blob: 13a7c936d74c3be803576c558c59bf0b5f4d373a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_Renderer_hpp
#define sw_Renderer_hpp
#include "VertexProcessor.hpp"
#include "PixelProcessor.hpp"
#include "SetupProcessor.hpp"
#include "Plane.hpp"
#include "Blitter.hpp"
#include "Device/Config.hpp"
#include "System/Synchronization.hpp"
#include "System/Thread.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDescriptorSet.hpp"
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
namespace vk
class DescriptorSet;
class Query;
namespace sw
struct DrawCall;
class PixelShader;
class VertexShader;
struct Task;
class TaskEvents;
class Resource;
struct Constants;
struct DrawData
const Constants *constants;
vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings descriptorSets = {};
vk::DescriptorSet::DynamicOffsets descriptorDynamicOffsets = {};
const void *input[MAX_VERTEX_INPUTS];
unsigned int stride[MAX_VERTEX_INPUTS];
const void *indices;
int instanceID;
int baseVertex;
float lineWidth;
PixelProcessor::Stencil stencil[2]; // clockwise, counterclockwise
PixelProcessor::Factor factor;
unsigned int occlusion[16]; // Number of pixels passing depth test
float4 Wx16;
float4 Hx16;
float4 X0x16;
float4 Y0x16;
float4 halfPixelX;
float4 halfPixelY;
float viewportHeight;
float slopeDepthBias;
float depthRange;
float depthNear;
Plane clipPlane[6];
unsigned int *colorBuffer[RENDERTARGETS];
int colorPitchB[RENDERTARGETS];
int colorSliceB[RENDERTARGETS];
float *depthBuffer;
int depthPitchB;
int depthSliceB;
unsigned char *stencilBuffer;
int stencilPitchB;
int stencilSliceB;
int scissorX0;
int scissorX1;
int scissorY0;
int scissorY1;
float4 a2c0;
float4 a2c1;
float4 a2c2;
float4 a2c3;
PushConstantStorage pushConstants;
class Renderer : public VertexProcessor, public PixelProcessor, public SetupProcessor
struct Task
enum Type
AtomicInt type;
AtomicInt primitiveUnit;
AtomicInt pixelCluster;
struct PrimitiveProgress
void init()
drawCall = 0;
firstPrimitive = 0;
primitiveCount = 0;
visible = 0;
references = 0;
AtomicInt drawCall;
AtomicInt firstPrimitive;
AtomicInt primitiveCount;
AtomicInt visible;
AtomicInt references;
struct PixelProgress
void init()
drawCall = 0;
processedPrimitives = 0;
executing = false;
AtomicInt drawCall;
AtomicInt processedPrimitives;
AtomicInt executing;
virtual ~Renderer();
void *operator new(size_t size);
void operator delete(void * mem);
bool hasQueryOfType(VkQueryType type) const;
void draw(const sw::Context* context, VkIndexType indexType, unsigned int count, int baseVertex, TaskEvents *events, bool update = true);
// Viewport & Clipper
void setViewport(const VkViewport &viewport);
void setScissor(const VkRect2D &scissor);
void addQuery(vk::Query *query);
void removeQuery(vk::Query *query);
void advanceInstanceAttributes(Stream* inputs);
void synchronize();
static int getClusterCount() { return clusterCount; }
static void threadFunction(void *parameters);
void threadLoop(int threadIndex);
void taskLoop(int threadIndex);
void findAvailableTasks();
void scheduleTask(int threadIndex);
void executeTask(int threadIndex);
void finishRendering(Task &pixelTask);
void processPrimitiveVertices(int unit, unsigned int start, unsigned int count, unsigned int loop, int thread);
int setupTriangles(int batch, int count);
int setupLines(int batch, int count);
int setupPoints(int batch, int count);
bool setupLine(Primitive &primitive, Triangle &triangle, const DrawCall &draw);
bool setupPoint(Primitive &primitive, Triangle &triangle, const DrawCall &draw);
void updateConfiguration(bool initialUpdate = false);
void initializeThreads();
void terminateThreads();
VkViewport viewport;
VkRect2D scissor;
int clipFlags;
Triangle *triangleBatch[16];
Primitive *primitiveBatch[16];
AtomicInt exitThreads;
AtomicInt threadsAwake;
std::thread *worker[16];
Event *resume[16]; // Events for resuming threads
Event *suspend[16]; // Events for suspending threads
Event *resumeApp; // Event for resuming the application thread
PrimitiveProgress primitiveProgress[16];
PixelProgress pixelProgress[16];
Task task[16]; // Current tasks for threads
enum {
DRAW_COUNT = 16, // Number of draw calls buffered (must be power of 2)
DrawCall *drawCall[DRAW_COUNT];
DrawCall *drawList[DRAW_COUNT];
AtomicInt currentDraw;
AtomicInt nextDraw;
enum {
TASK_COUNT = 32, // Size of the task queue (must be power of 2)
Task taskQueue[TASK_COUNT];
AtomicInt qHead;
AtomicInt qSize;
static AtomicInt unitCount;
static AtomicInt clusterCount;
std::mutex schedulerMutex;
VertexTask *vertexTask[16];
std::list<vk::Query*> queries;
WaitGroup sync;
VertexProcessor::State vertexState;
SetupProcessor::State setupState;
PixelProcessor::State pixelState;
Routine *vertexRoutine;
Routine *setupRoutine;
Routine *pixelRoutine;
struct DrawCall
AtomicInt topology;
AtomicInt indexType;
AtomicInt batchSize;
Routine *vertexRoutine;
Routine *setupRoutine;
Routine *pixelRoutine;
VertexProcessor::RoutinePointer vertexPointer;
SetupProcessor::RoutinePointer setupPointer;
PixelProcessor::RoutinePointer pixelPointer;
int (Renderer::*setupPrimitives)(int batch, int count);
SetupProcessor::State setupState;
vk::ImageView *renderTarget[RENDERTARGETS];
vk::ImageView *depthBuffer;
vk::ImageView *stencilBuffer;
TaskEvents *events;
std::list<vk::Query*> *queries;
AtomicInt primitive; // Current primitive to enter pipeline
AtomicInt count; // Number of primitives to render
AtomicInt references; // Remaining references to this draw call, 0 when done drawing, -1 when resources unlocked and slot is free
DrawData *data;
#endif // sw_Renderer_hpp