Remove git submodules before rolling into Android

This change adds a script which is to be called by the SwiftShader into
Android AutoRoller:

It prepares a checkout for upload into the Android repo. Specifically,
Android does not allow remote submodules, so this script removes them.
Note SwiftShader does not require any submodules to build the library;
they are optional for development purposes.

Bug: b/189557997
Change-Id: I36b4ae59cd843f1c69146f0f52ce8f323c6bc15a
Reviewed-by: Alexis Hétu <>
Kokoro-Result: kokoro <>
Tested-by: Nicolas Capens <>
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a093b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This script is called by the SwiftShader into Android AutoRoller:
+# Remove git submodules
+# Android does not allow remote submodules (b/189557997)
+git config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp path | awk '{ system("git rm " $2) }'
+rm .gitmodules
\ No newline at end of file