blob: 610bb3dbbb95f072d0b17204ba0877cf34dc7b38 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceTargetLoweringX8664.cpp - x86-64 lowering -----------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Implements the TargetLoweringX8664 class, which consists almost
/// entirely of the lowering sequence for each high-level instruction.
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8664.h"
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8664Traits.h"
#if defined(_WIN64)
extern "C" void __chkstk();
namespace X8664 {
std::unique_ptr<::Ice::TargetLowering> createTargetLowering(::Ice::Cfg *Func) {
return ::Ice::X8664::TargetX8664::create(Func);
createTargetDataLowering(::Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx) {
return ::Ice::X8664::TargetDataX86<::Ice::X8664::TargetX8664Traits>::create(
createTargetHeaderLowering(::Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx) {
return ::Ice::X8664::TargetHeaderX86::create(Ctx);
void staticInit(::Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx) {
bool shouldBePooled(const class ::Ice::Constant *C) {
return ::Ice::X8664::TargetX8664::shouldBePooled(C);
::Ice::Type getPointerType() {
return ::Ice::X8664::TargetX8664::getPointerType();
} // end of namespace X8664
namespace Ice {
namespace X8664 {
// ______ ______ ______ __ ______ ______
// /\__ _\ /\ == \ /\ __ \ /\ \ /\__ _\ /\ ___\
// \/_/\ \/ \ \ __< \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \/_/\ \/ \ \___ \
// \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/\_____\
// \/_/ \/_/ /_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/
const TargetX8664Traits::TableFcmpType TargetX8664Traits::TableFcmp[] = {
#define X(val, dflt, swapS, C1, C2, swapV, pred) \
{dflt, swapS, CondX86::C1, CondX86::C2, swapV, CondX86::pred},
#undef X
const size_t TargetX8664Traits::TableFcmpSize = llvm::array_lengthof(TableFcmp);
const TargetX8664Traits::TableIcmp32Type TargetX8664Traits::TableIcmp32[] = {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) {CondX86::C_32},
#undef X
const size_t TargetX8664Traits::TableIcmp32Size =
const TargetX8664Traits::TableIcmp64Type TargetX8664Traits::TableIcmp64[] = {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
{CondX86::C1_64, CondX86::C2_64, CondX86::C3_64},
#undef X
const size_t TargetX8664Traits::TableIcmp64Size =
const TargetX8664Traits::TableTypeX8664AttributesType
TargetX8664Traits::TableTypeX8664Attributes[] = {
#define X(tag, elty, cvt, sdss, pdps, spsd, int_, unpack, pack, width, fld) \
#undef X
const size_t TargetX8664Traits::TableTypeX8664AttributesSize =
const uint32_t TargetX8664Traits::X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES = 16;
const char *TargetX8664Traits::TargetName = "X8664";
template <>
std::array<SmallBitVector, RCX86_NUM>
TargetX86Base<X8664::Traits>::TypeToRegisterSet = {{}};
template <>
std::array<SmallBitVector, RCX86_NUM>
TargetX86Base<X8664::Traits>::TypeToRegisterSetUnfiltered = {{}};
template <>
TargetX86Base<X8664::Traits>::RegisterAliases = {{}};
// __ ______ __ __ ______ ______ __ __ __ ______
// /\ \ /\ __ \/\ \ _ \ \/\ ___\/\ == \/\ \/\ "-.\ \/\ ___\
// \ \ \___\ \ \/\ \ \ \/ ".\ \ \ __\\ \ __<\ \ \ \ \-. \ \ \__ \
// \ \_____\ \_____\ \__/".~\_\ \_____\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\\"\_\ \_____\
// \/_____/\/_____/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/\/_/ /_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/
void TargetX8664::_add_sp(Operand *Adjustment) {
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, IceType_i64);
_add(rsp, Adjustment);
void TargetX8664::_mov_sp(Operand *NewValue) {
assert(NewValue->getType() == IceType_i32);
Variable *esp = getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_esp);
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, IceType_i64);
_redefined(Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(esp, rsp));
_redefined(_mov(esp, NewValue));
_redefined(Context.insert<InstFakeDef>(rsp, esp));
void TargetX8664::_link_bp() {
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, Traits::WordType);
Variable *rbp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rbp, Traits::WordType);
_mov(rbp, rsp);
// Keep ebp live for late-stage liveness analysis (e.g. asm-verbose mode).
void TargetX8664::_unlink_bp() {
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, IceType_i64);
Variable *rbp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rbp, IceType_i64);
// For late-stage liveness analysis (e.g. asm-verbose mode), adding a fake
// use of rsp before the assignment of rsp=rbp keeps previous rsp
// adjustments from being dead-code eliminated.
_mov(rsp, rbp);
void TargetX8664::_push_reg(RegNumT RegNum) {
if (Traits::isXmm(RegNum)) {
Variable *reg = getPhysicalRegister(RegNum, IceType_v4f32);
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, Traits::WordType);
auto *address =
Traits::X86OperandMem::create(Func, reg->getType(), rsp, nullptr);
Ctx->getConstantInt32(16)); // TODO(capn): accumulate all the offsets
// and adjust the stack pointer once.
_storep(reg, address);
} else {
_push(getPhysicalRegister(RegNum, Traits::WordType));
void TargetX8664::_pop_reg(RegNumT RegNum) {
if (Traits::isXmm(RegNum)) {
Variable *reg = getPhysicalRegister(RegNum, IceType_v4f32);
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, Traits::WordType);
auto *address =
Traits::X86OperandMem::create(Func, reg->getType(), rsp, nullptr);
_movp(reg, address);
Ctx->getConstantInt32(16)); // TODO(capn): accumulate all the offsets
// and adjust the stack pointer once.
} else {
_pop(getPhysicalRegister(RegNum, Traits::WordType));
void TargetX8664::_sub_sp(Operand *Adjustment) {
Variable *rsp =
getPhysicalRegister(Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rsp, Traits::WordType);
_sub(rsp, Adjustment);
// Add a fake use of the stack pointer, to prevent the stack pointer adustment
// from being dead-code eliminated in a function that doesn't return.
void TargetX8664::lowerIndirectJump(Variable *JumpTarget) {
if (JumpTarget->getType() != IceType_i64) {
Variable *T = makeReg(IceType_i64);
_movzx(T, JumpTarget);
JumpTarget = T;
Inst *TargetX8664::emitCallToTarget(Operand *CallTarget, Variable *ReturnReg,
size_t NumVariadicFpArgs) {
Inst *NewCall = nullptr;
if (CallTarget->getType() == IceType_i64) {
// x86-64 does not support 64-bit direct calls, so write the value to a
// register and make an indirect call for Constant call targets.
RegNumT TargetReg = {};
// System V: force r11 when calling a variadic function so that rax isn't
// used, since rax stores the number of FP args (see NumVariadicFpArgs
// usage below).
#if !defined(_WIN64)
if (NumVariadicFpArgs > 0)
TargetReg = Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_r11;
if (llvm::isa<Constant>(CallTarget)) {
Variable *T = makeReg(IceType_i64, TargetReg);
_mov(T, CallTarget);
CallTarget = T;
} else if (llvm::isa<Variable>(CallTarget)) {
Operand *T = legalizeToReg(CallTarget, TargetReg);
CallTarget = T;
// System V: store number of FP args in RAX for variadic calls
#if !defined(_WIN64)
if (NumVariadicFpArgs > 0) {
// Store number of FP args (stored in XMM registers) in RAX for variadic
// calls
auto *NumFpArgs = Ctx->getConstantInt64(NumVariadicFpArgs);
Variable *NumFpArgsReg =
legalizeToReg(NumFpArgs, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rax);
NewCall = Context.insert<Traits::Insts::Call>(ReturnReg, CallTarget);
return NewCall;
Variable *TargetX8664::moveReturnValueToRegister(Operand *Value,
Type ReturnType) {
if (isVectorType(ReturnType) || isScalarFloatingType(ReturnType)) {
return legalizeToReg(Value, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_xmm0);
} else {
assert(ReturnType == IceType_i32 || ReturnType == IceType_i64);
Variable *Reg = nullptr;
_mov(Reg, Value,
Traits::getGprForType(ReturnType, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_rax));
return Reg;
void TargetX8664::emitStackProbe(size_t StackSizeBytes) {
#if defined(_WIN64)
// Mirroring the behavior of MSVC here, which emits a _chkstk when locals are
// >= 4KB, rather than the 8KB claimed by the docs.
if (StackSizeBytes >= 4096) {
// __chkstk on Win64 probes the stack up to RSP - EAX, but does not clobber
// RSP, so we don't need to save and restore it.
Variable *EAX = makeReg(IceType_i32, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_eax);
_mov(EAX, Ctx->getConstantInt32(StackSizeBytes));
auto *CallTarget =
Operand *CallTargetReg =
legalizeToReg(CallTarget, Traits::RegisterSet::Reg_r11);
emitCallToTarget(CallTargetReg, nullptr);
// In some cases, there are x-macros tables for both high-level and low-level
// instructions/operands that use the same enum key value. The tables are kept
// separate to maintain a proper separation between abstraction layers. There
// is a risk that the tables could get out of sync if enum values are reordered
// or if entries are added or deleted. The following dummy namespaces use
// static_asserts to ensure everything is kept in sync.
namespace {
// Validate the enum values in FCMPX8664_TABLE.
namespace dummy1 {
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level table entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(val, dflt, swapS, C1, C2, swapV, pred) _tmp_##val,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, str) static const int _table1_##tag = InstFcmp::tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries, and ensure the
// table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(val, dflt, swapS, C1, C2, swapV, pred) \
static const int _table2_##val = _tmp_##val; \
static_assert( \
_table1_##val == _table2_##val, \
"Inconsistency between FCMPX8664_TABLE and ICEINSTFCMP_TABLE");
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level table entries in
// case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, str) \
static_assert( \
_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between FCMPX8664_TABLE and ICEINSTFCMP_TABLE");
#undef X
} // end of namespace dummy1
// Validate the enum values in ICMPX8664_TABLE.
namespace dummy2 {
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level table entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) _tmp_##val,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, reverse, str) static const int _table1_##tag = InstIcmp::tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries, and ensure the
// table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
static const int _table2_##val = _tmp_##val; \
static_assert( \
_table1_##val == _table2_##val, \
"Inconsistency between ICMPX8664_TABLE and ICEINSTICMP_TABLE");
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level table entries in
// case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, reverse, str) \
static_assert( \
_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between ICMPX8664_TABLE and ICEINSTICMP_TABLE");
#undef X
} // end of namespace dummy2
// Validate the enum values in ICETYPEX86_TABLE.
namespace dummy3 {
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level table entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(tag, elty, cvt, sdss, pdps, spsd, int_, unpack, pack, width, fld) \
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, sizeLog2, align, elts, elty, str, rcstr) \
static const int _table1_##tag = IceType_##tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries, and ensure the
// table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(tag, elty, cvt, sdss, pdps, spsd, int_, unpack, pack, width, fld) \
static const int _table2_##tag = _tmp_##tag; \
static_assert(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between ICETYPEX86_TABLE and ICETYPE_TABLE");
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level table entries in
// case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, sizeLog2, align, elts, elty, str, rcstr) \
static_assert(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between ICETYPEX86_TABLE and ICETYPE_TABLE");
#undef X
} // end of namespace dummy3
} // end of anonymous namespace
} // end of namespace X8664
} // end of namespace Ice