blob: b6003fcb8b93b251d5039bd5063e48119db59aad [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- LVRange.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This implements the LVRange class.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Core/LVRange.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Core/LVLocation.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Core/LVOptions.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::logicalview;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "Range"
void LVRange::startSearch() {
LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\nRanges Tree entries:\n"; });
// Traverse the ranges and store them into the interval tree.
for (LVRangeEntry &RangeEntry : RangeEntries) {
LVScope *Scope = RangeEntry.scope();
dbgs() << "Scope: " << format_decimal(Scope->getLevel(), 5) << " "
<< "Range: [" << hexValue(RangeEntry.lower()) << ":"
<< hexValue(RangeEntry.upper()) << "]\n";
RangesTree.insert(RangeEntry.lower(), RangeEntry.upper(),
// Create the interval tree.
dbgs() << "\nRanges Tree:\n";
// Add the pair in an ascending order, with the smallest ranges at the
// start; in that way, enclosing scopes ranges are at the end of the
// list; we assume that low <= high.
void LVRange::addEntry(LVScope *Scope, LVAddress LowerAddress,
LVAddress UpperAddress) {
// We assume the low <= high.
if (LowerAddress > UpperAddress)
std::swap(LowerAddress, UpperAddress);
// Record the lowest and highest seen addresses.
if (LowerAddress < Lower)
Lower = LowerAddress;
if (UpperAddress > Upper)
Upper = UpperAddress;
// Just add the scope and range pair, in no particular order.
RangeEntries.emplace_back(LowerAddress, UpperAddress, Scope);
void LVRange::addEntry(LVScope *Scope) {
assert(Scope && "Scope must not be nullptr");
// Traverse the ranges and update the ranges set only if the ranges
// values are not already recorded.
if (const LVLocations *Locations = Scope->getRanges())
for (const LVLocation *Location : *Locations) {
LVAddress LowPC = Location->getLowerAddress();
LVAddress HighPC = Location->getUpperAddress();
if (!hasEntry(LowPC, HighPC))
// Add the pair of addresses.
addEntry(Scope, LowPC, HighPC);
// Get the scope associated with the input address.
LVScope *LVRange::getEntry(LVAddress Address) const {
LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << format("Searching: 0x%08x\nFound: ", Address); });
LVScope *Target = nullptr;
LVLevel TargetLevel = 0;
LVLevel Level = 0;
LVScope *Scope = nullptr;
for (LVRangesTree::find_iterator Iter = RangesTree.find(Address),
End = RangesTree.find_end();
Iter != End; ++Iter) {
{ dbgs() << format("[0x%08x,0x%08x] ", Iter->left(), Iter->right()); });
Scope = Iter->value();
Level = Scope->getLevel();
if (Level > TargetLevel) {
TargetLevel = Level;
Target = Scope;
LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << (Scope ? "\n" : "None\n"); });
return Target;
// Find the associated Scope for the given ranges values.
LVScope *LVRange::getEntry(LVAddress LowerAddress,
LVAddress UpperAddress) const {
for (const LVRangeEntry &RangeEntry : RangeEntries)
if (LowerAddress >= RangeEntry.lower() && UpperAddress < RangeEntry.upper())
return RangeEntry.scope();
return nullptr;
// True if the range addresses contain the pair [LowerAddress, UpperAddress].
bool LVRange::hasEntry(LVAddress LowerAddress, LVAddress UpperAddress) const {
for (const LVRangeEntry &RangeEntry : RangeEntries)
if (LowerAddress == RangeEntry.lower() &&
UpperAddress == RangeEntry.upper())
return true;
return false;
// Sort the range elements for the whole Compile Unit.
void LVRange::sort() {
auto CompareRangeEntry = [](const LVRangeEntry &lhs,
const LVRangeEntry &rhs) -> bool {
if (lhs.lower() < rhs.lower())
return true;
// If the lower address is the same, use the upper address value in
// order to put first the smallest interval.
if (lhs.lower() == rhs.lower())
return lhs.upper() < rhs.upper();
return false;
// Sort the ranges using low address and range size.
std::stable_sort(RangeEntries.begin(), RangeEntries.end(), CompareRangeEntry);
void LVRange::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool Full) const {
size_t Indentation = 0;
for (const LVRangeEntry &RangeEntry : RangeEntries) {
LVScope *Scope = RangeEntry.scope();
Scope->printAttributes(OS, Full);
Indentation = options().indentationSize();
if (Indentation)
OS << " ";
OS << format("[0x%08x,0x%08x] ", RangeEntry.lower(), RangeEntry.upper())
<< formattedKind(Scope->kind()) << " " << formattedName(Scope->getName())
<< "\n";
printExtra(OS, Full);