blob: 92439a0096bc6398f7ccf616b9788ae0aa1509e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
#include "SpirvShader.hpp"
#include "System/Math.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "Device/Config.hpp"
namespace sw
volatile int SpirvShader::serialCounter = 1; // Start at 1, 0 is invalid shader.
SpirvShader::SpirvShader(InsnStore const &insns)
: insns{insns}, inputs{MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS},
serialID{serialCounter++}, modes{}
// Simplifying assumptions (to be satisfied by earlier transformations)
// - There is exactly one entrypoint in the module, and it's the one we want
// - The only input/output OpVariables present are those used by the entrypoint
for (auto insn : *this)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpExecutionMode:
case spv::OpDecorate:
auto targetId = insn.word(1);
auto decoration = static_cast<spv::Decoration>(insn.word(2));
insn.wordCount() > 3 ? insn.word(3) : 0);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationCentroid)
modes.NeedsCentroid = true;
case spv::OpMemberDecorate:
auto targetId = insn.word(1);
auto memberIndex = insn.word(2);
auto &d = memberDecorations[targetId];
if (memberIndex >= d.size())
d.resize(memberIndex + 1); // on demand; exact size would require another pass...
auto decoration = static_cast<spv::Decoration>(insn.word(3));
insn.wordCount() > 4 ? insn.word(4) : 0);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationCentroid)
modes.NeedsCentroid = true;
case spv::OpDecorationGroup:
// Nothing to do here. We don't need to record the definition of the group; we'll just have
// the bundle of decorations float around. If we were to ever walk the decorations directly,
// we might think about introducing this as a real Object.
case spv::OpGroupDecorate:
auto const &srcDecorations = decorations[insn.word(1)];
for (auto i = 2u; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
// remaining operands are targets to apply the group to.
case spv::OpGroupMemberDecorate:
auto const &srcDecorations = decorations[insn.word(1)];
for (auto i = 2u; i < insn.wordCount(); i += 2)
// remaining operands are pairs of <id>, literal for members to apply to.
auto &d = memberDecorations[insn.word(i)];
auto memberIndex = insn.word(i + 1);
if (memberIndex >= d.size())
d.resize(memberIndex + 1); // on demand resize, see above...
case spv::OpTypeVoid:
case spv::OpTypeBool:
case spv::OpTypeInt:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
case spv::OpTypePointer:
case spv::OpTypeFunction:
auto resultId = insn.word(1);
auto &object = types[resultId];
object.kind = Object::Kind::Type;
object.definition = insn;
object.sizeInComponents = ComputeTypeSize(insn);
// A structure is a builtin block if it has a builtin
// member. All members of such a structure are builtins.
if (insn.opcode() == spv::OpTypeStruct)
auto d = memberDecorations.find(resultId);
if (d != memberDecorations.end())
for (auto &m : d->second)
if (m.HasBuiltIn)
object.isBuiltInBlock = true;
else if (insn.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer)
auto pointeeType = insn.word(3);
object.isBuiltInBlock = getType(pointeeType).isBuiltInBlock;
case spv::OpVariable:
auto typeId = insn.word(1);
auto resultId = insn.word(2);
auto storageClass = static_cast<spv::StorageClass>(insn.word(3));
if (insn.wordCount() > 4)
UNIMPLEMENTED("Variable initializers not yet supported");
auto &object = defs[resultId];
object.kind = Object::Kind::Variable;
object.definition = insn;
object.storageClass = storageClass;
auto &type = getType(typeId);
object.sizeInComponents = type.sizeInComponents;
object.isBuiltInBlock = type.isBuiltInBlock;
// Register builtins
if (storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput || storageClass == spv::StorageClassOutput)
case spv::OpConstant:
case spv::OpConstantComposite:
case spv::OpConstantFalse:
case spv::OpConstantTrue:
case spv::OpConstantNull:
auto typeId = insn.word(1);
auto resultId = insn.word(2);
auto &object = defs[resultId];
object.kind = Object::Kind::Constant;
object.definition = insn;
object.sizeInComponents = getType(typeId).sizeInComponents;
case spv::OpCapability:
// Various capabilities will be declared, but none affect our code generation at this point.
case spv::OpMemoryModel:
// Memory model does not affect our code generation until we decide to do Vulkan Memory Model support.
case spv::OpEntryPoint:
// Due to preprocessing, the entrypoint provides no value.
printf("Warning: ignored opcode %u\n", insn.opcode());
break; // This is OK, these passes are intentionally partial
void SpirvShader::ProcessInterfaceVariable(Object &object)
assert(object.storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput || object.storageClass == spv::StorageClassOutput);
auto &builtinInterface = (object.storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput) ? inputBuiltins : outputBuiltins;
auto &userDefinedInterface = (object.storageClass == spv::StorageClassInput) ? inputs : outputs;
auto resultId = object.definition.word(2);
if (object.isBuiltInBlock)
// walk the builtin block, registering each of its members separately.
auto ptrType = getType(object.definition.word(1)).definition;
assert(ptrType.opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer);
auto pointeeType = ptrType.word(3);
auto m = memberDecorations.find(pointeeType);
assert(m != memberDecorations.end()); // otherwise we wouldn't have marked the type chain
auto &structType = getType(pointeeType).definition;
auto offset = 0u;
auto word = 2u;
for (auto &member : m->second)
auto &memberType = getType(structType.word(word));
if (member.HasBuiltIn)
builtinInterface[member.BuiltIn] = {resultId, offset, memberType.sizeInComponents};
offset += memberType.sizeInComponents;
auto d = decorations.find(resultId);
if (d != decorations.end() && d->second.HasBuiltIn)
builtinInterface[d->second.BuiltIn] = {resultId, 0, object.sizeInComponents};
object.kind = Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable;
PopulateInterface(&userDefinedInterface, resultId);
void SpirvShader::ProcessExecutionMode(InsnIterator insn)
auto mode = static_cast<spv::ExecutionMode>(insn.word(2));
switch (mode)
case spv::ExecutionModeEarlyFragmentTests:
modes.EarlyFragmentTests = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthReplacing:
modes.DepthReplacing = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthGreater:
modes.DepthGreater = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthLess:
modes.DepthLess = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeDepthUnchanged:
modes.DepthUnchanged = true;
case spv::ExecutionModeLocalSize:
modes.LocalSizeX = insn.word(3);
modes.LocalSizeZ = insn.word(5);
modes.LocalSizeY = insn.word(4);
case spv::ExecutionModeOriginUpperLeft:
// This is always the case for a Vulkan shader. Do nothing.
UNIMPLEMENTED("No other execution modes are permitted");
uint32_t SpirvShader::ComputeTypeSize(sw::SpirvShader::InsnIterator insn)
// Types are always built from the bottom up (with the exception of forward ptrs, which
// don't appear in Vulkan shaders. Therefore, we can always assume our component parts have
// already been described (and so their sizes determined)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpTypeVoid:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeFunction:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
// Objects that don't consume any space.
// Descriptor-backed objects currently only need exist at compile-time.
// Runtime arrays don't appear in places where their size would be interesting
return 0;
case spv::OpTypeBool:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
case spv::OpTypeInt:
// All the fundamental types are 1 component. If we ever add support for 8/16/64-bit components,
// we might need to change this, but only 32 bit components are required for Vulkan 1.1.
return 1;
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
// Vectors and matrices both consume element count * element size.
return getType(insn.word(2)).sizeInComponents * insn.word(3);
case spv::OpTypeArray:
// Element count * element size. Array sizes come from constant ids.
auto arraySize = GetConstantInt(insn.word(3));
return getType(insn.word(2)).sizeInComponents * arraySize;
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
uint32_t size = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 2u; i < insn.wordCount(); i++)
size += getType(insn.word(i)).sizeInComponents;
return size;
case spv::OpTypePointer:
// Pointer 'size' is just pointee size
// TODO: this isn't really correct. we should look through pointers as appropriate.
return getType(insn.word(3)).sizeInComponents;
// Some other random insn.
UNIMPLEMENTED("Only types are supported");
void SpirvShader::PopulateInterfaceSlot(std::vector<InterfaceComponent> *iface, Decorations const &d, AttribType type)
// Populate a single scalar slot in the interface from a collection of decorations and the intended component type.
auto scalarSlot = (d.Location << 2) | d.Component;
assert(scalarSlot >= 0 && scalarSlot < static_cast<int32_t>(iface->size()));
auto &slot = (*iface)[scalarSlot];
slot.Type = type;
slot.Flat = d.Flat;
slot.NoPerspective = d.NoPerspective;
slot.Centroid = d.Centroid;
int SpirvShader::PopulateInterfaceInner(std::vector<InterfaceComponent> *iface, uint32_t id, Decorations d)
// Recursively walks variable definition and its type tree, taking into account
// any explicit Location or Component decorations encountered; where explicit
// Locations or Components are not specified, assigns them sequentially.
// Collected decorations are carried down toward the leaves and across
// siblings; Effect of decorations intentionally does not flow back up the tree.
// Returns the next available location.
// This covers the rules in Vulkan 1.1 spec, 14.1.4 Location Assignment.
auto const it = decorations.find(id);
if (it != decorations.end())
auto const &obj = getType(id);
switch (obj.definition.opcode())
case spv::OpTypePointer:
return PopulateInterfaceInner(iface, obj.definition.word(3), d);
case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
for (auto i = 0u; i < obj.definition.word(3); i++, d.Location++)
// consumes same components of N consecutive locations
PopulateInterfaceInner(iface, obj.definition.word(2), d);
return d.Location;
case spv::OpTypeVector:
for (auto i = 0u; i < obj.definition.word(3); i++, d.Component++)
// consumes N consecutive components in the same location
PopulateInterfaceInner(iface, obj.definition.word(2), d);
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
PopulateInterfaceSlot(iface, d, ATTRIBTYPE_FLOAT);
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeInt:
PopulateInterfaceSlot(iface, d, obj.definition.word(3) ? ATTRIBTYPE_INT : ATTRIBTYPE_UINT);
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeBool:
PopulateInterfaceSlot(iface, d, ATTRIBTYPE_UINT);
return d.Location + 1;
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
auto const memberDecorationsIt = memberDecorations.find(id);
// iterate over members, which may themselves have Location/Component decorations
for (auto i = 0u; i < obj.definition.wordCount() - 2; i++)
// Apply any member decorations for this member to the carried state.
if (memberDecorationsIt != memberDecorations.end() && i < memberDecorationsIt->second.size())
d.Location = PopulateInterfaceInner(iface, obj.definition.word(i + 2), d);
d.Component = 0; // Implicit locations always have component=0
return d.Location;
case spv::OpTypeArray:
auto arraySize = GetConstantInt(obj.definition.word(3));
for (auto i = 0u; i < arraySize; i++)
d.Location = PopulateInterfaceInner(iface, obj.definition.word(2), d);
return d.Location;
// Intentionally partial; most opcodes do not participate in type hierarchies
return 0;
void SpirvShader::PopulateInterface(std::vector<InterfaceComponent> *iface, uint32_t id)
// Walk a variable definition and populate the interface from it.
Decorations d{};
auto const it = decorations.find(id);
if (it != decorations.end())
auto def = getObject(id).definition;
assert(def.opcode() == spv::OpVariable);
PopulateInterfaceInner(iface, def.word(1), d);
void SpirvShader::Decorations::Apply(spv::Decoration decoration, uint32_t arg)
switch (decoration)
case spv::DecorationLocation:
HasLocation = true;
Location = static_cast<int32_t>(arg);
case spv::DecorationComponent:
HasComponent = true;
Component = arg;
case spv::DecorationBuiltIn:
HasBuiltIn = true;
BuiltIn = static_cast<spv::BuiltIn>(arg);
case spv::DecorationFlat:
Flat = true;
case spv::DecorationNoPerspective:
NoPerspective = true;
case spv::DecorationCentroid:
Centroid = true;
case spv::DecorationBlock:
Block = true;
case spv::DecorationBufferBlock:
BufferBlock = true;
// Intentionally partial, there are many decorations we just don't care about.
void SpirvShader::Decorations::Apply(const sw::SpirvShader::Decorations &src)
// Apply a decoration group to this set of decorations
if (src.HasBuiltIn)
HasBuiltIn = true;
BuiltIn = src.BuiltIn;
if (src.HasLocation)
HasLocation = true;
Location = src.Location;
if (src.HasComponent)
HasComponent = true;
Component = src.Component;
Flat |= src.Flat;
NoPerspective |= src.NoPerspective;
Centroid |= src.Centroid;
Block |= src.Block;
BufferBlock |= src.BufferBlock;
uint32_t SpirvShader::GetConstantInt(uint32_t id)
// Slightly hackish access to constants very early in translation.
// General consumption of constants by other instructions should
// probably be just lowered to Reactor.
// TODO: not encountered yet since we only use this for array sizes etc,
// but is possible to construct integer constant 0 via OpConstantNull.
auto insn = defs[id].definition;
assert(insn.opcode() == spv::OpConstant);
assert(getType(insn.word(1)).definition.opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt);
return insn.word(3);
// emit-time
void SpirvShader::emitEarly(SpirvRoutine *routine) const
for (auto insn : *this)
switch (insn.opcode())
case spv::OpVariable:
auto &object = getObject(insn.word(2));
// Want to exclude: location-oriented interface variables; special things that consume zero slots.
// TODO: what to do about zero-slot objects?
if (object.kind != Object::Kind::InterfaceVariable && object.sizeInComponents > 0)
// any variable not in a location-oriented interface
routine->lvalues.emplace(insn.word(2), std::unique_ptr<Array<Float4>>(
new Array<Float4>(object.sizeInComponents)));
printf("emitEarly: ignoring opcode %d\n", insn.opcode());
void SpirvShader::emit(SpirvRoutine *routine) const
(void) routine;
for (auto insn : *this)
switch (insn.opcode())
printf("emit: ignoring opcode %d\n", insn.opcode());