blob: 1c90a6eef52ed18be5cecdf53206d63e68c8431a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "VertexRoutine.hpp"
#include "Constants.hpp"
#include "SpirvShader.hpp"
#include "Device/Vertex.hpp"
#include "Device/Renderer.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "System/Half.hpp"
namespace sw
const VertexProcessor::State &state,
vk::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout,
SpirvShader const *spirvShader)
: routine(pipelineLayout),
void VertexRoutine::generate()
Pointer<Byte> cache = task + OFFSET(VertexTask,vertexCache);
Pointer<Byte> vertexCache = cache + OFFSET(VertexCache,vertex);
Pointer<UInt> tagCache = Pointer<UInt>(cache + OFFSET(VertexCache,tag));
UInt vertexCount = *Pointer<UInt>(task + OFFSET(VertexTask,vertexCount));
constants = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,constants));
// Check the cache one vertex index at a time. If a hit occurs, copy from the cache to the 'vertex' output buffer.
// On a cache miss, process a SIMD width of consecutive indices from the input batch. They're written to the cache
// in reverse order to guarantee that the first one doesn't get evicted and can be written out.
UInt index = *batch;
UInt cacheIndex = index & VertexCache::TAG_MASK;
If(tagCache[cacheIndex] != index)
program(batch, vertexCount);
writeCache(vertexCache, tagCache, batch);
Pointer<Byte> cacheEntry = vertexCache + cacheIndex * UInt((int)sizeof(Vertex));
// For points, vertexCount is 1 per primitive, so duplicate vertex for all 3 vertices of the primitive
for(int i = 0; i < (state.isPoint ? 3 : 1); i++)
writeVertex(vertex, cacheEntry);
vertex += sizeof(Vertex);
batch = Pointer<UInt>(Pointer<Byte>(batch) + sizeof(uint32_t));
Until(vertexCount == 0)
void VertexRoutine::readInput(Pointer<UInt> &batch)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS; i += 4)
if(spirvShader->inputs[i + 0].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED ||
spirvShader->inputs[i + 1].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED ||
spirvShader->inputs[i + 2].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED ||
spirvShader->inputs[i + 3].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED)
Pointer<Byte> input = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, input) + sizeof(void*) * (i / 4));
UInt stride = *Pointer<UInt>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, stride) + sizeof(uint32_t) * (i / 4));
Int baseVertex = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, baseVertex));
UInt robustnessSize(0);
robustnessSize = *Pointer<UInt>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, robustnessSize) + sizeof(uint32_t) * (i / 4));
auto value = readStream(input, stride, state.input[i / 4], batch, state.robustBufferAccess, robustnessSize, baseVertex);
routine.inputs[i + 0] = value.x;
routine.inputs[i + 1] = value.y;
routine.inputs[i + 2] = value.z;
routine.inputs[i + 3] = value.w;
void VertexRoutine::computeClipFlags()
auto it = spirvShader->outputBuiltins.find(spv::BuiltInPosition);
assert(it != spirvShader->outputBuiltins.end());
assert(it->second.SizeInComponents == 4);
auto &pos = routine.getVariable(it->second.Id);
auto posX = pos[it->second.FirstComponent + 0];
auto posY = pos[it->second.FirstComponent + 1];
auto posZ = pos[it->second.FirstComponent + 2];
auto posW = pos[it->second.FirstComponent + 3];
Int4 maxX = CmpLT(posW, posX);
Int4 maxY = CmpLT(posW, posY);
Int4 maxZ = CmpLT(posW, posZ);
Int4 minX = CmpNLE(-posW, posX);
Int4 minY = CmpNLE(-posW, posY);
Int4 minZ = CmpNLE(Float4(0.0f), posZ);
clipFlags = Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maxX))[SignMask(maxX)];
clipFlags |= Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maxY))[SignMask(maxY)];
clipFlags |= Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maxZ))[SignMask(maxZ)];
clipFlags |= Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,minX))[SignMask(minX)];
clipFlags |= Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,minY))[SignMask(minY)];
clipFlags |= Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,minZ))[SignMask(minZ)];
Int4 finiteX = CmpLE(Abs(posX), *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maxPos)));
Int4 finiteY = CmpLE(Abs(posY), *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maxPos)));
Int4 finiteZ = CmpLE(Abs(posZ), *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maxPos)));
Int4 finiteXYZ = finiteX & finiteY & finiteZ;
clipFlags |= Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,fini))[SignMask(finiteXYZ)];
Vector4f VertexRoutine::readStream(Pointer<Byte> &buffer, UInt &stride, const Stream &stream, Pointer<UInt> &batch,
bool robustBufferAccess, UInt & robustnessSize, Int baseVertex)
Vector4f v;
// Because of the following rule in the Vulkan spec, we do not care if a very large negative
// baseVertex would overflow all the way back into a valid region of the index buffer:
// "Out-of-bounds buffer loads will return any of the following values :
// - Values from anywhere within the memory range(s) bound to the buffer (possibly including
// bytes of memory past the end of the buffer, up to the end of the bound range)."
UInt4 offsets = (*Pointer<UInt4>(As<Pointer<UInt4>>(batch)) + As<UInt4>(Int4(baseVertex))) * UInt4(stride);
Pointer<Byte> source0 = buffer + offsets.x;
Pointer<Byte> source1 = buffer + offsets.y;
Pointer<Byte> source2 = buffer + offsets.z;
Pointer<Byte> source3 = buffer + offsets.w;
UInt4 zero(0);
if (robustBufferAccess)
// TODO(b/141124876): Optimize for wide-vector gather operations.
UInt4 limits = offsets + UInt4(stream.bytesPerAttrib());
Pointer<Byte> zeroSource = As<Pointer<Byte>>(&zero);
source0 = IfThenElse(limits.x <= robustnessSize, source0, zeroSource);
source1 = IfThenElse(limits.y <= robustnessSize, source1, zeroSource);
source2 = IfThenElse(limits.z <= robustnessSize, source2, zeroSource);
source3 = IfThenElse(limits.w <= robustnessSize, source3, zeroSource);
bool isNativeFloatAttrib = (stream.attribType == SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_FLOAT) || stream.normalized;
if(stream.count == 0)
// Null stream, all default components
if(stream.count == 1)
v.x.x = *Pointer<Float>(source0);
v.x.y = *Pointer<Float>(source1);
v.x.z = *Pointer<Float>(source2);
v.x.w = *Pointer<Float>(source3);
v.x = *Pointer<Float4>(source0);
v.y = *Pointer<Float4>(source1);
v.z = *Pointer<Float4>(source2);
v.w = *Pointer<Float4>(source3);
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
case SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_INT:
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(v.x));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(v.y));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(v.z));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(v.w));
case SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UINT:
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x = As<Float4>(UInt4(v.x));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.x = As<Float4>(UInt4(v.y));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.x = As<Float4>(UInt4(v.z));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.x = As<Float4>(UInt4(v.w));
if(isNativeFloatAttrib) // Stream: UByte, Shader attrib: Float
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source0));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source1));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source2));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source3));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.y *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.z *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.w *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
else // Stream: UByte, Shader attrib: Int / UInt
v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source0)));
v.y = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source1)));
v.z = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source2)));
v.w = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source3)));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(isNativeFloatAttrib) // Stream: SByte, Shader attrib: Float
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source0));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source1));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source2));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source3));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleSByte));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.y *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleSByte));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.z *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleSByte));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.w *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleSByte));
else // Stream: SByte, Shader attrib: Int / UInt
v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source0)));
v.y = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source1)));
v.z = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source2)));
v.w = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<SByte4>(source3)));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source0)) * *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source1)) * *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source2)) * *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<Byte4>(source3)) * *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleByte));
transpose4x4(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
// Swap red and blue
Float4 t = v.x;
v.x = v.z;
v.z = t;
if(isNativeFloatAttrib) // Stream: Int, Shader attrib: Float
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<Short4>(source0));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<Short4>(source1));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<Short4>(source2));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<Short4>(source3));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleShort));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.y *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleShort));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.z *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleShort));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.w *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleShort));
else // Stream: Short, Shader attrib: Int/UInt, no type conversion
v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Short4>(source0)));
v.y = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Short4>(source1)));
v.z = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Short4>(source2)));
v.w = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<Short4>(source3)));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(isNativeFloatAttrib) // Stream: Int, Shader attrib: Float
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source0));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source1));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source2));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source3));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleUShort));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.y *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleUShort));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.z *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleUShort));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.w *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,unscaleUShort));
else // Stream: UShort, Shader attrib: Int/UInt, no type conversion
v.x = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source0)));
v.y = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source1)));
v.z = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source2)));
v.w = As<Float4>(Int4(*Pointer<UShort4>(source3)));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(isNativeFloatAttrib) // Stream: Int, Shader attrib: Float
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<Int4>(source0));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<Int4>(source1));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<Int4>(source2));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<Int4>(source3));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleInt));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.y *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleInt));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.z *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleInt));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.w *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleInt));
else // Stream: Int, Shader attrib: Int/UInt, no type conversion
v.x = *Pointer<Float4>(source0);
v.y = *Pointer<Float4>(source1);
v.z = *Pointer<Float4>(source2);
v.w = *Pointer<Float4>(source3);
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(isNativeFloatAttrib) // Stream: UInt, Shader attrib: Float
v.x = Float4(*Pointer<UInt4>(source0));
v.y = Float4(*Pointer<UInt4>(source1));
v.z = Float4(*Pointer<UInt4>(source2));
v.w = Float4(*Pointer<UInt4>(source3));
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1) v.x *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleUInt));
if(stream.count >= 2) v.y *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleUInt));
if(stream.count >= 3) v.z *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleUInt));
if(stream.count >= 4) v.w *= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, unscaleUInt));
else // Stream: UInt, Shader attrib: Int/UInt, no type conversion
v.x = *Pointer<Float4>(source0);
v.y = *Pointer<Float4>(source1);
v.z = *Pointer<Float4>(source2);
v.w = *Pointer<Float4>(source3);
transpose4xN(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w, stream.count);
if(stream.count >= 1)
UShort x0 = *Pointer<UShort>(source0 + 0);
UShort x1 = *Pointer<UShort>(source1 + 0);
UShort x2 = *Pointer<UShort>(source2 + 0);
UShort x3 = *Pointer<UShort>(source3 + 0);
v.x.x = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(x0) * 4);
v.x.y = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(x1) * 4);
v.x.z = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(x2) * 4);
v.x.w = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(x3) * 4);
if(stream.count >= 2)
UShort y0 = *Pointer<UShort>(source0 + 2);
UShort y1 = *Pointer<UShort>(source1 + 2);
UShort y2 = *Pointer<UShort>(source2 + 2);
UShort y3 = *Pointer<UShort>(source3 + 2);
v.y.x = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(y0) * 4);
v.y.y = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(y1) * 4);
v.y.z = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(y2) * 4);
v.y.w = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(y3) * 4);
if(stream.count >= 3)
UShort z0 = *Pointer<UShort>(source0 + 4);
UShort z1 = *Pointer<UShort>(source1 + 4);
UShort z2 = *Pointer<UShort>(source2 + 4);
UShort z3 = *Pointer<UShort>(source3 + 4);
v.z.x = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(z0) * 4);
v.z.y = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(z1) * 4);
v.z.z = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(z2) * 4);
v.z.w = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(z3) * 4);
if(stream.count >= 4)
UShort w0 = *Pointer<UShort>(source0 + 6);
UShort w1 = *Pointer<UShort>(source1 + 6);
UShort w2 = *Pointer<UShort>(source2 + 6);
UShort w3 = *Pointer<UShort>(source3 + 6);
v.w.x = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(w0) * 4);
v.w.y = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(w1) * 4);
v.w.z = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(w2) * 4);
v.w.w = *Pointer<Float>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,half2float) + Int(w3) * 4);
case STREAMTYPE_2_10_10_10_INT:
Int4 src;
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source0), 0);
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source1), 1);
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source2), 2);
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source3), 3);
v.x = Float4((src << 22) >> 22);
v.y = Float4((src << 12) >> 22);
v.z = Float4((src << 02) >> 22);
v.w = Float4(src >> 30);
v.x = Max(v.x * Float4(1.0f / 0x1FF), Float4(-1.0f));
v.y = Max(v.y * Float4(1.0f / 0x1FF), Float4(-1.0f));
v.z = Max(v.z * Float4(1.0f / 0x1FF), Float4(-1.0f));
v.w = Max(v.w, Float4(-1.0f));
case STREAMTYPE_2_10_10_10_UINT:
Int4 src;
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source0), 0);
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source1), 1);
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source2), 2);
src = Insert(src, *Pointer<Int>(source3), 3);
v.x = Float4(src & Int4(0x3FF));
v.y = Float4((src >> 10) & Int4(0x3FF));
v.z = Float4((src >> 20) & Int4(0x3FF));
v.w = Float4((src >> 30) & Int4(0x3));
v.x *= Float4(1.0f / 0x3FF);
v.y *= Float4(1.0f / 0x3FF);
v.z *= Float4(1.0f / 0x3FF);
v.w *= Float4(1.0f / 0x3);
UNSUPPORTED("stream.type %d", int(stream.type));
if(stream.count < 1) v.x = Float4(0.0f);
if(stream.count < 2) v.y = Float4(0.0f);
if(stream.count < 3) v.z = Float4(0.0f);
if(stream.count < 4) v.w = isNativeFloatAttrib ? As<Float4>(Float4(1.0f)) : As<Float4>(Int4(1));
return v;
void VertexRoutine::writeCache(Pointer<Byte> &vertexCache, Pointer<UInt> &tagCache, Pointer<UInt> &batch)
UInt index0 = batch[0];
UInt index1 = batch[1];
UInt index2 = batch[2];
UInt index3 = batch[3];
UInt cacheIndex0 = index0 & VertexCache::TAG_MASK;
UInt cacheIndex1 = index1 & VertexCache::TAG_MASK;
UInt cacheIndex2 = index2 & VertexCache::TAG_MASK;
UInt cacheIndex3 = index3 & VertexCache::TAG_MASK;
// We processed a SIMD group of vertices, with the first one being the one that missed the cache tag check.
// Write them out in reverse order here and below to ensure the first one is now guaranteed to be in the cache.
tagCache[cacheIndex3] = index3;
tagCache[cacheIndex2] = index2;
tagCache[cacheIndex1] = index1;
tagCache[cacheIndex0] = index0;
auto it = spirvShader->outputBuiltins.find(spv::BuiltInPosition);
assert(it != spirvShader->outputBuiltins.end());
assert(it->second.SizeInComponents == 4);
auto &position = routine.getVariable(it->second.Id);
Vector4f pos;
pos.x = position[it->second.FirstComponent + 0];
pos.y = position[it->second.FirstComponent + 1];
pos.z = position[it->second.FirstComponent + 2];
pos.w = position[it->second.FirstComponent + 3];
// Projection and viewport transform.
Float4 w = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(pos.w) | (As<Int4>(CmpEQ(pos.w, Float4(0.0f))) & As<Int4>(Float4(1.0f))));
Float4 rhw = Float4(1.0f) / w;
Vector4f proj;
proj.x = As<Float4>(RoundInt(*Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,X0xF)) + pos.x * rhw * *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,WxF))));
proj.y = As<Float4>(RoundInt(*Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,Y0xF)) + pos.y * rhw * *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,HxF))));
proj.z = pos.z * rhw;
proj.w = rhw;
transpose4x4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.w);
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex3 + OFFSET(Vertex,position), 16) = pos.w;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex2 + OFFSET(Vertex,position), 16) = pos.z;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex1 + OFFSET(Vertex,position), 16) = pos.y;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex0 + OFFSET(Vertex,position), 16) = pos.x;
it = spirvShader->outputBuiltins.find(spv::BuiltInPointSize);
if(it != spirvShader->outputBuiltins.end())
assert(it->second.SizeInComponents == 1);
auto psize = routine.getVariable(it->second.Id)[it->second.FirstComponent];
*Pointer<Float>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex3 + OFFSET(Vertex,pointSize)) = Extract(psize, 3);
*Pointer<Float>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex2 + OFFSET(Vertex,pointSize)) = Extract(psize, 2);
*Pointer<Float>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex1 + OFFSET(Vertex,pointSize)) = Extract(psize, 1);
*Pointer<Float>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex0 + OFFSET(Vertex,pointSize)) = Extract(psize, 0);
*Pointer<Int>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex3 + OFFSET(Vertex,clipFlags)) = (clipFlags >> 24) & 0x0000000FF;
*Pointer<Int>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex2 + OFFSET(Vertex,clipFlags)) = (clipFlags >> 16) & 0x0000000FF;
*Pointer<Int>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex1 + OFFSET(Vertex,clipFlags)) = (clipFlags >> 8) & 0x0000000FF;
*Pointer<Int>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex0 + OFFSET(Vertex,clipFlags)) = (clipFlags >> 0) & 0x0000000FF;
transpose4x4(proj.x, proj.y, proj.z, proj.w);
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex3 + OFFSET(Vertex,projected), 16) = proj.w;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex2 + OFFSET(Vertex,projected), 16) = proj.z;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex1 + OFFSET(Vertex,projected), 16) = proj.y;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex0 + OFFSET(Vertex,projected), 16) = proj.x;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS; i += 4)
if(spirvShader->outputs[i + 0].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED ||
spirvShader->outputs[i + 1].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED ||
spirvShader->outputs[i + 2].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED ||
spirvShader->outputs[i + 3].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED)
Vector4f v;
v.x = routine.outputs[i + 0];
v.y = routine.outputs[i + 1];
v.z = routine.outputs[i + 2];
v.w = routine.outputs[i + 3];
transpose4x4(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex3 + OFFSET(Vertex,v[i]), 16) = v.w;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex2 + OFFSET(Vertex,v[i]), 16) = v.z;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex1 + OFFSET(Vertex,v[i]), 16) = v.y;
*Pointer<Float4>(vertexCache + sizeof(Vertex) * cacheIndex0 + OFFSET(Vertex,v[i]), 16) = v.x;
void VertexRoutine::writeVertex(const Pointer<Byte> &vertex, Pointer<Byte> &cacheEntry)
*Pointer<Int4>(vertex + OFFSET(Vertex,position)) = *Pointer<Int4>(cacheEntry + OFFSET(Vertex,position));
*Pointer<Int>(vertex + OFFSET(Vertex,pointSize)) = *Pointer<Int>(cacheEntry + OFFSET(Vertex,pointSize));
*Pointer<Int>(vertex + OFFSET(Vertex,clipFlags)) = *Pointer<Int>(cacheEntry + OFFSET(Vertex,clipFlags));
*Pointer<Int4>(vertex + OFFSET(Vertex,projected)) = *Pointer<Int4>(cacheEntry + OFFSET(Vertex,projected));
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS; i++)
if(spirvShader->outputs[i].Type != SpirvShader::ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED)
*Pointer<Int>(vertex + OFFSET(Vertex, v[i]), 4) = *Pointer<Int>(cacheEntry + OFFSET(Vertex, v[i]), 4);