blob: 3b8d055ead0b6f7b0588f7a8dadb07d4647ac7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_SpirvShader_hpp
#define sw_SpirvShader_hpp
#include "System/Types.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "ShaderCore.hpp"
#include "SpirvID.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
#include <Device/Config.hpp>
namespace sw
// Forward declarations.
class SpirvRoutine;
// SIMD contains types that represent multiple scalars packed into a single
// vector data type. Types in the SIMD namespace provide a semantic hint
// that the data should be treated as a per-execution-lane scalar instead of
// a typical euclidean-style vector type.
namespace SIMD
// Width is the number of per-lane scalars packed into each SIMD vector.
static constexpr int Width = 4;
using Float = rr::Float4;
using Int = rr::Int4;
// Incrementally constructed complex bundle of rvalues
// Effectively a restricted vector, supporting only:
// - allocation to a (runtime-known) fixed size
// - in-place construction of elements
// - const operator[]
class Intermediate
using Scalar = RValue<SIMD::Float>;
Intermediate(uint32_t size) : contents(new ContentsType[size]), size(size) {}
for (auto i = 0u; i < size; i++)
reinterpret_cast<Scalar *>(&contents[i])->~Scalar();
delete [] contents;
void emplace(uint32_t n, Scalar&& value)
assert(n < size);
new (&contents[n]) Scalar(value);
void emplace(uint32_t n, const Scalar& value)
assert(n < size);
new (&contents[n]) Scalar(value);
Scalar const & operator[](uint32_t n) const
assert(n < size);
return *reinterpret_cast<Scalar const *>(&contents[n]);
// No copy/move construction or assignment
Intermediate(Intermediate const &) = delete;
Intermediate(Intermediate &&) = delete;
Intermediate & operator=(Intermediate const &) = delete;
Intermediate & operator=(Intermediate &&) = delete;
using ContentsType = std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Scalar), alignof(Scalar)>::type;
ContentsType *contents;
uint32_t size;
class SpirvShader
using InsnStore = std::vector<uint32_t>;
InsnStore insns;
/* Pseudo-iterator over SPIRV instructions, designed to support range-based-for. */
class InsnIterator
InsnStore::const_iterator iter;
spv::Op opcode() const
return static_cast<spv::Op>(*iter & spv::OpCodeMask);
uint32_t wordCount() const
return *iter >> spv::WordCountShift;
uint32_t word(uint32_t n) const
ASSERT(n < wordCount());
return iter[n];
uint32_t const * wordPointer(uint32_t n) const
ASSERT(n < wordCount());
return &iter[n];
bool operator!=(InsnIterator const &other) const
return iter != other.iter;
InsnIterator operator*() const
return *this;
InsnIterator &operator++()
iter += wordCount();
return *this;
InsnIterator const operator++(int)
InsnIterator ret{*this};
iter += wordCount();
return ret;
InsnIterator(InsnIterator const &other) = default;
InsnIterator() = default;
explicit InsnIterator(InsnStore::const_iterator iter) : iter{iter}
/* range-based-for interface */
InsnIterator begin() const
return InsnIterator{insns.cbegin() + 5};
InsnIterator end() const
return InsnIterator{insns.cend()};
class Type;
using TypeID = SpirvID<Type>;
class Type
InsnIterator definition;
spv::StorageClass storageClass = static_cast<spv::StorageClass>(-1);
uint32_t sizeInComponents = 0;
bool isBuiltInBlock = false;
// Inner element type for pointers, arrays, vectors and matrices.
TypeID element;
class Object;
using ObjectID = SpirvID<Object>;
class Object
InsnIterator definition;
TypeID type;
ObjectID pointerBase;
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> constantValue = nullptr;
enum class Kind
Unknown, /* for paranoia -- if we get left with an object in this state, the module was broken */
} kind = Kind::Unknown;
struct TypeOrObject {}; // Dummy struct to represent a Type or Object.
// TypeOrObjectID is an identifier that represents a Type or an Object,
// and supports implicit casting to and from TypeID or ObjectID.
class TypeOrObjectID : public SpirvID<TypeOrObject>
using Hash = std::hash<SpirvID<TypeOrObject>>;
inline TypeOrObjectID(uint32_t id) : SpirvID(id) {}
inline TypeOrObjectID(TypeID id) : SpirvID(id.value()) {}
inline TypeOrObjectID(ObjectID id) : SpirvID(id.value()) {}
inline operator TypeID() const { return TypeID(value()); }
inline operator ObjectID() const { return ObjectID(value()); }
int getSerialID() const
return serialID;
explicit SpirvShader(InsnStore const &insns);
struct Modes
bool EarlyFragmentTests : 1;
bool DepthReplacing : 1;
bool DepthGreater : 1;
bool DepthLess : 1;
bool DepthUnchanged : 1;
bool ContainsKill : 1;
bool NeedsCentroid : 1;
// Compute workgroup dimensions
int LocalSizeX, LocalSizeY, LocalSizeZ;
Modes const &getModes() const
return modes;
enum AttribType : unsigned char
bool hasBuiltinInput(spv::BuiltIn b) const
return inputBuiltins.find(b) != inputBuiltins.end();
struct Decorations
int32_t Location;
int32_t Component;
int32_t DescriptorSet;
int32_t Binding;
spv::BuiltIn BuiltIn;
bool HasLocation : 1;
bool HasComponent : 1;
bool HasDescriptorSet : 1;
bool HasBinding : 1;
bool HasBuiltIn : 1;
bool Flat : 1;
bool Centroid : 1;
bool NoPerspective : 1;
bool Block : 1;
bool BufferBlock : 1;
: Location{-1}, Component{0}, DescriptorSet{-1}, Binding{-1},
HasLocation{false}, HasComponent{false},
HasDescriptorSet{false}, HasBinding{false},
HasBuiltIn{false}, Flat{false}, Centroid{false},
NoPerspective{false}, Block{false}, BufferBlock{false}
Decorations(Decorations const &) = default;
void Apply(Decorations const &src);
void Apply(spv::Decoration decoration, uint32_t arg);
std::unordered_map<TypeOrObjectID, Decorations, TypeOrObjectID::Hash> decorations;
std::unordered_map<TypeID, std::vector<Decorations>> memberDecorations;
struct InterfaceComponent
AttribType Type;
bool Flat : 1;
bool Centroid : 1;
bool NoPerspective : 1;
: Type{ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED}, Flat{false}, Centroid{false}, NoPerspective{false}
struct BuiltinMapping
ObjectID Id;
uint32_t FirstComponent;
uint32_t SizeInComponents;
std::vector<InterfaceComponent> inputs;
std::vector<InterfaceComponent> outputs;
void emitProlog(SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
void emit(SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
void emitEpilog(SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
using BuiltInHash = std::hash<std::underlying_type<spv::BuiltIn>::type>;
std::unordered_map<spv::BuiltIn, BuiltinMapping, BuiltInHash> inputBuiltins;
std::unordered_map<spv::BuiltIn, BuiltinMapping, BuiltInHash> outputBuiltins;
Type const &getType(TypeID id) const
auto it = types.find(id);
assert(it != types.end());
return it->second;
Object const &getObject(ObjectID id) const
auto it = defs.find(id);
assert(it != defs.end());
return it->second;
const int serialID;
static volatile int serialCounter;
Modes modes;
HandleMap<Type> types;
HandleMap<Object> defs;
void ProcessExecutionMode(InsnIterator it);
uint32_t ComputeTypeSize(InsnIterator insn);
void ApplyDecorationsForId(Decorations *d, TypeOrObjectID id) const;
void ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(Decorations *d, TypeID id, uint32_t member) const;
template<typename F>
int VisitInterfaceInner(TypeID id, Decorations d, F f) const;
template<typename F>
void VisitInterface(ObjectID id, F f) const;
uint32_t GetConstantInt(ObjectID id) const;
Object& CreateConstant(InsnIterator it);
void ProcessInterfaceVariable(Object &object);
SIMD::Int WalkAccessChain(ObjectID id, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds, SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
uint32_t WalkLiteralAccessChain(TypeID id, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexes) const;
class SpirvRoutine
using Value = Array<SIMD::Float>;
std::unordered_map<SpirvShader::ObjectID, Value> lvalues;
std::unordered_map<SpirvShader::ObjectID, Intermediate> intermediates;
Value outputs = Value{MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS};
void createLvalue(SpirvShader::ObjectID id, uint32_t size)
lvalues.emplace(id, Value(size));
Intermediate& createIntermediate(SpirvShader::ObjectID id, uint32_t size)
auto it = intermediates.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
return it.first->second;
Value& getValue(SpirvShader::ObjectID id)
auto it = lvalues.find(id);
assert(it != lvalues.end());
return it->second;
Intermediate const& getIntermediate(SpirvShader::ObjectID id) const
auto it = intermediates.find(id);
assert(it != intermediates.end());
return it->second;
class GenericValue
// Generic wrapper over either per-lane intermediate value, or a constant.
// Constants are transparently widened to per-lane values in operator[].
// This is appropriate in most cases -- if we're not going to do something
// significantly different based on whether the value is uniform across lanes.
SpirvShader::Object const &obj;
Intermediate const *intermediate;
GenericValue(SpirvShader const *shader, SpirvRoutine const *routine, SpirvShader::ObjectID objId) :
intermediate(obj.kind == SpirvShader::Object::Kind::Value ? &routine->getIntermediate(objId) : nullptr) {}
RValue<SIMD::Float> operator[](uint32_t i) const
if (intermediate)
return (*intermediate)[i];
auto constantValue = reinterpret_cast<float *>(obj.constantValue.get());
return RValue<SIMD::Float>(constantValue[i]);
#endif // sw_SpirvShader_hpp