| # update-spirvtools merges the latest changes from |
| # the github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools into third_party/SPIRV-Tools. |
| # This script copies the change descriptions from the squash change into the |
| # top merge change, along with a standardized description. |
| if [ ! -z "$REASON" ]; then |
| THIRD_PARTY_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" |
| GIT_RESULT=`git subtree pull --prefix third_party/SPIRV-Tools https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools master --squash -m "Update SPIR-V Tools"` |
| if [[ $GIT_RESULT == *"CONFLICT"* ]]; then |
| echo "subtree pull resulted in conflicts. Atempting to automatically resolve..." |
| # CONFLICT is very likely due to Android.mk being deleted in our third_party. |
| # Delete it, and try to continue. |
| git rm ${THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/SPIRV-Tools/Android.mk |
| git -c core.editor=true merge --continue # '-c core.editor=true' prevents the editor from showing |
| echo "Could not automatically resolve conflicts." |
| ALL_CHANGES=`git log -n 1 HEAD^2 | egrep '^(\s{4}[0-9a-f]{9}\s*.*)$'` |
| HEAD_CHANGE=`echo "$ALL_CHANGES" | egrep '[0-9a-f]{9}' -o -m 1` |
| LOG_MSG=`echo -e "Update SPIR-V Tools to $HEAD_CHANGE\n${REASON}\nChanges:\n$ALL_CHANGES\n\nCommands:\n ./third_party/update-spirvtools.sh\n\nBug: b/123642959"` |
| git commit --amend -m "$LOG_MSG" |