, 0, routine);
bool interleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(ptrTy.storageClass);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto whole = Floor(val.Float(i));
auto frac = Frac(val.Float(i));
dst.move(i, frac);
auto p = ptr + (i * sizeof(float));
if (interleavedByLane) { p = interleaveByLane(p); }
SIMD::Store(p, whole, state->activeLaneMask());
case GLSLstd450ModfStruct:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto valTy = getType(val.type);
for (auto i = 0u; i < valTy.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto whole = Floor(val.Float(i));
auto frac = Frac(val.Float(i));
dst.move(i, frac);
dst.move(i + valTy.sizeInComponents, whole);
case GLSLstd450PackSnorm4x8:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, (SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(0), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(1), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) << 8) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(2), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) << 16) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(3), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) << 24));
case GLSLstd450PackUnorm4x8:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, (SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(0), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(1), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) << 8) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(2), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) << 16) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(3), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) << 24));
case GLSLstd450PackSnorm2x16:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, (SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(0), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(32767.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFFFF)) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(1), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(32767.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFFFF)) << 16));
case GLSLstd450PackUnorm2x16:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, (SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(0), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(65535.0f))) &
SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF)) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(val.Float(1), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(65535.0f))) &
SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF)) << 16));
case GLSLstd450PackHalf2x16:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, FloatToHalfBits(val.UInt(0), false) | FloatToHalfBits(val.UInt(1), true));
case GLSLstd450UnpackSnorm4x8:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((val.Int(0)<<24) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(1, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((val.Int(0)<<16) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(2, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((val.Int(0)<<8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(3, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((val.Int(0)) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
case GLSLstd450UnpackUnorm4x8:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float((val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(((val.UInt(0)>>8) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(((val.UInt(0)>>16) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(((val.UInt(0)>>24) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
case GLSLstd450UnpackSnorm2x16:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
// clamp(f / 32767.0, -1.0, 1.0)
dst.move(0, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(As<SIMD::Int>((val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)) << 16)) *
SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7FFF0000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(1, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(As<SIMD::Int>(val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF0000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7FFF0000)),
SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
case GLSLstd450UnpackUnorm2x16:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
// f / 65535.0
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float((val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)) << 16) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0xFFFF0000)));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF0000)) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0xFFFF0000)));
case GLSLstd450UnpackHalf2x16:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
dst.move(0, halfToFloatBits(val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)));
dst.move(1, halfToFloatBits((val.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF0000)) >> 16));
case GLSLstd450Fma:
auto a = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto b = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto c = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, FMA(a.Float(i), b.Float(i), c.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Frexp:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto ptrId = Object::ID(insn.word(6));
auto ptrTy = getType(getObject(ptrId).type);
auto ptr = GetPointerToData(ptrId, 0, routine);
bool interleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(ptrTy.storageClass);
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Float significand;
SIMD::Int exponent;
std::tie(significand, exponent) = Frexp(val.Float(i));
dst.move(i, significand);
auto p = ptr + (i * sizeof(float));
if (interleavedByLane) { p = interleaveByLane(p); }
SIMD::Store(p, exponent, state->activeLaneMask());
case GLSLstd450FrexpStruct:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto numComponents = getType(val.type).sizeInComponents;
for (auto i = 0u; i < numComponents; i++)
auto significandAndExponent = Frexp(val.Float(i));
dst.move(i, significandAndExponent.first);
dst.move(i + numComponents, significandAndExponent.second);
case GLSLstd450Ldexp:
auto significand = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto exponent = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
// Assumes IEEE 754
auto significandExponent = Exponent(significand.Float(i));
auto combinedExponent = exponent.Int(i) + significandExponent;
SIMD::UInt v = (significand.UInt(i) & SIMD::UInt(0x807FFFFF)) |
(SIMD::UInt(combinedExponent + SIMD::Int(126)) << SIMD::UInt(23));
dst.move(i, As<SIMD::Float>(v));
case GLSLstd450Radians:
auto degrees = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, degrees.Float(i) * SIMD::Float(PI / 180.0f));
case GLSLstd450Degrees:
auto radians = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, radians.Float(i) * SIMD::Float(180.0f / PI));
case GLSLstd450Sin:
auto radians = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Sin(radians.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Cos:
auto radians = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Cos(radians.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Tan:
auto radians = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Tan(radians.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Asin:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Asin(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Acos:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Acos(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Atan:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Atan(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Sinh:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Sinh(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Cosh:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Cosh(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Tanh:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Tanh(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Asinh:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Asinh(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Acosh:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Acosh(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Atanh:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Atanh(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Atan2:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto y = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Atan2(x.Float(i), y.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Pow:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto y = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Pow(x.Float(i), y.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Exp:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Exp(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Log:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Log(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Exp2:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Exp2(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Log2:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Log2(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Sqrt:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, Sqrt(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450InverseSqrt:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
Decorations d;
ApplyDecorationsForId(&d, insn.word(5));
if (d.RelaxedPrecision)
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, RcpSqrt_pp(val.Float(i)));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Sqrt(val.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450Determinant:
auto mat = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto numComponents = getType(mat.type).sizeInComponents;
switch (numComponents)
case 4: // 2x2
dst.move(0, Determinant(
mat.Float(0), mat.Float(1),
mat.Float(2), mat.Float(3)));
case 9: // 3x3
dst.move(0, Determinant(
mat.Float(0), mat.Float(1), mat.Float(2),
mat.Float(3), mat.Float(4), mat.Float(5),
mat.Float(6), mat.Float(7), mat.Float(8)));
case 16: // 4x4
dst.move(0, Determinant(
mat.Float(0), mat.Float(1), mat.Float(2), mat.Float(3),
mat.Float(4), mat.Float(5), mat.Float(6), mat.Float(7),
mat.Float(8), mat.Float(9), mat.Float(10), mat.Float(11),
mat.Float(12), mat.Float(13), mat.Float(14), mat.Float(15)));
UNREACHABLE("GLSLstd450Determinant can only operate with square matrices. Got %d elements", int(numComponents));
case GLSLstd450MatrixInverse:
auto mat = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto numComponents = getType(mat.type).sizeInComponents;
switch (numComponents)
case 4: // 2x2
auto inv = MatrixInverse(
mat.Float(0), mat.Float(1),
mat.Float(2), mat.Float(3));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inv.size(); i++)
dst.move(i, inv[i]);
case 9: // 3x3
auto inv = MatrixInverse(
mat.Float(0), mat.Float(1), mat.Float(2),
mat.Float(3), mat.Float(4), mat.Float(5),
mat.Float(6), mat.Float(7), mat.Float(8));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inv.size(); i++)
dst.move(i, inv[i]);
case 16: // 4x4
auto inv = MatrixInverse(
mat.Float(0), mat.Float(1), mat.Float(2), mat.Float(3),
mat.Float(4), mat.Float(5), mat.Float(6), mat.Float(7),
mat.Float(8), mat.Float(9), mat.Float(10), mat.Float(11),
mat.Float(12), mat.Float(13), mat.Float(14), mat.Float(15));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inv.size(); i++)
dst.move(i, inv[i]);
UNREACHABLE("GLSLstd450MatrixInverse can only operate with square matrices. Got %d elements", int(numComponents));
case GLSLstd450IMix:
UNREACHABLE("GLSLstd450IMix has been removed from the specification");
case GLSLstd450PackDouble2x32:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Float64 Capability (GLSLstd450PackDouble2x32)");
case GLSLstd450UnpackDouble2x32:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V Float64 Capability (GLSLstd450UnpackDouble2x32)");
case GLSLstd450FindILsb:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto v = val.UInt(i);
dst.move(i, Cttz(v, true) | CmpEQ(v, SIMD::UInt(0)));
case GLSLstd450FindSMsb:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto v = val.UInt(i) ^ As<SIMD::UInt>(CmpLT(val.Int(i), SIMD::Int(0)));
dst.move(i, SIMD::UInt(31) - Ctlz(v, false));
case GLSLstd450FindUMsb:
auto val = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, SIMD::UInt(31) - Ctlz(val.UInt(i), false));
case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtCentroid:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V SampleRateShading Capability (GLSLstd450InterpolateAtCentroid)");
case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtSample:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V SampleRateShading Capability (GLSLstd450InterpolateAtCentroid)");
case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtOffset:
UNSUPPORTED("SPIR-V SampleRateShading Capability (GLSLstd450InterpolateAtCentroid)");
case GLSLstd450NMin:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto y = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, NMin(x.Float(i), y.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450NMax:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto y = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, NMax(x.Float(i), y.Float(i)));
case GLSLstd450NClamp:
auto x = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(5));
auto minVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(6));
auto maxVal = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(7));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto clamp = NMin(NMax(x.Float(i), minVal.Float(i)), maxVal.Float(i));
dst.move(i, clamp);
UNREACHABLE("ExtInst %d", int(extInstIndex));
return EmitResult::Continue;
std::memory_order SpirvShader::MemoryOrder(spv::MemorySemanticsMask memorySemantics)
auto control = static_cast<uint32_t>(memorySemantics) & static_cast<uint32_t>(
spv::MemorySemanticsAcquireMask |
spv::MemorySemanticsReleaseMask |
spv::MemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseMask |
switch (control)
case spv::MemorySemanticsMaskNone: return std::memory_order_relaxed;
case spv::MemorySemanticsAcquireMask: return std::memory_order_acquire;
case spv::MemorySemanticsReleaseMask: return std::memory_order_release;
case spv::MemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseMask: return std::memory_order_acq_rel;
case spv::MemorySemanticsSequentiallyConsistentMask: return std::memory_order_acq_rel; // Vulkan 1.1: "SequentiallyConsistent is treated as AcquireRelease"
// "it is invalid for more than one of these four bits to be set:
// Acquire, Release, AcquireRelease, or SequentiallyConsistent."
UNREACHABLE("MemorySemanticsMask: %x", int(control));
return std::memory_order_acq_rel;
SIMD::Float SpirvShader::Dot(unsigned numComponents, GenericValue const & x, GenericValue const & y) const
SIMD::Float d = x.Float(0) * y.Float(0);
for (auto i = 1u; i < numComponents; i++)
d += x.Float(i) * y.Float(i);
return d;
SIMD::UInt SpirvShader::FloatToHalfBits(SIMD::UInt floatBits, bool storeInUpperBits) const
static const uint32_t mask_sign = 0x80000000u;
static const uint32_t mask_round = ~0xfffu;
static const uint32_t c_f32infty = 255 << 23;
static const uint32_t c_magic = 15 << 23;
static const uint32_t c_nanbit = 0x200;
static const uint32_t c_infty_as_fp16 = 0x7c00;
static const uint32_t c_clamp = (31 << 23) - 0x1000;
SIMD::UInt justsign = SIMD::UInt(mask_sign) & floatBits;
SIMD::UInt absf = floatBits ^ justsign;
SIMD::UInt b_isnormal = CmpNLE(SIMD::UInt(c_f32infty), absf);
// Note: this version doesn't round to the nearest even in case of a tie as defined by IEEE 754-2008, it rounds to +inf
// instead of nearest even, since that's fine for GLSL ES 3.0's needs (see section 2.1.1 Floating-Point Computation)
SIMD::UInt joined = ((((As<SIMD::UInt>(Min(As<SIMD::Float>(absf & SIMD::UInt(mask_round)) * As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::UInt(c_magic)),
As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::UInt(c_clamp))))) - SIMD::UInt(mask_round)) >> 13) & b_isnormal) |
((b_isnormal ^ SIMD::UInt(0xFFFFFFFF)) & ((CmpNLE(absf, SIMD::UInt(c_f32infty)) & SIMD::UInt(c_nanbit)) |
return storeInUpperBits ? ((joined << 16) | justsign) : joined | (justsign >> 16);
std::pair<SIMD::Float, SIMD::Int> SpirvShader::Frexp(RValue<SIMD::Float> val) const
// Assumes IEEE 754
auto v = As<SIMD::UInt>(val);
auto isNotZero = CmpNEQ(v & SIMD::UInt(0x7FFFFFFF), SIMD::UInt(0));
auto zeroSign = v & SIMD::UInt(0x80000000) & ~isNotZero;
auto significand = As<SIMD::Float>((((v & SIMD::UInt(0x807FFFFF)) | SIMD::UInt(0x3F000000)) & isNotZero) | zeroSign);
auto exponent = Exponent(val) & SIMD::Int(isNotZero);
return std::make_pair(significand, exponent);
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitAny(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &srcType = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type);
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
SIMD::UInt result = src.UInt(0);
for (auto i = 1u; i < srcType.sizeInComponents; i++)
result |= src.UInt(i);
dst.move(0, result);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitAll(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto &type = getType(insn.word(1));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), type.sizeInComponents);
auto &srcType = getType(getObject(insn.word(3)).type);
auto src = GenericValue(this, routine, insn.word(3));
SIMD::UInt result = src.UInt(0);
for (auto i = 1u; i < srcType.sizeInComponents; i++)
result &= src.UInt(i);
dst.move(0, result);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitBranch(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto target = Block::ID(insn.word(1));
auto edge = Block::Edge{state->currentBlock, target};
state->edgeActiveLaneMasks.emplace(edge, state->activeLaneMask());
return EmitResult::Terminator;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitBranchConditional(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto block = getBlock(state->currentBlock);
ASSERT(block.branchInstruction == insn);
auto condId = Object::ID(block.branchInstruction.word(1));
auto trueBlockId = Block::ID(block.branchInstruction.word(2));
auto falseBlockId = Block::ID(block.branchInstruction.word(3));
auto cond = GenericValue(this, state->routine, condId);
ASSERT_MSG(getType(cond.type).sizeInComponents == 1, "Condition must be a Boolean type scalar");
// TODO: Optimize for case where all lanes take same path.
state->addOutputActiveLaneMaskEdge(trueBlockId, cond.Int(0));
state->addOutputActiveLaneMaskEdge(falseBlockId, ~cond.Int(0));
return EmitResult::Terminator;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitSwitch(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto block = getBlock(state->currentBlock);
ASSERT(block.branchInstruction == insn);
auto selId = Object::ID(block.branchInstruction.word(1));
auto sel = GenericValue(this, state->routine, selId);
ASSERT_MSG(getType(sel.type).sizeInComponents == 1, "Selector must be a scalar");
auto numCases = (block.branchInstruction.wordCount() - 3) / 2;
// TODO: Optimize for case where all lanes take same path.
SIMD::Int defaultLaneMask = state->activeLaneMask();
// Gather up the case label matches and calculate defaultLaneMask.
std::vector<RValue<SIMD::Int>> caseLabelMatches;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numCases; i++)
auto label = block.branchInstruction.word(i * 2 + 3);
auto caseBlockId = Block::ID(block.branchInstruction.word(i * 2 + 4));
auto caseLabelMatch = CmpEQ(sel.Int(0), SIMD::Int(label));
state->addOutputActiveLaneMaskEdge(caseBlockId, caseLabelMatch);
defaultLaneMask &= ~caseLabelMatch;
auto defaultBlockId = Block::ID(block.branchInstruction.word(2));
state->addOutputActiveLaneMaskEdge(defaultBlockId, defaultLaneMask);
return EmitResult::Terminator;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitUnreachable(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
// TODO: Log something in this case?
return EmitResult::Terminator;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitReturn(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
return EmitResult::Terminator;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitKill(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
state->routine->killMask |= SignMask(state->activeLaneMask());
return EmitResult::Terminator;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitPhi(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto routine = state->routine;
auto typeId = Type::ID(insn.word(1));
auto type = getType(typeId);
auto objectId = Object::ID(insn.word(2));
auto currentBlock = getBlock(state->currentBlock);
auto tmp = std::unique_ptr<SIMD::Int[]>(new SIMD::Int[type.sizeInComponents]);
bool first = true;
for (uint32_t w = 3; w < insn.wordCount(); w += 2)
auto varId = Object::ID(insn.word(w + 0));
auto blockId = Block::ID(insn.word(w + 1));
if (currentBlock.ins.count(blockId) == 0)
continue; // In is unreachable. Ignore.
auto in = GenericValue(this, routine, varId);
auto mask = GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(state, blockId, state->currentBlock);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
auto inMasked = in.Int(i) & mask;
tmp[i] = first ? inMasked : (tmp[i] | inMasked);
first = false;
auto &dst = routine->createIntermediate(objectId, type.sizeInComponents);
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, tmp[i]);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(Variant variant, InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
return EmitImageSample({variant, Implicit}, insn, state);
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(Variant variant, InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
uint32_t imageOperands = static_cast<spv::ImageOperandsMask>(insn.word(5));
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask; // Dealt with later.
if((imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsLodMask) == imageOperands)
return EmitImageSample({variant, Lod}, insn, state);
else if((imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsGradMask) == imageOperands)
return EmitImageSample({variant, Grad}, insn, state);
else UNIMPLEMENTED("Image Operands %x", imageOperands);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageFetch(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
return EmitImageSample({None, Fetch}, insn, state);
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageSample(ImageInstruction instruction, InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
Type::ID resultTypeId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID sampledImageId = insn.word(3);
Object::ID coordinateId = insn.word(4);
auto &resultType = getType(resultTypeId);
auto &result = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultType.sizeInComponents);
auto imageDescriptor = state->routine->getPointer(sampledImageId).base; // vk::SampledImageDescriptor*
// If using a separate sampler, look through the OpSampledImage instruction to find the sampler descriptor
auto &sampledImage = getObject(sampledImageId);
auto samplerDescriptor = (sampledImage.opcode() == spv::OpSampledImage) ?
state->routine->getPointer(sampledImage.definition.word(4)).base : imageDescriptor;
auto coordinate = GenericValue(this, state->routine, coordinateId);
auto &coordinateType = getType(coordinate.type);
Pointer<Byte> sampler = samplerDescriptor + OFFSET(vk::SampledImageDescriptor, sampler); // vk::Sampler*
Pointer<Byte> texture = imageDescriptor + OFFSET(vk::SampledImageDescriptor, texture); // sw::Texture*
uint32_t imageOperands = spv::ImageOperandsMaskNone;
bool lodOrBias = false;
Object::ID lodOrBiasId = 0;
bool grad = false;
Object::ID gradDxId = 0;
Object::ID gradDyId = 0;
bool constOffset = false;
Object::ID offsetId = 0;
bool sample = false;
uint32_t operand = instruction.isDref() ? 6 : 5;
if(insn.wordCount() > operand)
imageOperands = static_cast<spv::ImageOperandsMask>(insn.word(operand++));
if(imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsBiasMask)
lodOrBias = true;
lodOrBiasId = insn.word(operand);
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsBiasMask;
ASSERT(instruction.samplerMethod == Implicit);
instruction.samplerMethod = Bias;
if(imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsLodMask)
lodOrBias = true;
lodOrBiasId = insn.word(operand);
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsLodMask;
if(imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsGradMask)
ASSERT(!lodOrBias); // SPIR-V 1.3: "It is invalid to set both the Lod and Grad bits." Bias is for ImplicitLod, Grad for ExplicitLod.
grad = true;
gradDxId = insn.word(operand + 0);
gradDyId = insn.word(operand + 1);
operand += 2;
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsGradMask;
if(imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask)
constOffset = true;
offsetId = insn.word(operand);
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask;
if(imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsSampleMask)
UNIMPLEMENTED("Image operand %x", spv::ImageOperandsSampleMask); (void)sample;
sample = true;
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsSampleMask;
if(imageOperands != 0)
UNIMPLEMENTED("Image operand %x", imageOperands);
Array<SIMD::Float> in(16); // Maximum 16 input parameter components.
uint32_t coordinates = coordinateType.sizeInComponents - instruction.isProj();
instruction.coordinates = coordinates;
uint32_t i = 0;
for( ; i < coordinates; i++)
in[i] = coordinate.Float(i) / coordinate.Float(coordinates); // TODO(b/129523279): Optimize using reciprocal.
in[i] = coordinate.Float(i);
auto drefValue = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(5));
in[i] = drefValue.Float(0);
auto lodValue = GenericValue(this, state->routine, lodOrBiasId);
in[i] = lodValue.Float(0);
else if(grad)
auto dxValue = GenericValue(this, state->routine, gradDxId);
auto dyValue = GenericValue(this, state->routine, gradDyId);
auto &dxyType = getType(dxValue.type);
ASSERT(dxyType.sizeInComponents == getType(dyValue.type).sizeInComponents);
instruction.gradComponents = dxyType.sizeInComponents;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < dxyType.sizeInComponents; j++, i++)
in[i] = dxValue.Float(j);
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < dxyType.sizeInComponents; j++, i++)
in[i] = dyValue.Float(j);
auto offsetValue = GenericValue(this, state->routine, offsetId);
auto &offsetType = getType(offsetValue.type);
instruction.samplerOption = Offset;
instruction.offsetComponents = offsetType.sizeInComponents;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < offsetType.sizeInComponents; j++, i++)
in[i] = offsetValue.Float(j); // Integer values, but transfered as float.
auto samplerFunc = Call(getImageSampler, instruction.parameters, imageDescriptor, sampler);
Array<SIMD::Float> out(4);
Call<ImageSampler>(samplerFunc, texture, sampler, &in[0], &out[0], state->routine->constants);
for (auto i = 0u; i < resultType.sizeInComponents; i++) { result.move(i, out[i]); }
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageQuerySize(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto &resultTy = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
auto resultId = Object::ID(insn.word(2));
auto imageId = Object::ID(insn.word(3));
auto lodId = Object::ID(0);
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultTy.sizeInComponents);
GetImageDimensions(state->routine, resultTy, imageId, lodId, dst);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageQuerySizeLod(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto &resultTy = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
auto resultId = Object::ID(insn.word(2));
auto imageId = Object::ID(insn.word(3));
auto lodId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultTy.sizeInComponents);
GetImageDimensions(state->routine, resultTy, imageId, lodId, dst);
return EmitResult::Continue;
void SpirvShader::GetImageDimensions(SpirvRoutine const *routine, Type const &resultTy, Object::ID imageId, Object::ID lodId, Intermediate &dst) const
auto &image = getObject(imageId);
auto &imageType = getType(image.type);
ASSERT(imageType.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeImage);
bool isArrayed = imageType.definition.word(5) != 0;
bool isCubeMap = imageType.definition.word(3) == spv::DimCube;
const DescriptorDecorations &d =;
auto setLayout = routine->pipelineLayout->getDescriptorSetLayout(d.DescriptorSet);
auto &bindingLayout = setLayout->getBindingLayout(d.Binding);
Pointer<Byte> descriptor = routine->getPointer(imageId).base;
Pointer<Int> extent;
Int arrayLayers;
switch (bindingLayout.descriptorType)
extent = descriptor + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, extent); // int[3]*
arrayLayers = *Pointer<Int>(descriptor + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, arrayLayers)); // uint32_t
extent = descriptor + OFFSET(vk::SampledImageDescriptor, extent); // int[3]*
arrayLayers = *Pointer<Int>(descriptor + OFFSET(vk::SampledImageDescriptor, arrayLayers)); // uint32_t
UNREACHABLE("Image descriptorType: %d", int(bindingLayout.descriptorType));
auto dimensions = resultTy.sizeInComponents - (isArrayed ? 1 : 0);
std::vector<Int> out;
if (lodId != 0)
auto lodVal = GenericValue(this, routine, lodId);
ASSERT(getType(lodVal.type).sizeInComponents == 1);
auto lod = lodVal.Int(0);
auto one = SIMD::Int(1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
dst.move(i, Max(SIMD::Int(extent[i]) >> lod, one));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
dst.move(i, SIMD::Int(extent[i]));
if (isArrayed)
auto numElements = isCubeMap ? (arrayLayers / 6) : RValue<Int>(arrayLayers);
dst.move(dimensions, SIMD::Int(numElements));
SIMD::Pointer SpirvShader::GetTexelAddress(SpirvRoutine const *routine, SIMD::Pointer ptr, GenericValue const & coordinate, Type const & imageType, Pointer<Byte> descriptor, int texelSize, Object::ID sampleId, bool useStencilAspect) const
bool isArrayed = imageType.definition.word(5) != 0;
auto dim = static_cast<spv::Dim>(imageType.definition.word(3));
int dims = getType(coordinate.type).sizeInComponents - (isArrayed ? 1 : 0);
SIMD::Int u = coordinate.Int(0);
SIMD::Int v = (getType(coordinate.type).sizeInComponents > 1) ? coordinate.Int(1) : RValue<SIMD::Int>(0);
if (dim == spv::DimSubpassData)
u += routine->windowSpacePosition[0];
v += routine->windowSpacePosition[1];
if (useStencilAspect)
// Adjust addressing for quad layout. Pitches are already correct for the stencil aspect.
// In the quad-layout block, pixel order is [x0,y0 x1,y0 x0,y1 x1,y1]
u = ((v & SIMD::Int(1)) << 1) | ((u << 1) - (u & SIMD::Int(1)));
v &= SIMD::Int(~1);
auto rowPitch = SIMD::Int(*Pointer<Int>(descriptor + (useStencilAspect
? OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, stencilRowPitchBytes)
: OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, rowPitchBytes))));
auto slicePitch = SIMD::Int(
*Pointer<Int>(descriptor + (useStencilAspect
? OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, stencilSlicePitchBytes)
: OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, slicePitchBytes))));
auto samplePitch = SIMD::Int(
*Pointer<Int>(descriptor + (useStencilAspect
? OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, stencilSamplePitchBytes)
: OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, samplePitchBytes))));
ptr += u * SIMD::Int(texelSize);
if (dims > 1)
ptr += v * rowPitch;
if (dims > 2)
ptr += coordinate.Int(2) * slicePitch;
if (isArrayed)
ptr += coordinate.Int(dims) * slicePitch;
if (sampleId.value())
GenericValue sample{this, routine, sampleId};
ptr += sample.Int(0) * samplePitch;
return ptr;
void SpirvShader::Yield(YieldResult res) const
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageRead(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto &resultType = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
auto imageId = Object::ID(insn.word(3));
auto &image = getObject(imageId);
auto &imageType = getType(image.type);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID sampleId = 0;
if (insn.wordCount() > 5)
int operand = 6;
auto imageOperands = insn.word(5);
if (imageOperands & spv::ImageOperandsSampleMask)
sampleId = insn.word(operand++);
imageOperands &= ~spv::ImageOperandsSampleMask;
// Should be no remaining image operands.
ASSERT(imageType.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeImage);
auto dim = static_cast<spv::Dim>(imageType.definition.word(3));
auto coordinate = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(4));
const DescriptorDecorations &d =;
// For subpass data, format in the instruction is spv::ImageFormatUnknown. Get it from
// the renderpass data instead. In all other cases, we can use the format in the instruction.
auto vkFormat = (dim == spv::DimSubpassData)
? inputAttachmentFormats[d.InputAttachmentIndex]
: SpirvFormatToVulkanFormat(static_cast<spv::ImageFormat>(imageType.definition.word(8)));
// Depth+Stencil image attachments select aspect based on the Sampled Type of the
// OpTypeImage. If float, then we want the depth aspect. If int, we want the stencil aspect.
auto useStencilAspect = (vkFormat == VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT &&
getType(imageType.definition.word(2)).opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt);
if (useStencilAspect)
vkFormat = VK_FORMAT_S8_UINT;
auto pointer = state->routine->getPointer(imageId);
Pointer<Byte> binding = pointer.base;
Pointer<Byte> imageBase = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(binding + (useStencilAspect
? OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, stencilPtr)
: OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, ptr)));
auto imageSizeInBytes = *Pointer<Int>(binding + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, sizeInBytes));
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultType.sizeInComponents);
auto texelSize = vk::Format(vkFormat).bytes();
auto basePtr = SIMD::Pointer(imageBase, imageSizeInBytes);
auto texelPtr = GetTexelAddress(state->routine, basePtr, coordinate, imageType, binding, texelSize, sampleId, useStencilAspect);
SIMD::Int packed[4];
// Round up texel size: for formats smaller than 32 bits per texel, we will emit a bunch
// of (overlapping) 32b loads here, and each lane will pick out what it needs from the low bits.
// TODO: specialize for small formats?
for (auto i = 0; i < (texelSize + 3)/4; i++)
packed[i] = SIMD::Load<SIMD::Int>(texelPtr, state->activeLaneMask());
texelPtr += sizeof(float);
// Format support requirements here come from two sources:
// - Minimum required set of formats for loads from storage images
// - Any format supported as a color or depth/stencil attachment, for input attachments
case VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT:
case VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT:
dst.move(0, packed[0]);
dst.move(1, packed[1]);
dst.move(2, packed[2]);
dst.move(3, packed[3]);
dst.move(0, packed[0]);
// Fill remaining channels with 0,0,1 (of the correct type)
dst.move(1, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(1));
dst.move(0, packed[0]);
// Fill remaining channels with 0,0,1 (of the correct type)
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float(packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xffff)) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 65535.0f));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
case VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT:
dst.move(0, (packed[0] << 16) >> 16);
dst.move(1, (packed[0]) >> 16);
dst.move(2, (packed[1] << 16) >> 16);
dst.move(3, (packed[1]) >> 16);
case VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT:
dst.move(0, packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(1, (packed[0] >> 16) & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(2, packed[1] & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(3, (packed[1] >> 16) & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(0, halfToFloatBits(As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)));
dst.move(1, halfToFloatBits((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF0000)) >> 16));
dst.move(2, halfToFloatBits(As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[1]) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)));
dst.move(3, halfToFloatBits((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[1]) & SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF0000)) >> 16));
dst.move(0, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]<<24) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(1, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]<<16) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(2, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]<<8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(3, Min(Max(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]) & SIMD::Int(0xFF000000))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / float(0x7f000000)), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float((packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>16) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>24) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(0, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float((packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(1, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(2, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>16) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(3, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>24) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>16) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float((packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>24) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(0, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>16) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(1, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(2, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float((packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(3, ::sRGBtoLinear(SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>24) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f)));
dst.move(0, (As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(1, ((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0])>>8) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(2, ((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0])>>16) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(3, ((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0])>>24) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(0, (packed[0] << 24) >> 24);
dst.move(1, (packed[0] << 16) >> 24);
dst.move(2, (packed[0] << 8) >> 24);
dst.move(3, (packed[0]) >> 24);
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float((packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
dst.move(0, (As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(1, SIMD::UInt(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::UInt(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::UInt(1));
dst.move(0, (packed[0] << 24) >> 24);
dst.move(1, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(1));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float((packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(((packed[0]>>8) & SIMD::Int(0xFF))) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 255.f));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
dst.move(0, (As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(1, ((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0])>>8) & SIMD::UInt(0xFF)));
dst.move(2, SIMD::UInt(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::UInt(1));
dst.move(0, (packed[0] << 24) >> 24);
dst.move(1, (packed[0] << 16) >> 24);
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(1));
dst.move(0, halfToFloatBits(As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
dst.move(0, packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(1, SIMD::UInt(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::UInt(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::UInt(1));
dst.move(0, (packed[0] << 16) >> 16);
dst.move(1, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(1));
dst.move(0, halfToFloatBits(As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF)));
dst.move(1, halfToFloatBits((As<SIMD::UInt>(packed[0]) & SIMD::UInt(0xFFFF0000)) >> 16));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
dst.move(0, packed[0] & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(1, (packed[0] >> 16) & SIMD::Int(0xffff));
dst.move(2, SIMD::UInt(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::UInt(1));
dst.move(0, (packed[0] << 16) >> 16);
dst.move(1, (packed[0]) >> 16);
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(1));
dst.move(0, packed[0]);
dst.move(1, packed[1]);
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(1));
dst.move(0, packed[0]);
dst.move(1, packed[1]);
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
dst.move(0, (packed[0]) & SIMD::Int(0x3FF));
dst.move(1, (packed[0] >> 10) & SIMD::Int(0x3FF));
dst.move(2, (packed[0] >> 20) & SIMD::Int(0x3FF));
dst.move(3, (packed[0] >> 30) & SIMD::Int(0x3));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Float((packed[0] >> 11) & SIMD::Int(0x1F)) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 0x1F));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Float((packed[0] >> 5) & SIMD::Int(0x3F)) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 0x3F));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Float((packed[0]) & SIMD::Int(0x1F)) * SIMD::Float(1.0f / 0x1F));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Float(1));
UNIMPLEMENTED("spv::ImageFormat %d", int(vkFormat));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageWrite(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto imageId = Object::ID(insn.word(1));
auto &image = getObject(imageId);
auto &imageType = getType(image.type);
ASSERT(imageType.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeImage);
// Not handling any image operands yet.
ASSERT(insn.wordCount() == 4);
auto coordinate = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(2));
auto texel = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(3));
Pointer<Byte> binding = state->routine->getPointer(imageId).base;
Pointer<Byte> imageBase = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(binding + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, ptr));
auto imageSizeInBytes = *Pointer<Int>(binding + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, sizeInBytes));
SIMD::Int packed[4];
auto numPackedElements = 0u;
int texelSize = 0;
auto format = static_cast<spv::ImageFormat>(imageType.definition.word(8));
switch (format)
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32f:
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32i:
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32ui:
texelSize = 16;
packed[0] = texel.Int(0);
packed[1] = texel.Int(1);
packed[2] = texel.Int(2);
packed[3] = texel.Int(3);
numPackedElements = 4;
case spv::ImageFormatR32f:
case spv::ImageFormatR32i:
case spv::ImageFormatR32ui:
texelSize = 4;
packed[0] = texel.Int(0);
numPackedElements = 1;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8:
texelSize = 4;
packed[0] = (SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(0), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(1), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) << 8) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(2), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) << 16) |
((SIMD::UInt(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(3), SIMD::Float(0.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(255.0f)))) << 24);
numPackedElements = 1;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8Snorm:
texelSize = 4;
packed[0] = (SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(0), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(1), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) << 8) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(2), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) << 16) |
((SIMD::Int(Round(Min(Max(texel.Float(3), SIMD::Float(-1.0f)), SIMD::Float(1.0f)) * SIMD::Float(127.0f))) &
SIMD::Int(0xFF)) << 24);
numPackedElements = 1;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8i:
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8ui:
texelSize = 4;
packed[0] = (SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0xff))) |
(SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(1) & SIMD::UInt(0xff)) << 8) |
(SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(2) & SIMD::UInt(0xff)) << 16) |
(SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(3) & SIMD::UInt(0xff)) << 24);
numPackedElements = 1;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16f:
texelSize = 8;
packed[0] = FloatToHalfBits(texel.UInt(0), false) | FloatToHalfBits(texel.UInt(1), true);
packed[1] = FloatToHalfBits(texel.UInt(2), false) | FloatToHalfBits(texel.UInt(3), true);
numPackedElements = 2;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16i:
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16ui:
texelSize = 8;
packed[0] = SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0xffff)) | (SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(1) & SIMD::UInt(0xffff)) << 16);
packed[1] = SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(2) & SIMD::UInt(0xffff)) | (SIMD::UInt(texel.UInt(3) & SIMD::UInt(0xffff)) << 16);
numPackedElements = 2;
case spv::ImageFormatRg32f:
case spv::ImageFormatRg16f:
case spv::ImageFormatR11fG11fB10f:
case spv::ImageFormatR16f:
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16:
case spv::ImageFormatRgb10A2:
case spv::ImageFormatRg16:
case spv::ImageFormatRg8:
case spv::ImageFormatR16:
case spv::ImageFormatR8:
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16Snorm:
case spv::ImageFormatRg16Snorm:
case spv::ImageFormatRg8Snorm:
case spv::ImageFormatR16Snorm:
case spv::ImageFormatR8Snorm:
case spv::ImageFormatRg32i:
case spv::ImageFormatRg16i:
case spv::ImageFormatRg8i:
case spv::ImageFormatR16i:
case spv::ImageFormatR8i:
case spv::ImageFormatRgb10a2ui:
case spv::ImageFormatRg32ui:
case spv::ImageFormatRg16ui:
case spv::ImageFormatRg8ui:
case spv::ImageFormatR16ui:
case spv::ImageFormatR8ui:
UNIMPLEMENTED("spv::ImageFormat %d", int(format));
UNREACHABLE("spv::ImageFormat %d", int(format));
auto basePtr = SIMD::Pointer(imageBase, imageSizeInBytes);
auto texelPtr = GetTexelAddress(state->routine, basePtr, coordinate, imageType, binding, texelSize, 0, false);
for (auto i = 0u; i < numPackedElements; i++)
SIMD::Store(texelPtr, packed[i], state->activeLaneMask());
texelPtr += sizeof(float);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitImageTexelPointer(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto &resultType = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
auto imageId = Object::ID(insn.word(3));
auto &image = getObject(imageId);
// Note: OpImageTexelPointer is unusual in that the image is passed by pointer.
// Look through to get the actual image type.
auto &imageType = getType(getType(image.type).element);
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
ASSERT(imageType.opcode() == spv::OpTypeImage);
ASSERT(resultType.storageClass == spv::StorageClassImage);
ASSERT(getType(resultType.element).opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt);
auto coordinate = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(4));
Pointer<Byte> binding = state->routine->getPointer(imageId).base;
Pointer<Byte> imageBase = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(binding + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, ptr));
auto imageSizeInBytes = *Pointer<Int>(binding + OFFSET(vk::StorageImageDescriptor, sizeInBytes));
auto basePtr = SIMD::Pointer(imageBase, imageSizeInBytes);
auto ptr = GetTexelAddress(state->routine, basePtr, coordinate, imageType, binding, sizeof(uint32_t), 0, false);
state->routine->createPointer(resultId, ptr);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitSampledImageCombineOrSplit(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
// Propagate the image pointer in both cases.
// Consumers of OpSampledImage will look through to find the sampler pointer.
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID imageId = insn.word(3);
state->routine->createPointer(resultId, state->routine->getPointer(imageId));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitAtomicOp(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto &resultType = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
Object::ID semanticsId = insn.word(5);
auto memorySemantics = static_cast<spv::MemorySemanticsMask>(getObject(semanticsId).constantValue[0]);
auto memoryOrder = MemoryOrder(memorySemantics);
// Where no value is provided (increment/decrement) use an implicit value of 1.
auto value = (insn.wordCount() == 7) ? GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(6)).UInt(0) : RValue<SIMD::UInt>(1);
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultType.sizeInComponents);
auto ptr = state->routine->getPointer(insn.word(3));
auto ptrOffsets = ptr.offsets();
SIMD::UInt x;
for (int j = 0; j < SIMD::Width; j++)
If(Extract(state->activeLaneMask(), j) != 0)
auto offset = Extract(ptrOffsets, j);
auto laneValue = Extract(value, j);
UInt v;
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpAtomicIAdd:
case spv::OpAtomicIIncrement:
v = AddAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicISub:
case spv::OpAtomicIDecrement:
v = SubAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicAnd:
v = AndAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicOr:
v = OrAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicXor:
v = XorAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicSMin:
v = As<UInt>(MinAtomic(Pointer<Int>(&ptr.base[offset]), As<Int>(laneValue), memoryOrder));
case spv::OpAtomicSMax:
v = As<UInt>(MaxAtomic(Pointer<Int>(&ptr.base[offset]), As<Int>(laneValue), memoryOrder));
case spv::OpAtomicUMin:
v = MinAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicUMax:
v = MaxAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
case spv::OpAtomicExchange:
v = ExchangeAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, memoryOrder);
UNREACHABLE("%s", OpcodeName(insn.opcode()).c_str());
x = Insert(x, v, j);
dst.move(0, x);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitAtomicCompareExchange(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
// Separate from EmitAtomicOp due to different instruction encoding
auto &resultType = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto memorySemanticsEqual = static_cast<spv::MemorySemanticsMask>(getObject(insn.word(5)).constantValue[0]);
auto memoryOrderEqual = MemoryOrder(memorySemanticsEqual);
auto memorySemanticsUnequal = static_cast<spv::MemorySemanticsMask>(getObject(insn.word(6)).constantValue[0]);
auto memoryOrderUnequal = MemoryOrder(memorySemanticsUnequal);
auto value = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(7));
auto comparator = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(8));
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, resultType.sizeInComponents);
auto ptr = state->routine->getPointer(insn.word(3));
auto ptrOffsets = ptr.offsets();
SIMD::UInt x;
for (int j = 0; j < SIMD::Width; j++)
If(Extract(state->activeLaneMask(), j) != 0)
auto offset = Extract(ptrOffsets, j);
auto laneValue = Extract(value.UInt(0), j);
auto laneComparator = Extract(comparator.UInt(0), j);
UInt v = CompareExchangeAtomic(Pointer<UInt>(&ptr.base[offset]), laneValue, laneComparator, memoryOrderEqual, memoryOrderUnequal);
x = Insert(x, v, j);
dst.move(0, x);
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitCopyObject(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto ty = getType(insn.word(1));
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(insn.word(2), ty.sizeInComponents);
auto src = GenericValue(this, state->routine, insn.word(3));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ty.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, src.Int(i));
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitCopyMemory(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
Object::ID dstPtrId = insn.word(1);
Object::ID srcPtrId = insn.word(2);
auto &dstPtrTy = getType(getObject(dstPtrId).type);
auto &srcPtrTy = getType(getObject(srcPtrId).type);
ASSERT(dstPtrTy.element == srcPtrTy.element);
bool dstInterleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(dstPtrTy.storageClass);
bool srcInterleavedByLane = IsStorageInterleavedByLane(srcPtrTy.storageClass);
auto dstPtr = state->routine->getPointer(dstPtrId);
auto srcPtr = state->routine->getPointer(srcPtrId);
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> srcOffsets;
VisitMemoryObject(srcPtrId, [&](uint32_t i, uint32_t srcOffset) { srcOffsets[i] = srcOffset; });
VisitMemoryObject(dstPtrId, [&](uint32_t i, uint32_t dstOffset)
auto it = srcOffsets.find(i);
ASSERT(it != srcOffsets.end());
auto srcOffset = it->second;
auto dst = dstPtr + dstOffset;
auto src = srcPtr + srcOffset;
if (dstInterleavedByLane) { dst = interleaveByLane(dst); }
if (srcInterleavedByLane) { src = interleaveByLane(src); }
SIMD::Store(dst, SIMD::Load<SIMD::Float>(src, state->activeLaneMask()), state->activeLaneMask());
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitControlBarrier(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto executionScope = spv::Scope(GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(1)));
auto semantics = spv::MemorySemanticsMask(GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(3)));
// TODO: We probably want to consider the memory scope here. For now,
// just always emit the full fence.
switch (executionScope)
case spv::ScopeWorkgroup:
case spv::ScopeSubgroup:
// See Vulkan 1.1 spec, Appendix A, Validation Rules within a Module.
UNREACHABLE("Scope for execution must be limited to Workgroup or Subgroup");
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitMemoryBarrier(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto semantics = spv::MemorySemanticsMask(GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(2)));
// TODO: We probably want to consider the memory scope here. For now,
// just always emit the full fence.
return EmitResult::Continue;
void SpirvShader::Fence(spv::MemorySemanticsMask semantics) const
if (semantics == spv::MemorySemanticsMaskNone)
return; //no-op
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitGroupNonUniform(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto &type = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto scope = spv::Scope(GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(3)));
ASSERT_MSG(scope == spv::ScopeSubgroup, "Scope for Non Uniform Group Operations must be Subgroup for Vulkan 1.1");
auto &dst = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, type.sizeInComponents);
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformElect:
// Result is true only in the active invocation with the lowest id
// in the group, otherwise result is false.
SIMD::Int active = state->activeLaneMask();
// TODO: Would be nice if we could write this as:
// elect = active & ~(active.Oxyz | active.OOxy | active.OOOx)
auto v0111 = SIMD::Int(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
auto elect = active & ~(v0111 & (active.xxyz | active.xxxy | active.xxxx));
dst.move(0, elect);
UNIMPLEMENTED("EmitGroupNonUniform op: %s", OpcodeName(type.opcode()).c_str());
return EmitResult::Continue;
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitArrayLength(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
auto resultTyId = Type::ID(insn.word(1));
auto resultId = Object::ID(insn.word(2));
auto structPtrId = Object::ID(insn.word(3));
auto arrayFieldIdx = insn.word(4);
auto &resultType = getType(resultTyId);
ASSERT(resultType.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(resultType.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt);
auto &structPtrTy = getType(getObject(structPtrId).type);
auto &structTy = getType(structPtrTy.element);
auto &arrayTy = getType(structTy.definition.word(2 + arrayFieldIdx));
ASSERT(arrayTy.definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray);
auto &arrayElTy = getType(arrayTy.element);
auto &result = state->routine->createIntermediate(resultId, 1);
auto structBase = GetPointerToData(structPtrId, 0, state->routine);
Decorations d = {};
ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(&d, structPtrTy.element, arrayFieldIdx);
auto arrayBase = structBase + d.Offset;
auto arraySizeInBytes = SIMD::Int(arrayBase.limit) - arrayBase.offsets();
auto arrayLength = arraySizeInBytes / SIMD::Int(arrayElTy.sizeInComponents * sizeof(float));
result.move(0, SIMD::Int(arrayLength));
return EmitResult::Continue;
uint32_t SpirvShader::GetConstScalarInt(Object::ID id) const
auto &scopeObj = getObject(id);
ASSERT(scopeObj.kind == Object::Kind::Constant);
ASSERT(getType(scopeObj.type).sizeInComponents == 1);
return scopeObj.constantValue[0];
void SpirvShader::emitEpilog(SpirvRoutine *routine) const
for (auto insn : *this)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpVariable:
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto &object = getObject(resultId);
auto &objectTy = getType(object.type);
if (object.kind == Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable && objectTy.storageClass == spv::StorageClassOutput)
auto &dst = routine->getVariable(resultId);
int offset = 0;
[&](Decorations const &d, AttribType type) {
auto scalarSlot = d.Location << 2 | d.Component;
routine->outputs[scalarSlot] = dst[offset++];
SpirvShader::Block::Block(InsnIterator begin, InsnIterator end) : begin_(begin), end_(end)
// Default to a Simple, this may change later.
kind = Block::Simple;
// Walk the instructions to find the last two of the block.
InsnIterator insns[2];
for (auto insn : *this)
insns[0] = insns[1];
insns[1] = insn;
switch (insns[1].opcode())
case spv::OpBranch:
branchInstruction = insns[1];
switch (insns[0].opcode())
case spv::OpLoopMerge:
kind = Loop;
mergeInstruction = insns[0];
mergeBlock = Block::ID(mergeInstruction.word(1));
continueTarget = Block::ID(mergeInstruction.word(2));
kind = Block::Simple;
case spv::OpBranchConditional:
branchInstruction = insns[1];
switch (insns[0].opcode())
case spv::OpSelectionMerge:
kind = StructuredBranchConditional;
mergeInstruction = insns[0];
mergeBlock = Block::ID(mergeInstruction.word(1));
case spv::OpLoopMerge:
kind = Loop;
mergeInstruction = insns[0];
mergeBlock = Block::ID(mergeInstruction.word(1));
continueTarget = Block::ID(mergeInstruction.word(2));
kind = UnstructuredBranchConditional;
case spv::OpSwitch:
branchInstruction = insns[1];
for (uint32_t w = 4; w < branchInstruction.wordCount(); w += 2)
switch (insns[0].opcode())
case spv::OpSelectionMerge:
kind = StructuredSwitch;
mergeInstruction = insns[0];
mergeBlock = Block::ID(mergeInstruction.word(1));
kind = UnstructuredSwitch;
bool SpirvShader::existsPath(Block::ID from, Block::ID to, Block::ID notPassingThrough) const
// TODO: Optimize: This can be cached on the block.
Block::Set seen;
std::queue<Block::ID> pending;
while (pending.size() > 0)
auto id = pending.front();
for (auto out : getBlock(id).outs)
if (seen.count(out) != 0) { continue; }
if (out == to) { return true; }
return false;
void SpirvShader::EmitState::addOutputActiveLaneMaskEdge(Block::ID to, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask)
addActiveLaneMaskEdge(currentBlock, to, mask & activeLaneMask());
void SpirvShader::EmitState::addActiveLaneMaskEdge(Block::ID from, Block::ID to, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask)
auto edge = Block::Edge{from, to};
auto it = edgeActiveLaneMasks.find(edge);
if (it == edgeActiveLaneMasks.end())
edgeActiveLaneMasks.emplace(edge, mask);
auto combined = it->second | mask;
edgeActiveLaneMasks.emplace(edge, combined);
RValue<SIMD::Int> SpirvShader::GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(EmitState *state, Block::ID from, Block::ID to) const
auto edge = Block::Edge{from, to};
auto it = state->edgeActiveLaneMasks.find(edge);
ASSERT_MSG(it != state->edgeActiveLaneMasks.end(), "Could not find edge %d -> %d", from.value(), to.value());
return it->second;
SpirvRoutine::SpirvRoutine(vk::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout) :