blob: e90aad014ad9b770886e497f337b81baf92b43b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "SpirvShader.hpp"
#include "SamplerCore.hpp" // TODO: Figure out what's needed.
#include "System/Math.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkBuffer.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDescriptorSet.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkPipelineLayout.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkImageView.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkSampler.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDescriptorSetLayout.hpp"
#include "Device/Config.hpp"
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
#include <spirv/unified1/GLSL.std.450.h>
#include <mutex>
#ifdef Bool
#undef Bool // b/127920555
#undef None
namespace sw {
SpirvShader::ImageSampler *SpirvShader::getImageSampler(vk::ImageView *imageView, vk::Sampler *sampler)
// TODO: Move somewhere sensible.
static std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, ImageSampler*> cache;
static std::mutex mutex;
// TODO: Don't use pointers they can be deleted and reused, combine some two
// unique ids.
auto key = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(imageView) ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sampler);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
auto it = cache.find(key);
if (it != cache.end()) { return it->second; }
// TODO: Hold a separate mutex lock for the sampler being built.
auto function = rr::Function<Void(Pointer<Byte> image, Pointer<SIMD::Float>, Pointer<SIMD::Float>)>();
Pointer<Byte> image = function.Arg<0>();
Pointer<SIMD::Float> in = function.Arg<1>();
Pointer<SIMD::Float> out = function.Arg<2>();
emitSamplerFunction(imageView, sampler, image, in, out);
auto fptr = reinterpret_cast<ImageSampler*>((void *)function("sampler")->getEntry());
cache.emplace(key, fptr);
return fptr;
void SpirvShader::emitSamplerFunction(
vk::ImageView *imageView, vk::Sampler *sampler,
Pointer<Byte> image, Pointer<SIMD::Float> in, Pointer<Byte> out)
SIMD::Float u = in[0];
SIMD::Float v = in[1];
Pointer<Byte> constants; // FIXME(b/129523279)
Sampler::State samplerState;
samplerState.textureType = TEXTURE_2D; ASSERT(imageView->getType() == VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.textureFormat = imageView->getFormat();
samplerState.textureFilter = FILTER_POINT; ASSERT(sampler->magFilter == VK_FILTER_NEAREST); ASSERT(sampler->minFilter == VK_FILTER_NEAREST); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.addressingModeU = ADDRESSING_WRAP; ASSERT(sampler->addressModeU == VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.addressingModeV = ADDRESSING_WRAP; ASSERT(sampler->addressModeV == VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.addressingModeW = ADDRESSING_WRAP; ASSERT(sampler->addressModeW == VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.mipmapFilter = MIPMAP_POINT; ASSERT(sampler->mipmapMode == VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_NEAREST); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.sRGB = false; ASSERT(imageView->getFormat().isSRGBformat() == false); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.swizzleR = SWIZZLE_RED; ASSERT(imageView->getComponentMapping().r == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.swizzleG = SWIZZLE_GREEN; ASSERT(imageView->getComponentMapping().g == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_G); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.swizzleB = SWIZZLE_BLUE; ASSERT(imageView->getComponentMapping().b == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_B); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.swizzleA = SWIZZLE_ALPHA; ASSERT(imageView->getComponentMapping().a == VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_A); // TODO(b/129523279)
samplerState.highPrecisionFiltering = false; = COMPARE_BYPASS; ASSERT(sampler->compareEnable == VK_FALSE); // TODO(b/129523279)
// minLod // TODO(b/129523279)
// maxLod // TODO(b/129523279)
// borderColor // TODO(b/129523279)
ASSERT(sampler->mipLodBias == 0.0f); // TODO(b/129523279)
ASSERT(sampler->anisotropyEnable == VK_FALSE); // TODO(b/129523279)
ASSERT(sampler->unnormalizedCoordinates == VK_FALSE); // TODO(b/129523279)
SamplerCore s(constants, samplerState);
Pointer<Byte> texture = image + OFFSET(vk::SampledImageDescriptor, texture); // sw::Texture*
SIMD::Float w(0); // TODO(b/129523279)
SIMD::Float q(0); // TODO(b/129523279)
SIMD::Float bias(0); // TODO(b/129523279)
Vector4f dsx; // TODO(b/129523279)
Vector4f dsy; // TODO(b/129523279)
Vector4f offset; // TODO(b/129523279)
SamplerFunction samplerFunction = { Implicit, None }; // ASSERT(insn.wordCount() == 5); // TODO(b/129523279)
Vector4f sample = s.sampleTextureF(texture, u, v, w, q, bias, dsx, dsy, offset, samplerFunction);
Pointer<SIMD::Float> rgba = out;
rgba[0] = sample.x;
rgba[1] = sample.y;
rgba[2] = sample.z;
rgba[3] = sample.w;
// TODO(b/129523279): Add a Sampler::sampleTextureI() method.
Pointer<SIMD::Int> rgba = out;
rgba[0] = As<SIMD::Int>(sample.x * SIMD::Float(0xFF));
rgba[1] = As<SIMD::Int>(sample.y * SIMD::Float(0xFF));
rgba[2] = As<SIMD::Int>(sample.z * SIMD::Float(0xFF));
rgba[3] = As<SIMD::Int>(sample.w * SIMD::Float(0xFF));
} // namespace sw