blob: f6eb24843fb88128aeca6ba7cd6939fc2e511a02 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -disable-output
; PR2303
%"struct.std::ctype<char>" = type { %"struct.std::locale::facet", i32*, i8, i32*, i32*, i16*, i8, [256 x i8], [256 x i8], i8 }
%"struct.std::locale::facet" = type { i32 (...)**, i32 }
declare i32* @_ZNSt6locale5facet15_S_get_c_localeEv()
declare i32** @__ctype_toupper_loc() readnone
declare i32** @__ctype_tolower_loc() readnone
define void @_ZNSt5ctypeIcEC2EPiPKtbm(%"struct.std::ctype<char>"* %this, i32* %unnamed_arg, i16* %__table, i8 zeroext %__del, i64 %__refs) {
%tmp8 = invoke i32* @_ZNSt6locale5facet15_S_get_c_localeEv( )
to label %invcont unwind label %lpad ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
invcont: ; preds = %entry
%tmp32 = invoke i32** @__ctype_toupper_loc( ) readnone
to label %invcont31 unwind label %lpad ; <i32**> [#uses=0]
invcont31: ; preds = %invcont
%tmp38 = invoke i32** @__ctype_tolower_loc( ) readnone
to label %invcont37 unwind label %lpad ; <i32**> [#uses=1]
invcont37: ; preds = %invcont31
%tmp39 = load i32** %tmp38, align 8 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
%tmp41 = getelementptr %"struct.std::ctype<char>"* %this, i32 0, i32 4 ; <i32**> [#uses=1]
store i32* %tmp39, i32** %tmp41, align 8
ret void
lpad: ; preds = %invcont31, %invcont, %entry
%exn = landingpad {i8*, i32} personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)