blob: 49f2e4ea4417b9278c75984599f4800a3959f193 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_Surface_hpp
#define sw_Surface_hpp
#include "Color.hpp"
#include "Device/Config.hpp"
#include "System/Resource.hpp"
#include <vulkan/vulkan_core.h>
namespace sw
class Resource;
template <typename T> struct RectT
RectT() {}
RectT(T x0i, T y0i, T x1i, T y1i) : x0(x0i), y0(y0i), x1(x1i), y1(y1i) {}
void clip(T minX, T minY, T maxX, T maxY)
x0 = clamp(x0, minX, maxX);
y0 = clamp(y0, minY, maxY);
x1 = clamp(x1, minX, maxX);
y1 = clamp(y1, minY, maxY);
T width() const { return x1 - x0; }
T height() const { return y1 - y0; }
T x0; // Inclusive
T y0; // Inclusive
T x1; // Exclusive
T y1; // Exclusive
typedef RectT<int> Rect;
typedef RectT<float> RectF;
template<typename T> struct SliceRectT : public RectT<T>
SliceRectT() : slice(0) {}
SliceRectT(const RectT<T>& rect) : RectT<T>(rect), slice(0) {}
SliceRectT(const RectT<T>& rect, int s) : RectT<T>(rect), slice(s) {}
SliceRectT(T x0, T y0, T x1, T y1, int s) : RectT<T>(x0, y0, x1, y1), slice(s) {}
int slice;
typedef SliceRectT<int> SliceRect;
typedef SliceRectT<float> SliceRectF;
enum Lock
LOCK_UPDATE // Write access which doesn't dirty the buffer, because it's being updated with the sibling's data.
class Surface
struct Buffer
friend Surface;
void write(int x, int y, int z, const Color<float> &color);
void write(int x, int y, const Color<float> &color);
void write(void *element, const Color<float> &color);
Color<float> read(int x, int y, int z) const;
Color<float> read(int x, int y) const;
Color<float> read(void *element) const;
Color<float> sample(float x, float y, float z) const;
Color<float> sample(float x, float y, int layer) const;
void *lockRect(int x, int y, int z, Lock lock);
void unlockRect();
void *buffer;
int width;
int height;
int depth;
short border;
short samples;
int bytes;
int pitchB;
int pitchP;
int sliceB;
int sliceP;
VkFormat format;
AtomicInt lock;
bool dirty; // Sibling internal/external buffer doesn't match.
Surface(int width, int height, int depth, VkFormat format, void *pixels, int pitch, int slice);
Surface(Resource *texture, int width, int height, int depth, int border, int samples, VkFormat format, bool lockable, bool renderTarget, int pitchP = 0);
static Surface *create(int width, int height, int depth, VkFormat format, void *pixels, int pitch, int slice);
static Surface *create(Resource *texture, int width, int height, int depth, int border, int samples, VkFormat format, bool lockable, bool renderTarget, int pitchP = 0);
virtual ~Surface() = 0;
inline void *lock(int x, int y, int z, Lock lock, Accessor client, bool internal = false);
inline void unlock(bool internal = false);
inline int getWidth() const;
inline int getHeight() const;
inline int getDepth() const;
inline int getBorder() const;
inline VkFormat getFormat(bool internal = false) const;
inline int getPitchB(bool internal = false) const;
inline int getPitchP(bool internal = false) const;
inline int getSliceB(bool internal = false) const;
inline int getSliceP(bool internal = false) const;
void *lockExternal(int x, int y, int z, Lock lock, Accessor client);
void unlockExternal();
inline VkFormat getExternalFormat() const;
inline int getExternalPitchB() const;
inline int getExternalPitchP() const;
inline int getExternalSliceB() const;
inline int getExternalSliceP() const;
virtual void *lockInternal(int x, int y, int z, Lock lock, Accessor client) = 0;
virtual void unlockInternal() = 0;
inline VkFormat getInternalFormat() const;
inline int getInternalPitchB() const;
inline int getInternalPitchP() const;
inline int getInternalSliceB() const;
inline int getInternalSliceP() const;
void *lockStencil(int x, int y, int front, Accessor client);
void unlockStencil();
inline VkFormat getStencilFormat() const;
inline int getStencilPitchB() const;
inline int getStencilSliceB() const;
void sync(); // Wait for lock(s) to be released.
virtual bool requiresSync() const { return false; }
inline bool isUnlocked() const; // Only reliable after sync().
inline int getSamples() const;
inline int getMultiSampleCount() const;
inline int getSuperSampleCount() const;
bool isEntire(const Rect& rect) const;
Rect getRect() const;
void clearDepth(float depth, int x0, int y0, int width, int height);
void clearStencil(unsigned char stencil, unsigned char mask, int x0, int y0, int width, int height);
void fill(const Color<float> &color, int x0, int y0, int width, int height);
Color<float> readExternal(int x, int y, int z) const;
Color<float> readExternal(int x, int y) const;
Color<float> sampleExternal(float x, float y, float z) const;
Color<float> sampleExternal(float x, float y) const;
void writeExternal(int x, int y, int z, const Color<float> &color);
void writeExternal(int x, int y, const Color<float> &color);
void copyInternal(const Surface* src, int x, int y, float srcX, float srcY, bool filter);
void copyInternal(const Surface* src, int x, int y, int z, float srcX, float srcY, float srcZ, bool filter);
enum Edge { TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT };
void copyCubeEdge(Edge dstEdge, Surface *src, Edge srcEdge);
void computeCubeCorner(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
bool hasStencil() const;
bool hasDepth() const;
bool isRenderTarget() const;
bool hasDirtyContents() const;
void markContentsClean();
inline bool isExternalDirty() const;
Resource *getResource();
static int bytes(VkFormat format);
static int pitchB(int width, int border, VkFormat format, bool target);
static int pitchP(int width, int border, VkFormat format, bool target);
static int sliceB(int width, int height, int border, VkFormat format, bool target);
static int sliceP(int width, int height, int border, VkFormat format, bool target);
static size_t size(int width, int height, int depth, int border, int samples, VkFormat format);
static bool isStencil(VkFormat format);
static bool isDepth(VkFormat format);
static bool hasQuadLayout(VkFormat format);
static bool isFloatFormat(VkFormat format);
static bool isUnsignedComponent(VkFormat format, int component);
static bool isSRGBreadable(VkFormat format);
static bool isSRGBwritable(VkFormat format);
static bool isSRGBformat(VkFormat format);
static bool isCompressed(VkFormat format);
static bool isSignedNonNormalizedInteger(VkFormat format);
static bool isUnsignedNonNormalizedInteger(VkFormat format);
static bool isNonNormalizedInteger(VkFormat format);
static bool isNormalizedInteger(VkFormat format);
static int componentCount(VkFormat format);
sw::Resource *resource;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;
typedef unsigned int dword;
typedef uint64_t qword;
struct DXT1
word c0;
word c1;
dword lut;
struct DXT3
qword a;
word c0;
word c1;
dword lut;
struct DXT5
byte a0;
byte a1;
qword alut; // Skip first 16 bit
word c0;
word c1;
dword clut;
struct ATI2
byte y0;
byte y1;
qword ylut; // Skip first 16 bit
byte x0;
byte x1;
qword xlut; // Skip first 16 bit
struct ATI1
byte r0;
byte r1;
qword rlut; // Skip first 16 bit
static void decodeDXT1(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external);
static void decodeDXT3(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external);
static void decodeDXT5(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external);
static void decodeATI1(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external);
static void decodeATI2(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external);
static void decodeEAC(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external, int nbChannels, bool isSigned);
static void decodeETC2(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external, int nbAlphaBits, bool isSRGB);
static void decodeASTC(Buffer &internal, Buffer &external, int xSize, int ySize, int zSize, bool isSRGB);
static void update(Buffer &destination, Buffer &source);
static void genericUpdate(Buffer &destination, Buffer &source);
static void *allocateBuffer(int width, int height, int depth, int border, int samples, VkFormat format);
static void memfill4(void *buffer, int pattern, int bytes);
bool identicalBuffers() const;
VkFormat selectInternalFormat(VkFormat format) const;
void resolve();
Buffer external;
Buffer internal;
Buffer stencil;
const bool lockable;
const bool renderTarget;
bool dirtyContents; // Sibling surfaces need updating (mipmaps / cube borders).
bool hasParent;
bool ownExternal;
#undef min
#undef max
namespace sw
void *Surface::lock(int x, int y, int z, Lock lock, Accessor client, bool internal)
return internal ? lockInternal(x, y, z, lock, client) : lockExternal(x, y, z, lock, client);
void Surface::unlock(bool internal)
return internal ? unlockInternal() : unlockExternal();
int Surface::getWidth() const
return external.width;
int Surface::getHeight() const
return external.height;
int Surface::getDepth() const
return external.depth;
int Surface::getBorder() const
return internal.border;
VkFormat Surface::getFormat(bool internal) const
return internal ? getInternalFormat() : getExternalFormat();
int Surface::getPitchB(bool internal) const
return internal ? getInternalPitchB() : getExternalPitchB();
int Surface::getPitchP(bool internal) const
return internal ? getInternalPitchP() : getExternalPitchP();
int Surface::getSliceB(bool internal) const
return internal ? getInternalSliceB() : getExternalSliceB();
int Surface::getSliceP(bool internal) const
return internal ? getInternalSliceP() : getExternalSliceP();
VkFormat Surface::getExternalFormat() const
return external.format;
int Surface::getExternalPitchB() const
return external.pitchB;
int Surface::getExternalPitchP() const
return external.pitchP;
int Surface::getExternalSliceB() const
return external.sliceB;
int Surface::getExternalSliceP() const
return external.sliceP;
VkFormat Surface::getInternalFormat() const
return internal.format;
int Surface::getInternalPitchB() const
return internal.pitchB;
int Surface::getInternalPitchP() const
return internal.pitchP;
int Surface::getInternalSliceB() const
return internal.sliceB;
int Surface::getInternalSliceP() const
return internal.sliceP;
VkFormat Surface::getStencilFormat() const
return stencil.format;
int Surface::getStencilPitchB() const
return stencil.pitchB;
int Surface::getStencilSliceB() const
return stencil.sliceB;
int Surface::getSamples() const
return internal.samples;
int Surface::getMultiSampleCount() const
return sw::min((int)internal.samples, 4);
int Surface::getSuperSampleCount() const
return internal.samples > 4 ? internal.samples / 4 : 1;
bool Surface::isUnlocked() const
return external.lock == LOCK_UNLOCKED &&
internal.lock == LOCK_UNLOCKED &&
stencil.lock == LOCK_UNLOCKED;
bool Surface::isExternalDirty() const
return external.buffer && external.buffer != internal.buffer && external.dirty;
#endif // sw_Surface_hpp