blob: bf077d67aac778e7659d074f46ff227ee98a7a4f [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2012 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
#include "FrameBuffer.hpp"
#include "Timer.hpp"
#include "CPUID.hpp"
#include "serialvalid.h"
#include "Register.hpp"
#include "Renderer/Surface.hpp"
#include "Reactor/Reactor.hpp"
#include "Common/Debug.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ASYNCHRONOUS_BLIT 0 // FIXME: Currently leads to rare race conditions
extern const int logoWidth;
extern const int logoHeight;
extern const unsigned int logoData[];
namespace sw
extern bool forceWindowed;
Surface *FrameBuffer::logo;
unsigned int *FrameBuffer::logoImage;
void *FrameBuffer::cursor;
int FrameBuffer::cursorWidth = 0;
int FrameBuffer::cursorHeight = 0;
int FrameBuffer::cursorHotspotX;
int FrameBuffer::cursorHotspotY;
int FrameBuffer::cursorPositionX;
int FrameBuffer::cursorPositionY;
int FrameBuffer::cursorX;
int FrameBuffer::cursorY;
bool FrameBuffer::topLeftOrigin = false;
FrameBuffer::FrameBuffer(int width, int height, bool fullscreen, bool topLeftOrigin)
this->topLeftOrigin = topLeftOrigin;
locked = 0;
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
destFormat = FORMAT_X8R8G8B8;
sourceFormat = FORMAT_X8R8G8B8;
stride = 0;
fullscreen = false;
windowed = !fullscreen;
blitFunction = 0;
blitRoutine = 0;
blitState.width = 0;
blitState.height = 0;
blitState.destFormat = FORMAT_X8R8G8B8;
blitState.sourceFormat = FORMAT_X8R8G8B8;
blitState.cursorWidth = 0;
blitState.cursorHeight = 0;
logo = 0;
terminate = false;
FrameBuffer *parameters = this;
blitThread = new Thread(threadFunction, &parameters);
terminate = true;
delete blitThread;
delete blitRoutine;
int FrameBuffer::getWidth() const
return width;
int FrameBuffer::getHeight() const
return height;
int FrameBuffer::getStride() const
return stride;
void FrameBuffer::setCursorImage(sw::Surface *cursorImage)
cursor = cursorImage->lockExternal(0, 0, 0, sw::LOCK_READONLY, sw::PUBLIC);
cursorWidth = cursorImage->getExternalWidth();
cursorHeight = cursorImage->getExternalHeight();
cursorWidth = 0;
cursorHeight = 0;
void FrameBuffer::setCursorOrigin(int x0, int y0)
cursorHotspotX = x0;
cursorHotspotY = y0;
void FrameBuffer::setCursorPosition(int x, int y)
cursorPositionX = x;
cursorPositionY = y;
void FrameBuffer::copy(void *source, Format format)
target = source;
const int width2 = (width + 1) & ~1;
const int sBytes = Surface::bytes(sourceFormat);
const int sStride = sBytes * width2;
target = (byte*)source + (height - 1) * sStride;
sourceFormat = format;
cursorX = cursorPositionX - cursorHotspotX;
cursorY = cursorPositionY - cursorHotspotY;
void FrameBuffer::copyLocked()
BlitState update = {0};
update.width = width;
update.height = height;
update.destFormat = destFormat;
update.sourceFormat = sourceFormat;
update.stride = stride;
update.cursorWidth = cursorWidth;
update.cursorHeight = cursorHeight;
if(memcmp(&blitState, &update, sizeof(BlitState)) != 0)
blitState = update;
delete blitRoutine;
blitRoutine = copyRoutine(blitState);
blitFunction = (void(*)(void*, void*))blitRoutine->getEntry();
blitFunction(locked, target);
Routine *FrameBuffer::copyRoutine(const BlitState &state)
const int width = state.width;
const int height = state.height;
const int width2 = (state.width + 1) & ~1;
const int dBytes = Surface::bytes(state.destFormat);
const int dStride = state.stride;
const int sBytes = Surface::bytes(state.sourceFormat);
const int sStride = topLeftOrigin ? (sBytes * width2) : -(sBytes * width2);
// char compareApp[32] = SCRAMBLE31(validationApp, APPNAME_SCRAMBLE);
// bool validApp = strcmp(compareApp, registeredApp) == 0;
bool validKey = ValidateSerialNumber(validationKey, CHECKSUM_KEY, SERIAL_PREFIX);
// Date of the end of the logo-free license
const int endYear = 2099;
const int endMonth = 12;
const int endDay = 31;
const int endDate = (endYear << 16) + (endMonth << 8) + endDay;
time_t rawtime = time(0);
tm *timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
int year = timeinfo->tm_year + 1900;
int month = timeinfo->tm_mon + 1;
int day = timeinfo->tm_mday;
int date = (year << 16) + (month << 8) + day;
if(date > endDate)
validKey = false;
Function<Void, Pointer<Byte>, Pointer<Byte> > function;
Pointer<Byte> dst(function.arg(0));
Pointer<Byte> src(function.arg(1));
For(Int y = 0, y < height, y++)
Pointer<Byte> d = dst + y * dStride;
Pointer<Byte> s = src + y * sStride;
Int x0 = 0;
If(!Bool(validKey)/* || !Bool(validApp)*/)
If(y > height - logoHeight)
x0 = logoWidth;
s += logoWidth * sBytes;
d += logoWidth * dBytes;
if(state.destFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8)
Int x = x0;
if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 || state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8)
For(, x < width - 3, x += 4)
*Pointer<Int4>(d, 1) = *Pointer<Int4>(s, width % 4 ? 1 : 16);
s += 4 * sBytes;
d += 4 * dBytes;
else if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A16B16G16R16)
For(, x < width - 1, x += 2)
UShort4 c0 = As<UShort4>(Swizzle(*Pointer<Short4>(s + 0), 0xC6)) >> 8;
UShort4 c1 = As<UShort4>(Swizzle(*Pointer<Short4>(s + 8), 0xC6)) >> 8;
*Pointer<Int2>(d) = As<Int2>(Pack(c0, c1));
s += 2 * sBytes;
d += 2 * dBytes;
else ASSERT(false);
For(, x < width, x++)
if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 || state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8)
*Pointer<Int>(d) = *Pointer<Int>(s);
else if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A16B16G16R16)
UShort4 c = As<UShort4>(Swizzle(*Pointer<Short4>(s), 0xC6)) >> 8;
*Pointer<Int>(d) = Int(As<Int2>(Pack(c, c)));
else ASSERT(false);
s += sBytes;
d += dBytes;
else if(state.destFormat == FORMAT_R8G8B8)
For(Int x = x0, x < width, x++)
if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 || state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8)
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 0) = *Pointer<Byte>(s + 0);
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 1) = *Pointer<Byte>(s + 1);
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 2) = *Pointer<Byte>(s + 2);
else if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A16B16G16R16)
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 0) = *Pointer<Byte>(s + 5);
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 1) = *Pointer<Byte>(s + 3);
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 2) = *Pointer<Byte>(s + 1);
else ASSERT(false);
s += sBytes;
d += dBytes;
else if(state.destFormat == FORMAT_R5G6B5)
For(Int x = x0, x < width, x++)
Int c;
if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 || state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8)
c = *Pointer<Int>(s);
else if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A16B16G16R16)
UShort4 cc = As<UShort4>(Swizzle(*Pointer<Short4>(s + 0), 0xC6)) >> 8;
c = Int(As<Int2>(Pack(cc, cc)));
else ASSERT(false);
*Pointer<Short>(d) = Short((c & 0x00F80000) >> 8 |
(c & 0x0000FC00) >> 5 |
(c & 0x000000F8) >> 3);
s += sBytes;
d += dBytes;
else ASSERT(false);
If(!Bool(validKey)/* || !Bool(validApp)*/)
UInt hash = UInt(0x0B020C04) + UInt(0xC0F090E0); // Initial value
UInt imageHash = S3TC_SUPPORT ? UInt(0x0F0D0700) + UInt(0xA0C0A090) : UInt(0x0207040B) + UInt(0xD0406010);
While(hash != imageHash)
For(y = (height - 1), height - 1 - y < logoHeight, y--)
Pointer<Byte> logo = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte> >(&logoImage) + 4 * (logoHeight - height + y) * logoWidth;
Pointer<Byte> s = src + y * sStride;
Pointer<Byte> d = dst + y * dStride;
For(Int x = 0, x < logoWidth, x++)
hash *= 16777619;
hash ^= *Pointer<UInt>(logo);
If(y >= 0 && x < width)
blend(state, d, s, logo);
logo += 4;
s += sBytes;
d += dBytes;
Int x0 = *Pointer<Int>(&cursorX);
Int y0 = *Pointer<Int>(&cursorY);
For(Int y1 = 0, y1 < cursorHeight, y1++)
Int y = y0 + y1;
If(y >= 0 && y < height)
Pointer<Byte> d = dst + y * dStride + x0 * dBytes;
Pointer<Byte> s = src + y * sStride + x0 * sBytes;
Pointer<Byte> c = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte> >(&cursor) + y1 * cursorWidth * 4;
For(Int x1 = 0, x1 < cursorWidth, x1++)
Int x = x0 + x1;
If(x >= 0 && x < width)
blend(state, d, s, c);
c += 4;
s += sBytes;
d += dBytes;
return function(L"FrameBuffer");
void FrameBuffer::blend(const BlitState &state, const Pointer<Byte> &d, const Pointer<Byte> &s, const Pointer<Byte> &c)
Short4 c1;
Short4 c2;
c1 = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(c1), *Pointer<Byte8>(c));
if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 || state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A8R8G8B8)
c2 = UnpackLow(As<Byte8>(c2), *Pointer<Byte8>(s));
else if(state.sourceFormat == FORMAT_A16B16G16R16)
c2 = Swizzle(*Pointer<Short4>(s + 0), 0xC6);
else ASSERT(false);
c1 = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(c1) >> 9);
c2 = As<Short4>(As<UShort4>(c2) >> 9);
Short4 alpha = Swizzle(c1, 0xFF) & Short4(0xFFFFu, 0xFFFFu, 0xFFFFu, 0x0000);
c1 = (c1 - c2) * alpha;
c1 = c1 >> 7;
c1 = c1 + c2;
c1 = c1 + c1;
c1 = As<Short4>(Pack(As<UShort4>(c1), As<UShort4>(c1)));
if(state.destFormat == FORMAT_X8R8G8B8)
*Pointer<UInt>(d) = UInt(As<Long>(c1));
else if(state.destFormat == FORMAT_R8G8B8)
Int c = Int(As<Int2>(c1));
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 0) = Byte(c >> 0);
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 1) = Byte(c >> 8);
*Pointer<Byte>(d + 2) = Byte(c >> 16);
else if(state.destFormat == FORMAT_R5G6B5)
Int c = Int(As<Int2>(c1));
*Pointer<Short>(d) = Short((c & 0x00F80000) >> 8 |
(c & 0x0000FC00) >> 5 |
(c & 0x000000F8) >> 3);
else ASSERT(false);
void FrameBuffer::threadFunction(void *parameters)
FrameBuffer *frameBuffer = *static_cast<FrameBuffer**>(parameters);
void FrameBuffer::initializeLogo()
logo = new Surface(0, logoWidth, logoHeight, 1, FORMAT_DXT5, true, false);
void *data = logo->lockExternal(0, 0, 0, LOCK_WRITEONLY, sw::PUBLIC);
memcpy(data, logoData, logoWidth * logoHeight);
logo = new Surface(0, logoWidth, logoHeight, 1, FORMAT_A8R8G8B8, true, false);
void *data = logo->lockExternal(0, 0, 0, LOCK_WRITEONLY, sw::PUBLIC);
memcpy(data, logoData, logoWidth * logoHeight * 4);
logoImage = (unsigned int*)logo->lockInternal(0, 0, 0, LOCK_READONLY, sw::PUBLIC);