| ================================== |
| Contributing to LLVM |
| ================================== |
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| Thank you for your interest in contributing to LLVM! There are multiple ways to |
| contribute, and we appreciate all contributions. In case you |
| have questions, you can either use the `Developer's List (llvm-dev)`_ |
| or the #llvm channel on `irc.oftc.net`_. |
| |
| If you want to contribute code, please familiarize yourself with the :doc:`DeveloperPolicy`. |
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| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
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| Ways to Contribute |
| ================== |
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| Bug Reports |
| ----------- |
| If you are working with LLVM and run into a bug, we definitely want to know |
| about it. Please let us know and follow the instructions in |
| :doc:`HowToSubmitABug` to create a bug report. |
| |
| Bug Fixes |
| --------- |
| If you are interested in contributing code to LLVM, bugs labeled with the |
| `beginner keyword`_ in the `bug tracker`_ are a good way to get familiar with |
| the code base. If you are interested in fixing a bug, please create an account |
| for the bug tracker and assign it to yourself, to let people know you are working on |
| it. |
| |
| Then try to reproduce and fix the bug with upstream LLVM. Start by building |
| LLVM from source as described in :doc:`GettingStarted` and |
| and use the built binaries to reproduce the failure described in the bug. Use |
| a debug build (`-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`) or a build with assertions |
| (`-DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On`, enabled for Debug builds). |
| |
| Bigger Pieces of Work |
| --------------------- |
| In case you are interested in taking on a bigger piece of work, a list of |
| interesting projects is maintained at the `LLVM's Open Projects page`_. In case |
| you are interested in working on any of these projects, please send a mail to |
| the `LLVM Developer's mailing list`_, so that we know the project is being |
| worked on. |
| |
| |
| How to Submit a Patch |
| ===================== |
| Once you have a patch ready, it is time to submit it. The patch should: |
| |
| * include a small unit test |
| * conform to the :doc:`CodingStandards`. You can use the `clang-format-diff.py`_ or `git-clang-format`_ tools to automatically format your patch properly. |
| * not contain any unrelated changes |
| * be an isolated change. Independent changes should be submitted as separate patches as this makes reviewing easier. |
| |
| To get a patch accepted, it has to be reviewed by the LLVM community. This can |
| be done using `LLVM's Phabricator`_ or the llvm-commits mailing list. |
| Please follow :ref:`Phabricator#requesting-a-review-via-the-web-interface <phabricator-request-review-web>` |
| to request a review using Phabricator. |
| |
| To make sure the right people see your patch, please select suitable reviewers |
| and add them to your patch when requesting a review. Suitable reviewers are the |
| code owner (see CODE_OWNERS.txt) and other people doing work in the area your |
| patch touches. If you are using Phabricator, add them to the `Reviewers` field |
| when creating a review and if you are using `llvm-commits`, add them to the CC of |
| your email. |
| |
| A reviewer may request changes or ask questions during the review. If you are |
| uncertain on how to provide test cases, documentation, etc., feel free to ask |
| for guidance during the review. Please address the feedback and re-post an |
| updated version of your patch. This cycle continues until all requests and comments |
| have been addressed and a reviewer accepts the patch with a `Looks good to me` or `LGTM`. |
| Once that is done the change can be committed. If you do not have commit |
| access, please let people know during the review and someone should commit it |
| on your behalf. |
| |
| If you have received no comments on your patch for a week, you can request a |
| review by 'ping'ing a patch by responding to the email thread containing the |
| patch, or the Phabricator review with "Ping." The common courtesy 'ping' rate |
| is once a week. Please remember that you are asking for valuable time from other |
| professional developers. |
| |
| |
| Helpful Information About LLVM |
| ============================== |
| :doc:`LLVM's documentation <index>` provides a wealth of information about LLVM's internals as |
| well as various user guides. The pages listed below should provide a good overview |
| of LLVM's high-level design, as well as its internals: |
| |
| :doc:`GettingStarted` |
| Discusses how to get up and running quickly with the LLVM infrastructure. |
| Everything from unpacking and compilation of the distribution to execution |
| of some tools. |
| |
| :doc:`LangRef` |
| Defines the LLVM intermediate representation. |
| |
| :doc:`ProgrammersManual` |
| Introduction to the general layout of the LLVM sourcebase, important classes |
| and APIs, and some tips & tricks. |
| |
| :ref:`index-subsystem-docs` |
| A collection of pages documenting various subsystems of LLVM. |
| |
| `LLVM for Grad Students`__ |
| This is an introduction to the LLVM infrastructure by Adrian Sampson. While it |
| has been written for grad students, it provides a good, compact overview of |
| LLVM's architecture, LLVM's IR and how to write a new pass. |
| |
| .. __: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asampson/blog/llvm.html |
| |
| `Intro to LLVM`__ |
| Book chapter providing a compiler hacker's introduction to LLVM. |
| |
| .. __: http://www.aosabook.org/en/llvm.html |
| |
| .. _Developer's List (llvm-dev): http://lists.llvm.org/mailman/listinfo/llvm-dev |
| .. _irc.oftc.net: irc://irc.oftc.net/llvm |
| .. _beginner keyword: https://bugs.llvm.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=REOPENED&keywords=beginner%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&list_id=130748&query_format=advanced&resolution=--- |
| .. _bug tracker: https://bugs.llvm.org |
| .. _clang-format-diff.py: https://reviews.llvm.org/source/clang/browse/cfe/trunk/tools/clang-format/clang-format-diff.py |
| .. _git-clang-format: https://reviews.llvm.org/source/clang/browse/cfe/trunk/tools/clang-format/git-clang-format |
| .. _LLVM's Phabricator: https://reviews.llvm.org/ |
| .. _LLVM's Open Projects page: https://llvm.org/OpenProjects.html#what |
| .. _LLVM Developer's mailing list: http://lists.llvm.org/mailman/listinfo/llvm-dev |