Increase maximum framebuffer size

Legacy SwiftShader GL has a maximum framebuffer size of 8192 width
and height. SwiftShader Vulkan's maximum framebuffer size was 4096,
but this CL increases it to 8192. An issue was hit by using Chromium
with SwANGLE on an iMac Pro 5k screen, where the 4096 limit was
insufficient and causing a crash.

The viewport max dimensions and bounds range had to be adjusted

According to the spec:
"viewportBoundsRange[2] is the [minimum, maximum] range
 that the corners of a viewport must be contained in. This
 range must be at least [-2 × size, 2 × size - 1], where
 size = max(maxViewportDimensions[0], maxViewportDimensions[1])."

Bug: chromium:1209250
Change-Id: I0ef15ccf2433aea348fd7946319ffb3406174873
Tested-by: Alexis Hétu <>
Commit-Queue: Alexis Hétu <>
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Capens <>
diff --git a/src/Device/Config.hpp b/src/Device/Config.hpp
index 2d232b1..8f5adef 100644
--- a/src/Device/Config.hpp
+++ b/src/Device/Config.hpp
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 	MAX_TEXTURE_LOD = MIPMAP_LEVELS - 2,  // Trilinear accesses lod+1
 	MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS = 32 * 4,  // Must be multiple of 4 for 16-byte alignment.
 }  // namespace sw
diff --git a/src/Vulkan/VkPhysicalDevice.cpp b/src/Vulkan/VkPhysicalDevice.cpp
index 1a14680..5493ea4 100644
--- a/src/Vulkan/VkPhysicalDevice.cpp
+++ b/src/Vulkan/VkPhysicalDevice.cpp
@@ -495,8 +495,10 @@
 		vk::MAX_SAMPLER_LOD_BIAS,                         // maxSamplerLodBias
 		16,                                               // maxSamplerAnisotropy
 		16,                                               // maxViewports
-		{ 4096, 4096 },                                   // maxViewportDimensions[2]
-		{ -8192, 8191 },                                  // viewportBoundsRange[2]
+		  sw::MAX_VIEWPORT_DIM },                         // maxViewportDimensions[2]
+		{ -2 * sw::MAX_VIEWPORT_DIM,
+		   2 * sw::MAX_VIEWPORT_DIM - 1 },                // viewportBoundsRange[2]
 		0,                                                // viewportSubPixelBits
 		64,                                               // minMemoryMapAlignment
 		vk::MIN_TEXEL_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT,            // minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment
@@ -509,8 +511,8 @@
 		-0.5,                                             // minInterpolationOffset
 		0.5,                                              // maxInterpolationOffset
 		4,                                                // subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits
-		4096,                                             // maxFramebufferWidth
-		4096,                                             // maxFramebufferHeight
+		sw::MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_DIM,                          // maxFramebufferWidth
+		sw::MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_DIM,                          // maxFramebufferHeight
 		256,                                              // maxFramebufferLayers
 		sampleCounts,                                     // framebufferColorSampleCounts
 		sampleCounts,                                     // framebufferDepthSampleCounts