| // Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "PixelRoutine.hpp" |
| |
| #include "SamplerCore.hpp" |
| #include "Constants.hpp" |
| #include "Renderer/Renderer.hpp" |
| #include "Renderer/QuadRasterizer.hpp" |
| #include "Renderer/Surface.hpp" |
| #include "Renderer/Primitive.hpp" |
| #include "Common/Debug.hpp" |
| |
| namespace sw |
| { |
| extern bool complementaryDepthBuffer; |
| extern bool postBlendSRGB; |
| extern bool exactColorRounding; |
| extern bool forceClearRegisters; |
| |
| PixelRoutine::PixelRoutine(const PixelProcessor::State &state, const PixelShader *shader) : QuadRasterizer(state, shader), v(shader && shader->dynamicallyIndexedInput) |
| { |
| if(!shader || shader->getVersion() < 0x0200 || forceClearRegisters) |
| { |
| for(int i = 0; i < MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUTS; i++) |
| { |
| v[i].x = Float4(0.0f); |
| v[i].y = Float4(0.0f); |
| v[i].z = Float4(0.0f); |
| v[i].w = Float4(0.0f); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| PixelRoutine::~PixelRoutine() |
| { |
| for(int i = 0; i < TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS; i++) |
| { |
| delete sampler[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::quad(Pointer<Byte> cBuffer[RENDERTARGETS], Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, Int cMask[4], Int &x, Int &y) |
| { |
| Long pipeTime = Ticks(); |
| #endif |
| |
| for(int i = 0; i < TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS; i++) |
| { |
| sampler[i] = new SamplerCore(constants, state.sampler[i]); |
| } |
| |
| const bool earlyDepthTest = !state.depthOverride && !state.alphaTestActive(); |
| |
| Int zMask[4]; // Depth mask |
| Int sMask[4]; // Stencil mask |
| |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| zMask[q] = cMask[q]; |
| sMask[q] = cMask[q]; |
| } |
| |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| stencilTest(sBuffer, q, x, sMask[q], cMask[q]); |
| } |
| |
| Float4 f; |
| Float4 rhwCentroid; |
| |
| Float4 xxxx = Float4(Float(x)) + *Pointer<Float4>(primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,xQuad), 16); |
| |
| if(interpolateZ()) |
| { |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| Float4 x = xxxx; |
| |
| if(state.multiSample > 1) |
| { |
| x -= *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,X) + q * sizeof(float4)); |
| } |
| |
| z[q] = interpolate(x, Dz[q], z[q], primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,z), false, false, state.depthClamp); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Bool depthPass = false; |
| |
| if(earlyDepthTest) |
| { |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| depthPass = depthPass || depthTest(zBuffer, q, x, z[q], sMask[q], zMask[q], cMask[q]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| If(depthPass || Bool(!earlyDepthTest)) |
| { |
| Long interpTime = Ticks(); |
| #endif |
| |
| Float4 yyyy = Float4(Float(y)) + *Pointer<Float4>(primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,yQuad), 16); |
| |
| // Centroid locations |
| Float4 XXXX = Float4(0.0f); |
| Float4 YYYY = Float4(0.0f); |
| |
| if(state.centroid) |
| { |
| Float4 WWWW(1.0e-9f); |
| |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| XXXX += *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,sampleX[q]) + 16 * cMask[q]); |
| YYYY += *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,sampleY[q]) + 16 * cMask[q]); |
| WWWW += *Pointer<Float4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,weight) + 16 * cMask[q]); |
| } |
| |
| WWWW = Rcp_pp(WWWW); |
| XXXX *= WWWW; |
| YYYY *= WWWW; |
| |
| XXXX += xxxx; |
| YYYY += yyyy; |
| } |
| |
| if(interpolateW()) |
| { |
| w = interpolate(xxxx, Dw, rhw, primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,w), false, false, false); |
| rhw = reciprocal(w, false, false, true); |
| |
| if(state.centroid) |
| { |
| rhwCentroid = reciprocal(interpolateCentroid(XXXX, YYYY, rhwCentroid, primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,w), false, false)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for(int interpolant = 0; interpolant < MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUTS; interpolant++) |
| { |
| for(int component = 0; component < 4; component++) |
| { |
| if(state.interpolant[interpolant].component & (1 << component)) |
| { |
| if(!state.interpolant[interpolant].centroid) |
| { |
| v[interpolant][component] = interpolate(xxxx, Dv[interpolant][component], rhw, primitive + OFFSET(Primitive, V[interpolant][component]), (state.interpolant[interpolant].flat & (1 << component)) != 0, state.perspective, false); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| v[interpolant][component] = interpolateCentroid(XXXX, YYYY, rhwCentroid, primitive + OFFSET(Primitive, V[interpolant][component]), (state.interpolant[interpolant].flat & (1 << component)) != 0, state.perspective); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Float4 rcp; |
| |
| switch(state.interpolant[interpolant].project) |
| { |
| case 0: |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| rcp = reciprocal(v[interpolant].y); |
| v[interpolant].x = v[interpolant].x * rcp; |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| rcp = reciprocal(v[interpolant].z); |
| v[interpolant].x = v[interpolant].x * rcp; |
| v[interpolant].y = v[interpolant].y * rcp; |
| break; |
| case 3: |
| rcp = reciprocal(v[interpolant].w); |
| v[interpolant].x = v[interpolant].x * rcp; |
| v[interpolant].y = v[interpolant].y * rcp; |
| v[interpolant].z = v[interpolant].z * rcp; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if(state.fog.component) |
| { |
| f = interpolate(xxxx, Df, rhw, primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,f), state.fog.flat & 0x01, state.perspective, false); |
| } |
| |
| setBuiltins(x, y, z, w); |
| |
| cycles[PERF_INTERP] += Ticks() - interpTime; |
| #endif |
| |
| Bool alphaPass = true; |
| |
| if(colorUsed()) |
| { |
| Long shaderTime = Ticks(); |
| #endif |
| |
| applyShader(cMask); |
| |
| cycles[PERF_SHADER] += Ticks() - shaderTime; |
| #endif |
| |
| alphaPass = alphaTest(cMask); |
| |
| if((shader && shader->containsKill()) || state.alphaTestActive()) |
| { |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| zMask[q] &= cMask[q]; |
| sMask[q] &= cMask[q]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| If(alphaPass) |
| { |
| if(!earlyDepthTest) |
| { |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| depthPass = depthPass || depthTest(zBuffer, q, x, z[q], sMask[q], zMask[q], cMask[q]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Long ropTime = Ticks(); |
| #endif |
| |
| If(depthPass || Bool(earlyDepthTest)) |
| { |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| if(state.multiSampleMask & (1 << q)) |
| { |
| writeDepth(zBuffer, q, x, z[q], zMask[q]); |
| |
| if(state.occlusionEnabled) |
| { |
| occlusion += *Pointer<UInt>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,occlusionCount) + 4 * (zMask[q] & sMask[q])); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if(colorUsed()) |
| { |
| AddAtomic(Pointer<Long>(&profiler.ropOperations), 4); |
| #endif |
| |
| rasterOperation(f, cBuffer, x, sMask, zMask, cMask); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| cycles[PERF_ROP] += Ticks() - ropTime; |
| #endif |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for(unsigned int q = 0; q < state.multiSample; q++) |
| { |
| if(state.multiSampleMask & (1 << q)) |
| { |
| writeStencil(sBuffer, q, x, sMask[q], zMask[q], cMask[q]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| cycles[PERF_PIPE] += Ticks() - pipeTime; |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| Float4 PixelRoutine::interpolateCentroid(Float4 &x, Float4 &y, Float4 &rhw, Pointer<Byte> planeEquation, bool flat, bool perspective) |
| { |
| Float4 interpolant = *Pointer<Float4>(planeEquation + OFFSET(PlaneEquation,C), 16); |
| |
| if(!flat) |
| { |
| interpolant += x * *Pointer<Float4>(planeEquation + OFFSET(PlaneEquation,A), 16) + |
| y * *Pointer<Float4>(planeEquation + OFFSET(PlaneEquation,B), 16); |
| |
| if(perspective) |
| { |
| interpolant *= rhw; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return interpolant; |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::stencilTest(Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, int q, Int &x, Int &sMask, Int &cMask) |
| { |
| if(!state.stencilActive) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // (StencilRef & StencilMask) CompFunc (StencilBufferValue & StencilMask) |
| |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = sBuffer + 2 * x; |
| |
| if(q > 0) |
| { |
| buffer += q * *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencilSliceB)); |
| } |
| |
| Byte8 value = *Pointer<Byte8>(buffer); |
| Byte8 valueCCW = value; |
| |
| if(!state.noStencilMask) |
| { |
| value &= *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[0].testMaskQ)); |
| } |
| |
| stencilTest(value, state.stencilCompareMode, false); |
| |
| if(state.twoSidedStencil) |
| { |
| if(!state.noStencilMaskCCW) |
| { |
| valueCCW &= *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[1].testMaskQ)); |
| } |
| |
| stencilTest(valueCCW, state.stencilCompareModeCCW, true); |
| |
| value &= *Pointer<Byte8>(primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,clockwiseMask)); |
| valueCCW &= *Pointer<Byte8>(primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,invClockwiseMask)); |
| value |= valueCCW; |
| } |
| |
| sMask = SignMask(value) & cMask; |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::stencilTest(Byte8 &value, StencilCompareMode stencilCompareMode, bool CCW) |
| { |
| Byte8 equal; |
| |
| switch(stencilCompareMode) |
| { |
| value = Byte8(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); |
| break; |
| value = Byte8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); |
| break; |
| case STENCIL_LESS: // a < b ~ b > a |
| value += Byte8(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); |
| value = CmpGT(As<SByte8>(value), *Pointer<SByte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedSignedQ))); |
| break; |
| value = CmpEQ(value, *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedQ))); |
| break; |
| case STENCIL_NOTEQUAL: // a != b ~ !(a == b) |
| value = CmpEQ(value, *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedQ))); |
| value ^= Byte8(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); |
| break; |
| case STENCIL_LESSEQUAL: // a <= b ~ (b > a) || (a == b) |
| equal = value; |
| equal = CmpEQ(equal, *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedQ))); |
| value += Byte8(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); |
| value = CmpGT(As<SByte8>(value), *Pointer<SByte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedSignedQ))); |
| value |= equal; |
| break; |
| case STENCIL_GREATER: // a > b |
| equal = *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedSignedQ)); |
| value += Byte8(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); |
| equal = CmpGT(As<SByte8>(equal), As<SByte8>(value)); |
| value = equal; |
| break; |
| case STENCIL_GREATEREQUAL: // a >= b ~ !(a < b) ~ !(b > a) |
| value += Byte8(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); |
| value = CmpGT(As<SByte8>(value), *Pointer<SByte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceMaskedSignedQ))); |
| value ^= Byte8(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Bool PixelRoutine::depthTest(Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, Int &x, Float4 &z, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask) |
| { |
| if(!state.depthTestActive) |
| { |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| Float4 Z = z; |
| |
| if(shader && shader->depthOverride()) |
| { |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| Z = Float4(1.0f) - oDepth; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| Z = oDepth; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer; |
| Int pitch; |
| |
| if(!state.quadLayoutDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| buffer = zBuffer + 4 * x; |
| pitch = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,depthPitchB)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| buffer = zBuffer + 8 * x; |
| } |
| |
| if(q > 0) |
| { |
| buffer += q * *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,depthSliceB)); |
| } |
| |
| Float4 zValue; |
| |
| if(state.depthCompareMode != DEPTH_NEVER || (state.depthCompareMode != DEPTH_ALWAYS && !state.depthWriteEnable)) |
| { |
| if(!state.quadLayoutDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Properly optimizes? |
| zValue.xy = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer); |
| zValue.zw = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + pitch - 8); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zValue = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Int4 zTest; |
| |
| switch(state.depthCompareMode) |
| { |
| case DEPTH_ALWAYS: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case DEPTH_NEVER: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case DEPTH_EQUAL: |
| zTest = CmpEQ(zValue, Z); |
| break; |
| zTest = CmpNEQ(zValue, Z); |
| break; |
| case DEPTH_LESS: |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| zTest = CmpLT(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zTest = CmpNLE(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| break; |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| zTest = CmpNLT(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zTest = CmpLE(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| break; |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| zTest = CmpLE(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zTest = CmpNLT(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| break; |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| zTest = CmpNLE(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zTest = CmpLT(zValue, Z); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.depthCompareMode) |
| { |
| case DEPTH_ALWAYS: |
| zMask = cMask; |
| break; |
| case DEPTH_NEVER: |
| zMask = 0x0; |
| break; |
| default: |
| zMask = SignMask(zTest) & cMask; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.stencilActive) |
| { |
| zMask &= sMask; |
| } |
| |
| return zMask != 0; |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::alphaTest(Int &aMask, Short4 &alpha) |
| { |
| Short4 cmp; |
| Short4 equal; |
| |
| switch(state.alphaCompareMode) |
| { |
| case ALPHA_ALWAYS: |
| aMask = 0xF; |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_NEVER: |
| aMask = 0x0; |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_EQUAL: |
| cmp = CmpEQ(alpha, *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4))); |
| aMask = SignMask(PackSigned(cmp, Short4(0x0000))); |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_NOTEQUAL: // a != b ~ !(a == b) |
| cmp = CmpEQ(alpha, *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4))) ^ Short4(0xFFFFu); // FIXME |
| aMask = SignMask(PackSigned(cmp, Short4(0x0000))); |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_LESS: // a < b ~ b > a |
| cmp = CmpGT(*Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4)), alpha); |
| aMask = SignMask(PackSigned(cmp, Short4(0x0000))); |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_GREATEREQUAL: // a >= b ~ (a > b) || (a == b) ~ !(b > a) // TODO: Approximate |
| equal = CmpEQ(alpha, *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4))); |
| cmp = CmpGT(alpha, *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4))); |
| cmp |= equal; |
| aMask = SignMask(PackSigned(cmp, Short4(0x0000))); |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_LESSEQUAL: // a <= b ~ !(a > b) |
| cmp = CmpGT(alpha, *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4))) ^ Short4(0xFFFFu); // FIXME |
| aMask = SignMask(PackSigned(cmp, Short4(0x0000))); |
| break; |
| case ALPHA_GREATER: // a > b |
| cmp = CmpGT(alpha, *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.alphaReference4))); |
| aMask = SignMask(PackSigned(cmp, Short4(0x0000))); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::alphaToCoverage(Int cMask[4], Float4 &alpha) |
| { |
| Int4 coverage0 = CmpNLT(alpha, *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,a2c0))); |
| Int4 coverage1 = CmpNLT(alpha, *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,a2c1))); |
| Int4 coverage2 = CmpNLT(alpha, *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,a2c2))); |
| Int4 coverage3 = CmpNLT(alpha, *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,a2c3))); |
| |
| Int aMask0 = SignMask(coverage0); |
| Int aMask1 = SignMask(coverage1); |
| Int aMask2 = SignMask(coverage2); |
| Int aMask3 = SignMask(coverage3); |
| |
| cMask[0] &= aMask0; |
| cMask[1] &= aMask1; |
| cMask[2] &= aMask2; |
| cMask[3] &= aMask3; |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::fogBlend(Vector4f &c0, Float4 &fog) |
| { |
| if(!state.fogActive) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.pixelFogMode != FOG_NONE) |
| { |
| pixelFog(fog); |
| |
| fog = Min(fog, Float4(1.0f)); |
| fog = Max(fog, Float4(0.0f)); |
| } |
| |
| c0.x -= *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.colorF[0])); |
| c0.y -= *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.colorF[1])); |
| c0.z -= *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.colorF[2])); |
| |
| c0.x *= fog; |
| c0.y *= fog; |
| c0.z *= fog; |
| |
| c0.x += *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.colorF[0])); |
| c0.y += *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.colorF[1])); |
| c0.z += *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.colorF[2])); |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::pixelFog(Float4 &visibility) |
| { |
| Float4 &zw = visibility; |
| |
| if(state.pixelFogMode != FOG_NONE) |
| { |
| if(state.wBasedFog) |
| { |
| zw = rhw; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| zw = Float4(1.0f) - z[0]; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zw = z[0]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.pixelFogMode) |
| { |
| case FOG_NONE: |
| break; |
| case FOG_LINEAR: |
| zw *= *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.scale)); |
| zw += *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.offset)); |
| break; |
| case FOG_EXP: |
| zw *= *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.densityE)); |
| zw = exponential2(zw, true); |
| break; |
| case FOG_EXP2: |
| zw *= zw; |
| zw *= *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,fog.density2E)); |
| zw = exponential2(zw, true); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::writeDepth(Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, Int &x, Float4 &z, Int &zMask) |
| { |
| if(!state.depthWriteEnable) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Float4 Z = z; |
| |
| if(shader && shader->depthOverride()) |
| { |
| if(complementaryDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| Z = Float4(1.0f) - oDepth; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| Z = oDepth; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer; |
| Int pitch; |
| |
| if(!state.quadLayoutDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| buffer = zBuffer + 4 * x; |
| pitch = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,depthPitchB)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| buffer = zBuffer + 8 * x; |
| } |
| |
| if(q > 0) |
| { |
| buffer += q * *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,depthSliceB)); |
| } |
| |
| Float4 zValue; |
| |
| if(state.depthCompareMode != DEPTH_NEVER || (state.depthCompareMode != DEPTH_ALWAYS && !state.depthWriteEnable)) |
| { |
| if(!state.quadLayoutDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Properly optimizes? |
| zValue.xy = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer); |
| zValue.zw = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + pitch - 8); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| zValue = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Z = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(Z) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD4X) + zMask * 16, 16)); |
| zValue = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(zValue) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD4X) + zMask * 16, 16)); |
| Z = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(Z) | As<Int4>(zValue)); |
| |
| if(!state.quadLayoutDepthBuffer) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Properly optimizes? |
| *Pointer<Float2>(buffer) = Float2(Z.xy); |
| *Pointer<Float2>(buffer + pitch) = Float2(Z.zw); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16) = Z; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::writeStencil(Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, int q, Int &x, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask) |
| { |
| if(!state.stencilActive) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.stencilPassOperation == OPERATION_KEEP && state.stencilZFailOperation == OPERATION_KEEP && state.stencilFailOperation == OPERATION_KEEP) |
| { |
| if(!state.twoSidedStencil || (state.stencilPassOperationCCW == OPERATION_KEEP && state.stencilZFailOperationCCW == OPERATION_KEEP && state.stencilFailOperationCCW == OPERATION_KEEP)) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if(state.stencilWriteMasked && (!state.twoSidedStencil || state.stencilWriteMaskedCCW)) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = sBuffer + 2 * x; |
| |
| if(q > 0) |
| { |
| buffer += q * *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencilSliceB)); |
| } |
| |
| Byte8 bufferValue = *Pointer<Byte8>(buffer); |
| |
| Byte8 newValue; |
| stencilOperation(newValue, bufferValue, state.stencilPassOperation, state.stencilZFailOperation, state.stencilFailOperation, false, zMask, sMask); |
| |
| if(!state.noStencilWriteMask) |
| { |
| Byte8 maskedValue = bufferValue; |
| newValue &= *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[0].writeMaskQ)); |
| maskedValue &= *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[0].invWriteMaskQ)); |
| newValue |= maskedValue; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.twoSidedStencil) |
| { |
| Byte8 newValueCCW; |
| |
| stencilOperation(newValueCCW, bufferValue, state.stencilPassOperationCCW, state.stencilZFailOperationCCW, state.stencilFailOperationCCW, true, zMask, sMask); |
| |
| if(!state.noStencilWriteMaskCCW) |
| { |
| Byte8 maskedValue = bufferValue; |
| newValueCCW &= *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[1].writeMaskQ)); |
| maskedValue &= *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[1].invWriteMaskQ)); |
| newValueCCW |= maskedValue; |
| } |
| |
| newValue &= *Pointer<Byte8>(primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,clockwiseMask)); |
| newValueCCW &= *Pointer<Byte8>(primitive + OFFSET(Primitive,invClockwiseMask)); |
| newValue |= newValueCCW; |
| } |
| |
| newValue &= *Pointer<Byte8>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q) + 8 * cMask); |
| bufferValue &= *Pointer<Byte8>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q) + 8 * cMask); |
| newValue |= bufferValue; |
| |
| *Pointer<Byte4>(buffer) = Byte4(newValue); |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::stencilOperation(Byte8 &newValue, Byte8 &bufferValue, StencilOperation stencilPassOperation, StencilOperation stencilZFailOperation, StencilOperation stencilFailOperation, bool CCW, Int &zMask, Int &sMask) |
| { |
| Byte8 &pass = newValue; |
| Byte8 fail; |
| Byte8 zFail; |
| |
| stencilOperation(pass, bufferValue, stencilPassOperation, CCW); |
| |
| if(stencilZFailOperation != stencilPassOperation) |
| { |
| stencilOperation(zFail, bufferValue, stencilZFailOperation, CCW); |
| } |
| |
| if(stencilFailOperation != stencilPassOperation || stencilFailOperation != stencilZFailOperation) |
| { |
| stencilOperation(fail, bufferValue, stencilFailOperation, CCW); |
| } |
| |
| if(stencilFailOperation != stencilPassOperation || stencilFailOperation != stencilZFailOperation) |
| { |
| if(state.depthTestActive && stencilZFailOperation != stencilPassOperation) // zMask valid and values not the same |
| { |
| pass &= *Pointer<Byte8>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q) + 8 * zMask); |
| zFail &= *Pointer<Byte8>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q) + 8 * zMask); |
| pass |= zFail; |
| } |
| |
| pass &= *Pointer<Byte8>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q) + 8 * sMask); |
| fail &= *Pointer<Byte8>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q) + 8 * sMask); |
| pass |= fail; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::stencilOperation(Byte8 &output, Byte8 &bufferValue, StencilOperation operation, bool CCW) |
| { |
| switch(operation) |
| { |
| output = bufferValue; |
| break; |
| output = Byte8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); |
| break; |
| output = *Pointer<Byte8>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,stencil[CCW].referenceQ)); |
| break; |
| output = AddSat(bufferValue, Byte8(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); |
| break; |
| output = SubSat(bufferValue, Byte8(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); |
| break; |
| output = bufferValue ^ Byte8(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); |
| break; |
| output = bufferValue + Byte8(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); |
| break; |
| output = bufferValue - Byte8(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::blendFactor(Vector4s &blendFactor, const Vector4s ¤t, const Vector4s &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorActive) |
| { |
| switch(blendFactorActive) |
| { |
| case BLEND_ZERO: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_ONE: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_SOURCE: |
| blendFactor.x = current.x; |
| blendFactor.y = current.y; |
| blendFactor.z = current.z; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.x; |
| blendFactor.y = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.y; |
| blendFactor.z = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.z; |
| break; |
| case BLEND_DEST: |
| blendFactor.x = pixel.x; |
| blendFactor.y = pixel.y; |
| blendFactor.z = pixel.z; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.x; |
| blendFactor.y = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.y; |
| blendFactor.z = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.z; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = current.w; |
| blendFactor.y = current.w; |
| blendFactor.z = current.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.w; |
| blendFactor.y = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.w; |
| blendFactor.z = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.y = pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.z = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.y = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.z = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.x = Min(As<UShort4>(blendFactor.x), As<UShort4>(current.w)); |
| blendFactor.y = blendFactor.x; |
| blendFactor.z = blendFactor.x; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[0])); |
| blendFactor.y = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[1])); |
| blendFactor.z = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[2])); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[0])); |
| blendFactor.y = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[1])); |
| blendFactor.z = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[2])); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[3])); |
| blendFactor.y = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[3])); |
| blendFactor.z = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[3])); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[3])); |
| blendFactor.y = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[3])); |
| blendFactor.z = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[3])); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::blendFactorAlpha(Vector4s &blendFactor, const Vector4s ¤t, const Vector4s &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorAlphaActive) |
| { |
| switch(blendFactorAlphaActive) |
| { |
| case BLEND_ZERO: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_ONE: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_SOURCE: |
| blendFactor.w = current.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.w; |
| break; |
| case BLEND_DEST: |
| blendFactor.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = current.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Short4(0xFFFFu) - current.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Short4(0xFFFFu) - pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4W[3])); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = *Pointer<Short4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4W[3])); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool PixelRoutine::isSRGB(int index) const |
| { |
| return state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_SRGB8_A8 || state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_SRGB8_X8; |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::readPixel(int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Int &x, Vector4s &pixel) |
| { |
| Short4 c01; |
| Short4 c23; |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer; |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer2; |
| |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R5G6B5: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 2 * x; |
| buffer2 = buffer + *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| c01 = As<Short4>(Int2(*Pointer<Int>(buffer), *Pointer<Int>(buffer2))); |
| |
| pixel.x = c01 & Short4(0xF800u); |
| pixel.y = (c01 & Short4(0x07E0u)) << 5; |
| pixel.z = (c01 & Short4(0x001Fu)) << 11; |
| pixel.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8R8G8B8: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| c01 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| c23 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| pixel.z = c01; |
| pixel.y = c01; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.x = pixel.z; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z; |
| pixel.w = pixel.x; |
| pixel.x = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.x)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.z)); |
| pixel.w = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.w), As<Byte8>(pixel.w)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_A8: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| c01 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| c23 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| pixel.z = c01; |
| pixel.y = c01; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.x = pixel.z; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z; |
| pixel.w = pixel.x; |
| pixel.x = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.z)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.w), As<Byte8>(pixel.w)); |
| pixel.w = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.w), As<Byte8>(pixel.w)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 1 * x; |
| pixel.w = Insert(pixel.w, *Pointer<Short>(buffer), 0); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| pixel.w = Insert(pixel.w, *Pointer<Short>(buffer), 1); |
| pixel.w = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.w), As<Byte8>(pixel.w)); |
| pixel.x = Short4(0x0000); |
| pixel.y = Short4(0x0000); |
| pixel.z = Short4(0x0000); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_R8: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 1 * x; |
| pixel.x = Insert(pixel.x, *Pointer<Short>(buffer), 0); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| pixel.x = Insert(pixel.x, *Pointer<Short>(buffer), 1); |
| pixel.x = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.x)); |
| pixel.y = Short4(0x0000); |
| pixel.z = Short4(0x0000); |
| pixel.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8R8G8B8: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| c01 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| c23 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| pixel.z = c01; |
| pixel.y = c01; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.x = pixel.z; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z; |
| pixel.x = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.x)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.z)); |
| pixel.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_X8: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| c01 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| c23 = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| pixel.z = c01; |
| pixel.y = c01; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(c23)); |
| pixel.x = pixel.z; |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z; |
| pixel.w = pixel.x; |
| pixel.x = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), As<Byte8>(pixel.z)); |
| pixel.y = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), As<Byte8>(pixel.y)); |
| pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.w), As<Byte8>(pixel.w)); |
| pixel.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8G8R8B8Q: |
| // pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 0)); |
| // pixel.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 0)); |
| // pixel.y = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 8)); |
| // pixel.w = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.w), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 8)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q: |
| // pixel.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.z), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 0)); |
| // pixel.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(pixel.x), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 0)); |
| // pixel.y = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(pixel.y), *Pointer<Byte8>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 8)); |
| // pixel.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16: |
| buffer = cBuffer; |
| pixel.x = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8 * x); |
| pixel.y = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8 * x + 8); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| pixel.z = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8 * x); |
| pixel.w = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8 * x + 8); |
| transpose4x4(pixel.x, pixel.y, pixel.z, pixel.w); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G16R16: |
| buffer = cBuffer; |
| pixel.x = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 4 * x); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| pixel.y = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 4 * x); |
| pixel.z = pixel.x; |
| pixel.x = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(pixel.x, pixel.y)); |
| pixel.z = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(pixel.z, pixel.y)); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z; |
| pixel.x = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(pixel.x, pixel.z)); |
| pixel.y = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(pixel.y, pixel.z)); |
| pixel.z = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| pixel.w = Short4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| if((postBlendSRGB && state.writeSRGB) || isSRGB(index)) |
| { |
| sRGBtoLinear16_12_16(pixel); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::alphaBlend(int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4s ¤t, Int &x) |
| { |
| if(!state.alphaBlendActive) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Vector4s pixel; |
| readPixel(index, cBuffer, x, pixel); |
| |
| // Final Color = ObjectColor * SourceBlendFactor + PixelColor * DestinationBlendFactor |
| Vector4s sourceFactor; |
| Vector4s destFactor; |
| |
| blendFactor(sourceFactor, current, pixel, state.sourceBlendFactor); |
| blendFactor(destFactor, current, pixel, state.destBlendFactor); |
| |
| if(state.sourceBlendFactor != BLEND_ONE && state.sourceBlendFactor != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| current.x = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(current.x), As<UShort4>(sourceFactor.x)); |
| current.y = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(sourceFactor.y)); |
| current.z = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(sourceFactor.z)); |
| } |
| |
| if(state.destBlendFactor != BLEND_ONE && state.destBlendFactor != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| pixel.x = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(pixel.x), As<UShort4>(destFactor.x)); |
| pixel.y = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(pixel.y), As<UShort4>(destFactor.y)); |
| pixel.z = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(pixel.z), As<UShort4>(destFactor.z)); |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.blendOperation) |
| { |
| case BLENDOP_ADD: |
| current.x = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.x), As<UShort4>(pixel.x)); |
| current.y = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(pixel.y)); |
| current.z = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(pixel.z)); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_SUB: |
| current.x = SubSat(As<UShort4>(current.x), As<UShort4>(pixel.x)); |
| current.y = SubSat(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(pixel.y)); |
| current.z = SubSat(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(pixel.z)); |
| break; |
| current.x = SubSat(As<UShort4>(pixel.x), As<UShort4>(current.x)); |
| current.y = SubSat(As<UShort4>(pixel.y), As<UShort4>(current.y)); |
| current.z = SubSat(As<UShort4>(pixel.z), As<UShort4>(current.z)); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MIN: |
| current.x = Min(As<UShort4>(current.x), As<UShort4>(pixel.x)); |
| current.y = Min(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(pixel.y)); |
| current.z = Min(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(pixel.z)); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MAX: |
| current.x = Max(As<UShort4>(current.x), As<UShort4>(pixel.x)); |
| current.y = Max(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(pixel.y)); |
| current.z = Max(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(pixel.z)); |
| break; |
| // No operation |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_DEST: |
| current.x = pixel.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_NULL: |
| current.x = Short4(0x0000); |
| current.y = Short4(0x0000); |
| current.z = Short4(0x0000); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| blendFactorAlpha(sourceFactor, current, pixel, state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha); |
| blendFactorAlpha(destFactor, current, pixel, state.destBlendFactorAlpha); |
| |
| if(state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ONE && state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| current.w = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(current.w), As<UShort4>(sourceFactor.w)); |
| } |
| |
| if(state.destBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ONE && state.destBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| pixel.w = MulHigh(As<UShort4>(pixel.w), As<UShort4>(destFactor.w)); |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.blendOperationAlpha) |
| { |
| case BLENDOP_ADD: |
| current.w = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.w), As<UShort4>(pixel.w)); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_SUB: |
| current.w = SubSat(As<UShort4>(current.w), As<UShort4>(pixel.w)); |
| break; |
| current.w = SubSat(As<UShort4>(pixel.w), As<UShort4>(current.w)); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MIN: |
| current.w = Min(As<UShort4>(current.w), As<UShort4>(pixel.w)); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MAX: |
| current.w = Max(As<UShort4>(current.w), As<UShort4>(pixel.w)); |
| break; |
| // No operation |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_DEST: |
| current.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_NULL: |
| current.w = Short4(0x0000); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::logicOperation(int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4s ¤t, Int &x) |
| { |
| if(state.logicalOperation == LOGICALOP_COPY) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Vector4s pixel; |
| readPixel(index, cBuffer, x, pixel); |
| |
| switch(state.logicalOperation) |
| { |
| current.x = UShort4(0); |
| current.y = UShort4(0); |
| current.z = UShort4(0); |
| break; |
| current.x = UShort4(0xFFFFu); |
| current.y = UShort4(0xFFFFu); |
| current.z = UShort4(0xFFFFu); |
| break; |
| ASSERT(false); // Optimized out |
| break; |
| current.x = ~current.x; |
| current.y = ~current.y; |
| current.z = ~current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = pixel.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = ~pixel.x; |
| current.y = ~pixel.y; |
| current.z = ~pixel.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = pixel.x & current.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y & current.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z & current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = ~(pixel.x & current.x); |
| current.y = ~(pixel.y & current.y); |
| current.z = ~(pixel.z & current.z); |
| break; |
| case LOGICALOP_OR: |
| current.x = pixel.x | current.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y | current.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z | current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = ~(pixel.x | current.x); |
| current.y = ~(pixel.y | current.y); |
| current.z = ~(pixel.z | current.z); |
| break; |
| current.x = pixel.x ^ current.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y ^ current.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z ^ current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = ~(pixel.x ^ current.x); |
| current.y = ~(pixel.y ^ current.y); |
| current.z = ~(pixel.z ^ current.z); |
| break; |
| current.x = ~pixel.x & current.x; |
| current.y = ~pixel.y & current.y; |
| current.z = ~pixel.z & current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = pixel.x & ~current.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y & ~current.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z & ~current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = ~pixel.x | current.x; |
| current.y = ~pixel.y | current.y; |
| current.z = ~pixel.z | current.z; |
| break; |
| current.x = pixel.x | ~current.x; |
| current.y = pixel.y | ~current.y; |
| current.z = pixel.z | ~current.z; |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::writeColor(int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Int &x, Vector4s ¤t, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask) |
| { |
| if((postBlendSRGB && state.writeSRGB) || isSRGB(index)) |
| { |
| linearToSRGB16_12_16(current); |
| } |
| |
| if(exactColorRounding) |
| { |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R5G6B5: |
| current.x = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.x), UShort4(0x0400)); |
| current.y = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.y), UShort4(0x0200)); |
| current.z = AddSat(As<UShort4>(current.z), UShort4(0x0400)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q: |
| case FORMAT_A8G8R8B8Q: |
| case FORMAT_X8R8G8B8: |
| case FORMAT_X8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_A8R8G8B8: |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_X8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_A8: |
| case FORMAT_G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_R8: |
| current.x = current.x - As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8) + Short4(0x0080); |
| current.y = current.y - As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8) + Short4(0x0080); |
| current.z = current.z - As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8) + Short4(0x0080); |
| current.w = current.w - As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.w) >> 8) + Short4(0x0080); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int rgbaWriteMask = state.colorWriteActive(index); |
| int bgraWriteMask = (rgbaWriteMask & 0x0000000A) | (rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000001) << 2 | (rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000004) >> 2; |
| |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R5G6B5: |
| { |
| current.x = current.x & Short4(0xF800u); |
| current.y = As<UShort4>(current.y & Short4(0xFC00u)) >> 5; |
| current.z = As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 11; |
| |
| current.x = current.x | current.y | current.z; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q: |
| // current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| // current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| // current.z = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8); |
| |
| // current.z = As<Short4>(Pack(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(current.x))); |
| // current.y = As<Short4>(Pack(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(current.y))); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8G8R8B8Q: |
| // current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| // current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| // current.z = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8); |
| // current.w = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.w) >> 8); |
| |
| // current.z = As<Short4>(Pack(As<UShort4>(current.z), As<UShort4>(current.x))); |
| // current.y = As<Short4>(Pack(As<UShort4>(current.y), As<UShort4>(current.w))); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8R8G8B8: |
| case FORMAT_A8R8G8B8: |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 || rgbaWriteMask == 0x7) |
| { |
| current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| current.z = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8); |
| |
| current.z = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.z, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.y, current.y)); |
| |
| current.x = current.z; |
| current.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(current.z), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(current.x), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.y = current.z; |
| current.z = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(current.z, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(current.y, current.x)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| current.z = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8); |
| current.w = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.w) >> 8); |
| |
| current.z = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.z, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.y, current.w)); |
| |
| current.x = current.z; |
| current.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(current.z), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(current.x), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.y = current.z; |
| current.z = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(current.z, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(current.y, current.x)); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_X8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_A8: |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8B8G8R8 || state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_SRGB8_X8 || rgbaWriteMask == 0x7) |
| { |
| current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| current.z = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8); |
| |
| current.z = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.x, current.z)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.y, current.y)); |
| |
| current.x = current.z; |
| current.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(current.z), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(current.x), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.y = current.z; |
| current.z = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(current.z, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(current.y, current.x)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| current.z = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.z) >> 8); |
| current.w = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.w) >> 8); |
| |
| current.z = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.x, current.z)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.y, current.w)); |
| |
| current.x = current.z; |
| current.z = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(current.z), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.x = UnpackHigh(As<Byte8>(current.x), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| current.y = current.z; |
| current.z = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(current.z, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(current.y, current.x)); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G8R8: |
| current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.y) >> 8); |
| current.x = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.x, current.x)); |
| current.y = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.y, current.y)); |
| current.x = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(current.x), As<Byte8>(current.y)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_R8: |
| current.x = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.x) >> 8); |
| current.x = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.x, current.x)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8: |
| current.w = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(current.w) >> 8); |
| current.w = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(current.w, current.w)); |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G16R16: |
| current.z = current.x; |
| current.x = As<Short4>(UnpackLow(current.x, current.y)); |
| current.z = As<Short4>(UnpackHigh(current.z, current.y)); |
| current.y = current.z; |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16: |
| transpose4x4(current.x, current.y, current.z, current.w); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| Short4 c01 = current.z; |
| Short4 c23 = current.y; |
| |
| Int xMask; // Combination of all masks |
| |
| if(state.depthTestActive) |
| { |
| xMask = zMask; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| xMask = cMask; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.stencilActive) |
| { |
| xMask &= sMask; |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R5G6B5: |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + 2 * x; |
| Int value = *Pointer<Int>(buffer); |
| |
| Int c01 = Extract(As<Int2>(current.x), 0); |
| |
| if((bgraWriteMask & 0x00000007) != 0x00000007) |
| { |
| Int masked = value; |
| c01 &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,mask565Q[bgraWriteMask & 0x7][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,mask565Q[~bgraWriteMask & 0x7][0])); |
| c01 |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| c01 &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW4Q[0][0]) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskW4Q[0][0]) + xMask * 8); |
| c01 |= value; |
| *Pointer<Int>(buffer) = c01; |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| value = *Pointer<Int>(buffer); |
| |
| Int c23 = Extract(As<Int2>(current.x), 1); |
| |
| if((bgraWriteMask & 0x00000007) != 0x00000007) |
| { |
| Int masked = value; |
| c23 &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,mask565Q[bgraWriteMask & 0x7][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,mask565Q[~bgraWriteMask & 0x7][0])); |
| c23 |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| c23 &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW4Q[0][2]) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskW4Q[0][2]) + xMask * 8); |
| c23 |= value; |
| *Pointer<Int>(buffer) = c23; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8G8R8B8Q: |
| case FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q: // FIXME: Don't touch alpha? |
| // value = *Pointer<Short4>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 0); |
| |
| // if((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8G8R8B8Q && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F) || |
| // ((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q && bgraWriteMask != 0x00000007) && |
| // (state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F))) // FIXME: Need for masking when XRGB && Fh? |
| // { |
| // Short4 masked = value; |
| // c01 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| // masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| // c01 |= masked; |
| // } |
| |
| // c01 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| // value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| // c01 |= value; |
| // *Pointer<Short4>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 0) = c01; |
| |
| // value = *Pointer<Short4>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 8); |
| |
| // if((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8G8R8B8Q && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F) || |
| // ((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q && bgraWriteMask != 0x00000007) && |
| // (state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8G8R8B8Q && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F))) // FIXME: Need for masking when XRGB && Fh? |
| // { |
| // Short4 masked = value; |
| // c23 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| // masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| // c23 |= masked; |
| // } |
| |
| // c23 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| // value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| // c23 |= value; |
| // *Pointer<Short4>(cBuffer + 8 * x + 8) = c23; |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8R8G8B8: |
| case FORMAT_X8R8G8B8: // FIXME: Don't touch alpha? |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + x * 4; |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8 && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F) || |
| ((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 && bgraWriteMask != 0x00000007) && |
| (state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F))) // FIXME: Need for masking when XRGB && Fh? |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| c01 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| c01 |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| c01 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| c01 |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = c01; |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8 && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F) || |
| ((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 && bgraWriteMask != 0x00000007) && |
| (state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 && bgraWriteMask != 0x0000000F))) // FIXME: Need for masking when XRGB && Fh? |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| c23 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q[bgraWriteMask][0])); |
| c23 |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| c23 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| c23 |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = c23; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8: |
| case FORMAT_X8B8G8R8: // FIXME: Don't touch alpha? |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_X8: |
| case FORMAT_SRGB8_A8: |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + x * 4; |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| bool masked = (((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8B8G8R8 || state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_SRGB8_A8) && rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) || |
| (((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8B8G8R8 || state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_SRGB8_X8) && rgbaWriteMask != 0x00000007) && |
| ((state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X8B8G8R8 || state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_SRGB8_X8) && rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F))); // FIXME: Need for masking when XBGR && Fh? |
| |
| if(masked) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| c01 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| c01 |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| c01 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| c01 |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = c01; |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if(masked) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| c23 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| c23 |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| c23 &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| c23 |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = c23; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G8R8: |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x0) |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + 2 * x; |
| Int2 value; |
| value = Insert(value, *Pointer<Int>(buffer), 0); |
| Int pitch = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| value = Insert(value, *Pointer<Int>(buffer + pitch), 1); |
| |
| Int2 packedCol = As<Int2>(current.x); |
| |
| UInt2 mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskW4Q) + xMask * 8); |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x3) != 0x3) |
| { |
| Int tmpMask = *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskB4Q[5 * (rgbaWriteMask & 0x3)][0])); |
| UInt2 rgbaMask = As<UInt2>(Int2(tmpMask, tmpMask)); |
| mergedMask &= rgbaMask; |
| } |
| |
| packedCol = As<Int2>((As<UInt2>(packedCol) & mergedMask) | (As<UInt2>(value) & ~mergedMask)); |
| |
| *Pointer<UInt>(buffer) = As<UInt>(Extract(packedCol, 0)); |
| *Pointer<UInt>(buffer + pitch) = As<UInt>(Extract(packedCol, 1)); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_R8: |
| if(rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000001) |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + 1 * x; |
| Short4 value; |
| value = Insert(value, *Pointer<Short>(buffer), 0); |
| Int pitch = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| value = Insert(value, *Pointer<Short>(buffer + pitch), 1); |
| |
| current.x &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskB4Q) + 8 * xMask); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, invMaskB4Q) + 8 * xMask); |
| current.x |= value; |
| |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer) = Extract(current.x, 0); |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer + pitch) = Extract(current.x, 1); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8: |
| if(rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000008) |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + 1 * x; |
| Short4 value; |
| value = Insert(value, *Pointer<Short>(buffer), 0); |
| Int pitch = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| value = Insert(value, *Pointer<Short>(buffer + pitch), 1); |
| |
| current.w &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskB4Q) + 8 * xMask); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskB4Q) + 8 * xMask); |
| current.w |= value; |
| |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer) = Extract(current.w, 0); |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer + pitch) = Extract(current.w, 1); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G16R16: |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| current.x &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW01Q[rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW01Q[~rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0])); |
| current.x |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| current.x &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| current.x |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = current.x; |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| current.y &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW01Q[rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW01Q[~rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0])); |
| current.y |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| current.y &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| current.y |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = current.y; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16: |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer = cBuffer + 8 * x; |
| |
| { |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| current.x &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| current.x |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| current.x &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskQ0Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskQ0Q) + xMask * 8); |
| current.x |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = current.x; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| current.y &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| current.y |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| current.y &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskQ1Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskQ1Q) + xMask * 8); |
| current.y |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8) = current.y; |
| } |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| { |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| current.z &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| current.z |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| current.z &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskQ2Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskQ2Q) + xMask * 8); |
| current.z |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer) = current.z; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| Short4 value = *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Short4 masked = value; |
| current.w &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| masked &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| current.w |= masked; |
| } |
| |
| current.w &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskQ3Q) + xMask * 8); |
| value &= *Pointer<Short4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskQ3Q) + xMask * 8); |
| current.w |= value; |
| *Pointer<Short4>(buffer + 8) = current.w; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::blendFactor(Vector4f &blendFactor, const Vector4f &oC, const Vector4f &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorActive) |
| { |
| switch(blendFactorActive) |
| { |
| case BLEND_ZERO: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_ONE: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_SOURCE: |
| blendFactor.x = oC.x; |
| blendFactor.y = oC.y; |
| blendFactor.z = oC.z; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Float4(1.0f) - oC.x; |
| blendFactor.y = Float4(1.0f) - oC.y; |
| blendFactor.z = Float4(1.0f) - oC.z; |
| break; |
| case BLEND_DEST: |
| blendFactor.x = pixel.x; |
| blendFactor.y = pixel.y; |
| blendFactor.z = pixel.z; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.x; |
| blendFactor.y = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.y; |
| blendFactor.z = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.z; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = oC.w; |
| blendFactor.y = oC.w; |
| blendFactor.z = oC.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Float4(1.0f) - oC.w; |
| blendFactor.y = Float4(1.0f) - oC.w; |
| blendFactor.z = Float4(1.0f) - oC.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.y = pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.z = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.y = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.z = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.w; |
| blendFactor.x = Min(blendFactor.x, oC.w); |
| blendFactor.y = blendFactor.x; |
| blendFactor.z = blendFactor.x; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4F[0])); |
| blendFactor.y = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4F[1])); |
| blendFactor.z = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4F[2])); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.x = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4F[0])); |
| blendFactor.y = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4F[1])); |
| blendFactor.z = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4F[2])); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::blendFactorAlpha(Vector4f &blendFactor, const Vector4f &oC, const Vector4f &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorAlphaActive) |
| { |
| switch(blendFactorAlphaActive) |
| { |
| case BLEND_ZERO: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_ONE: |
| // Optimized |
| break; |
| case BLEND_SOURCE: |
| blendFactor.w = oC.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Float4(1.0f) - oC.w; |
| break; |
| case BLEND_DEST: |
| blendFactor.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = oC.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Float4(1.0f) - oC.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Float4(1.0f) - pixel.w; |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = Float4(1.0f); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.blendConstant4F[3])); |
| break; |
| blendFactor.w = *Pointer<Float4>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,factor.invBlendConstant4F[3])); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::alphaBlend(int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4f &oC, Int &x) |
| { |
| if(!state.alphaBlendActive) |
| { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer; |
| Vector4f pixel; |
| |
| Vector4s color; |
| Short4 c01; |
| Short4 c23; |
| |
| Float4 one; |
| if(Surface::isFloatFormat(state.targetFormat[index])) |
| { |
| one = Float4(1.0f); |
| } |
| else if(Surface::isNonNormalizedInteger(state.targetFormat[index])) |
| { |
| one = As<Float4>(Surface::isUnsignedComponent(state.targetFormat[index], 0) ? Int4(0xFFFFFFFF) : Int4(0x7FFFFFFF)); |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R32I: |
| case FORMAT_R32UI: |
| case FORMAT_R32F: |
| buffer = cBuffer; |
| // FIXME: movlps |
| pixel.x.x = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4 * x + 0); |
| pixel.x.y = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4 * x + 4); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| // FIXME: movhps |
| pixel.x.z = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4 * x + 0); |
| pixel.x.w = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4 * x + 4); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z = pixel.w = one; |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G32R32I: |
| case FORMAT_G32R32UI: |
| case FORMAT_G32R32F: |
| buffer = cBuffer; |
| pixel.x = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 8 * x, 16); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| pixel.y = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 8 * x, 16); |
| pixel.z = pixel.x; |
| pixel.x = ShuffleLowHigh(pixel.x, pixel.y, 0x88); |
| pixel.z = ShuffleLowHigh(pixel.z, pixel.y, 0xDD); |
| pixel.y = pixel.z; |
| pixel.z = pixel.w = one; |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X32B32G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32I: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32UI: |
| buffer = cBuffer; |
| pixel.x = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16 * x, 16); |
| pixel.y = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16 * x + 16, 16); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| pixel.z = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16 * x, 16); |
| pixel.w = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16 * x + 16, 16); |
| transpose4x4(pixel.x, pixel.y, pixel.z, pixel.w); |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_X32B32G32R32F) |
| { |
| pixel.w = Float4(1.0f); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| if((postBlendSRGB && state.writeSRGB) || isSRGB(index)) |
| { |
| sRGBtoLinear(pixel.x); |
| sRGBtoLinear(pixel.y); |
| sRGBtoLinear(pixel.z); |
| } |
| |
| // Final Color = ObjectColor * SourceBlendFactor + PixelColor * DestinationBlendFactor |
| Vector4f sourceFactor; |
| Vector4f destFactor; |
| |
| blendFactor(sourceFactor, oC, pixel, state.sourceBlendFactor); |
| blendFactor(destFactor, oC, pixel, state.destBlendFactor); |
| |
| if(state.sourceBlendFactor != BLEND_ONE && state.sourceBlendFactor != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| oC.x *= sourceFactor.x; |
| oC.y *= sourceFactor.y; |
| oC.z *= sourceFactor.z; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.destBlendFactor != BLEND_ONE && state.destBlendFactor != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| pixel.x *= destFactor.x; |
| pixel.y *= destFactor.y; |
| pixel.z *= destFactor.z; |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.blendOperation) |
| { |
| case BLENDOP_ADD: |
| oC.x += pixel.x; |
| oC.y += pixel.y; |
| oC.z += pixel.z; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_SUB: |
| oC.x -= pixel.x; |
| oC.y -= pixel.y; |
| oC.z -= pixel.z; |
| break; |
| oC.x = pixel.x - oC.x; |
| oC.y = pixel.y - oC.y; |
| oC.z = pixel.z - oC.z; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MIN: |
| oC.x = Min(oC.x, pixel.x); |
| oC.y = Min(oC.y, pixel.y); |
| oC.z = Min(oC.z, pixel.z); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MAX: |
| oC.x = Max(oC.x, pixel.x); |
| oC.y = Max(oC.y, pixel.y); |
| oC.z = Max(oC.z, pixel.z); |
| break; |
| // No operation |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_DEST: |
| oC.x = pixel.x; |
| oC.y = pixel.y; |
| oC.z = pixel.z; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_NULL: |
| oC.x = Float4(0.0f); |
| oC.y = Float4(0.0f); |
| oC.z = Float4(0.0f); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| blendFactorAlpha(sourceFactor, oC, pixel, state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha); |
| blendFactorAlpha(destFactor, oC, pixel, state.destBlendFactorAlpha); |
| |
| if(state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ONE && state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| oC.w *= sourceFactor.w; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.destBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ONE && state.destBlendFactorAlpha != BLEND_ZERO) |
| { |
| pixel.w *= destFactor.w; |
| } |
| |
| switch(state.blendOperationAlpha) |
| { |
| case BLENDOP_ADD: |
| oC.w += pixel.w; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_SUB: |
| oC.w -= pixel.w; |
| break; |
| pixel.w -= oC.w; |
| oC.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MIN: |
| oC.w = Min(oC.w, pixel.w); |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_MAX: |
| oC.w = Max(oC.w, pixel.w); |
| break; |
| // No operation |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_DEST: |
| oC.w = pixel.w; |
| break; |
| case BLENDOP_NULL: |
| oC.w = Float4(0.0f); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::writeColor(int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Int &x, Vector4f &oC, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask) |
| { |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R32F: |
| case FORMAT_R32I: |
| case FORMAT_R32UI: |
| case FORMAT_R16I: |
| case FORMAT_R16UI: |
| case FORMAT_R8I: |
| case FORMAT_R8UI: |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_G32R32I: |
| case FORMAT_G32R32UI: |
| case FORMAT_G16R16I: |
| case FORMAT_G16R16UI: |
| case FORMAT_G8R8I: |
| case FORMAT_G8R8UI: |
| oC.z = oC.x; |
| oC.x = UnpackLow(oC.x, oC.y); |
| oC.z = UnpackHigh(oC.z, oC.y); |
| oC.y = oC.z; |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X32B32G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32I: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32UI: |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16I: |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16UI: |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8I: |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8UI: |
| transpose4x4(oC.x, oC.y, oC.z, oC.w); |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| int rgbaWriteMask = state.colorWriteActive(index); |
| |
| Int xMask; // Combination of all masks |
| |
| if(state.depthTestActive) |
| { |
| xMask = zMask; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| xMask = cMask; |
| } |
| |
| if(state.stencilActive) |
| { |
| xMask &= sMask; |
| } |
| |
| Pointer<Byte> buffer; |
| Float4 value; |
| |
| switch(state.targetFormat[index]) |
| { |
| case FORMAT_R32F: |
| case FORMAT_R32I: |
| case FORMAT_R32UI: |
| if(rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000001) |
| { |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| |
| // FIXME: movlps |
| value.x = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 0); |
| value.y = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4); |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| // FIXME: movhps |
| value.z = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 0); |
| value.w = *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4); |
| |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD4X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD4X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| |
| // FIXME: movhps |
| *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 0) = oC.x.z; |
| *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4) = oC.x.w; |
| |
| buffer -= *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| // FIXME: movlps |
| *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 0) = oC.x.x; |
| *Pointer<Float>(buffer + 4) = oC.x.y; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_R16I: |
| case FORMAT_R16UI: |
| if(rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000001) |
| { |
| buffer = cBuffer + 2 * x; |
| |
| UShort4 xyzw; |
| xyzw = As<UShort4>(Insert(As<Int2>(xyzw), *Pointer<Int>(buffer), 0)); |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| xyzw = As<UShort4>(Insert(As<Int2>(xyzw), *Pointer<Int>(buffer), 1)); |
| value = As<Float4>(Int4(xyzw)); |
| |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskD4X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, invMaskD4X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_R16I) |
| { |
| Float component = oC.x.z; |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer + 0) = Short(As<Int>(component)); |
| component = oC.x.w; |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer + 2) = Short(As<Int>(component)); |
| |
| buffer -= *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| component = oC.x.x; |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer + 0) = Short(As<Int>(component)); |
| component = oC.x.y; |
| *Pointer<Short>(buffer + 2) = Short(As<Int>(component)); |
| } |
| else // FORMAT_R16UI |
| { |
| Float component = oC.x.z; |
| *Pointer<UShort>(buffer + 0) = UShort(As<Int>(component)); |
| component = oC.x.w; |
| *Pointer<UShort>(buffer + 2) = UShort(As<Int>(component)); |
| |
| buffer -= *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| component = oC.x.x; |
| *Pointer<UShort>(buffer + 0) = UShort(As<Int>(component)); |
| component = oC.x.y; |
| *Pointer<UShort>(buffer + 2) = UShort(As<Int>(component)); |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_R8I: |
| case FORMAT_R8UI: |
| if(rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000001) |
| { |
| buffer = cBuffer + x; |
| |
| UInt xyzw, packedCol; |
| |
| xyzw = UInt(*Pointer<UShort>(buffer)) & 0xFFFF; |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| xyzw |= UInt(*Pointer<UShort>(buffer)) << 16; |
| |
| Short4 tmpCol = Short4(As<Int4>(oC.x)); |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_R8I) |
| { |
| tmpCol = As<Short4>(PackSigned(tmpCol, tmpCol)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| tmpCol = As<Short4>(PackUnsigned(tmpCol, tmpCol)); |
| } |
| packedCol = Extract(As<Int2>(tmpCol), 0); |
| |
| packedCol = (packedCol & *Pointer<UInt>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskB4Q) + 8 * xMask)) | |
| (xyzw & *Pointer<UInt>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, invMaskB4Q) + 8 * xMask)); |
| |
| *Pointer<UShort>(buffer) = UShort(packedCol >> 16); |
| buffer -= *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| *Pointer<UShort>(buffer) = UShort(packedCol); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_G32R32I: |
| case FORMAT_G32R32UI: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 8 * x; |
| |
| value = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer); |
| |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) |
| { |
| Float4 masked = value; |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01X[rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0]))); |
| masked = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(masked) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01X[~rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0]))); |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) | As<Int4>(masked)); |
| } |
| |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskQ01X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskQ01X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer) = oC.x; |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| value = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer); |
| |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) |
| { |
| Float4 masked; |
| |
| masked = value; |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01X[rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0]))); |
| masked = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(masked) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD01X[~rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0]))); |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) | As<Int4>(masked)); |
| } |
| |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskQ23X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskQ23X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer) = oC.y; |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G16R16I: |
| case FORMAT_G16R16UI: |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x0) |
| { |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| |
| UInt2 rgbaMask; |
| UShort4 packedCol = UShort4(As<Int4>(oC.x)); |
| UShort4 value = *Pointer<UShort4>(buffer); |
| UInt2 mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x3) != 0x3) |
| { |
| Int tmpMask = *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask & 0x3][0])); |
| rgbaMask = As<UInt2>(Int2(tmpMask, tmpMask)); |
| mergedMask &= rgbaMask; |
| } |
| *Pointer<UInt2>(buffer) = (As<UInt2>(packedCol) & mergedMask) | (As<UInt2>(value) & ~mergedMask); |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| packedCol = UShort4(As<Int4>(oC.y)); |
| value = *Pointer<UShort4>(buffer); |
| mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x3) != 0x3) |
| { |
| mergedMask &= rgbaMask; |
| } |
| *Pointer<UInt2>(buffer) = (As<UInt2>(packedCol) & mergedMask) | (As<UInt2>(value) & ~mergedMask); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_G8R8I: |
| case FORMAT_G8R8UI: |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x00000003) != 0x0) |
| { |
| buffer = cBuffer + 2 * x; |
| |
| Int2 xyzw, packedCol; |
| |
| xyzw = Insert(xyzw, *Pointer<Int>(buffer), 0); |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| xyzw = Insert(xyzw, *Pointer<Int>(buffer), 1); |
| |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_G8R8I) |
| { |
| packedCol = As<Int2>(PackSigned(Short4(As<Int4>(oC.x)), Short4(As<Int4>(oC.y)))); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| packedCol = As<Int2>(PackUnsigned(Short4(As<Int4>(oC.x)), Short4(As<Int4>(oC.y)))); |
| } |
| |
| UInt2 mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskW4Q) + xMask * 8); |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x3) != 0x3) |
| { |
| Int tmpMask = *Pointer<Int>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskB4Q[5 * (rgbaWriteMask & 0x3)][0])); |
| UInt2 rgbaMask = As<UInt2>(Int2(tmpMask, tmpMask)); |
| mergedMask &= rgbaMask; |
| } |
| |
| packedCol = As<Int2>((As<UInt2>(packedCol) & mergedMask) | (As<UInt2>(xyzw) & ~mergedMask)); |
| |
| *Pointer<UInt>(buffer) = As<UInt>(Extract(packedCol, 1)); |
| buffer -= *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| *Pointer<UInt>(buffer) = As<UInt>(Extract(packedCol, 0)); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_X32B32G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32F: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32I: |
| case FORMAT_A32B32G32R32UI: |
| buffer = cBuffer + 16 * x; |
| |
| { |
| value = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Float4 masked = value; |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| masked = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(masked) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) | As<Int4>(masked)); |
| } |
| |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskX0X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskX0X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.x = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.x) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16) = oC.x; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| value = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16, 16); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Float4 masked = value; |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| masked = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(masked) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) | As<Int4>(masked)); |
| } |
| |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskX1X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskX1X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.y = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.y) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16, 16) = oC.y; |
| } |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData,colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| { |
| value = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Float4 masked = value; |
| oC.z = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.z) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| masked = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(masked) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| oC.z = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.z) | As<Int4>(masked)); |
| } |
| |
| oC.z = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.z) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskX2X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskX2X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.z = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.z) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer, 16) = oC.z; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| value = *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16, 16); |
| |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0x0000000F) |
| { |
| Float4 masked = value; |
| oC.w = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.w) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| masked = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(masked) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskD4X[rgbaWriteMask][0]))); |
| oC.w = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.w) | As<Int4>(masked)); |
| } |
| |
| oC.w = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.w) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,maskX3X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| value = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(value) & *Pointer<Int4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants,invMaskX3X) + xMask * 16, 16)); |
| oC.w = As<Float4>(As<Int4>(oC.w) | As<Int4>(value)); |
| *Pointer<Float4>(buffer + 16, 16) = oC.w; |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16I: |
| case FORMAT_A16B16G16R16UI: |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x0000000F) != 0x0) |
| { |
| buffer = cBuffer + 8 * x; |
| |
| UInt4 rgbaMask; |
| UShort8 value = *Pointer<UShort8>(buffer); |
| UShort8 packedCol = UShort8(UShort4(As<Int4>(oC.x)), UShort4(As<Int4>(oC.y))); |
| UInt4 mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskQ01X) + xMask * 16); |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0xF) != 0xF) |
| { |
| UInt2 tmpMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskW4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| rgbaMask = UInt4(tmpMask, tmpMask); |
| mergedMask &= rgbaMask; |
| } |
| *Pointer<UInt4>(buffer) = (As<UInt4>(packedCol) & mergedMask) | (As<UInt4>(value) & ~mergedMask); |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| value = *Pointer<UShort8>(buffer); |
| packedCol = UShort8(UShort4(As<Int4>(oC.z)), UShort4(As<Int4>(oC.w))); |
| mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt4>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskQ23X) + xMask * 16); |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0xF) != 0xF) |
| { |
| mergedMask &= rgbaMask; |
| } |
| *Pointer<UInt4>(buffer) = (As<UInt4>(packedCol) & mergedMask) | (As<UInt4>(value) & ~mergedMask); |
| } |
| break; |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8I: |
| case FORMAT_A8B8G8R8UI: |
| if((rgbaWriteMask & 0x0000000F) != 0x0) |
| { |
| UInt2 value, packedCol, mergedMask; |
| |
| buffer = cBuffer + 4 * x; |
| |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8B8G8R8I) |
| { |
| packedCol = As<UInt2>(PackSigned(Short4(As<Int4>(oC.x)), Short4(As<Int4>(oC.y)))); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| packedCol = As<UInt2>(PackUnsigned(Short4(As<Int4>(oC.x)), Short4(As<Int4>(oC.y)))); |
| } |
| value = *Pointer<UInt2>(buffer, 16); |
| mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskD01Q) + xMask * 8); |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0xF) |
| { |
| mergedMask &= *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskB4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| } |
| *Pointer<UInt2>(buffer) = (packedCol & mergedMask) | (value & ~mergedMask); |
| |
| buffer += *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(DrawData, colorPitchB[index])); |
| |
| if(state.targetFormat[index] == FORMAT_A8B8G8R8I) |
| { |
| packedCol = As<UInt2>(PackSigned(Short4(As<Int4>(oC.z)), Short4(As<Int4>(oC.w)))); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| packedCol = As<UInt2>(PackUnsigned(Short4(As<Int4>(oC.z)), Short4(As<Int4>(oC.w)))); |
| } |
| value = *Pointer<UInt2>(buffer, 16); |
| mergedMask = *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskD23Q) + xMask * 8); |
| if(rgbaWriteMask != 0xF) |
| { |
| mergedMask &= *Pointer<UInt2>(constants + OFFSET(Constants, maskB4Q[rgbaWriteMask][0])); |
| } |
| *Pointer<UInt2>(buffer) = (packedCol & mergedMask) | (value & ~mergedMask); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| ASSERT(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| UShort4 PixelRoutine::convertFixed16(Float4 &cf, bool saturate) |
| { |
| return UShort4(cf * Float4(0xFFFF), saturate); |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::sRGBtoLinear16_12_16(Vector4s &c) |
| { |
| c.x = As<UShort4>(c.x) >> 4; |
| c.y = As<UShort4>(c.y) >> 4; |
| c.z = As<UShort4>(c.z) >> 4; |
| |
| sRGBtoLinear12_16(c); |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::sRGBtoLinear12_16(Vector4s &c) |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> LUT = constants + OFFSET(Constants,sRGBtoLinear12_16); |
| |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 0))), 0); |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 1))), 1); |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 2))), 2); |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 3))), 3); |
| |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 0))), 0); |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 1))), 1); |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 2))), 2); |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 3))), 3); |
| |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 0))), 0); |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 1))), 1); |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 2))), 2); |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 3))), 3); |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::linearToSRGB16_12_16(Vector4s &c) |
| { |
| c.x = As<UShort4>(c.x) >> 4; |
| c.y = As<UShort4>(c.y) >> 4; |
| c.z = As<UShort4>(c.z) >> 4; |
| |
| linearToSRGB12_16(c); |
| } |
| |
| void PixelRoutine::linearToSRGB12_16(Vector4s &c) |
| { |
| Pointer<Byte> LUT = constants + OFFSET(Constants,linearToSRGB12_16); |
| |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 0))), 0); |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 1))), 1); |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 2))), 2); |
| c.x = Insert(c.x, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.x, 3))), 3); |
| |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 0))), 0); |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 1))), 1); |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 2))), 2); |
| c.y = Insert(c.y, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.y, 3))), 3); |
| |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 0))), 0); |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 1))), 1); |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 2))), 2); |
| c.z = Insert(c.z, *Pointer<Short>(LUT + 2 * Int(Extract(c.z, 3))), 3); |
| } |
| |
| Float4 PixelRoutine::sRGBtoLinear(const Float4 &x) // Approximates x^2.2 |
| { |
| Float4 linear = x * x; |
| linear = linear * Float4(0.73f) + linear * x * Float4(0.27f); |
| |
| return Min(Max(linear, Float4(0.0f)), Float4(1.0f)); |
| } |
| |
| bool PixelRoutine::colorUsed() |
| { |
| return state.colorWriteMask || state.alphaTestActive() || state.shaderContainsKill; |
| } |
| } |