| ##===- projects/Makefile ------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
| # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
| # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
| # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
| ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
| include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
| # Compile all subdirs, except for the test suite, which lives in test-suite.
| # Before 2008.06.24 it lived in llvm-test, so exclude that as well for now.
| DIRS:= $(filter-out llvm-test test-suite,$(patsubst $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/%/Makefile,%,$(wildcard $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/*/Makefile)))
| # Don't build compiler-rt, it isn't designed to be built directly.
| DIRS := $(filter-out compiler-rt,$(DIRS))
| # Don't build libcxx, it isn't designed to be built directly.
| DIRS := $(filter-out libcxx,$(DIRS))
| # Sparc cannot link shared libraries (libtool problem?)
| DIRS := $(filter-out sample, $(DIRS))
| include $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.rules