blob: c49b01f9f9d56b8da8d2eb65c3179e229d95c1e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_ShaderCore_hpp
#define sw_ShaderCore_hpp
#include "Reactor/Print.hpp"
#include "Reactor/Reactor.hpp"
#include "Reactor/SIMD.hpp"
#include "System/Debug.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <atomic> // std::memory_order
#include <utility> // std::pair
namespace sw {
using namespace rr;
class Vector4s
Vector4s(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short z, unsigned short w);
Vector4s(const Vector4s &rhs);
Short4 &operator[](int i);
Vector4s &operator=(const Vector4s &rhs);
Short4 x;
Short4 y;
Short4 z;
Short4 w;
class Vector4f
Vector4f(float x, float y, float z, float w);
Vector4f(const Vector4f &rhs);
Float4 &operator[](int i);
Vector4f &operator=(const Vector4f &rhs);
Float4 x;
Float4 y;
Float4 z;
Float4 w;
class Vector4i
Vector4i(int x, int y, int z, int w);
Vector4i(const Vector4i &rhs);
Int4 &operator[](int i);
Vector4i &operator=(const Vector4i &rhs);
Int4 x;
Int4 y;
Int4 z;
Int4 w;
namespace SIMD {
using namespace rr::SIMD;
struct Float4
SIMD::Float x;
SIMD::Float y;
SIMD::Float z;
SIMD::Float w;
struct Int4
SIMD::Int x;
SIMD::Int y;
SIMD::Int z;
SIMD::Int w;
} // namespace SIMD
// Vulkan 'SPIR-V Extended Instructions for GLSL' (GLSL.std.450) compliant transcendental functions
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sin(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Cos(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Tan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Asin(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Acos(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan2(RValue<SIMD::Float> y, RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Pow(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sinh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Cosh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Tanh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Asinh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Acosh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atanh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sqrt(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
// Splits x into a floating-point significand in the range [0.5, 1.0)
// and an integral exponent of two, such that:
// x = significand * 2^exponent
// Returns the pair <significand, exponent>
std::pair<SIMD::Float, SIMD::Int> Frexp(RValue<SIMD::Float> val);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Ldexp(RValue<SIMD::Float> significand, RValue<SIMD::Int> exponent);
// Math functions with uses outside of shaders can be invoked using a verbose template argument instead
// of a Boolean argument to indicate precision. For example Sqrt<Mediump>(x) equals Sqrt(x, true).
enum Precision
Mediump = Relaxed, // GLSL defines mediump and lowp as corresponding with SPIR-V's RelaxedPrecision
// clang-format off
template<Precision precision> RValue<SIMD::Float> Pow(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y);
template<> inline RValue<SIMD::Float> Pow<Highp>(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y) { return Pow(x, y, false); }
template<> inline RValue<SIMD::Float> Pow<Mediump>(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y) { return Pow(x, y, true); }
template<Precision precision> RValue<SIMD::Float> Sqrt(RValue<SIMD::Float> x);
template<> inline RValue<SIMD::Float> Sqrt<Highp>(RValue<SIMD::Float> x) { return Sqrt(x, false); }
template<> inline RValue<SIMD::Float> Sqrt<Mediump>(RValue<SIMD::Float> x) { return Sqrt(x, true); }
// clang-format on
SIMD::UInt halfToFloatBits(SIMD::UInt halfBits);
SIMD::UInt floatToHalfBits(SIMD::UInt floatBits, bool storeInUpperBits);
SIMD::Float linearToSRGB(const SIMD::Float &c);
SIMD::Float sRGBtoLinear(const SIMD::Float &c);
RValue<Float4> reciprocal(RValue<Float4> x, bool pp = false, bool exactAtPow2 = false);
RValue<SIMD::Float> reciprocal(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool pp = false, bool exactAtPow2 = false);
RValue<Float4> reciprocalSquareRoot(RValue<Float4> x, bool abs, bool pp = false);
RValue<SIMD::Float> mulAdd(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, RValue<SIMD::Float> z); // TODO(chromium:1299047)
RValue<Float4> Pow(RValue<Float4> x, RValue<Float4> y, bool relaxedPrecision);
RValue<Float4> Sqrt(RValue<Float4> x, bool relaxedPrecision);
// clang-format off
template<Precision precision> RValue<Float4> Pow(RValue<Float4> x, RValue<Float4> y);
template<> inline RValue<Float4> Pow<Highp>(RValue<Float4> x, RValue<Float4> y) { return Pow(x, y, false); }
template<> inline RValue<Float4> Pow<Mediump>(RValue<Float4> x, RValue<Float4> y) { return Pow(x, y, true); }
template<Precision precision> RValue<Float4> Sqrt(RValue<Float4> x);
template<> inline RValue<Float4> Sqrt<Highp>(RValue<Float4> x) { return Sqrt(x, false); }
template<> inline RValue<Float4> Sqrt<Mediump>(RValue<Float4> x) { return Sqrt(x, true); }
// clang-format on
void transpose4x4(Short4 &row0, Short4 &row1, Short4 &row2, Short4 &row3);
void transpose4x3(Short4 &row0, Short4 &row1, Short4 &row2, Short4 &row3);
void transpose4x4(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3);
void transpose4x3(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3);
void transpose4x2(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3);
void transpose4x1(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3);
void transpose2x4(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3);
void transpose4xN(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3, int N);
UInt4 halfToFloatBits(RValue<UInt4> halfBits);
UInt4 floatToHalfBits(RValue<UInt4> floatBits, bool storeInUpperBits);
Float4 r11g11b10Unpack(UInt r11g11b10bits);
UInt r11g11b10Pack(const Float4 &value);
Float4 linearToSRGB(const Float4 &c);
Float4 sRGBtoLinear(const Float4 &c);
template<typename T>
inline rr::RValue<T> AndAll(const rr::RValue<T> &mask);
template<typename T>
inline rr::RValue<T> OrAll(const rr::RValue<T> &mask);
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Sign(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &val);
// Returns the <whole, frac> of val.
// Both whole and frac will have the same sign as val.
std::pair<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>>
Modf(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &val);
// Returns the number of 1s in bits, per lane.
SIMD::UInt CountBits(const rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> &bits);
// Returns 1 << bits.
// If the resulting bit overflows a 32 bit integer, 0 is returned.
rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> NthBit32(const rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> &bits);
// Returns bitCount number of of 1's starting from the LSB.
rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> Bitmask32(const rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> &bitCount);
// Computes `a * b + c`, which may be fused into one operation to produce a higher-precision result.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> FMA(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c);
// Returns y if y < x; otherwise result is x.
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result.
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> NMin(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &x, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &y);
// Returns y if y > x; otherwise result is x.
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result.
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> NMax(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &x, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &y);
// Returns the determinant of a 2x2 matrix.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Determinant(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d);
// Returns the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Determinant(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i);
// Returns the determinant of a 4x4 matrix.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Determinant(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &j, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &k, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &l,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &m, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &n, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &o, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &p);
// Returns the inverse of a 2x2 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, 4> MatrixInverse(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d);
// Returns the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, 9> MatrixInverse(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i);
// Returns the inverse of a 4x4 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, 16> MatrixInverse(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &j, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &k, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &l,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &m, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &n, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &o, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &p);
// Inline functions
template<typename T>
inline rr::RValue<T> AndAll(const rr::RValue<T> &mask)
T v1 = mask; // [x] [y] [z] [w]
T v2 = v1.xzxz & v1.ywyw; // [xy] [zw] [xy] [zw]
return v2.xxxx & v2.yyyy; // [xyzw] [xyzw] [xyzw] [xyzw]
template<typename T>
inline rr::RValue<T> OrAll(const rr::RValue<T> &mask)
T v1 = mask; // [x] [y] [z] [w]
T v2 = v1.xzxz | v1.ywyw; // [xy] [zw] [xy] [zw]
return v2.xxxx | v2.yyyy; // [xyzw] [xyzw] [xyzw] [xyzw]
} // namespace sw
namespace rr {
struct PrintValue::Ty<sw::Vector4f>
static std::string fmt(const sw::Vector4f &v)
return "[x: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.x) +
", y: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.y) +
", z: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.z) +
", w: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.w) + "]";
static std::vector<rr::Value *> val(const sw::Vector4f &v)
return PrintValue::vals(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
struct PrintValue::Ty<sw::Vector4s>
static std::string fmt(const sw::Vector4s &v)
return "[x: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.x) +
", y: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.y) +
", z: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.z) +
", w: " + PrintValue::fmt(v.w) + "]";
static std::vector<rr::Value *> val(const sw::Vector4s &v)
return PrintValue::vals(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
} // namespace rr
#endif // sw_ShaderCore_hpp