blob: 632c19e214ac2314a958f4b96734924193bea096 [file] [log] [blame]
; Test of multiple indirect calls to the same target. Each call
; should be to the same operand, whether it's in a register or on the
; stack.
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=obj --disassemble -i %s --args -O2 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s
; RUN: %if --need=allow_dump --command %p2i --filetype=asm --assemble \
; RUN: --disassemble -i %s --args -O2 \
; RUN: | %if --need=allow_dump --command FileCheck %s
; RUN: %p2i --filetype=obj --disassemble -i %s --args -Om1 \
; RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=OPTM1 %s
@__init_array_start = internal constant [0 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 4
@__fini_array_start = internal constant [0 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 4
@__tls_template_start = internal constant [0 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 8
@__tls_template_alignment = internal constant [4 x i8] c"\01\00\00\00", align 4
define internal void @CallIndirect(i32 %f) {
%__1 = inttoptr i32 %f to void ()*
call void %__1()
call void %__1()
call void %__1()
call void %__1()
call void %__1()
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: CallIndirect
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER:[a-z]+]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; OPTM1-LABEL: CallIndirect
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET:.+]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
@fp_v = internal global [4 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 4
define internal void @CallIndirectGlobal() {
%fp_ptr_i32 = bitcast [4 x i8]* @fp_v to i32*
%fp_ptr = load i32, i32* %fp_ptr_i32, align 1
%fp = inttoptr i32 %fp_ptr to void ()*
call void %fp()
call void %fp()
call void %fp()
call void %fp()
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: CallIndirectGlobal
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER:[a-z]+]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; CHECK: call [[REGISTER]]
; OPTM1-LABEL: CallIndirectGlobal
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET:.+]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
; OPTM1: call [[TARGET]]
; Calling an absolute address is used for non-IRT PNaCl pexes to directly
; access syscall trampolines. This is not really an indirect call, but
; there is a cast from int to pointer first.
define internal void @CallConst() {
%__1 = inttoptr i32 66496 to void ()*
call void %__1()
call void %__1()
call void %__1()
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: CallConst
; CHECK: e8 bc 03 01 00 call {{[0-9a-f]+}} {{.*}} R_386_PC32 *ABS*
; CHECK: e8 bc 03 01 00 call {{[0-9a-f]+}} {{.*}} R_386_PC32 *ABS*
; CHECK: e8 bc 03 01 00 call {{[0-9a-f]+}} {{.*}} R_386_PC32 *ABS*
; OPTM1-LABEL: CallConst
; OPTM1: e8 bc 03 01 00 call {{[0-9a-f]+}} {{.*}} R_386_PC32 *ABS*
; OPTM1: e8 bc 03 01 00 call {{[0-9a-f]+}} {{.*}} R_386_PC32 *ABS*
; OPTM1: e8 bc 03 01 00 call {{[0-9a-f]+}} {{.*}} R_386_PC32 *ABS*