blob: b592f0c8e589a87068b2c621ebb801f4e1b41b63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "ComputeProgram.hpp"
#include "Constants.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkPipelineLayout.hpp"
#include <queue>
enum { X, Y, Z };
} // anonymous namespace
namespace sw
ComputeProgram::ComputeProgram(SpirvShader const *shader, vk::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout, const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets)
: shader(shader),
void ComputeProgram::generate()
SpirvRoutine routine(pipelineLayout);
void ComputeProgram::setWorkgroupBuiltins(Pointer<Byte> data, SpirvRoutine* routine, Int workgroupID[3])
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInNumWorkgroups, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
auto numWorkgroups = *Pointer<Int4>(data + OFFSET(Data, numWorkgroups));
for (uint32_t component = 0; component < builtin.SizeInComponents; component++)
value[builtin.FirstComponent + component] =
As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(Extract(numWorkgroups, component)));
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInWorkgroupId, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
for (uint32_t component = 0; component < builtin.SizeInComponents; component++)
value[builtin.FirstComponent + component] =
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInWorkgroupSize, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
auto workgroupSize = *Pointer<Int4>(data + OFFSET(Data, workgroupSize));
for (uint32_t component = 0; component < builtin.SizeInComponents; component++)
value[builtin.FirstComponent + component] =
As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(Extract(workgroupSize, component)));
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInNumSubgroups, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
ASSERT(builtin.SizeInComponents == 1);
auto subgroupsPerWorkgroup = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(Data, subgroupsPerWorkgroup));
value[builtin.FirstComponent] = As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(subgroupsPerWorkgroup));
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInSubgroupSize, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
ASSERT(builtin.SizeInComponents == 1);
auto invocationsPerSubgroup = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(Data, invocationsPerSubgroup));
value[builtin.FirstComponent] = As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(invocationsPerSubgroup));
void ComputeProgram::setSubgroupBuiltins(Pointer<Byte> data, SpirvRoutine* routine, Int workgroupID[3], SIMD::Int localInvocationIndex, Int subgroupIndex)
Int4 numWorkgroups = *Pointer<Int4>(data + OFFSET(Data, numWorkgroups));
Int4 workgroupSize = *Pointer<Int4>(data + OFFSET(Data, workgroupSize));
// TODO: Fix Int4 swizzles so we can just use workgroupSize.x, workgroupSize.y.
Int workgroupSizeX = Extract(workgroupSize, X);
Int workgroupSizeY = Extract(workgroupSize, Y);
SIMD::Int localInvocationID[3];
SIMD::Int idx = localInvocationIndex;
localInvocationID[Z] = idx / SIMD::Int(workgroupSizeX * workgroupSizeY);
idx -= localInvocationID[Z] * SIMD::Int(workgroupSizeX * workgroupSizeY); // modulo
localInvocationID[Y] = idx / SIMD::Int(workgroupSizeX);
idx -= localInvocationID[Y] * SIMD::Int(workgroupSizeX); // modulo
localInvocationID[X] = idx;
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInLocalInvocationIndex, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
ASSERT(builtin.SizeInComponents == 1);
value[builtin.FirstComponent] = As<SIMD::Float>(localInvocationIndex);
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInSubgroupId, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
ASSERT(builtin.SizeInComponents == 1);
value[builtin.FirstComponent] = As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(subgroupIndex));
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInLocalInvocationId, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
for (uint32_t component = 0; component < builtin.SizeInComponents; component++)
value[builtin.FirstComponent + component] =
routine->setInputBuiltin(shader, spv::BuiltInGlobalInvocationId, [&](const SpirvShader::BuiltinMapping& builtin, Array<SIMD::Float>& value)
SIMD::Int wgID = 0;
wgID = Insert(wgID, workgroupID[X], X);
wgID = Insert(wgID, workgroupID[Y], Y);
wgID = Insert(wgID, workgroupID[Z], Z);
auto localBase = workgroupSize * wgID;
for (uint32_t component = 0; component < builtin.SizeInComponents; component++)
auto globalInvocationID = SIMD::Int(Extract(localBase, component)) + localInvocationID[component];
value[builtin.FirstComponent + component] = As<SIMD::Float>(globalInvocationID);
void ComputeProgram::emit(SpirvRoutine* routine)
Pointer<Byte> data = Arg<0>();
Int workgroupX = Arg<1>();
Int workgroupY = Arg<2>();
Int workgroupZ = Arg<3>();
Pointer<Byte> workgroupMemory = Arg<4>();
Int firstSubgroup = Arg<5>();
Int subgroupCount = Arg<6>();
routine->descriptorSets = data + OFFSET(Data, descriptorSets);
routine->descriptorDynamicOffsets = data + OFFSET(Data, descriptorDynamicOffsets);
routine->pushConstants = data + OFFSET(Data, pushConstants);
routine->constants = *Pointer<Pointer<Byte>>(data + OFFSET(Data, constants));
routine->workgroupMemory = workgroupMemory;
Int invocationsPerWorkgroup = *Pointer<Int>(data + OFFSET(Data, invocationsPerWorkgroup));
Int workgroupID[3] = {workgroupX, workgroupY, workgroupZ};
setWorkgroupBuiltins(data, routine, workgroupID);
For(Int i = 0, i < subgroupCount, i++)
auto subgroupIndex = firstSubgroup + i;
// TODO: Replace SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3) with SIMD-width equivalent
auto localInvocationIndex = SIMD::Int(subgroupIndex * SIMD::Width) + SIMD::Int(0, 1, 2, 3);
// Disable lanes where (invocationIDs >= invocationsPerWorkgroup)
auto activeLaneMask = CmpLT(localInvocationIndex, SIMD::Int(invocationsPerWorkgroup));
setSubgroupBuiltins(data, routine, workgroupID, localInvocationIndex, subgroupIndex);
shader->emit(routine, activeLaneMask, descriptorSets);
void ComputeProgram::run(
vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings const &descriptorSets,
vk::DescriptorSet::DynamicOffsets const &descriptorDynamicOffsets,
PushConstantStorage const &pushConstants,
uint32_t baseGroupX, uint32_t baseGroupY, uint32_t baseGroupZ,
uint32_t groupCountX, uint32_t groupCountY, uint32_t groupCountZ)
auto &modes = shader->getModes();
auto invocationsPerSubgroup = SIMD::Width;
auto invocationsPerWorkgroup = modes.WorkgroupSizeX * modes.WorkgroupSizeY * modes.WorkgroupSizeZ;
auto subgroupsPerWorkgroup = (invocationsPerWorkgroup + invocationsPerSubgroup - 1) / invocationsPerSubgroup;
// We're sharing a buffer here across all workgroups.
// We can only do this because we know a single workgroup is in flight
// at any time.
std::vector<uint8_t> workgroupMemory(shader->workgroupMemory.size());
Data data;
data.descriptorSets = descriptorSets;
data.descriptorDynamicOffsets = descriptorDynamicOffsets;
data.numWorkgroups[X] = groupCountX;
data.numWorkgroups[Y] = groupCountY;
data.numWorkgroups[Z] = groupCountZ;
data.numWorkgroups[3] = 0;
data.workgroupSize[X] = modes.WorkgroupSizeX;
data.workgroupSize[Y] = modes.WorkgroupSizeY;
data.workgroupSize[Z] = modes.WorkgroupSizeZ;
data.workgroupSize[3] = 0;
data.invocationsPerSubgroup = invocationsPerSubgroup;
data.invocationsPerWorkgroup = invocationsPerWorkgroup;
data.subgroupsPerWorkgroup = subgroupsPerWorkgroup;
data.pushConstants = pushConstants;
data.constants = &sw::constants;
for (uint32_t groupZ = baseGroupZ; groupZ < baseGroupZ + groupCountZ; groupZ++)
for (uint32_t groupY = baseGroupY; groupY < baseGroupY + groupCountY; groupY++)
for (uint32_t groupX = baseGroupX; groupX < baseGroupX + groupCountX; groupX++)
// TODO(bclayton): Split work across threads.
using Coroutine = std::unique_ptr<rr::Stream<SpirvShader::YieldResult>>;
std::queue<Coroutine> coroutines;
if (modes.ContainsControlBarriers)
// Make a function call per subgroup so each subgroup
// can yield, bringing all subgroups to the barrier
// together.
for(int subgroupIndex = 0; subgroupIndex < subgroupsPerWorkgroup; subgroupIndex++)
auto coroutine = (*this)(&data, groupX, groupY, groupZ,, subgroupIndex, 1);
auto coroutine = (*this)(&data, groupX, groupY, groupZ,, 0, subgroupsPerWorkgroup);
while (coroutines.size() > 0)
auto coroutine = std::move(coroutines.front());
SpirvShader::YieldResult result;
if (coroutine->await(result))
// TODO: Consider result (when the enum is more than 1 entry).
} // groupX
} // groupY
} // groupZ
} // namespace sw