Reimplement GLSLstd450Ldexp

Reimplement this so that it correctly handles subnormal significand values.
Fixes the new CTS cases that are in-review.

Bug: b/243791551
Change-Id: Id2019883bb278451822af0101dc1e86ab3762b00
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Capens <>
Kokoro-Result: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Tested-by: Nicolas Capens <>
diff --git a/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderGLSLstd450.cpp b/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderGLSLstd450.cpp
index bbbd951..752a8bc 100644
--- a/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderGLSLstd450.cpp
+++ b/src/Pipeline/SpirvShaderGLSLstd450.cpp
@@ -539,35 +539,106 @@
 	case GLSLstd450Ldexp:
+			// "load exponent"
+			// Ldexp(significand,exponent) computes
+			//     significand * 2**exponent
+			// with edge case handling as permitted by the spec.
+			//
+			// The interesting cases are:
+			// - significand is subnormal and the exponent is positive.  The mantissa
+			//   bits of the significand shift left.  The result *may* be normal, and
+			//   in that case the leading 1 bit in the mantissa is no longer explicitly
+			//   represented.  Computing the result with bit operations would be quite
+			//   complex.
+			// - significand has very small magnitude, and exponent is large.
+			//   Example:  significand = 0x1p-125,  exponent = 250, result 0x1p125
+			//   If we compute the result directly with the reference formula, then
+			//   the intermediate value 2.0**exponent overflows, and then the result
+			//   would overflow.  Instead, it is sufficient to split the exponent
+			//   and use two multiplies:
+			//       (significand * 2**(exponent/2)) * (2**(exponent - exponent/2))
+			//   In this formulation, the intermediates will not overflow when the
+			//   correct result does not overflow.  Also, this method naturally handles
+			//   underflows, infinities, and NaNs.
+			//
+			// This implementation uses the two-multiplies approach described above,
+			// and also used by Mesa.
+			//
+			// The SPIR-V GLSL.std.450 extended instruction spec says:
+			//
+			//  if exponent < -126 the result may be flushed to zero
+			//  if exponent > 128 the result may be undefined
+			//
+			// Clamping exponent to [-254,254] allows us implement well beyond
+			// what is required by the spec, but still use simple algorithms.
+			//
+			// We decompose as follows:
+			//        2 ** exponent = fltA * fltB
+			// where
+			//        fltA = 2 ** (exponent / 2)
+			//        fltB = 2 ** (exponent - exponent / 2)
+			//
+			// We use a helper expression to compute these powers of two as float
+			// numbers using bit shifts, where X is an unbiased integer exponent
+			// in range [-127,127]:
+			//
+			//        pow2i(X) = As<SIMD::Float>((X + 127)<<23)
+			//
+			// This places the biased exponent into position, and places all
+			// zeroes in the mantissa bit positions.  The implicit 1 bit in the
+			// mantissa is hidden.  When X = -127, the result is float 0.0, as
+			// if the value was flushed to zero.  Otherwise X is in [-126,127]
+			// and the biased exponent is in [1,254] and the result is a normal
+			// float number with value 2**X.
+			//
+			// So we have:
+			//
+			//        fltA = pow2i(exponent/2)
+			//        fltB = pow2i(exponent - exponent/2)
+			//
+			// With exponent in [-254,254], we split into cases:
+			//
+			//     exponent = -254:
+			//        exponent/2 = -127
+			//        exponent - exponent/2 = -127
+			//        fltA = pow2i(exponent/2) = pow2i(-127) = 0.0
+			//        fltA * fltB is 0.0, which is a permitted flush-to-zero case.
+			//
+			//     exponent = -253:
+			//        exponent/2 = -126
+			//        (exponent - exponent/2) = -127
+			//        fltB = pow2i(exponent - exponent/2) = pow2i(-127) = 0.0
+			//        fltA * fltB is 0.0, which is a permitted flush-to-zero case.
+			//
+			//     exponent in [-252,254]:
+			//        exponent/2 is in [-126, 127]
+			//        (exponent - exponent/2) is in [-126, 127]
+			//
+			//        fltA = pow2i(exponent/2), a normal number
+			//        fltB = pow2i(exponent - exponent/2), a normal number
+			//
+			// For the Mesa implementation, see
+			//
+			const auto minExp = SIMD::Int(-254);
+			const auto maxExp = SIMD::Int(254);
 			auto significand = Operand(this, state, insn.word(5));
 			auto exponent = Operand(this, state, insn.word(6));
 			for(auto i = 0u; i < type.componentCount; i++)
-				// Assumes IEEE 754
-				auto in = significand.Float(i);
-				auto significandExponent = Exponent(in);
-				auto combinedExponent = exponent.Int(i) + significandExponent;
-				auto isSignificandZero = SIMD::UInt(CmpEQ(significand.Int(i), SIMD::Int(0)));
-				auto isSignificandInf = SIMD::UInt(IsInf(in));
-				auto isSignificandNaN = SIMD::UInt(IsNan(in));
-				auto isExponentNotTooSmall = SIMD::UInt(CmpGE(combinedExponent, SIMD::Int(-126)));
-				auto isExponentNotTooLarge = SIMD::UInt(CmpLE(combinedExponent, SIMD::Int(128)));
-				auto isExponentInBounds = isExponentNotTooSmall & isExponentNotTooLarge;
-				SIMD::UInt v;
-				v = significand.UInt(i) & SIMD::UInt(0x7FFFFF);                          // Add significand.
-				v |= (SIMD::UInt(combinedExponent + SIMD::Int(126)) << SIMD::UInt(23));  // Add exponent.
-				v &= isExponentInBounds;                                                 // Clear v if the exponent is OOB.
-				v |= significand.UInt(i) & SIMD::UInt(0x80000000);     // Add sign bit.
-				v |= ~isExponentNotTooLarge & SIMD::UInt(0x7F800000);  // Mark as inf if the exponent is too great.
-				// If the input significand is zero, inf or nan, just return the
-				// input significand.
-				auto passthrough = isSignificandZero | isSignificandInf | isSignificandNaN;
-				v = (v & ~passthrough) | (significand.UInt(i) & passthrough);
-				dst.move(i, As<SIMD::Float>(v));
+				// Clamp exponent to limits
+				auto exp = Min(Max(exponent.Int(i), minExp), maxExp);
+				// Split exponent into two parts
+				auto expA = exp >> 1;
+				auto expB = exp - expA;
+				// Construct two floats with the exponents above
+				auto fltA = As<SIMD::Float>((expA + 127) << 23);
+				auto fltB = As<SIMD::Float>((expB + 127) << 23);
+				// Multiply the input value by the two floats to get the final
+				// number.
+				// Note that multiplying fltA and fltB together may result in an 
+				// overflow, so ensure that significand is multiplied by fltA,
+				// *then* the result of that with fltB.
+				dst.move(i, (significand.Float(i) * fltA) * fltB);
@@ -1133,4 +1204,4 @@
 	return Interpolate(x, y, rhw, A, B, C, interpolation);
-}  // namespace sw
\ No newline at end of file
+}  // namespace sw