| ; Tests the Subzero "name mangling" when using the "llvm2ice --prefix" |
| ; option. |
| |
| ; RUN: %llvm2ice --verbose none %s | FileCheck %s |
| ; TODO: The following line causes this test to fail. |
| ; RUIN: %llvm2ice --verbose none %s | llvm-mc -x86-asm-syntax=intel |
| ; RUN: %llvm2ice --verbose none --prefix Subzero %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=MANGLE %s |
| ; RUN: %llvm2ice --verbose none %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERRORS %s |
| ; RUN: %llvm2iceinsts %s | %szdiff %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=DUMP %s |
| ; RUN: %llvm2iceinsts --pnacl %s | %szdiff %s \ |
| ; RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=DUMP %s |
| |
| define internal void @FuncC(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; FuncC is a C symbol that isn't recognized as a C++ mangled symbol. |
| ; CHECK: FuncC: |
| ; MANGLE: SubzeroFuncC |
| |
| define internal void @_ZN13TestNamespace4FuncEi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; This is Func(int) nested inside namespace TestNamespace. |
| ; CHECK: _ZN13TestNamespace4FuncEi: |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero13TestNamespace4FuncEi: |
| |
| define internal void @_ZN13TestNamespace15NestedNamespace4FuncEi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; This is Func(int) nested inside two namespaces. |
| ; CHECK: _ZN13TestNamespace15NestedNamespace4FuncEi: |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero13TestNamespace15NestedNamespace4FuncEi: |
| |
| define internal void @_Z13FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; This is a non-nested, mangled C++ symbol. |
| ; CHECK: _Z13FuncCPlusPlusi: |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero13FuncCPlusPlusEi: |
| |
| define internal void @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18FuncAnonEi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; This is FuncAnon(int) nested inside an anonymous namespace. |
| ; CHECK: _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18FuncAnonEi: |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero12_GLOBAL__N_18FuncAnonEi: |
| |
| ; Now for the illegitimate examples. |
| |
| ; Test for _ZN with no suffix. Don't crash, prepend Subzero. |
| define internal void @_ZN(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: Subzero_ZN: |
| |
| ; Test for _Z<len><str> where <len> is smaller than it should be. |
| define internal void @_Z12FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero12FuncCPlusPluEsi: |
| |
| ; Test for _Z<len><str> where <len> is slightly larger than it should be. |
| define internal void @_Z14FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero14FuncCPlusPlusiE: |
| |
| ; Test for _Z<len><str> where <len> is much larger than it should be. |
| define internal void @_Z114FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: Subzero_Z114FuncCPlusPlusi: |
| |
| ; Test for _Z<len><str> where we try to overflow the uint32_t holding <len>. |
| define internal void @_Z4294967296FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: Subzero_Z4294967296FuncCPlusPlusi: |
| |
| ; Test for _Z<len><str> where <len> is 0. |
| define internal void @_Z0FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero0EFuncCPlusPlusi: |
| |
| ; Test for _Z<len><str> where <len> is -1. LLVM explicitly allows the |
| ; '-' character in identifiers. |
| |
| define internal void @_Z-1FuncCPlusPlusi(i32 %i) { |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| ; MANGLE: Subzero_Z-1FuncCPlusPlusi: |
| |
| |
| ; Test for substitution incrementing. This single test captures: |
| ; S<num>_ ==> S<num+1>_ for single-digit <num> |
| ; S_ ==> S0_ |
| ; String length increase, e.g. SZZZ_ ==> S1000_ |
| ; At least one digit wrapping without length increase, e.g. SZ9ZZ_ ==> SZA00_ |
| ; Unrelated identifiers containing S[0-9A-Z]* , e.g. MyClassS1x |
| ; A proper substring of S<num>_ at the end of the string |
| ; (to test parser edge cases) |
| |
| define internal void @_Z3fooP10MyClassS1xP10MyClassS2xRS_RS1_S_S1_SZZZ_SZ9ZZ_S12345() { |
| ; MANGLE: _ZN7Subzero3fooEP10MyClassS1xP10MyClassS2xRS0_RS2_S0_S2_S1000_SZA00_S12345: |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| ; Test that unmangled (non-C++) strings don't have substitutions updated. |
| define internal void @foo_S_S0_SZ_S() { |
| ; MANGLE: Subzerofoo_S_S0_SZ_S: |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| ; ERRORS-NOT: ICE translation error |
| ; DUMP-NOT: SZ |