blob: b67a232fc658770fb49b580f99add84c23812346 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceGlobalContext.h - Global context defs -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file declares aspects of the compilation that persist across
// multiple functions.
#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceIntrinsics.h"
#include "IceRNG.h"
#include "IceTypes.h"
namespace Ice {
class ClFlags;
// TODO: Accesses to all non-const fields of GlobalContext need to
// be synchronized, especially the constant pool, the allocator, and
// the output streams.
class GlobalContext {
GlobalContext(llvm::raw_ostream *OsDump, llvm::raw_ostream *OsEmit,
VerboseMask Mask, TargetArch Arch, OptLevel Opt,
IceString TestPrefix, const ClFlags &Flags);
// Returns true if any of the specified options in the verbose mask
// are set. If the argument is omitted, it checks if any verbose
// options at all are set. IceV_Timing is treated specially, so
// that running with just IceV_Timing verbosity doesn't trigger an
// avalanche of extra output.
bool isVerbose(VerboseMask Mask = (IceV_All & ~IceV_Timing)) const {
return VMask & Mask;
void setVerbose(VerboseMask Mask) { VMask = Mask; }
void addVerbose(VerboseMask Mask) { VMask |= Mask; }
void subVerbose(VerboseMask Mask) { VMask &= ~Mask; }
Ostream &getStrDump() { return *StrDump; }
Ostream &getStrEmit() { return *StrEmit; }
TargetArch getTargetArch() const { return Arch; }
OptLevel getOptLevel() const { return Opt; }
// When emitting assembly, we allow a string to be prepended to
// names of translated functions. This makes it easier to create an
// execution test against a reference translator like llc, with both
// translators using the same bitcode as input.
IceString getTestPrefix() const { return TestPrefix; }
IceString mangleName(const IceString &Name) const;
// The purpose of HasEmitted is to add a header comment at the
// beginning of assembly code emission, doing it once per file
// rather than once per function.
bool testAndSetHasEmittedFirstMethod() {
bool HasEmitted = HasEmittedFirstMethod;
HasEmittedFirstMethod = true;
return HasEmitted;
// Manage Constants.
// getConstant*() functions are not const because they might add
// something to the constant pool.
Constant *getConstantInt(Type Ty, uint64_t ConstantInt64);
Constant *getConstantFloat(float Value);
Constant *getConstantDouble(double Value);
// Returns a symbolic constant.
Constant *getConstantSym(Type Ty, int64_t Offset, const IceString &Name = "",
bool SuppressMangling = false);
// Returns an undef.
Constant *getConstantUndef(Type Ty);
// Returns a zero value.
Constant *getConstantZero(Type Ty);
// getConstantPool() returns a copy of the constant pool for
// constants of a given type.
ConstantList getConstantPool(Type Ty) const;
const ClFlags &getFlags() const { return Flags; }
// Allocate data of type T using the global allocator.
template <typename T> T *allocate() { return Allocator.Allocate<T>(); }
const Intrinsics &getIntrinsicsInfo() const { return IntrinsicsInfo; }
// TODO(wala,stichnot): Make the RNG play nicely with multithreaded
// translation.
RandomNumberGenerator &getRNG() { return RNG; }
Ostream *StrDump; // Stream for dumping / diagnostics
Ostream *StrEmit; // Stream for code emission
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
VerboseMask VMask;
llvm::OwningPtr<class ConstantPool> ConstPool;
Intrinsics IntrinsicsInfo;
const TargetArch Arch;
const OptLevel Opt;
const IceString TestPrefix;
const ClFlags &Flags;
bool HasEmittedFirstMethod;
RandomNumberGenerator RNG;
GlobalContext(const GlobalContext &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
GlobalContext &operator=(const GlobalContext &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
// Private helpers for mangleName()
typedef llvm::SmallVector<char, 32> ManglerVector;
void incrementSubstitutions(ManglerVector &OldName) const;
} // end of namespace Ice