blob: c47c6666b022695e50ec8d7ce9c78177e042a736 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "SpirvShader.hpp"
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
namespace sw {
SpirvShader::EmitResult SpirvShader::EmitGroupNonUniform(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const
static_assert(SIMD::Width == 4, "EmitGroupNonUniform makes many assumptions that the SIMD vector width is 4");
auto &type = getType(Type::ID(insn.word(1)));
Object::ID resultId = insn.word(2);
auto scope = spv::Scope(GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(3)));
ASSERT_MSG(scope == spv::ScopeSubgroup, "Scope for Non Uniform Group Operations must be Subgroup for Vulkan 1.1");
auto &dst = state->createIntermediate(resultId, type.sizeInComponents);
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformElect:
// Result is true only in the active invocation with the lowest id
// in the group, otherwise result is false.
SIMD::Int active = state->activeLaneMask();
// TODO: Would be nice if we could write this as:
// elect = active & ~(active.Oxyz | active.OOxy | active.OOOx)
auto v0111 = SIMD::Int(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
auto elect = active & ~(v0111 & (active.xxyz | active.xxxy | active.xxxx));
dst.move(0, elect);
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformAll:
GenericValue predicate(this, state, insn.word(4));
dst.move(0, AndAll(predicate.UInt(0) | ~As<SIMD::UInt>(state->activeLaneMask())));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformAny:
GenericValue predicate(this, state, insn.word(4));
dst.move(0, OrAll(predicate.UInt(0) & As<SIMD::UInt>(state->activeLaneMask())));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual:
GenericValue value(this, state, insn.word(4));
auto res = SIMD::UInt(0xffffffff);
SIMD::UInt active = As<SIMD::UInt>(state->activeLaneMask());
SIMD::UInt inactive = ~active;
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::UInt v = value.UInt(i) & active;
SIMD::UInt filled = v;
for (int j = 0; j < SIMD::Width - 1; j++)
filled |= filled.yzwx & inactive; // Populate inactive 'holes' with a live value
res &= AndAll(CmpEQ(filled.xyzw, filled.yzwx));
dst.move(0, res);
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast:
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
auto id = SIMD::Int(GetConstScalarInt(insn.word(5)));
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
auto mask = CmpEQ(id, SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, OrAll(value.Int(i) & mask));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst:
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
// Result is true only in the active invocation with the lowest id
// in the group, otherwise result is false.
SIMD::Int active = state->activeLaneMask();
// TODO: Would be nice if we could write this as:
// elect = active & ~(active.Oxyz | active.OOxy | active.OOOx)
auto v0111 = SIMD::Int(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
auto elect = active & ~(v0111 & (active.xxyz | active.xxxy | active.xxxx));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
dst.move(i, OrAll(value.Int(i) & elect));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBallot:
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 4);
GenericValue predicate(this, state, insn.word(4));
dst.move(0, SIMD::Int(SignMask(state->activeLaneMask() & predicate.Int(0))));
dst.move(1, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(2, SIMD::Int(0));
dst.move(3, SIMD::Int(0));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot:
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(getType(getObject(valueId).type).sizeInComponents == 4);
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
auto bit = (value.Int(0) >> SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3)) & SIMD::Int(1);
dst.move(0, -bit);
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract:
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
auto indexId = Object::ID(insn.word(5));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(getType(getObject(valueId).type).sizeInComponents == 4);
ASSERT(getType(getObject(indexId).type).sizeInComponents == 1);
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
GenericValue index(this, state, indexId);
auto vecIdx = index.Int(0) / SIMD::Int(32);
auto bitIdx = index.Int(0) & SIMD::Int(31);
auto bits = (value.Int(0) & CmpEQ(vecIdx, SIMD::Int(0))) |
(value.Int(1) & CmpEQ(vecIdx, SIMD::Int(1))) |
(value.Int(2) & CmpEQ(vecIdx, SIMD::Int(2))) |
(value.Int(3) & CmpEQ(vecIdx, SIMD::Int(3)));
dst.move(0, -((bits >> bitIdx) & SIMD::Int(1)));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount:
auto operation = spv::GroupOperation(insn.word(4));
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(5));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(getType(getObject(valueId).type).sizeInComponents == 4);
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
switch (operation)
case spv::GroupOperationReduce:
dst.move(0, CountBits(value.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(15)));
case spv::GroupOperationInclusiveScan:
dst.move(0, CountBits(value.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(1, 3, 7, 15)));
case spv::GroupOperationExclusiveScan:
dst.move(0, CountBits(value.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(0, 1, 3, 7)));
UNSUPPORTED("GroupOperation %d", int(operation));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB:
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(getType(getObject(valueId).type).sizeInComponents == 4);
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
dst.move(0, Cttz(value.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(15), true));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB:
auto valueId = Object::ID(insn.word(4));
ASSERT(type.sizeInComponents == 1);
ASSERT(getType(getObject(valueId).type).sizeInComponents == 4);
GenericValue value(this, state, valueId);
dst.move(0, SIMD::UInt(31) - Ctlz(value.UInt(0) & SIMD::UInt(15), false));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformShuffle:
GenericValue value(this, state, insn.word(4));
GenericValue id(this, state, insn.word(5));
auto x = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(0), id.Int(0));
auto y = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(1), id.Int(0));
auto z = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(2), id.Int(0));
auto w = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(3), id.Int(0));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Int v = value.Int(i);
dst.move(i, (x & v.xxxx) | (y & v.yyyy) | (z & v.zzzz) | (w & v.wwww));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor:
GenericValue value(this, state, insn.word(4));
GenericValue mask(this, state, insn.word(5));
auto x = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(0), SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3) ^ mask.Int(0));
auto y = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(1), SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3) ^ mask.Int(0));
auto z = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(2), SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3) ^ mask.Int(0));
auto w = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(3), SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3) ^ mask.Int(0));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Int v = value.Int(i);
dst.move(i, (x & v.xxxx) | (y & v.yyyy) | (z & v.zzzz) | (w & v.wwww));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp:
GenericValue value(this, state, insn.word(4));
GenericValue delta(this, state, insn.word(5));
auto d0 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(0), delta.Int(0));
auto d1 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(1), delta.Int(0));
auto d2 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(2), delta.Int(0));
auto d3 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(3), delta.Int(0));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Int v = value.Int(i);
dst.move(i, (d0 & v.xyzw) | (d1 & v.xxyz) | (d2 & v.xxxy) | (d3 & v.xxxx));
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown:
GenericValue value(this, state, insn.word(4));
GenericValue delta(this, state, insn.word(5));
auto d0 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(0), delta.Int(0));
auto d1 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(1), delta.Int(0));
auto d2 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(2), delta.Int(0));
auto d3 = CmpEQ(SIMD::Int(3), delta.Int(0));
for (auto i = 0u; i < type.sizeInComponents; i++)
SIMD::Int v = value.Int(i);
dst.move(i, (d0 & v.xyzw) | (d1 & v.yzww) | (d2 & v.zwww) | (d3 & v.wwww));
UNIMPLEMENTED("EmitGroupNonUniform op: %s", OpcodeName(type.opcode()).c_str());
return EmitResult::Continue;
} // namespace sw