blob: 45c367a4dcd493fae885bf260ce4b6fe728c4c8f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- AVRMachineFuctionInfo.h - AVR machine function info -----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file declares AVR-specific per-machine-function information.
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
namespace llvm {
/// Contains AVR-specific information for each MachineFunction.
class AVRMachineFunctionInfo : public MachineFunctionInfo {
/// Indicates if a register has been spilled by the register
/// allocator.
bool HasSpills;
/// Indicates if there are any fixed size allocas present.
/// Note that if there are only variable sized allocas this is set to false.
bool HasAllocas;
/// Indicates if arguments passed using the stack are being
/// used inside the function.
bool HasStackArgs;
/// Whether or not the function is an interrupt handler.
bool IsInterruptHandler;
/// Whether or not the function is an non-blocking interrupt handler.
bool IsSignalHandler;
/// Size of the callee-saved register portion of the
/// stack frame in bytes.
unsigned CalleeSavedFrameSize;
/// FrameIndex for start of varargs area.
int VarArgsFrameIndex;
AVRMachineFunctionInfo(const Function &F, const TargetSubtargetInfo *STI)
: HasSpills(false), HasAllocas(false), HasStackArgs(false),
CalleeSavedFrameSize(0), VarArgsFrameIndex(0) {
CallingConv::ID CallConv = F.getCallingConv();
this->IsInterruptHandler =
CallConv == CallingConv::AVR_INTR || F.hasFnAttribute("interrupt");
this->IsSignalHandler =
CallConv == CallingConv::AVR_SIGNAL || F.hasFnAttribute("signal");
MachineFunctionInfo *
clone(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, MachineFunction &DestMF,
const DenseMap<MachineBasicBlock *, MachineBasicBlock *> &Src2DstMBB)
const override {
return DestMF.cloneInfo<AVRMachineFunctionInfo>(*this);
bool getHasSpills() const { return HasSpills; }
void setHasSpills(bool B) { HasSpills = B; }
bool getHasAllocas() const { return HasAllocas; }
void setHasAllocas(bool B) { HasAllocas = B; }
bool getHasStackArgs() const { return HasStackArgs; }
void setHasStackArgs(bool B) { HasStackArgs = B; }
/// Checks if the function is some form of interrupt service routine.
bool isInterruptOrSignalHandler() const {
return isInterruptHandler() || isSignalHandler();
bool isInterruptHandler() const { return IsInterruptHandler; }
bool isSignalHandler() const { return IsSignalHandler; }
unsigned getCalleeSavedFrameSize() const { return CalleeSavedFrameSize; }
void setCalleeSavedFrameSize(unsigned Bytes) { CalleeSavedFrameSize = Bytes; }
int getVarArgsFrameIndex() const { return VarArgsFrameIndex; }
void setVarArgsFrameIndex(int Idx) { VarArgsFrameIndex = Idx; }
} // namespace llvm