blob: a4adc3e6052b85ab1d216ac38bb508b24ee6ae7f [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2012 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
#ifndef sw_Constants_hpp
#define sw_Constants_hpp
#include "Common/Types.hpp"
namespace sw
struct Constants
unsigned short sRGBtoLinear8[256];
unsigned int transposeBit0[16];
unsigned int transposeBit1[16];
unsigned int transposeBit2[16];
ushort4 cWeight[17];
float4 uvWeight[17];
float4 uvStart[17];
unsigned int occlusionCount[16];
byte8 maskB4Q[16];
byte8 invMaskB4Q[16];
word4 maskW4Q[16];
word4 invMaskW4Q[16];
dword4 maskD4X[16];
dword4 invMaskD4X[16];
qword maskQ0Q[16];
qword maskQ1Q[16];
qword maskQ2Q[16];
qword maskQ3Q[16];
qword invMaskQ0Q[16];
qword invMaskQ1Q[16];
qword invMaskQ2Q[16];
qword invMaskQ3Q[16];
dword4 maskX0X[16];
dword4 maskX1X[16];
dword4 maskX2X[16];
dword4 maskX3X[16];
dword4 invMaskX0X[16];
dword4 invMaskX1X[16];
dword4 invMaskX2X[16];
dword4 invMaskX3X[16];
dword2 maskD01Q[16];
dword2 maskD23Q[16];
dword2 invMaskD01Q[16];
dword2 invMaskD23Q[16];
qword2 maskQ01X[16];
qword2 maskQ23X[16];
qword2 invMaskQ01X[16];
qword2 invMaskQ23X[16];
word4 maskW01Q[4];
word4 invMaskW01Q[4];
dword4 maskD01X[4];
dword4 invMaskD01X[4];
unsigned short linToSRGB12_16[4096];
unsigned short sRGBtoLin12_16[4096];
// Centroid parameters
float4 sampleX[4][16];
float4 sampleY[4][16];
float4 weight[16];
// Fragment offsets
int Xf[4];
int Yf[4];
float4 X[4];
float4 Y[4];
dword maxX[16];
dword maxY[16];
dword maxZ[16];
dword minX[16];
dword minY[16];
dword minZ[16];
dword fini[16];
dword4 maxPos;
float4 unscaleByte;
float4 unscaleSByte;
float4 unscaleShort;
float4 unscaleUShort;
float4 unscaleFixed;
float half2float[65536];
extern Constants constants;
#endif // sw_Constants_hpp