blob: 0f9d45e86b21295f3b633fa36dcfb54c881a3de8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AArch64MIPeepholeOpt.cpp - AArch64 MI peephole optimization pass ---===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This pass performs below peephole optimizations on MIR level.
// 1. MOVi32imm + ANDWrr ==> ANDWri + ANDWri
// MOVi64imm + ANDXrr ==> ANDXri + ANDXri
// 2. MOVi32imm + ADDWrr ==> ADDWRi + ADDWRi
// MOVi64imm + ADDXrr ==> ANDXri + ANDXri
// 3. MOVi32imm + SUBWrr ==> SUBWRi + SUBWRi
// MOVi64imm + SUBXrr ==> SUBXri + SUBXri
// The mov pseudo instruction could be expanded to multiple mov instructions
// later. In this case, we could try to split the constant operand of mov
// instruction into two immediates which can be directly encoded into
// *Wri/*Xri instructions. It makes two AND/ADD/SUB instructions instead of
// multiple `mov` + `and/add/sub` instructions.
// 4. Remove redundant ORRWrs which is generated by zero-extend.
// %3:gpr32 = ORRWrs $wzr, %2, 0
// %4:gpr64 = SUBREG_TO_REG 0, %3, %subreg.sub_32
// If AArch64's 32-bit form of instruction defines the source operand of
// ORRWrs, we can remove the ORRWrs because the upper 32 bits of the source
// operand are set to zero.
// 5. %reg = INSERT_SUBREG %reg(tied-def 0), %subreg, subidx
// ==> %reg:subidx = SUBREG_TO_REG 0, %subreg, subidx
#include "AArch64ExpandImm.h"
#include "AArch64InstrInfo.h"
#include "MCTargetDesc/AArch64AddressingModes.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineDominators.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
using namespace llvm;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "aarch64-mi-peephole-opt"
namespace {
struct AArch64MIPeepholeOpt : public MachineFunctionPass {
static char ID;
AArch64MIPeepholeOpt() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {
const AArch64InstrInfo *TII;
const AArch64RegisterInfo *TRI;
MachineLoopInfo *MLI;
MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
using OpcodePair = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
template <typename T>
using SplitAndOpcFunc =
std::function<std::optional<OpcodePair>(T, unsigned, T &, T &)>;
using BuildMIFunc =
std::function<void(MachineInstr &, OpcodePair, unsigned, unsigned,
Register, Register, Register)>;
/// For instructions where an immediate operand could be split into two
/// separate immediate instructions, use the splitTwoPartImm two handle the
/// optimization.
/// To implement, the following function types must be passed to
/// splitTwoPartImm. A SplitAndOpcFunc must be implemented that determines if
/// splitting the immediate is valid and returns the associated new opcode. A
/// BuildMIFunc must be implemented to build the two immediate instructions.
/// Example Pattern (where IMM would require 2+ MOV instructions):
/// %dst = <Instr>rr %src IMM [...]
/// becomes:
/// %tmp = <Instr>ri %src (encode half IMM) [...]
/// %dst = <Instr>ri %tmp (encode half IMM) [...]
template <typename T>
bool splitTwoPartImm(MachineInstr &MI,
SplitAndOpcFunc<T> SplitAndOpc, BuildMIFunc BuildInstr);
bool checkMovImmInstr(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&MovMI,
MachineInstr *&SubregToRegMI);
template <typename T>
bool visitADDSUB(unsigned PosOpc, unsigned NegOpc, MachineInstr &MI);
template <typename T>
bool visitADDSSUBS(OpcodePair PosOpcs, OpcodePair NegOpcs, MachineInstr &MI);
template <typename T>
bool visitAND(unsigned Opc, MachineInstr &MI);
bool visitORR(MachineInstr &MI);
bool visitINSERT(MachineInstr &MI);
bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
StringRef getPassName() const override {
return "AArch64 MI Peephole Optimization pass";
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
char AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::ID = 0;
} // end anonymous namespace
INITIALIZE_PASS(AArch64MIPeepholeOpt, "aarch64-mi-peephole-opt",
"AArch64 MI Peephole Optimization", false, false)
template <typename T>
static bool splitBitmaskImm(T Imm, unsigned RegSize, T &Imm1Enc, T &Imm2Enc) {
T UImm = static_cast<T>(Imm);
if (AArch64_AM::isLogicalImmediate(UImm, RegSize))
return false;
// If this immediate can be handled by one instruction, do not split it.
SmallVector<AArch64_IMM::ImmInsnModel, 4> Insn;
AArch64_IMM::expandMOVImm(UImm, RegSize, Insn);
if (Insn.size() == 1)
return false;
// The bitmask immediate consists of consecutive ones. Let's say there is
// constant 0b00000000001000000000010000000000 which does not consist of
// consecutive ones. We can split it in to two bitmask immediate like
// 0b00000000001111111111110000000000 and 0b11111111111000000000011111111111.
// If we do AND with these two bitmask immediate, we can see original one.
unsigned LowestBitSet = countTrailingZeros(UImm);
unsigned HighestBitSet = Log2_64(UImm);
// Create a mask which is filled with one from the position of lowest bit set
// to the position of highest bit set.
T NewImm1 = (static_cast<T>(2) << HighestBitSet) -
(static_cast<T>(1) << LowestBitSet);
// Create a mask which is filled with one outside the position of lowest bit
// set and the position of highest bit set.
T NewImm2 = UImm | ~NewImm1;
// If the split value is not valid bitmask immediate, do not split this
// constant.
if (!AArch64_AM::isLogicalImmediate(NewImm2, RegSize))
return false;
Imm1Enc = AArch64_AM::encodeLogicalImmediate(NewImm1, RegSize);
Imm2Enc = AArch64_AM::encodeLogicalImmediate(NewImm2, RegSize);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::visitAND(
unsigned Opc, MachineInstr &MI) {
// Try below transformation.
// MOVi32imm + ANDWrr ==> ANDWri + ANDWri
// MOVi64imm + ANDXrr ==> ANDXri + ANDXri
// The mov pseudo instruction could be expanded to multiple mov instructions
// later. Let's try to split the constant operand of mov instruction into two
// bitmask immediates. It makes only two AND instructions intead of multiple
// mov + and instructions.
return splitTwoPartImm<T>(
[Opc](T Imm, unsigned RegSize, T &Imm0,
T &Imm1) -> std::optional<OpcodePair> {
if (splitBitmaskImm(Imm, RegSize, Imm0, Imm1))
return std::make_pair(Opc, Opc);
return std::nullopt;
[&TII = TII](MachineInstr &MI, OpcodePair Opcode, unsigned Imm0,
unsigned Imm1, Register SrcReg, Register NewTmpReg,
Register NewDstReg) {
DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(Opcode.first), NewTmpReg)
BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(Opcode.second), NewDstReg)
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::visitORR(MachineInstr &MI) {
// Check this ORR comes from below zero-extend pattern.
// def : Pat<(i64 (zext GPR32:$src)),
// (SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (ORRWrs WZR, GPR32:$src, 0), sub_32)>;
if (MI.getOperand(3).getImm() != 0)
return false;
if (MI.getOperand(1).getReg() != AArch64::WZR)
return false;
MachineInstr *SrcMI = MRI->getUniqueVRegDef(MI.getOperand(2).getReg());
if (!SrcMI)
return false;
// From
// When you use the 32-bit form of an instruction, the upper 32 bits of the
// source registers are ignored and the upper 32 bits of the destination
// register are set to zero.
// If AArch64's 32-bit form of instruction defines the source operand of
// zero-extend, we do not need the zero-extend. Let's check the MI's opcode is
// real AArch64 instruction and if it is not, do not process the opcode
// conservatively.
if (SrcMI->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::COPY &&
SrcMI->getOperand(1).getReg().isVirtual()) {
const TargetRegisterClass *RC =
// A COPY from an FPR will become a FMOVSWr, so do so now so that we know
// that the upper bits are zero.
if (RC != &AArch64::FPR32RegClass &&
((RC != &AArch64::FPR64RegClass && RC != &AArch64::FPR128RegClass) ||
SrcMI->getOperand(1).getSubReg() != AArch64::ssub))
return false;
Register CpySrc = SrcMI->getOperand(1).getReg();
if (SrcMI->getOperand(1).getSubReg() == AArch64::ssub) {
CpySrc = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&AArch64::FPR32RegClass);
BuildMI(*SrcMI->getParent(), SrcMI, SrcMI->getDebugLoc(),
TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), CpySrc)
BuildMI(*SrcMI->getParent(), SrcMI, SrcMI->getDebugLoc(),
TII->get(AArch64::FMOVSWr), SrcMI->getOperand(0).getReg())
else if (SrcMI->getOpcode() <= TargetOpcode::GENERIC_OP_END)
return false;
Register DefReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
Register SrcReg = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();
MRI->replaceRegWith(DefReg, SrcReg);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Removed: " << MI << "\n");
return true;
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::visitINSERT(MachineInstr &MI) {
// Check this INSERT_SUBREG comes from below zero-extend pattern.
// From %reg = INSERT_SUBREG %reg(tied-def 0), %subreg, subidx
// To %reg:subidx = SUBREG_TO_REG 0, %subreg, subidx
// We're assuming the first operand to INSERT_SUBREG is irrelevant because a
// COPY would destroy the upper part of the register anyway
if (!MI.isRegTiedToDefOperand(1))
return false;
Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
const TargetRegisterClass *RC = MRI->getRegClass(DstReg);
MachineInstr *SrcMI = MRI->getUniqueVRegDef(MI.getOperand(2).getReg());
if (!SrcMI)
return false;
// From
// When you use the 32-bit form of an instruction, the upper 32 bits of the
// source registers are ignored and the upper 32 bits of the destination
// register are set to zero.
// If AArch64's 32-bit form of instruction defines the source operand of
// zero-extend, we do not need the zero-extend. Let's check the MI's opcode is
// real AArch64 instruction and if it is not, do not process the opcode
// conservatively.
if ((SrcMI->getOpcode() <= TargetOpcode::GENERIC_OP_END) ||
return false;
// Build a SUBREG_TO_REG instruction
MachineInstr *SubregMI =
BuildMI(*MI.getParent(), MI, MI.getDebugLoc(),
TII->get(TargetOpcode::SUBREG_TO_REG), DstReg)
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << MI << " replace by:\n: " << *SubregMI << "\n");
return true;
template <typename T>
static bool splitAddSubImm(T Imm, unsigned RegSize, T &Imm0, T &Imm1) {
// The immediate must be in the form of ((imm0 << 12) + imm1), in which both
// imm0 and imm1 are non-zero 12-bit unsigned int.
if ((Imm & 0xfff000) == 0 || (Imm & 0xfff) == 0 ||
(Imm & ~static_cast<T>(0xffffff)) != 0)
return false;
// The immediate can not be composed via a single instruction.
SmallVector<AArch64_IMM::ImmInsnModel, 4> Insn;
AArch64_IMM::expandMOVImm(Imm, RegSize, Insn);
if (Insn.size() == 1)
return false;
// Split Imm into (Imm0 << 12) + Imm1;
Imm0 = (Imm >> 12) & 0xfff;
Imm1 = Imm & 0xfff;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::visitADDSUB(
unsigned PosOpc, unsigned NegOpc, MachineInstr &MI) {
// Try below transformation.
// MOVi32imm + ADDWrr ==> ADDWri + ADDWri
// MOVi64imm + ADDXrr ==> ADDXri + ADDXri
// MOVi32imm + SUBWrr ==> SUBWri + SUBWri
// MOVi64imm + SUBXrr ==> SUBXri + SUBXri
// The mov pseudo instruction could be expanded to multiple mov instructions
// later. Let's try to split the constant operand of mov instruction into two
// legal add/sub immediates. It makes only two ADD/SUB instructions intead of
// multiple `mov` + `and/sub` instructions.
return splitTwoPartImm<T>(
[PosOpc, NegOpc](T Imm, unsigned RegSize, T &Imm0,
T &Imm1) -> std::optional<OpcodePair> {
if (splitAddSubImm(Imm, RegSize, Imm0, Imm1))
return std::make_pair(PosOpc, PosOpc);
if (splitAddSubImm(-Imm, RegSize, Imm0, Imm1))
return std::make_pair(NegOpc, NegOpc);
return std::nullopt;
[&TII = TII](MachineInstr &MI, OpcodePair Opcode, unsigned Imm0,
unsigned Imm1, Register SrcReg, Register NewTmpReg,
Register NewDstReg) {
DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(Opcode.first), NewTmpReg)
BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(Opcode.second), NewDstReg)
template <typename T>
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::visitADDSSUBS(
OpcodePair PosOpcs, OpcodePair NegOpcs, MachineInstr &MI) {
// Try the same transformation as ADDSUB but with additional requirement
// that the condition code usages are only for Equal and Not Equal
return splitTwoPartImm<T>(
[PosOpcs, NegOpcs, &MI, &TRI = TRI,
&MRI = MRI](T Imm, unsigned RegSize, T &Imm0,
T &Imm1) -> std::optional<OpcodePair> {
OpcodePair OP;
if (splitAddSubImm(Imm, RegSize, Imm0, Imm1))
OP = PosOpcs;
else if (splitAddSubImm(-Imm, RegSize, Imm0, Imm1))
OP = NegOpcs;
return std::nullopt;
// Check conditional uses last since it is expensive for scanning
// proceeding instructions
MachineInstr &SrcMI = *MRI->getUniqueVRegDef(MI.getOperand(1).getReg());
std::optional<UsedNZCV> NZCVUsed = examineCFlagsUse(SrcMI, MI, *TRI);
if (!NZCVUsed || NZCVUsed->C || NZCVUsed->V)
return std::nullopt;
return OP;
[&TII = TII](MachineInstr &MI, OpcodePair Opcode, unsigned Imm0,
unsigned Imm1, Register SrcReg, Register NewTmpReg,
Register NewDstReg) {
DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(Opcode.first), NewTmpReg)
BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(Opcode.second), NewDstReg)
// Checks if the corresponding MOV immediate instruction is applicable for
// this peephole optimization.
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::checkMovImmInstr(MachineInstr &MI,
MachineInstr *&MovMI,
MachineInstr *&SubregToRegMI) {
// Check whether current MBB is in loop and the AND is loop invariant.
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
MachineLoop *L = MLI->getLoopFor(MBB);
if (L && !L->isLoopInvariant(MI))
return false;
// Check whether current MI's operand is MOV with immediate.
MovMI = MRI->getUniqueVRegDef(MI.getOperand(2).getReg());
if (!MovMI)
return false;
// If it is SUBREG_TO_REG, check its operand.
SubregToRegMI = nullptr;
if (MovMI->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::SUBREG_TO_REG) {
SubregToRegMI = MovMI;
MovMI = MRI->getUniqueVRegDef(MovMI->getOperand(2).getReg());
if (!MovMI)
return false;
if (MovMI->getOpcode() != AArch64::MOVi32imm &&
MovMI->getOpcode() != AArch64::MOVi64imm)
return false;
// If the MOV has multiple uses, do not split the immediate because it causes
// more instructions.
if (!MRI->hasOneUse(MovMI->getOperand(0).getReg()))
return false;
if (SubregToRegMI && !MRI->hasOneUse(SubregToRegMI->getOperand(0).getReg()))
return false;
// It is OK to perform this peephole optimization.
return true;
template <typename T>
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::splitTwoPartImm(
MachineInstr &MI,
SplitAndOpcFunc<T> SplitAndOpc, BuildMIFunc BuildInstr) {
unsigned RegSize = sizeof(T) * 8;
assert((RegSize == 32 || RegSize == 64) &&
"Invalid RegSize for legal immediate peephole optimization");
// Perform several essential checks against current MI.
MachineInstr *MovMI, *SubregToRegMI;
if (!checkMovImmInstr(MI, MovMI, SubregToRegMI))
return false;
// Split the immediate to Imm0 and Imm1, and calculate the Opcode.
T Imm = static_cast<T>(MovMI->getOperand(1).getImm()), Imm0, Imm1;
// For the 32 bit form of instruction, the upper 32 bits of the destination
// register are set to zero. If there is SUBREG_TO_REG, set the upper 32 bits
// of Imm to zero. This is essential if the Immediate value was a negative
// number since it was sign extended when we assign to the 64-bit Imm.
if (SubregToRegMI)
Imm &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
OpcodePair Opcode;
if (auto R = SplitAndOpc(Imm, RegSize, Imm0, Imm1))
Opcode = *R;
return false;
// Create new MIs using the first and second opcodes. Opcodes might differ for
// flag setting operations that should only set flags on second instruction.
// NewTmpReg = Opcode.first SrcReg Imm0
// NewDstReg = Opcode.second NewTmpReg Imm1
// Determine register classes for destinations and register operands
MachineFunction *MF = MI.getMF();
const TargetRegisterClass *FirstInstrDstRC =
TII->getRegClass(TII->get(Opcode.first), 0, TRI, *MF);
const TargetRegisterClass *FirstInstrOperandRC =
TII->getRegClass(TII->get(Opcode.first), 1, TRI, *MF);
const TargetRegisterClass *SecondInstrDstRC =
(Opcode.first == Opcode.second)
? FirstInstrDstRC
: TII->getRegClass(TII->get(Opcode.second), 0, TRI, *MF);
const TargetRegisterClass *SecondInstrOperandRC =
(Opcode.first == Opcode.second)
? FirstInstrOperandRC
: TII->getRegClass(TII->get(Opcode.second), 1, TRI, *MF);
// Get old registers destinations and new register destinations
Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
Register SrcReg = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
Register NewTmpReg = MRI->createVirtualRegister(FirstInstrDstRC);
// In the situation that DstReg is not Virtual (likely WZR or XZR), we want to
// reuse that same destination register.
Register NewDstReg = DstReg.isVirtual()
? MRI->createVirtualRegister(SecondInstrDstRC)
: DstReg;
// Constrain registers based on their new uses
MRI->constrainRegClass(SrcReg, FirstInstrOperandRC);
MRI->constrainRegClass(NewTmpReg, SecondInstrOperandRC);
if (DstReg != NewDstReg)
MRI->constrainRegClass(NewDstReg, MRI->getRegClass(DstReg));
// Call the delegating operation to build the instruction
BuildInstr(MI, Opcode, Imm0, Imm1, SrcReg, NewTmpReg, NewDstReg);
// replaceRegWith changes MI's definition register. Keep it for SSA form until
// deleting MI. Only if we made a new destination register.
if (DstReg != NewDstReg) {
MRI->replaceRegWith(DstReg, NewDstReg);
// Record the MIs need to be removed.
if (SubregToRegMI)
return true;
bool AArch64MIPeepholeOpt::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
if (skipFunction(MF.getFunction()))
return false;
TII = static_cast<const AArch64InstrInfo *>(MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo());
TRI = static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo *>(
MLI = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
assert(MRI->isSSA() && "Expected to be run on SSA form!");
bool Changed = false;
for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF) {
for (MachineInstr &MI : make_early_inc_range(MBB)) {
switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
case AArch64::INSERT_SUBREG:
Changed = visitINSERT(MI);
case AArch64::ANDWrr:
Changed = visitAND<uint32_t>(AArch64::ANDWri, MI);
case AArch64::ANDXrr:
Changed = visitAND<uint64_t>(AArch64::ANDXri, MI);
case AArch64::ORRWrs:
Changed = visitORR(MI);
case AArch64::ADDWrr:
Changed = visitADDSUB<uint32_t>(AArch64::ADDWri, AArch64::SUBWri, MI);
case AArch64::SUBWrr:
Changed = visitADDSUB<uint32_t>(AArch64::SUBWri, AArch64::ADDWri, MI);
case AArch64::ADDXrr:
Changed = visitADDSUB<uint64_t>(AArch64::ADDXri, AArch64::SUBXri, MI);
case AArch64::SUBXrr:
Changed = visitADDSUB<uint64_t>(AArch64::SUBXri, AArch64::ADDXri, MI);
case AArch64::ADDSWrr:
Changed = visitADDSSUBS<uint32_t>({AArch64::ADDWri, AArch64::ADDSWri},
{AArch64::SUBWri, AArch64::SUBSWri},
case AArch64::SUBSWrr:
Changed = visitADDSSUBS<uint32_t>({AArch64::SUBWri, AArch64::SUBSWri},
{AArch64::ADDWri, AArch64::ADDSWri},
case AArch64::ADDSXrr:
Changed = visitADDSSUBS<uint64_t>({AArch64::ADDXri, AArch64::ADDSXri},
{AArch64::SUBXri, AArch64::SUBSXri},
case AArch64::SUBSXrr:
Changed = visitADDSSUBS<uint64_t>({AArch64::SUBXri, AArch64::SUBSXri},
{AArch64::ADDXri, AArch64::ADDSXri},
return Changed;
FunctionPass *llvm::createAArch64MIPeepholeOptPass() {
return new AArch64MIPeepholeOpt();