| //===-- BrainF.cpp - BrainF compiler example ------------------------------===// |
| // |
| // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure |
| // |
| // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source |
| // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // |
| // This class compiles the BrainF language into LLVM assembly. |
| // |
| // The BrainF language has 8 commands: |
| // Command Equivalent C Action |
| // ------- ------------ ------ |
| // , *h=getchar(); Read a character from stdin, 255 on EOF |
| // . putchar(*h); Write a character to stdout |
| // - --*h; Decrement tape |
| // + ++*h; Increment tape |
| // < --h; Move head left |
| // > ++h; Move head right |
| // [ while(*h) { Start loop |
| // ] } End loop |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| #include "BrainF.h" |
| #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Constant.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Function.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Module.h" |
| #include "llvm/IR/Type.h" |
| #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" |
| #include <cstdlib> |
| #include <iostream> |
| |
| using namespace llvm; |
| |
| //Set the constants for naming |
| const char *BrainF::tapereg = "tape"; |
| const char *BrainF::headreg = "head"; |
| const char *BrainF::label = "brainf"; |
| const char *BrainF::testreg = "test"; |
| |
| Module *BrainF::parse(std::istream *in1, int mem, CompileFlags cf, |
| LLVMContext& Context) { |
| in = in1; |
| memtotal = mem; |
| comflag = cf; |
| |
| header(Context); |
| readloop(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, Context); |
| delete builder; |
| return module; |
| } |
| |
| void BrainF::header(LLVMContext& C) { |
| module = new Module("BrainF", C); |
| |
| //Function prototypes |
| |
| //declare void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8 *, i8, i32, i32, i1) |
| Type *Tys[] = { Type::getInt8PtrTy(C), Type::getInt32Ty(C) }; |
| Function *memset_func = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(module, Intrinsic::memset, |
| Tys); |
| |
| //declare i32 @getchar() |
| getchar_func = cast<Function>(module-> |
| getOrInsertFunction("getchar", IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C))); |
| |
| //declare i32 @putchar(i32) |
| putchar_func = cast<Function>(module-> |
| getOrInsertFunction("putchar", IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C), |
| IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C))); |
| |
| //Function header |
| |
| //define void @brainf() |
| brainf_func = cast<Function>(module-> |
| getOrInsertFunction("brainf", Type::getVoidTy(C))); |
| |
| builder = new IRBuilder<>(BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func)); |
| |
| //%arr = malloc i8, i32 %d |
| ConstantInt *val_mem = ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(32, memtotal)); |
| BasicBlock* BB = builder->GetInsertBlock(); |
| Type* IntPtrTy = IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C); |
| Type* Int8Ty = IntegerType::getInt8Ty(C); |
| Constant* allocsize = ConstantExpr::getSizeOf(Int8Ty); |
| allocsize = ConstantExpr::getTruncOrBitCast(allocsize, IntPtrTy); |
| ptr_arr = CallInst::CreateMalloc(BB, IntPtrTy, Int8Ty, allocsize, val_mem, |
| nullptr, "arr"); |
| BB->getInstList().push_back(cast<Instruction>(ptr_arr)); |
| |
| //call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8 *%arr, i8 0, i32 %d, i32 1, i1 0) |
| { |
| Value *memset_params[] = { |
| ptr_arr, |
| ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(8, 0)), |
| val_mem, |
| ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(32, 1)), |
| ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(1, 0)) |
| }; |
| |
| CallInst *memset_call = builder-> |
| CreateCall(memset_func, memset_params); |
| memset_call->setTailCall(false); |
| } |
| |
| //%arrmax = getelementptr i8 *%arr, i32 %d |
| if (comflag & flag_arraybounds) { |
| ptr_arrmax = builder-> |
| CreateGEP(ptr_arr, ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(32, memtotal)), "arrmax"); |
| } |
| |
| //%head.%d = getelementptr i8 *%arr, i32 %d |
| curhead = builder->CreateGEP(ptr_arr, |
| ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(32, memtotal/2)), |
| headreg); |
| |
| //Function footer |
| |
| //brainf.end: |
| endbb = BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func); |
| |
| //call free(i8 *%arr) |
| endbb->getInstList().push_back(CallInst::CreateFree(ptr_arr, endbb)); |
| |
| //ret void |
| ReturnInst::Create(C, endbb); |
| |
| //Error block for array out of bounds |
| if (comflag & flag_arraybounds) |
| { |
| //@aberrormsg = internal constant [%d x i8] c"\00" |
| Constant *msg_0 = |
| ConstantDataArray::getString(C, "Error: The head has left the tape.", |
| true); |
| |
| GlobalVariable *aberrormsg = new GlobalVariable( |
| *module, |
| msg_0->getType(), |
| true, |
| GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, |
| msg_0, |
| "aberrormsg"); |
| |
| //declare i32 @puts(i8 *) |
| Function *puts_func = cast<Function>(module-> |
| getOrInsertFunction("puts", IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C), |
| PointerType::getUnqual(IntegerType::getInt8Ty(C)))); |
| |
| //brainf.aberror: |
| aberrorbb = BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func); |
| |
| //call i32 @puts(i8 *getelementptr([%d x i8] *@aberrormsg, i32 0, i32 0)) |
| { |
| Constant *zero_32 = Constant::getNullValue(IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C)); |
| |
| Constant *gep_params[] = { |
| zero_32, |
| zero_32 |
| }; |
| |
| Constant *msgptr = ConstantExpr:: |
| getGetElementPtr(aberrormsg->getValueType(), aberrormsg, gep_params); |
| |
| Value *puts_params[] = { |
| msgptr |
| }; |
| |
| CallInst *puts_call = |
| CallInst::Create(puts_func, |
| puts_params, |
| "", aberrorbb); |
| puts_call->setTailCall(false); |
| } |
| |
| //br label %brainf.end |
| BranchInst::Create(endbb, aberrorbb); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void BrainF::readloop(PHINode *phi, BasicBlock *oldbb, BasicBlock *testbb, |
| LLVMContext &C) { |
| Symbol cursym = SYM_NONE; |
| int curvalue = 0; |
| Symbol nextsym = SYM_NONE; |
| int nextvalue = 0; |
| char c; |
| int loop; |
| int direction; |
| |
| while(cursym != SYM_EOF && cursym != SYM_ENDLOOP) { |
| // Write out commands |
| switch(cursym) { |
| case SYM_NONE: |
| // Do nothing |
| break; |
| |
| case SYM_READ: |
| { |
| //%tape.%d = call i32 @getchar() |
| CallInst *getchar_call = |
| builder->CreateCall(getchar_func, {}, tapereg); |
| getchar_call->setTailCall(false); |
| Value *tape_0 = getchar_call; |
| |
| //%tape.%d = trunc i32 %tape.%d to i8 |
| Value *tape_1 = builder-> |
| CreateTrunc(tape_0, IntegerType::getInt8Ty(C), tapereg); |
| |
| //store i8 %tape.%d, i8 *%head.%d |
| builder->CreateStore(tape_1, curhead); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case SYM_WRITE: |
| { |
| //%tape.%d = load i8 *%head.%d |
| LoadInst *tape_0 = builder->CreateLoad(curhead, tapereg); |
| |
| //%tape.%d = sext i8 %tape.%d to i32 |
| Value *tape_1 = builder-> |
| CreateSExt(tape_0, IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C), tapereg); |
| |
| //call i32 @putchar(i32 %tape.%d) |
| Value *putchar_params[] = { |
| tape_1 |
| }; |
| CallInst *putchar_call = builder-> |
| CreateCall(putchar_func, |
| putchar_params); |
| putchar_call->setTailCall(false); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case SYM_MOVE: |
| { |
| //%head.%d = getelementptr i8 *%head.%d, i32 %d |
| curhead = builder-> |
| CreateGEP(curhead, ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(32, curvalue)), |
| headreg); |
| |
| //Error block for array out of bounds |
| if (comflag & flag_arraybounds) |
| { |
| //%test.%d = icmp uge i8 *%head.%d, %arrmax |
| Value *test_0 = builder-> |
| CreateICmpUGE(curhead, ptr_arrmax, testreg); |
| |
| //%test.%d = icmp ult i8 *%head.%d, %arr |
| Value *test_1 = builder-> |
| CreateICmpULT(curhead, ptr_arr, testreg); |
| |
| //%test.%d = or i1 %test.%d, %test.%d |
| Value *test_2 = builder-> |
| CreateOr(test_0, test_1, testreg); |
| |
| //br i1 %test.%d, label %main.%d, label %main.%d |
| BasicBlock *nextbb = BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func); |
| builder->CreateCondBr(test_2, aberrorbb, nextbb); |
| |
| //main.%d: |
| builder->SetInsertPoint(nextbb); |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case SYM_CHANGE: |
| { |
| //%tape.%d = load i8 *%head.%d |
| LoadInst *tape_0 = builder->CreateLoad(curhead, tapereg); |
| |
| //%tape.%d = add i8 %tape.%d, %d |
| Value *tape_1 = builder-> |
| CreateAdd(tape_0, ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(8, curvalue)), tapereg); |
| |
| //store i8 %tape.%d, i8 *%head.%d\n" |
| builder->CreateStore(tape_1, curhead); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case SYM_LOOP: |
| { |
| //br label %main.%d |
| BasicBlock *testbb = BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func); |
| builder->CreateBr(testbb); |
| |
| //main.%d: |
| BasicBlock *bb_0 = builder->GetInsertBlock(); |
| BasicBlock *bb_1 = BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func); |
| builder->SetInsertPoint(bb_1); |
| |
| // Make part of PHI instruction now, wait until end of loop to finish |
| PHINode *phi_0 = |
| PHINode::Create(PointerType::getUnqual(IntegerType::getInt8Ty(C)), |
| 2, headreg, testbb); |
| phi_0->addIncoming(curhead, bb_0); |
| curhead = phi_0; |
| |
| readloop(phi_0, bb_1, testbb, C); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| default: |
| std::cerr << "Error: Unknown symbol.\n"; |
| abort(); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| cursym = nextsym; |
| curvalue = nextvalue; |
| nextsym = SYM_NONE; |
| |
| // Reading stdin loop |
| loop = (cursym == SYM_NONE) |
| || (cursym == SYM_MOVE) |
| || (cursym == SYM_CHANGE); |
| while(loop) { |
| *in>>c; |
| if (in->eof()) { |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_EOF; |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_EOF; |
| } |
| loop = 0; |
| } else { |
| direction = 1; |
| switch(c) { |
| case '-': |
| direction = -1; |
| |
| case '+': |
| if (cursym == SYM_CHANGE) { |
| curvalue += direction; |
| // loop = 1 |
| } else { |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_CHANGE; |
| curvalue = direction; |
| // loop = 1 |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_CHANGE; |
| nextvalue = direction; |
| loop = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case '<': |
| direction = -1; |
| |
| case '>': |
| if (cursym == SYM_MOVE) { |
| curvalue += direction; |
| // loop = 1 |
| } else { |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_MOVE; |
| curvalue = direction; |
| // loop = 1 |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_MOVE; |
| nextvalue = direction; |
| loop = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case ',': |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_READ; |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_READ; |
| } |
| loop = 0; |
| break; |
| |
| case '.': |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_WRITE; |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_WRITE; |
| } |
| loop = 0; |
| break; |
| |
| case '[': |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_LOOP; |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_LOOP; |
| } |
| loop = 0; |
| break; |
| |
| case ']': |
| if (cursym == SYM_NONE) { |
| cursym = SYM_ENDLOOP; |
| } else { |
| nextsym = SYM_ENDLOOP; |
| } |
| loop = 0; |
| break; |
| |
| // Ignore other characters |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (cursym == SYM_ENDLOOP) { |
| if (!phi) { |
| std::cerr << "Error: Extra ']'\n"; |
| abort(); |
| } |
| |
| // Write loop test |
| { |
| //br label %main.%d |
| builder->CreateBr(testbb); |
| |
| //main.%d: |
| |
| //%head.%d = phi i8 *[%head.%d, %main.%d], [%head.%d, %main.%d] |
| //Finish phi made at beginning of loop |
| phi->addIncoming(curhead, builder->GetInsertBlock()); |
| Value *head_0 = phi; |
| |
| //%tape.%d = load i8 *%head.%d |
| LoadInst *tape_0 = new LoadInst(head_0, tapereg, testbb); |
| |
| //%test.%d = icmp eq i8 %tape.%d, 0 |
| ICmpInst *test_0 = new ICmpInst(*testbb, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, tape_0, |
| ConstantInt::get(C, APInt(8, 0)), testreg); |
| |
| //br i1 %test.%d, label %main.%d, label %main.%d |
| BasicBlock *bb_0 = BasicBlock::Create(C, label, brainf_func); |
| BranchInst::Create(bb_0, oldbb, test_0, testbb); |
| |
| //main.%d: |
| builder->SetInsertPoint(bb_0); |
| |
| //%head.%d = phi i8 *[%head.%d, %main.%d] |
| PHINode *phi_1 = builder-> |
| CreatePHI(PointerType::getUnqual(IntegerType::getInt8Ty(C)), 1, |
| headreg); |
| phi_1->addIncoming(head_0, testbb); |
| curhead = phi_1; |
| } |
| |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| //End of the program, so go to return block |
| builder->CreateBr(endbb); |
| |
| if (phi) { |
| std::cerr << "Error: Missing ']'\n"; |
| abort(); |
| } |
| } |