blob: 55a0bfc638789fa9a2d49f03783d79762f9b0f5f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceTargetLoweringX8632.cpp - x86-32 lowering -----------===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file implements the TargetLoweringX8632 class, which
// consists almost entirely of the lowering sequence for each
// high-level instruction.
#include "IceTargetLoweringX8632.h"
#include "IceTargetLoweringX86Base.h"
namespace Ice {
namespace X86Internal {
template <> struct MachineTraits<TargetX8632> {
using InstructionSet = TargetX8632::X86InstructionSet;
// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the fcmp
// instruction. There is one table entry for each of the 16 conditions.
// The first four columns describe the case when the operands are
// floating point scalar values. A comment in lowerFcmp() describes the
// lowering template. In the most general case, there is a compare
// followed by two conditional branches, because some fcmp conditions
// don't map to a single x86 conditional branch. However, in many cases
// it is possible to swap the operands in the comparison and have a
// single conditional branch. Since it's quite tedious to validate the
// table by hand, good execution tests are helpful.
// The last two columns describe the case when the operands are vectors
// of floating point values. For most fcmp conditions, there is a clear
// mapping to a single x86 cmpps instruction variant. Some fcmp
// conditions require special code to handle and these are marked in the
// table with a Cmpps_Invalid predicate.
static const struct TableFcmpType {
uint32_t Default;
bool SwapScalarOperands;
CondX86::BrCond C1, C2;
bool SwapVectorOperands;
CondX86::CmppsCond Predicate;
} TableFcmp[];
static const size_t TableFcmpSize;
// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the icmp instruction
// for i32 and narrower types. Each icmp condition has a clear mapping to an
// x86 conditional branch instruction.
static const struct TableIcmp32Type {
CondX86::BrCond Mapping;
} TableIcmp32[];
static const size_t TableIcmp32Size;
// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the icmp instruction
// for the i64 type. For Eq and Ne, two separate 32-bit comparisons and
// conditional branches are needed. For the other conditions, three separate
// conditional branches are needed.
static const struct TableIcmp64Type {
CondX86::BrCond C1, C2, C3;
} TableIcmp64[];
static const size_t TableIcmp64Size;
static CondX86::BrCond getIcmp32Mapping(InstIcmp::ICond Cond) {
size_t Index = static_cast<size_t>(Cond);
assert(Index < TableIcmp32Size);
return TableIcmp32[Index].Mapping;
static const struct TableTypeX8632AttributesType {
Type InVectorElementType;
} TableTypeX8632Attributes[];
static const size_t TableTypeX8632AttributesSize;
// Return the type which the elements of the vector have in the X86
// representation of the vector.
static Type getInVectorElementType(Type Ty) {
size_t Index = static_cast<size_t>(Ty);
assert(Index < TableTypeX8632AttributesSize);
return TableTypeX8632Attributes[Ty].InVectorElementType;
// The maximum number of arguments to pass in XMM registers
static constexpr uint32_t X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS = 4;
// The number of bits in a byte
static constexpr uint32_t X86_CHAR_BIT = 8;
// Stack alignment
static const uint32_t X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES;
// Size of the return address on the stack
static constexpr uint32_t X86_RET_IP_SIZE_BYTES = 4;
// The number of different NOP instructions
static constexpr uint32_t X86_NUM_NOP_VARIANTS = 5;
// Value is in bytes. Return Value adjusted to the next highest multiple
// of the stack alignment.
static uint32_t applyStackAlignment(uint32_t Value) {
return Utils::applyAlignment(Value, X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES);
const MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableFcmpType
MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableFcmp[] = {
#define X(val, dflt, swapS, C1, C2, swapV, pred) \
{ dflt, swapS, CondX86::C1, CondX86::C2, swapV, CondX86::pred } \
#undef X
constexpr size_t MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableFcmpSize =
const MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableIcmp32Type
MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableIcmp32[] = {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
{ CondX86::C_32 } \
#undef X
constexpr size_t MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableIcmp32Size =
const MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableIcmp64Type
MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableIcmp64[] = {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
{ CondX86::C1_64, CondX86::C2_64, CondX86::C3_64 } \
#undef X
constexpr size_t MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableIcmp64Size =
const MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableTypeX8632AttributesType
MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableTypeX8632Attributes[] = {
#define X(tag, elementty, cvt, sdss, pack, width, fld) \
{ elementty } \
#undef X
constexpr size_t MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::TableTypeX8632AttributesSize =
const uint32_t MachineTraits<TargetX8632>::X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES = 16;
} // end of namespace X86Internal
TargetX8632 *TargetX8632::create(Cfg *Func) {
return X86Internal::TargetX86Base<TargetX8632>::create(Func);
TargetDataX8632::TargetDataX8632(GlobalContext *Ctx)
: TargetDataLowering(Ctx) {}
namespace {
template <typename T> struct PoolTypeConverter {};
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<float> {
typedef uint32_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantFloat IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_f32;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::TypeName = "float";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::AsmTag = ".long";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<float>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<double> {
typedef uint64_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantDouble IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_f64;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::TypeName = "double";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::AsmTag = ".quad";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<double>::PrintfString = "0x%llx";
// Add converter for int type constant pooling
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t> {
typedef uint32_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantInteger32 IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_i32;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t>::TypeName = "i32";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t>::AsmTag = ".long";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint32_t>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
// Add converter for int type constant pooling
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t> {
typedef uint32_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantInteger32 IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_i16;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t>::TypeName = "i16";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t>::AsmTag = ".short";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint16_t>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
// Add converter for int type constant pooling
template <> struct PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t> {
typedef uint32_t PrimitiveIntType;
typedef ConstantInteger32 IceType;
static const Type Ty = IceType_i8;
static const char *TypeName;
static const char *AsmTag;
static const char *PrintfString;
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t>::TypeName = "i8";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t>::AsmTag = ".byte";
const char *PoolTypeConverter<uint8_t>::PrintfString = "0x%x";
} // end of anonymous namespace
template <typename T>
void TargetDataX8632::emitConstantPool(GlobalContext *Ctx) {
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
Type Ty = T::Ty;
SizeT Align = typeAlignInBytes(Ty);
ConstantList Pool = Ctx->getConstantPool(Ty);
Str << "\t.section\t.rodata.cst" << Align << ",\"aM\",@progbits," << Align
<< "\n";
Str << "\t.align\t" << Align << "\n";
for (Constant *C : Pool) {
if (!C->getShouldBePooled())
typename T::IceType *Const = llvm::cast<typename T::IceType>(C);
typename T::IceType::PrimType Value = Const->getValue();
// Use memcpy() to copy bits from Value into RawValue in a way
// that avoids breaking strict-aliasing rules.
typename T::PrimitiveIntType RawValue;
memcpy(&RawValue, &Value, sizeof(Value));
char buf[30];
int CharsPrinted =
snprintf(buf, llvm::array_lengthof(buf), T::PrintfString, RawValue);
assert(CharsPrinted >= 0 &&
(size_t)CharsPrinted < llvm::array_lengthof(buf));
(void)CharsPrinted; // avoid warnings if asserts are disabled
Str << ":\n\t" << T::AsmTag << "\t" << buf << "\t# " << T::TypeName << " "
<< Value << "\n";
void TargetDataX8632::lowerConstants() {
if (Ctx->getFlags().getDisableTranslation())
// No need to emit constants from the int pool since (for x86) they
// are embedded as immediates in the instructions, just emit float/double.
switch (Ctx->getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
case FT_Elf: {
ELFObjectWriter *Writer = Ctx->getObjectWriter();
} break;
case FT_Asm:
case FT_Iasm: {
OstreamLocker L(Ctx);
} break;
void TargetDataX8632::lowerGlobals(const VariableDeclarationList &Vars,
const IceString &SectionSuffix) {
switch (Ctx->getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
case FT_Elf: {
ELFObjectWriter *Writer = Ctx->getObjectWriter();
Writer->writeDataSection(Vars, llvm::ELF::R_386_32, SectionSuffix);
} break;
case FT_Asm:
case FT_Iasm: {
const IceString &TranslateOnly = Ctx->getFlags().getTranslateOnly();
OstreamLocker L(Ctx);
for (const VariableDeclaration *Var : Vars) {
if (GlobalContext::matchSymbolName(Var->getName(), TranslateOnly)) {
emitGlobal(*Var, SectionSuffix);
} break;
TargetHeaderX8632::TargetHeaderX8632(GlobalContext *Ctx)
: TargetHeaderLowering(Ctx) {}
// In some cases, there are x-macros tables for both high-level and
// low-level instructions/operands that use the same enum key value.
// The tables are kept separate to maintain a proper separation
// between abstraction layers. There is a risk that the tables could
// get out of sync if enum values are reordered or if entries are
// added or deleted. The following dummy namespaces use
// static_asserts to ensure everything is kept in sync.
namespace {
// Validate the enum values in FCMPX8632_TABLE.
namespace dummy1 {
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level table
// entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(val, dflt, swapS, C1, C2, swapV, pred) _tmp_##val,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, str) static const int _table1_##tag = InstFcmp::tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries, and
// ensure the table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(val, dflt, swapS, C1, C2, swapV, pred) \
static const int _table2_##val = _tmp_##val; \
static_assert( \
_table1_##val == _table2_##val, \
"Inconsistency between FCMPX8632_TABLE and ICEINSTFCMP_TABLE");
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level table
// entries in case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, str) \
static_assert( \
_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between FCMPX8632_TABLE and ICEINSTFCMP_TABLE");
#undef X
} // end of namespace dummy1
// Validate the enum values in ICMPX8632_TABLE.
namespace dummy2 {
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level table
// entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) _tmp_##val,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, str) static const int _table1_##tag = InstIcmp::tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries, and
// ensure the table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(val, C_32, C1_64, C2_64, C3_64) \
static const int _table2_##val = _tmp_##val; \
static_assert( \
_table1_##val == _table2_##val, \
"Inconsistency between ICMPX8632_TABLE and ICEINSTICMP_TABLE");
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level table
// entries in case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, str) \
static_assert( \
_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between ICMPX8632_TABLE and ICEINSTICMP_TABLE");
#undef X
} // end of namespace dummy2
// Validate the enum values in ICETYPEX8632_TABLE.
namespace dummy3 {
// Define a temporary set of enum values based on low-level table
// entries.
enum _tmp_enum {
#define X(tag, elementty, cvt, sdss, pack, width, fld) _tmp_##tag,
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on high-level table entries.
#define X(tag, size, align, elts, elty, str) \
static const int _table1_##tag = tag;
#undef X
// Define a set of constants based on low-level table entries, and
// ensure the table entry keys are consistent.
#define X(tag, elementty, cvt, sdss, pack, width, fld) \
static const int _table2_##tag = _tmp_##tag; \
static_assert(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between ICETYPEX8632_TABLE and ICETYPE_TABLE");
#undef X
// Repeat the static asserts with respect to the high-level table
// entries in case the high-level table has extra entries.
#define X(tag, size, align, elts, elty, str) \
static_assert(_table1_##tag == _table2_##tag, \
"Inconsistency between ICETYPEX8632_TABLE and ICETYPE_TABLE");
#undef X
} // end of namespace dummy3
} // end of anonymous namespace
} // end of namespace Ice