// Copyright 2018 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. | |
// | |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
// | |
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |
// | |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
// limitations under the License. | |
// Vulkan unit tests that provide coverage for functionality not tested by | |
// the dEQP test suite. Also used as a smoke test. | |
#include "Device.hpp" | |
#include "Driver.hpp" | |
#include "gmock/gmock.h" | |
#include "gtest/gtest.h" | |
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp" | |
#include <cstring> | |
#include <sstream> | |
namespace { | |
size_t alignUp(size_t val, size_t alignment) | |
{ | |
return alignment * ((val + alignment - 1) / alignment); | |
} | |
} // anonymous namespace | |
class SwiftShaderVulkanTest : public testing::Test | |
{ | |
}; | |
TEST_F(SwiftShaderVulkanTest, ICD_Check) | |
{ | |
Driver driver; | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.loadSwiftShader()); | |
auto createInstance = driver.vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vkCreateInstance"); | |
EXPECT_NE(createInstance, nullptr); | |
auto enumerateInstanceExtensionProperties = | |
driver.vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties"); | |
EXPECT_NE(enumerateInstanceExtensionProperties, nullptr); | |
auto enumerateInstanceLayerProperties = | |
driver.vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties"); | |
EXPECT_NE(enumerateInstanceLayerProperties, nullptr); | |
auto enumerateInstanceVersion = driver.vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion"); | |
EXPECT_NE(enumerateInstanceVersion, nullptr); | |
auto bad_function = driver.vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, "bad_function"); | |
EXPECT_EQ(bad_function, nullptr); | |
} | |
TEST_F(SwiftShaderVulkanTest, Version) | |
{ | |
Driver driver; | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.loadSwiftShader()); | |
uint32_t apiVersion = 0; | |
VkResult result = driver.vkEnumerateInstanceVersion(&apiVersion); | |
EXPECT_EQ(apiVersion, (uint32_t)VK_API_VERSION_1_1); | |
const VkInstanceCreateInfo createInfo = { | |
nullptr, // pNext | |
0, // flags | |
nullptr, // pApplicationInfo | |
0, // enabledLayerCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledLayerNames | |
0, // enabledExtensionCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledExtensionNames | |
}; | |
VkInstance instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE; | |
result = driver.vkCreateInstance(&createInfo, nullptr, &instance); | |
EXPECT_EQ(result, VK_SUCCESS); | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.resolve(instance)); | |
uint32_t pPhysicalDeviceCount = 0; | |
result = driver.vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(instance, &pPhysicalDeviceCount, nullptr); | |
EXPECT_EQ(result, VK_SUCCESS); | |
EXPECT_EQ(pPhysicalDeviceCount, 1U); | |
VkPhysicalDevice pPhysicalDevice = VK_NULL_HANDLE; | |
result = driver.vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(instance, &pPhysicalDeviceCount, &pPhysicalDevice); | |
EXPECT_EQ(result, VK_SUCCESS); | |
EXPECT_NE(pPhysicalDevice, (VkPhysicalDevice)VK_NULL_HANDLE); | |
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties physicalDeviceProperties; | |
driver.vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(pPhysicalDevice, &physicalDeviceProperties); | |
EXPECT_EQ(physicalDeviceProperties.apiVersion, (uint32_t)VK_API_VERSION_1_1); | |
EXPECT_EQ(physicalDeviceProperties.deviceID, 0xC0DEU); | |
EXPECT_EQ(physicalDeviceProperties.deviceType, VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU); | |
EXPECT_NE(strstr(physicalDeviceProperties.deviceName, "SwiftShader Device"), nullptr); | |
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 physicalDeviceProperties2; | |
VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR physicalDeviceDriverProperties; | |
physicalDeviceProperties2.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2; | |
physicalDeviceProperties2.pNext = &physicalDeviceDriverProperties; | |
physicalDeviceDriverProperties.pNext = nullptr; | |
physicalDeviceDriverProperties.driverID = (VkDriverIdKHR)0; | |
driver.vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(pPhysicalDevice, &physicalDeviceProperties2); | |
EXPECT_EQ(physicalDeviceDriverProperties.driverID, VK_DRIVER_ID_GOOGLE_SWIFTSHADER_KHR); | |
driver.vkDestroyInstance(instance, nullptr); | |
} | |
TEST_F(SwiftShaderVulkanTest, UnsupportedDeviceExtension) | |
{ | |
Driver driver; | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.loadSwiftShader()); | |
uint32_t apiVersion = 0; | |
VkResult result = driver.vkEnumerateInstanceVersion(&apiVersion); | |
EXPECT_EQ(apiVersion, (uint32_t)VK_API_VERSION_1_1); | |
const VkInstanceCreateInfo createInfo = { | |
nullptr, // pNext | |
0, // flags | |
nullptr, // pApplicationInfo | |
0, // enabledLayerCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledLayerNames | |
0, // enabledExtensionCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledExtensionNames | |
}; | |
VkInstance instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE; | |
result = driver.vkCreateInstance(&createInfo, nullptr, &instance); | |
EXPECT_EQ(result, VK_SUCCESS); | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.resolve(instance)); | |
// Gather all physical devices | |
std::vector<VkPhysicalDevice> physicalDevices; | |
result = Device::GetPhysicalDevices(&driver, instance, physicalDevices); | |
EXPECT_EQ(result, VK_SUCCESS); | |
// Inspect each physical device's queue families for compute support. | |
for(auto physicalDevice : physicalDevices) | |
{ | |
int queueFamilyIndex = Device::GetComputeQueueFamilyIndex(&driver, physicalDevice); | |
if(queueFamilyIndex < 0) | |
{ | |
continue; | |
} | |
const float queuePrioritory = 1.0f; | |
const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo deviceQueueCreateInfo = { | |
nullptr, // pNext | |
0, // flags | |
(uint32_t)queueFamilyIndex, // queueFamilyIndex | |
1, // queueCount | |
&queuePrioritory, // pQueuePriorities | |
}; | |
const VkDeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo = { | |
&unsupportedExt, // pNext | |
0, // flags | |
1, // queueCreateInfoCount | |
&deviceQueueCreateInfo, // pQueueCreateInfos | |
0, // enabledLayerCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledLayerNames | |
0, // enabledExtensionCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledExtensionNames | |
nullptr, // pEnabledFeatures | |
}; | |
VkDevice device; | |
result = driver.vkCreateDevice(physicalDevice, &deviceCreateInfo, nullptr, &device); | |
EXPECT_EQ(result, VK_SUCCESS); | |
driver.vkDestroyDevice(device, nullptr); | |
} | |
driver.vkDestroyInstance(instance, nullptr); | |
} | |
std::vector<uint32_t> compileSpirv(const char *assembly) | |
{ | |
spvtools::SpirvTools core(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0); | |
core.SetMessageConsumer([](spv_message_level_t, const char *, const spv_position_t &p, const char *m) { | |
FAIL() << p.line << ":" << p.column << ": " << m; | |
}); | |
std::vector<uint32_t> spirv; | |
EXPECT_TRUE(core.Assemble(assembly, &spirv)); | |
EXPECT_TRUE(core.Validate(spirv)); | |
// Warn if the disassembly does not match the source assembly. | |
// We do this as debugging tests in the debugger is often made much harder | |
// if the SSA names (%X) in the debugger do not match the source. | |
std::string disassembled; | |
core.Disassemble(spirv, &disassembled, SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_NO_HEADER); | |
if(disassembled != assembly) | |
{ | |
printf("-- WARNING: Disassembly does not match assembly: ---\n\n"); | |
auto splitLines = [](const std::string &str) -> std::vector<std::string> { | |
std::stringstream ss(str); | |
std::vector<std::string> out; | |
std::string line; | |
while(std::getline(ss, line, '\n')) { out.push_back(line); } | |
return out; | |
}; | |
auto srcLines = splitLines(std::string(assembly)); | |
auto disLines = splitLines(disassembled); | |
for(size_t line = 0; line < srcLines.size() && line < disLines.size(); line++) | |
{ | |
auto srcLine = (line < srcLines.size()) ? srcLines[line] : "<missing>"; | |
auto disLine = (line < disLines.size()) ? disLines[line] : "<missing>"; | |
if(srcLine != disLine) | |
{ | |
printf("%zu: '%s' != '%s'\n", line, srcLine.c_str(), disLine.c_str()); | |
} | |
} | |
printf("\n\n---\nExpected:\n\n%s", disassembled.c_str()); | |
} | |
return spirv; | |
} | |
struct ComputeParams | |
{ | |
size_t numElements; | |
int localSizeX; | |
int localSizeY; | |
int localSizeZ; | |
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ComputeParams ¶ms) | |
{ | |
return os << "ComputeParams{" | |
<< "numElements: " << params.numElements << ", " | |
<< "localSizeX: " << params.localSizeX << ", " | |
<< "localSizeY: " << params.localSizeY << ", " | |
<< "localSizeZ: " << params.localSizeZ << "}"; | |
} | |
}; | |
// Base class for compute tests that read from an input buffer and write to an | |
// output buffer of same length. | |
class SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest : public testing::TestWithParam<ComputeParams> | |
{ | |
public: | |
void test(const std::string &shader, | |
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t idx)> input, | |
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t idx)> expected); | |
}; | |
void SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest::test( | |
const std::string &shader, | |
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t idx)> input, | |
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t idx)> expected) | |
{ | |
auto code = compileSpirv(shader.c_str()); | |
Driver driver; | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.loadSwiftShader()); | |
const VkInstanceCreateInfo createInfo = { | |
nullptr, // pNext | |
0, // flags | |
nullptr, // pApplicationInfo | |
0, // enabledLayerCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledLayerNames | |
0, // enabledExtensionCount | |
nullptr, // ppEnabledExtensionNames | |
}; | |
VkInstance instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE; | |
VK_ASSERT(driver.vkCreateInstance(&createInfo, nullptr, &instance)); | |
ASSERT_TRUE(driver.resolve(instance)); | |
std::unique_ptr<Device> device; | |
VK_ASSERT(Device::CreateComputeDevice(&driver, instance, device)); | |
ASSERT_TRUE(device->IsValid()); | |
// struct Buffers | |
// { | |
// uint32_t pad0[63]; | |
// uint32_t magic0; | |
// uint32_t in[NUM_ELEMENTS]; // Aligned to 0x100 | |
// uint32_t magic1; | |
// uint32_t pad1[N]; | |
// uint32_t magic2; | |
// uint32_t out[NUM_ELEMENTS]; // Aligned to 0x100 | |
// uint32_t magic3; | |
// }; | |
static constexpr uint32_t magic0 = 0x01234567; | |
static constexpr uint32_t magic1 = 0x89abcdef; | |
static constexpr uint32_t magic2 = 0xfedcba99; | |
static constexpr uint32_t magic3 = 0x87654321; | |
size_t numElements = GetParam().numElements; | |
size_t alignElements = 0x100 / sizeof(uint32_t); | |
size_t magic0Offset = alignElements - 1; | |
size_t inOffset = 1 + magic0Offset; | |
size_t magic1Offset = numElements + inOffset; | |
size_t magic2Offset = alignUp(magic1Offset + 1, alignElements) - 1; | |
size_t outOffset = 1 + magic2Offset; | |
size_t magic3Offset = numElements + outOffset; | |
size_t buffersTotalElements = alignUp(1 + magic3Offset, alignElements); | |
size_t buffersSize = sizeof(uint32_t) * buffersTotalElements; | |
VkDeviceMemory memory; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->AllocateMemory(buffersSize, | |
&memory)); | |
uint32_t *buffers; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->MapMemory(memory, 0, buffersSize, 0, (void **)&buffers)); | |
buffers[magic0Offset] = magic0; | |
buffers[magic1Offset] = magic1; | |
buffers[magic2Offset] = magic2; | |
buffers[magic3Offset] = magic3; | |
for(size_t i = 0; i < numElements; i++) | |
{ | |
buffers[inOffset + i] = input(i); | |
} | |
device->UnmapMemory(memory); | |
buffers = nullptr; | |
VkBuffer bufferIn; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateStorageBuffer(memory, | |
sizeof(uint32_t) * numElements, | |
sizeof(uint32_t) * inOffset, | |
&bufferIn)); | |
VkBuffer bufferOut; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateStorageBuffer(memory, | |
sizeof(uint32_t) * numElements, | |
sizeof(uint32_t) * outOffset, | |
&bufferOut)); | |
VkShaderModule shaderModule; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateShaderModule(code, &shaderModule)); | |
std::vector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> descriptorSetLayoutBindings = { | |
{ | |
0, // binding | |
1, // descriptorCount | |
0, // pImmutableSamplers | |
}, | |
{ | |
1, // binding | |
1, // descriptorCount | |
0, // pImmutableSamplers | |
} | |
}; | |
VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateDescriptorSetLayout(descriptorSetLayoutBindings, &descriptorSetLayout)); | |
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreatePipelineLayout(descriptorSetLayout, &pipelineLayout)); | |
VkPipeline pipeline; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateComputePipeline(shaderModule, pipelineLayout, &pipeline)); | |
VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateStorageBufferDescriptorPool(2, &descriptorPool)); | |
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->AllocateDescriptorSet(descriptorPool, descriptorSetLayout, &descriptorSet)); | |
std::vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> descriptorBufferInfos = { | |
{ | |
bufferIn, // buffer | |
0, // offset | |
VK_WHOLE_SIZE, // range | |
}, | |
{ | |
bufferOut, // buffer | |
0, // offset | |
VK_WHOLE_SIZE, // range | |
} | |
}; | |
device->UpdateStorageBufferDescriptorSets(descriptorSet, descriptorBufferInfos); | |
VkCommandPool commandPool; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->CreateCommandPool(&commandPool)); | |
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer; | |
VK_ASSERT(device->AllocateCommandBuffer(commandPool, &commandBuffer)); | |
VK_ASSERT(device->BeginCommandBuffer(VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT, commandBuffer)); | |
driver.vkCmdBindPipeline(commandBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, pipeline); | |
driver.vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(commandBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, pipelineLayout, 0, 1, &descriptorSet, | |
0, nullptr); | |
driver.vkCmdDispatch(commandBuffer, numElements / GetParam().localSizeX, 1, 1); | |
VK_ASSERT(driver.vkEndCommandBuffer(commandBuffer)); | |
VK_ASSERT(device->QueueSubmitAndWait(commandBuffer)); | |
VK_ASSERT(device->MapMemory(memory, 0, buffersSize, 0, (void **)&buffers)); | |
for(size_t i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) | |
{ | |
auto got = buffers[i + outOffset]; | |
EXPECT_EQ(expected(i), got) << "Unexpected output at " << i; | |
} | |
// Check for writes outside of bounds. | |
EXPECT_EQ(buffers[magic0Offset], magic0); | |
EXPECT_EQ(buffers[magic1Offset], magic1); | |
EXPECT_EQ(buffers[magic2Offset], magic2); | |
EXPECT_EQ(buffers[magic3Offset], magic3); | |
device->UnmapMemory(memory); | |
buffers = nullptr; | |
device->FreeCommandBuffer(commandPool, commandBuffer); | |
device->FreeMemory(memory); | |
device->DestroyPipeline(pipeline); | |
device->DestroyCommandPool(commandPool); | |
device->DestroyPipelineLayout(pipelineLayout); | |
device->DestroyDescriptorSetLayout(descriptorSetLayout); | |
device->DestroyDescriptorPool(descriptorPool); | |
device->DestroyBuffer(bufferIn); | |
device->DestroyBuffer(bufferOut); | |
device->DestroyShaderModule(shaderModule); | |
device.reset(nullptr); | |
driver.vkDestroyInstance(instance, nullptr); | |
} | |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ComputeParams, SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, testing::Values(ComputeParams{ 512, 1, 1, 1 }, ComputeParams{ 512, 2, 1, 1 }, ComputeParams{ 512, 4, 1, 1 }, ComputeParams{ 512, 8, 1, 1 }, ComputeParams{ 512, 16, 1, 1 }, ComputeParams{ 512, 32, 1, 1 }, | |
// Non-multiple of SIMD-lane. | |
ComputeParams{ 3, 1, 1, 1 }, ComputeParams{ 2, 1, 1, 1 })); | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, Memcpy) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// #version 450 | |
// layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; | |
// layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer InBuffer | |
// { | |
// int Data[]; | |
// } In; | |
// layout(binding = 1, std430) buffer OutBuffer | |
// { | |
// int Data[]; | |
// } Out; | |
// void main() | |
// { | |
// Out.Data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = In.Data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x]; | |
// } | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%11 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%12 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%13 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%14 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec3<int32> | |
"%15 = OpTypePointer Input %14\n" // vec3<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %15 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%16 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%17 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%18 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%19 = OpAccessChain %16 %2 %13\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%20 = OpLoad %10 %19\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%21 = OpAccessChain %17 %6 %12 %20\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%22 = OpLoad %9 %21\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %17 %5 %12 %20\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"OpStore %23 %22\n" // out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] = in[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, GlobalInvocationId) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%11 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%12 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %10 1\n" // uint32(1) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 2\n" // uint32(2) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec3<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec3<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %14\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %15\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.y | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.z | |
"%25 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%26 = OpLoad %10 %23\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.y | |
"%27 = OpLoad %10 %24\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.z | |
"%28 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %12 %25\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%29 = OpLoad %9 %28\n" // out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%30 = OpIAdd %9 %29 %26\n" // in[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] + gl_GlobalInvocationId.y | |
"%31 = OpIAdd %9 %30 %27\n" // in[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] + gl_GlobalInvocationId.y + gl_GlobalInvocationId.z | |
"%32 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %12 %25\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"OpStore %32 %31\n" // out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] = in[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] + gl_GlobalInvocationId.y + gl_GlobalInvocationId.z | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
// gl_GlobalInvocationId.y and gl_GlobalInvocationId.z should both be zero. | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchSimple) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%11 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%12 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%13 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%14 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec3<int32> | |
"%15 = OpTypePointer Input %14\n" // vec3<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %15 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%16 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%17 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%18 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%19 = OpAccessChain %16 %2 %13\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%20 = OpLoad %10 %19\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%21 = OpAccessChain %17 %6 %12 %20\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%22 = OpLoad %9 %21\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %17 %5 %12 %20\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %22 = in value | |
"OpBranch %24\n" | |
"%24 = OpLabel\n" | |
"OpBranch %25\n" | |
"%25 = OpLabel\n" | |
"OpBranch %26\n" | |
"%26 = OpLabel\n" | |
// %22 = out value | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpStore %23 %22\n" | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchDeclareSSA) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%11 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%12 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%13 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%14 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec3<int32> | |
"%15 = OpTypePointer Input %14\n" // vec3<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %15 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%16 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %11 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%17 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%18 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%19 = OpAccessChain %16 %2 %13\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%20 = OpLoad %10 %19\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%21 = OpAccessChain %17 %6 %12 %20\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%22 = OpLoad %9 %21\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %17 %5 %12 %20\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %22 = in value | |
"OpBranch %24\n" | |
"%24 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%25 = OpIAdd %9 %22 %22\n" // %25 = in*2 | |
"OpBranch %26\n" | |
"%26 = OpLabel\n" | |
"OpBranch %27\n" | |
"%27 = OpLabel\n" | |
// %25 = out value | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpStore %23 %25\n" // use SSA value from previous block | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i * 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchConditionalSimple) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%16 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%17 = OpTypePointer Input %16\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %17 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%20 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%21 = OpAccessChain %18 %2 %15\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%22 = OpLoad %10 %21\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %19 %6 %13 %22\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%24 = OpLoad %9 %23\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpAccessChain %19 %5 %13 %22\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %24 = in value | |
"%26 = OpSMod %9 %24 %14\n" // in % 2 | |
"%27 = OpIEqual %11 %26 %13\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %27 %28 %28\n" // Both go to %28 | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" | |
// %26 = out value | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpStore %25 %26\n" // use SSA value from previous block | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i % 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchConditionalTwoEmptyBlocks) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%16 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%17 = OpTypePointer Input %16\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %17 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%20 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%21 = OpAccessChain %18 %2 %15\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%22 = OpLoad %10 %21\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %19 %6 %13 %22\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%24 = OpLoad %9 %23\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpAccessChain %19 %5 %13 %22\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %24 = in value | |
"%26 = OpSMod %9 %24 %14\n" // in % 2 | |
"%27 = OpIEqual %11 %26 %13\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %27 %29 %30\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) != 0 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" | |
// %26 = out value | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpStore %25 %26\n" // use SSA value from previous block | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i % 2; }); | |
} | |
// TODO: Test for parallel assignment | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchConditionalStore) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"%28 = OpIEqual %11 %27 %13\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %29 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %28 %30 %31\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpStore %26 %14\n" // write 1 | |
"OpBranch %29\n" | |
"%31 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) != 0 | |
"OpStore %26 %15\n" // write 2 | |
"OpBranch %29\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 0 ? 1 : 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchConditionalReturnTrue) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"%28 = OpIEqual %11 %27 %13\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %29 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %28 %30 %29\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // merge | |
"OpStore %26 %15\n" // write 2 | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 0 ? 0 : 2; }); | |
} | |
// TODO: Test for parallel assignment | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, BranchConditionalPhi) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"%28 = OpIEqual %11 %27 %13\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %29 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %28 %30 %31\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpBranch %29\n" | |
"%31 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) != 0 | |
"OpBranch %29\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%32 = OpPhi %9 %14 %30 %15 %31\n" // (in % 2) == 0 ? 1 : 2 | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpStore %26 %32\n" | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 0 ? 1 : 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchEmptyCases) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%16 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%17 = OpTypePointer Input %16\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %17 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%20 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%21 = OpAccessChain %18 %2 %15\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%22 = OpLoad %10 %21\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpAccessChain %19 %6 %13 %22\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%24 = OpLoad %9 %23\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpAccessChain %19 %5 %13 %22\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %24 = in value | |
"%26 = OpSMod %9 %24 %14\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %27 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %26 %27 0 %28 1 %29\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpBranch %27\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpBranch %27\n" | |
"%27 = OpLabel\n" | |
// %26 = out value | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpStore %25 %26\n" // use SSA value from previous block | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i % 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchStore) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %27 %28 0 %29 1 %30\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpStore %26 %15\n" // write 2 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpStore %26 %14\n" // write 1 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 0 ? 2 : 1; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchCaseReturn) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %27 %28 0 %29 1 %30\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" | |
"OpStore %26 %14\n" // write 1 | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 1 ? 0 : 1; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchDefaultReturn) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %27 %29 1 %30\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) != 1 | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" // merge | |
"OpStore %26 %14\n" // write 1 | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 1 ? 1 : 0; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchCaseFallthrough) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %27 %29 0 %30 1 %31\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"%32 = OpIAdd %9 %27 %14\n" // generate an intermediate | |
"OpStore %26 %32\n" // write a value (overwritten later) | |
"OpBranch %31\n" // fallthrough | |
"%31 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpStore %26 %15\n" // write 2 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // unreachable | |
"OpUnreachable\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" // merge | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchDefaultFallthrough) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %27 %29 0 %30 1 %31\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 0 | |
"%32 = OpIAdd %9 %27 %14\n" // generate an intermediate | |
"OpStore %26 %32\n" // write a value (overwritten later) | |
"OpBranch %29\n" // fallthrough | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // default | |
"%33 = OpIAdd %9 %27 %14\n" // generate an intermediate | |
"OpStore %26 %33\n" // write a value (overwritten later) | |
"OpBranch %31\n" // fallthrough | |
"%31 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpStore %26 %15\n" // write 2 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" // merge | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, SwitchPhi) | |
{ | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 \"main\" %2\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %1 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %4 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 Binding 1\n" | |
"OpDecorate %2 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeFunction %7\n" // void() | |
"%9 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" // int32 | |
"%10 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" // uint32 | |
"%11 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%3 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %9\n" // int32[] | |
"%4 = OpTypeStruct %3\n" // struct{ int32[] } | |
"%12 = OpTypePointer Uniform %4\n" // struct{ int32[] }* | |
"%5 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* in | |
"%13 = OpConstant %9 0\n" // int32(0) | |
"%14 = OpConstant %9 1\n" // int32(1) | |
"%15 = OpConstant %9 2\n" // int32(2) | |
"%16 = OpConstant %10 0\n" // uint32(0) | |
"%17 = OpTypeVector %10 3\n" // vec4<int32> | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %17\n" // vec4<int32>* | |
"%2 = OpVariable %18 Input\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId | |
"%19 = OpTypePointer Input %10\n" // uint32* | |
"%6 = OpVariable %12 Uniform\n" // struct{ int32[] }* out | |
"%20 = OpTypePointer Uniform %9\n" // int32* | |
"%1 = OpFunction %7 None %8\n" // -- Function begin -- | |
"%21 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%22 = OpAccessChain %19 %2 %16\n" // &gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%23 = OpLoad %10 %22\n" // gl_GlobalInvocationId.x | |
"%24 = OpAccessChain %20 %6 %13 %23\n" // &in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%25 = OpLoad %9 %24\n" // in.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %20 %5 %13 %23\n" // &out.arr[gl_GlobalInvocationId.x] | |
// Start of branch logic | |
// %25 = in value | |
"%27 = OpSMod %9 %25 %15\n" // in % 2 | |
"OpSelectionMerge %28 None\n" | |
"OpSwitch %27 %29 1 %30\n" | |
"%30 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) == 1 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" // (in % 2) != 1 | |
"OpBranch %28\n" | |
"%28 = OpLabel\n" // merge | |
"%31 = OpPhi %9 %14 %30 %15 %29\n" // (in % 2) == 1 ? 1 : 2 | |
"OpStore %26 %31\n" | |
// End of branch logic | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return (i % 2) == 1 ? 1 : 2; }); | |
} | |
TEST_P(SwiftShaderVulkanBufferToBufferComputeTest, LoopDivergentMergePhi) | |
{ | |
// #version 450 | |
// layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; | |
// layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer InBuffer | |
// { | |
// int Data[]; | |
// } In; | |
// layout(binding = 1, std430) buffer OutBuffer | |
// { | |
// int Data[]; | |
// } Out; | |
// void main() | |
// { | |
// int phi = 0; | |
// uint lane = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x % 4; | |
// for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) | |
// { | |
// if (lane == i) | |
// { | |
// phi = In.Data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x]; | |
// break; | |
// } | |
// } | |
// Out.Data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = phi; | |
// } | |
std::stringstream src; | |
// clang-format off | |
src << | |
"OpCapability Shader\n" | |
"%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n" | |
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" | |
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 \"main\" %3\n" | |
"OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize " << | |
GetParam().localSizeX << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeY << " " << | |
GetParam().localSizeZ << "\n" << | |
"OpDecorate %3 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" | |
"OpDecorate %4 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %5 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %5 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %6 Binding 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %7 ArrayStride 4\n" | |
"OpMemberDecorate %8 0 Offset 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %8 BufferBlock\n" | |
"OpDecorate %9 DescriptorSet 0\n" | |
"OpDecorate %9 Binding 1\n" | |
"%10 = OpTypeVoid\n" | |
"%11 = OpTypeFunction %10\n" | |
"%12 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" | |
"%13 = OpConstant %12 0\n" | |
"%14 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" | |
"%15 = OpTypeVector %14 3\n" | |
"%16 = OpTypePointer Input %15\n" | |
"%3 = OpVariable %16 Input\n" | |
"%17 = OpConstant %14 0\n" | |
"%18 = OpTypePointer Input %14\n" | |
"%19 = OpConstant %14 4\n" | |
"%20 = OpTypeBool\n" | |
"%4 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %12\n" | |
"%5 = OpTypeStruct %4\n" | |
"%21 = OpTypePointer Uniform %5\n" | |
"%6 = OpVariable %21 Uniform\n" | |
"%22 = OpTypePointer Uniform %12\n" | |
"%23 = OpConstant %12 1\n" | |
"%7 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %12\n" | |
"%8 = OpTypeStruct %7\n" | |
"%24 = OpTypePointer Uniform %8\n" | |
"%9 = OpVariable %24 Uniform\n" | |
"%2 = OpFunction %10 None %11\n" | |
"%25 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%26 = OpAccessChain %18 %3 %17\n" | |
"%27 = OpLoad %14 %26\n" | |
"%28 = OpUMod %14 %27 %19\n" | |
"OpBranch %29\n" | |
"%29 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%30 = OpPhi %14 %17 %25 %31 %32\n" | |
"%33 = OpULessThan %20 %30 %19\n" | |
"OpLoopMerge %34 %32 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %33 %35 %34\n" | |
"%35 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%36 = OpIEqual %20 %28 %30\n" | |
"OpSelectionMerge %37 None\n" | |
"OpBranchConditional %36 %38 %37\n" | |
"%38 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%39 = OpAccessChain %22 %6 %13 %27\n" | |
"%40 = OpLoad %12 %39\n" | |
"OpBranch %34\n" | |
"%37 = OpLabel\n" | |
"OpBranch %32\n" | |
"%32 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%31 = OpIAdd %14 %30 %23\n" | |
"OpBranch %29\n" | |
"%34 = OpLabel\n" | |
"%41 = OpPhi %12 %13 %29 %40 %38\n" // %40: phi | |
"%42 = OpAccessChain %22 %9 %13 %27\n" | |
"OpStore %42 %41\n" | |
"OpReturn\n" | |
"OpFunctionEnd\n"; | |
// clang-format on | |
test( | |
src.str(), [](uint32_t i) { return i; }, [](uint32_t i) { return i; }); | |
} |